#!/usr/bin/perl # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # NAME # Fcm::SrcPackage # # DESCRIPTION # This is a class to process a source directory package. It uses the # supplied inheritance hierarchy to obtain a list of source files of this # package. # # COPYRIGHT # (C) Crown copyright Met Office. All rights reserved. # For further details please refer to the file COPYRIGHT.txt # which you should have received as part of this distribution. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package Fcm::SrcPackage; # Standard pragma use strict; use warnings; # Standard modules use Carp; use File::Spec::Functions; use File::Basename; use File::Path; # FCM component modules use Fcm::Util; use Fcm::SrcFile; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $package = Fcm::SrcPackage->new ( # CONFIG => $config, # NAME => $name, # CURRENT => $current, # REQUIREPP => $requirepp, # NEWPP => $newpp, # SEARCHPATH => \@path, # ); # # DESCRIPTION # This method constructs a new instance of the Fcm::SrcPackage class. # # ARGUMENTS # CONFIG - reference to a Fcm::Config instance # NAME - name of the source directory package # CURRENT - package declared in current build? # REQUIREPP - require pre-processing? # NEWPP - pre-process option has changed? # SEARCHPATH - search path of files in the source package # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub new { my $this = shift; my %args = @_; my $class = ref $this || $this; my $self = { CONFIG => exists $args{CONFIG} ? $args{CONFIG} : &main::cfg, NAME => exists $args{NAME} ? $args{NAME} : undef, CURRENT => exists $args{CURRENT} ? $args{CURRENT} : undef, REQUIREPP => exists $args{REQUIREPP} ? $args{REQUIREPP} : undef, NEWPP => exists $args{NEWPP} ? $args{NEWPP} : undef, SEARCHPATH => exists $args{SEARCHPATH} ? $args{SEARCHPATH} : [], # Reference to Fcm::CfgFile, source package configuration file CFG => undef, # References to Fcm::SrcFile, list of source files SRCFILE => [], }; bless $self, $class; return $self; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $config = $package->config; # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns a reference to the Fcm::Config instance. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub config { my $self = shift; return $self->{CONFIG}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $name = $package->name; # $package->name ($name); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns the name of this package. If an argument is specified, # the name is set to the value of the argument. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub name { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{NAME} = shift; } return $self->{NAME}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $flag = $package->current; # $package->current ($flag); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns the "current" flag of the source package. If an # argument is specified, the flag is set to the value of the argument. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub current { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{CURRENT} = shift; } return $self->{CURRENT}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $flag = $package->requirepp; # $package->requirepp ($flag); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns the "require PP" flag of the source package. If an # argument is specified, the flag is set to the value of the argument. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub requirepp { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{REQUIREPP} = shift; } return $self->{REQUIREPP}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $flag = $package->newpp; # $package->newpp ($flag); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns the flag to denote whether pre-processor option for # this source package has changed. If an argument is specified, the flag is # set to the value of the argument. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub newpp { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{NEWPP} = shift; } return $self->{NEWPP}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $cfgfile = $package->cfg; # $package->cfg ($cfgfile); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns a reference to a Fcm::CfgFile instance for the source # package configuration file. If an argument is specified, the reference is # set to the value of the argument. