FCM System User Guide > Annex: Declarations in FCM central/user configuration file

Declarations in FCM central/user configuration file

Please note that setting labels in both the central and the user configuration files are case insensitive.

Label Content
Description This declares a URL keyword for the package <pck>. The value of the declaration must be a valid Subversion <URL>. Once declared, the URL keyword <pck> will be associated with the specified URL. In subsequent invocations of the "fcm" command, the following expansion may take place:
  • "fcm:<pck>": replaced by "<URL>".
  • "fcm:<pck>_tr" or "fcm:<pck>-tr": replaced by "<URL>/trunk"
  • "fcm:<pck>_br" or "fcm:<pck>-br": replaced by "<URL>/branches"
  • "fcm:<pck>_tg" or "fcm:<pck>-tg": replaced by "<URL>/tags"
# Associate "var" with "svn://server/VAR_svn/var"
set::url::var  svn://server/VAR_svn/var

# "fcm:var" is now the same as "svn://server/VAR_svn/var"
SET::REVISION::<pck>::<keyword> Description This declares <keyword> to be the revision number for the package <pck>. The <keyword> string can contain any characters except spaces. It must not contain only digits (as digits are treated as revision numbers). It must not be the Subversion revision keywords "HEAD", "BASE", "COMMITTED" and "PREV". It cannot begin and end with a pair of curly brackets (as this will be parsed as a revision date). The package <pck> must be associated with a URL using the SET::URL::<pck> declaration described above before this declaration can make sense. Once defined, <keyword> can be used anywhere in place the defined revision number.
set::revision::var::v22.0  8410

# E.g. "fcm list -r v22.0 fcm:var" is now the same as
#      "fcm list -r 8410 fcm:var".
SET::TRAC::<pck> Description This declares a Trac browser URL that corresponds to the Subversion URL declared using SET::URL::<pck>.
set::trac::var  http://server/Trac/VAR/browser/VAR

# E.g. "fcm trac fcm:var" will launch the web browser to view above.
Label Content
SET::MISC::WEB_BROWSER Description This declares a default web browser that can be used by some FCM commands to browse files and documents online. The default is "firefox".
# Use Netscape instead of Firefox
set::misc::web_browser  netscape
INC Description This declares the name of a file containing user configuration. The lines in the declared file will be included inline.
inc  ~fred/etc/fcm.cfg
# ... and then your changes ...
Label Content

N.B. almost all settings in the Fcm::Config module can be modified using the central/user configuration file. However, most users should only ever need to use the above.