#!/usr/bin/ksh # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (C) Crown copyright Met Office. All rights reserved. # For further details please refer to the file COPYRIGHT.txt # which you should have received as part of this distribution. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lockfile='lock' if [[ -f $lockfile ]]; then exit fi touch $lockfile headrevfile='latest' lastrevfile='lastrev' # Current HEAD revision if [[ ! -r $headrevfile ]]; then echo "HEAD revision file $headrevfile cannot be read, abort" >&2 rm -f $lockfile exit 1 fi headrev=$(<$headrevfile) headrev=$(echo $headrev) # Revision at which this script is last run if [[ -r $lastrevfile ]]; then lastrev=$(<$lastrevfile) lastrev=$(echo $lastrev) else lastrev=0 fi # Exit if HEAD revision is the same as the last run revision if (($lastrev == $headrev)); then rm -f $lockfile exit 0 fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Do something... # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Update last run revision file echo $headrev >$lastrevfile rm -f $lockfile # EOF