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub cfg { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{CFG} = $_[0]; } return $self->{CFG}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # @path = $package->searchpath; # $package->searchpath (@path); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns the source file search path associated with this # source package in the current build. If arguments are specified, the # search path is replaced by the array in the argument list. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub searchpath { my $self = shift; @{ $self->{SEARCHPATH} } = @_ if @_; return @{ $self->{SEARCHPATH} }; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # @path = $package->ppsearchpath; # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns the pre-processed source file search path associated # with this source package in the current build. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub ppsearchpath { my $self = shift; my @path = (); my @name = split /__/, $self->name; for my $ppsrcdir (@{ $self->config->setting (qw/PATH PPSRC/) }) { push @path, catfile ($ppsrcdir, @name); } return @path; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $base = $package->flagsbase ($flag); # # DESCRIPTION # Returns the base name of a flags-file, determined by $flag. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub flagsbase { my ($self, $flag) = @_; return join ('__', ($flag, $self->name)) . $self->config->setting (qw/OUTFILE_EXT FLAGS/); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # @srcfile = $package->srcfile; # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns a list of references to Fcm::SrcFile instances # associated with this package. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub srcfile { my $self = shift; return @{ $self->{SRCFILE} }; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $package->update_file_info (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method updates the source file information of this package. Please # note that information is only updated if the cache file for this package # does not exist. For a package declared in the current build, the # information is also updated if the cache file is out of date. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub update_file_info { my $self = shift; # Check if the cache file exists and up to date my @cachepath = @{ $self->config->setting (qw/PATH CACHE/) }; my $cachefile = find_file_in_path ($self->_cache_basename, \@cachepath); my $uptodate = $cachefile ? 1 : 0; if ($uptodate and $self->{CURRENT}) { # Is cache file up to date compared with directory? $uptodate = (stat $cachefile) [9] > (stat $self->{SEARCHPATH}[0]) [9]; # Is cache file up to date compared with each file? if ($uptodate) { my $dir = $self->{SEARCHPATH}[0]; if (opendir DIR, $dir) { my @files = map {catfile $dir, $_} grep {!/^\.\.?/} readdir 'DIR'; closedir DIR; $uptodate = (grep {(stat $cachefile) [9] > (stat) [9]} @files) ? 1 : 0; } } } # Read package source file information if it appears to be up to date $uptodate = $self->_read_file_list_cache ($cachefile) if ($uptodate); # Update package source file information if necessary if (not $uptodate) { # Get list of files by searching through the search path my @files = (); for my $dir (@{ $self->{SEARCHPATH} }) { opendir DIR, $dir; while (my $base = readdir 'DIR') { next if $base =~ /^\./; my $file = catfile $dir, $base; next if -d $file; push @files, $file unless grep {basename ($_) eq $base} @files; } closedir DIR; } # Declare new instances of source file objects my @srcfile = (); for my $file (@files) { if (basename ($file) eq $self->config->setting (qw/CFG_NAME SRCPACKAGE/)) { $self->{CFG} = Fcm::CfgFile->new (CONFIG => $self->config, SRC => $file); } else { my $srcfile = Fcm::SrcFile->new ( CONFIG => $self->config, SRC => $file, SRCPACKAGE => $self, ); # Determine source file types $srcfile->determine_type; # Record files of known types push @srcfile, $srcfile; } } # Set each SRCFILE to reference the source file instances $self->{SRCFILE} = \@srcfile; # Decipher configuration file if necessary $self->_decipher_cfg if $self->cfg; # Write to a new cache file $self->_update_file_list_cache (); # Source package info updated. Make sure the "current" flag is set to true $self->current (1); } return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $up_to_date = $self->_read_file_list_cache ($file); # # DESCRIPTION # This internal method reads the cache $file of this package and assigns the # information to the SRCFILE list. It returns true if the cache appears to # be up to date. