! ! $Header$ ! SUBROUTINE suphel_I USE PRINT_INCA #include "YOMCST_I.h" #include "YOETHF_I.h" !IM cf. JLD LOGICAL firstcall SAVE firstcall !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(firstcall) DATA firstcall /.TRUE./ IF (firstcall) THEN WRITE(lunout,*) 'suphel initialise les constantes du GCM' firstcall = .FALSE. ELSE WRITE(lunout,*) 'suphel DEJA APPELE ' RETURN ENDIF ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 1. DEFINE FUNDAMENTAL CONSTANTS. ! ----------------------------- ! ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='(''0*** Constants of the ICM ***'')') RPI=2.*ASIN(1.) RCLUM=299792458. RHPLA=6.6260755E-34 RKBOL=1.380658E-23 RNAVO=6.0221367E+23 ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' *** Fundamental constants ***'')') ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' PI = '',E13.7,'' -'')')RPI ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' c = '',E13.7,''m s-1'')') RCLUM ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' h = '',E13.7,''J s'')') RHPLA ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' K = '',E13.7,''J K-1'')') RKBOL ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' N = '',E13.7,''mol-1'')') RNAVO ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 2. DEFINE ASTRONOMICAL CONSTANTS. ! ------------------------------ ! RDAY=86400. REA=149597870000. REPSM=0.409093 RSIYEA=365.25*RDAY*2.*RPI/6.283076 RSIDAY=RDAY/(1.+RDAY/RSIYEA) ROMEGA=2.*RPI/RSIDAY ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' *** Astronomical constants ***'')') ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' day = '',E13.7,'' s'')')RDAY ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' half g. axis = '',E13.7,'' m'')')REA ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' mean anomaly = '',E13.7,'' -'')')REPSM ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' sideral year = '',E13.7,'' s'')')RSIYEA ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' sideral day = '',E13.7,'' s'')')RSIDAY ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' omega = '',E13.7,'' s-1'')')ROMEGA ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! !* 3. DEFINE GEOIDE. ! -------------- ! RG=9.80665 RA=6371229. R1SA=SNGL(1.D0/DBLE(RA)) ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' *** Geoide ***'')') ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' Gravity = '',E13.7,'' m s-2'')')RG ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' Earth radius = '',E13.7,'' m'')')RA ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' Inverse E.R. = '',E13.7,'' m'')')R1SA ! ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 4. DEFINE RADIATION CONSTANTS. ! --------------------------- ! ! z.x.li RSIGMA=2. * RPI**5 * RKBOL**4 /(15.* RCLUM**2 * RHPLA**3) rsigma = 2.*rpi**5 * (rkbol/rhpla)**3 * rkbol/rclum/rclum/15. ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' *** Radiation ***'')') ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' Stefan-Bol. = '',E13.7,'' W m-2 K-4'')') RSIGMA ! ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 5. DEFINE THERMODYNAMIC CONSTANTS, GAS PHASE. ! ------------------------------------------ ! R=RNAVO*RKBOL RMD=28.9644 RMO3=47.9942 RMV=18.0153 RD=1000.*R/RMD RV=1000.*R/RMV RCPD=3.5*RD RCVD=RCPD-RD RCPV=4. *RV RCVV=RCPV-RV RKAPPA=RD/RCPD RETV=RV/RD-1. ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' *** Thermodynamic, gas ***'')') ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' Perfect gas = '',e13.7)') R ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' Dry air mass = '',e13.7)') RMD ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' Ozone mass = '',e13.7)') RMO3 ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' Vapour mass = '',e13.7)') RMV ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' Dry air cst. = '',e13.7)') RD ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' Vapour cst. = '',e13.7)') RV ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' Cpd = '',e13.7)') RCPD ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' Cvd = '',e13.7)') RCVD ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' Cpv = '',e13.7)') RCPV ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' Cvv = '',e13.7)') RCVV ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' Rd/Cpd = '',e13.7)') RKAPPA ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' Rv/Rd-1 = '',e13.7)') RETV ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 6. DEFINE THERMODYNAMIC CONSTANTS, LIQUID PHASE. ! --------------------------------------------- ! RCW=RCPV ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' *** Thermodynamic, liquid ***'')') ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' Cw = '',E13.7)') RCW ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 7. DEFINE THERMODYNAMIC CONSTANTS, SOLID PHASE. ! -------------------------------------------- ! RCS=RCPV ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' *** thermodynamic, solid ***'')') ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' Cs = '',E13.7)') RCS ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 8. DEFINE THERMODYNAMIC CONSTANTS, TRANSITION OF PHASE. ! ---------------------------------------------------- ! RTT=273.16 RLVTT=2.5008E+6 RLSTT=2.8345E+6 RLMLT=RLSTT-RLVTT RATM=100000. ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' *** Thermodynamic, trans. ***'')') ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' Fusion point = '',E13.7)') RTT ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' RLvTt = '',E13.7)') RLVTT ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' RLsTt = '',E13.7)') RLSTT ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' RLMlt = '',E13.7)') RLMLT ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' Normal press. = '',E13.7)') RATM ! WRITE(UNIT=lunout,FMT='('' Latent heat : '')') ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- ! !* 9. SATURATED VAPOUR PRESSURE. ! -------------------------- ! RESTT=611.14 RGAMW=(RCW-RCPV)/RV RBETW=RLVTT/RV+RGAMW*RTT RALPW=LOG(RESTT)+RBETW/RTT+RGAMW*LOG(RTT) RGAMS=(RCS-RCPV)/RV RBETS=RLSTT/RV+RGAMS*RTT RALPS=LOG(RESTT)+RBETS/RTT+RGAMS*LOG(RTT) RGAMD=RGAMS-RGAMW RBETD=RBETS-RBETW RALPD=RALPS-RALPW ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! calculer les constantes pour les fonctions thermodynamiques ! RVTMP2=RCPV/RCPD-1. RHOH2O=RATM/100. R2ES=RESTT*RD/RV R3LES=17.269 R3IES=21.875 R4LES=35.86 R4IES=7.66 R5LES=R3LES*(RTT-R4LES) R5IES=R3IES*(RTT-R4IES) RETURN END SUBROUTINE suphel_I