This version is the master branch of the OASIS3-MCT climate coupler. It will contain the future developments for OASIS3-MCT_5.0 Since the first developments of OASIS3-MCT, it includes: - A first beta version of Python API available (STFC) - Add ability to set north and south thresholds on the SCRIPR CONSERV namcouple line. - Add number of neighbors to the mapping filename for DISTWGT and GAUSWGT mapping files - A « True » area normalisation in conservative remapping - An addition of “additional nearest-neighbour” option in SCRIP CONSERV/DESTAREA (DESTNNEI, DESTNNTR) - The possibility to deactivate the “additional nearest-neighbour” option (BILINEARNF, BICUBICNF, DISTWGTNF, and GAUSWGTNF) - A bugfix for local distance calculation in DISTWGT and GAUSWGT interpolation - More systematic test of NetCDF returned error code - Fractional masks for the global conservation operation CONSERV (ESiWACE2) - New options in global CONSERV to conserve fields with positive and negative values with average value close to zero (ESiWACE2) - An hybrid MPI+OpenMP parallelisation of the SCRIP library (previously fully sequential) leading to great reduction in the offline calculation - A new communication method, using the remapping weights to define the intermediate mapping decomposition, offering a significant gain at run - New methods introduced in the global CONSERV operation reducing its costs by one order of magnitude while still ensuring an appropriate level - Support for bundle coupling fields; - Automatic coupling restart writing; - Memory and performance upgrades; - A new LUCIA tool for load balancing analysis; - New memory tracking tool (gilt); - Improved error checking and error messages; - Expanded test cases and testing automation; - Testing at high resolution (> 1M gridpoints), high processor counts (32k pes), and with large variable counts (> 1k coupling fields); - Bicubic and Second Order Conservative interpolations (with the gradients of the fields being provided by the models); - Exchange of data on only a subdomain of the global grid; - The specification of how time statistics are written out (variable TIMER_Debug) in the configuration file “namcouple”; - Abilty to normalize the conservative remapping weights by the true areas of the grid using gridcell fraction - New CONSERV options to normalize postive and negative values separately Please keep us informed of your progress with OASIS3-MCT and do not forget to cite the following latest reference in your paper describing your coupled model results.:: A. Craig, S. Valcke, L. Coquart, 2017: Development and performance of a new version of the OASIS coupler, OASIS3-MCT_3.0, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 3297-3308,, 2017. If you have problems or questions, please check the forum on the OASIS3-MCT web site ( or contact us at .