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _read_file_list_cache { my $self = shift; my $file = shift; my $cfg = Fcm::CfgFile->new (CONFIG => $self->config, SRC => $file); # Read from config file $cfg->read_cfg; my @lines = $cfg->lines; my %filetype = (); my $uptodate = 1; for my $line (@lines) { next unless $line->{LABEL}; # On package declared in the current build, check that file is not deleted if (not -f $line->{LABEL}) { $uptodate = 0; last; } $filetype{$line->{LABEL}} = $line->{VALUE}; } # Assign to SRCFILE list if cache file is up to date if ($uptodate) { my @srcfiles = (); for my $file (sort keys %filetype) { if ($filetype{$file} eq 'SRCPACKAGECFG') { $self->{CFG} = Fcm::CfgFile->new (CONFIG => $self->config, SRC => $file); } else { my $srcfile = Fcm::SrcFile->new ( CONFIG => $self->config, SRC => $file, TYPE => $filetype{$file}, SRCPACKAGE => $self, ); push @srcfiles, $srcfile; } } $self->{SRCFILE} = [@srcfiles]; $self->_decipher_cfg if $self->cfg; } return $uptodate; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $self->_update_file_list_cache (\@cachepath); # # DESCRIPTION # This internal method updates the cache file of this package by writing # current SRCFILE information to it. The argument @cachepath must be the # search path of the build cache directory. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _update_file_list_cache { my $self = shift; my @cachepath = @{ $self->config->setting (qw/PATH CACHE/) }; my $cfg = Fcm::CfgFile->new (CONFIG => $self->config); if ($self->{CFG}) { $cfg->add_line (LABEL => $self->cfg->src, VALUE => 'SRCPACKAGECFG') } for my $file (@{ $self->{SRCFILE} }) { $cfg->add_line (LABEL => $file->src, VALUE => $file->type); } my $cachefile = catfile $cachepath[0], $self->_cache_basename; $cfg->print_cfg ($cachefile); return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $basename = $self->_cache_basename ($type); # # DESCRIPTION # This internal method returns the basename of a cache file for this # package. If no argument is specified, it returns the package file list # cache name. Otherwise, it returns the package file dependency cache name. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _cache_basename { my $self = shift; my $type = $_[0] ? $_[0] : 'PCKFILE'; return $self->{NAME} . $self->config->setting ('CACHE', $type); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $self->_decipher_cfg (); # # DESCRIPTION # This internal method deciphers the CFG file associated with this source # package. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _decipher_cfg { my $self = shift; $self->cfg->read_cfg; my @lines = $self->cfg->lines; my %cfg_label = %{ $self->config->setting ('CFG_LABEL') }; LINE: for my $line (@lines) { my $label = $line->{LABEL}; my $value = $line->{VALUE}; next unless $label; next if uc $label eq $cfg_label{CFGFILE}{TYPE}; next if uc $label eq $cfg_label{CFGFILE}{VERSION}; my ($prefix, $name) = split /::/, $label; # Get name of file from the package cfg my $srcfile; if ($name) { ($srcfile) = grep {$_->base eq $name} @{ $self->{SRCFILE} }; # Create new instance of Fcm::SrcFile if not already in package if (not $srcfile) { my $src = find_file_in_path ($name, $self->{SEARCHPATH}); my $target = $name unless $src; $srcfile = Fcm::SrcFile->new ( CONFIG => $self->config, SRCPACKAGE => $self, SRC => $src ? $src : $name, TARGET => $target, PCKCFG => 1, ); push @{ $self->{SRCFILE} }, $srcfile; } else { $srcfile->pckcfg (1); } } else { w_report 'Warning: ', $line->{SRC}, ': LINE ', $line->{NUMBER}, ': label "', $label, '" not recognised.'; next LINE; } $prefix = uc $prefix; if ($prefix eq $cfg_label{TYPE}) { # Type label of source file $srcfile->type (uc $value); $srcfile->scan (0) if $srcfile->is_type (qw/BINARY LIB/); next LINE; } elsif ($prefix eq $cfg_label{SCAN}) { # Scan original file for dependency? $srcfile->scan ($value); next LINE; } elsif ($prefix eq $cfg_label{TARGET}) { # Name of build target for this source file $srcfile->exebase ($value); next LINE; } elsif ($prefix eq $cfg_label{INTNAME}) { # Program unit name of this source file $srcfile->progname ($value); next LINE; } elsif ($prefix eq $cfg_label{DEP}) { # Dependency of this source file my ($type, $target) = split /::/, $value; $srcfile->add_dep ($target, uc $type); next LINE; } else { w_report 'Warning: ', $line->{SRC}, ': LINE ', $line->{NUMBER}, ': label "', $label, '" not recognised.'; next LINE; } } return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $package->scan_dependency (); # $package->scan_dependency (HEADER_ONLY => 1); # # DESCRIPTION # This method scans the dependency in each source file in this source # package and updates the package dependency cache. If HEADER_ONLY is # specified, it performs dependency scan for pre-processor headers only if # this source package requires pre-processing. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub scan_dependency { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; # Search for include header dependencies only my $header_only = exists $args{HEADER_ONLY} ? $args{HEADER_ONLY} : 0; # Get list of source files # If header dependencies only, only consider FPP, C and CPP files my @srcfiles = $header_only ? grep {$_->is_type_or (qw/FPP C CPP/)} $self->srcfile : grep {$_->type} $self->srcfile; return unless @srcfiles; # Location of the cache my @cachepath = @{ $self->config->setting (qw/PATH CACHE/) }; my $cachebase = $header_only ? $self->_cache_basename ('PCKPPDEPEND') : $self->_cache_basename ('PCKDEPEND'); my $cachefile = find_file_in_path ($cachebase, \@cachepath); # Obtain old dependency information from cache file if it exists my %dep = (); my %intname = (); if ($cachefile) { # Read the cache my $cfg = Fcm::CfgFile->new (CONFIG => $self->config, SRC => $cachefile); $cfg->read_cfg; my @lines = $cfg->lines; # Get list of source file base names my %srcfilebase; for (@srcfiles) { my $base = $_->ppsrc ? $_->ppbase : $_->base; $srcfilebase{$base} = 1; } for my $line (@lines) { next unless $line->{LABEL}; # Label is either INTNAME or a dependency type name # For INTNAME, value is the program unit name # Otherwise, value is file::dependency my $type = $line->{LABEL}; (my $file, my $depend) = split /::/, $line->{VALUE}; # Make sure $file exists in the list of source file base names next unless exists $srcfilebase{$file}; if ($type eq 'INTNAME') { $intname{$file} = $depend; } else { $dep{$file}{$depend} = $type; } } } # If a source file is newer than the cache file, re-scan dependency for that # source file. my $uptodate = $cachefile ? 1 : 0; my $cachefile_mtime = $cachefile ? (stat $cachefile) [9] : undef; my $count = 0; for my $srcfile (@srcfiles) { # Check modified time of source file my $srcfile_mtime = $srcfile->mtime; # If a package config file exists and it affects the source file, # compare its timestamp with that of the source file if ($srcfile->pckcfg) { $srcfile_mtime = $self->cfg->mtime if not defined $srcfile_mtime; $srcfile_mtime = ($self->cfg->mtime > $srcfile_mtime) ? $self->cfg->mtime : $srcfile_mtime; } # For files requiring PP, must re-scan if PP option has changed my $rescan = ($self->newpp and $srcfile->is_type_or (qw/FPP C/)) ? 1 : 0; if ($cachefile_mtime and $cachefile_mtime > $srcfile_mtime and ! $rescan) { # No need to re-scan dependency, read dependency from cache my $base = ($srcfile->ppsrc ? $srcfile->ppbase : $srcfile->base); $srcfile->progname ($intname{$base}) if $intname{$base}; $srcfile->dep ($dep{$base}) if $dep{$base}; } else { # Rescan dependency $srcfile->progname (undef); my $rc = $srcfile->scan_dependency (HEADER_ONLY => $header_only); my %dp = $srcfile->dep; # Get list of dependencies for updating the cache my $base = ($srcfile->ppsrc ? $srcfile->ppbase : $srcfile->base); $intname{$base} = $srcfile->progname; $dep {$base} = \%dp; $uptodate = 0; $count++ if $rc; } } # Output diagnostic, if necessary if ($self->config->verbose > 1 and $count) { my $out = $self->name . ': scanned ' . $count . ' file(s) for'; $out .= ' header' if $header_only; $out .= ' dependency' . "\n"; print $out; } # Check whether package config file is newer than the dependency cache if ($uptodate and $self->cfg) { $uptodate = $cachefile_mtime > $self->cfg->mtime ? 1 : 0; } if (not $uptodate) { # Update dependency cache file my $cfg = Fcm::CfgFile->new (CONFIG => $self->config); # Program unit name of source files for my $file (keys %intname) { next unless $intname{$file}; $cfg->add_line ( LABEL => 'INTNAME', VALUE => $file . '::' . $intname{$file}, ); } # Dependencies of source files for my $file (keys %dep) { for my $depend (keys %{ $dep{$file} }) { $cfg->add_line ( LABEL => $dep{$file}{$depend}, VALUE => $file . '::' . $depend, ); } } # Create an empty config file if no dependency in this source package $cfg->add_line unless $cfg->lines; # Write to config file my $outfile = catfile $cachepath[0], $cachebase; $cfg->print_cfg ($outfile); } return not $uptodate; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $package->makerule_uptodate (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns true if the make rule file for this source package # is up to date. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub makerule_uptodate { my $self = shift; my $return = 0; if (not $self->newpp) { # Check whether a Make rule file already exists my $mkbase = $self->name . $self->config->setting (qw/OUTFILE_EXT MK/); my $mkfile = find_file_in_path ( $mkbase, $self->config->setting (qw/PATH BLD/), ); # Check location of source package file type cache my $pckfile = find_file_in_path ( $self->_cache_basename ('PCKFILE'), $self->config->setting (qw/PATH CACHE/), ); # Check location of source package dependency cache my $pckdepend = find_file_in_path ( $self->_cache_basename ('PCKDEPEND'), $self->config->setting (qw/PATH CACHE/), ); # If make rule file exists, determine whether it is out of date if ($pckdepend) { if ($mkfile) { my $pckfile_mt = (stat $pckfile) [9]; my $pckdepend_mt = (stat $pckdepend)[9]; my $mkfile_mt = (stat $mkfile) [9]; $return = 1 if $mkfile_mt >= $pckdepend_mt and $mkfile_mt >= $pckfile_mt; } } else { $return = 1; # No cache file, no need to have a make rule } } return $return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $package->write_makerule (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method writes to the I rule file of the current source package. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub write_makerule { my $self = shift; # Package Make rule header my $mk = '# Automatic Make rule for ' . $self->name . "\n\n"; # Set up variable for directory name # if package name contains only word characters my @searchpath = $self->searchpath; my @ppsearchpath = $self->ppsearchpath; if ($self->name =~ /^\w+$/) { # Package search path my %path = (SRCDIR => \@searchpath, PPSRCDIR => \@ppsearchpath); for my $key (keys %path) { my $count = 0; my @dirs = @{ $path{$key} }; for my $i (0 .. $#dirs) { next unless -d $dirs[$i]; $mk .= $key . $i . '__' . $self->name . ' = ' . $dirs[$i] . "\n"; $count++; } $mk .= "\n" if $count; } } my $mk_out; # Make rules for copying data files, if necessary { # Get a list of files with no associated type my @files = grep {not $_->type} @{ $self->{SRCFILE} }; if (@files) { my $target = $self->name . $self->config->setting (qw/OUTFILE_EXT ETC/); $mk_out .= $target . ' :'; # Depends on all un-typed source files my $nl = " \\\n" . ' ' x 10; for my $file (@files) { my $dir = $file->dir; # Use variable for directory name # if package name contains only word characters if ($self->name =~ /^\w+$/) { for my $i (0 .. $#searchpath) { if ($dir eq $searchpath[$i]) { $dir = '$(SRCDIR' . $i . '__' . $self->name . ')'; last; } } } $mk_out .= $nl . catfile ($dir, $file->base); } # Depends on dummy copy file, so there will be no dependency inheritance $mk_out .= $nl . $self->config->setting (qw/MISC CPDUMMY/); # Actions for target $mk_out .= "\n"; $mk_out .= "\t" . 'cp $^ $(FCM_ETCDIR)' . "\n"; $mk_out .= "\t" . 'touch ' . catfile ('$(FCM_DONEDIR)', '$@') . "\n"; $mk_out .= "\n"; } } # Make rules for source files my @srcfiles = grep {$_->type} @{ $self->{SRCFILE} }; for my $srcfile (@srcfiles) { $mk_out .= $srcfile->write_makerules; } # Write make rule file only if necessary if ($mk_out) { $mk .= $mk_out; # Write to output file my $mkbase = $self->name . $self->config->setting (qw/OUTFILE_EXT MK/); my $blddir = ${ $self->config->setting (qw/PATH BLD/) }[0]; my $mkfile = catfile $blddir, $mkbase; if (not -d $blddir) { print 'Make directory: ', $blddir, "\n" if $self->config->verbose > 1; mkpath $blddir or croak $blddir, ': cannot create directory, abort'; } open OUT, '>', $mkfile or croak 'Cannot open "', $mkfile, '" (', $!, '), abort'; print OUT $mk; close OUT or croak 'Cannot close "', $mkfile, '" (', $!, '), abort'; print 'Generated: ', $mkfile, "\n" if $self->config->verbose > 1; return 1; } else { return 0; } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1; __END__