!! ========================================================================= !! INCA - INteraction with Chemistry and Aerosols !! !! Copyright Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE) !! Unite mixte CEA-CNRS-UVSQ !! !! Contributors to this INCA subroutine: !! !! Yves Balkanski, LSCE, !! Celine Deandreis, LSCE !! Johannes Quaas !! Nicolas Yan, LSCE !! !! !! Anne Cozic, LSCE, anne.cozic@cea.fr !! Yann Meurdesoif, LSCE, yann.meurdesoif@cea.fr !! !! !! This software is a computer program whose purpose is to simulate the !! atmospheric gas phase and aerosol composition. The model is designed to be !! used within a transport model or a general circulation model. This version !! of INCA was designed to be coupled to the LMDz GCM. LMDz-INCA accounts !! for emissions, transport (resolved and sub-grid scale), photochemical !! transformations, and scavenging (dry deposition and washout) of chemical !! species and aerosols interactively in the GCM. Several versions of the INCA !! model are currently used depending on the envisaged applications with the !! chemistry-climate model. !! !! This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and !! abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, !! modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL !! license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL !! "http://www.cecill.info". !! !! As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, !! modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only !! with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the !! economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited !! liability. !! !! In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated !! with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the !! software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, !! that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also !! therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced !! professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore !! encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their !! requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or !! data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the !! same conditions as regards security. !! !! The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had !! knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms. !! ========================================================================= #include #ifdef AER SUBROUTINE OPTAER_5WV(pdel, tr_seri, delt, RHcl, ai) USE INCA_DIM USE SPECIES_NAMES USE CHEM_TRACNM, ONLY: solsym USE AEROSOL_MOD, ONLY: nmodes,mass1index,massNindex, & numberindex,ntr,trmx,trnx,aimode,asmode, & cimode,csmode,ssmode USE AEROSOL_DIAG , ONLY : tausum,angst,lambda,las,cla,tau USE AEROSOL_METEO, ONLY : zdp1 USE CHEM_CONS , ONLY : gravit ! ! (avril 2006 - mai 2009) ! a partir d'une sous-routine de Johannes Quaas pour les sulfates ! ! ! Refractive indices for seasalt come from Shettle and Fenn (1979) ! ! Refractive indices from water come from Hale and Querry (1973) ! ! Refractive indices from Ammonium Sulfate Toon and Pollack (1976) ! ! Refractive indices for Dust, internal mixture of minerals coated with 1.5% hematite ! by Volume (Balkanski et al., 2006) ! ! Refractive indices for POM: Kinne (pers. Communication ! ! Refractive index for BC from Shettle and Fenn (1979) ! ! Shettle, E. P., & Fenn, R. W. (1979), Models for the aerosols of the lower atmosphere and ! the effects of humidity variations on their optical properties, U.S. Air Force Geophysics ! Laboratory Rept. AFGL-TR-79-0214, Hanscomb Air Force Base, MA. ! ! Hale, G. M. and M. R. Querry, Optical constants of water in the 200-nm to 200-m ! wavelength region, Appl. Opt., 12, 555-563, 1973. ! ! Toon, O. B. and J. B. Pollack, The optical constants of several atmospheric aerosol species: ! Ammonium sulfate, aluminum oxide, and sodium chloride, J. Geohys. Res., 81, 5733-5748, ! 1976. ! ! Balkanski, Y., M. Schulz, T. Claquin And O. Boucher, Reevaluation of mineral aerosol ! radiative forcings suggests a better agreement with satellite and AERONET data, Atmospheric ! Chemistry and Physics Discussions., 6, pp 8383-8419, 2006. ! IMPLICIT NONE ! ! Arguments: ! REAL, DIMENSION(PLON,PLEV), INTENT(in) :: pdel REAL, INTENT(in) :: delt REAL, DIMENSION(PLON,PLEV,PCNST), INTENT(in) :: tr_seri ! Mass Mixing ratio kg/kg REAL, DIMENSION(PLON,PLEV), INTENT(in) :: RHcl ! humidite relative ciel clair REAL, DIMENSION(PLON), INTENT(out) :: ai ! POLDER aerosol index ! ! Local ! LOGICAL :: soluble REAL :: cg_temp, piz_temp, cg_temp2, piz_temp2 INTEGER :: i, k, m, nx INTEGER :: spsol, spinsol, la, na INTEGER :: spss INTEGER :: RH_num INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nbre_RH = 12 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: naero_soluble = 13 ! 1- BC soluble; 2- POM soluble; 3- SO4 accumulation ! 4- SO4 Coarse 5- Seasalt SS: 6- Seasalt CS; 7- Seasalt AS ! 8- Nitrate accumulation Coarse 9- Nitrate coarse 10 SOAA1 11 SOAA2 12 SOAB1 13 SOAB2 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: naero_insoluble = 4 ! 1- Dust; 2- BC insoluble; 3- POM insoluble; 4- NO3 insoluble REAL :: A1_ASSSM(PLEV), A2_ASSSM(PLEV), A3_ASSSM(PLEV),& B1_ASSSM(PLEV), B2_ASSSM(PLEV), C1_ASSSM(PLEV), C2_ASSSM(PLEV),& A1_CSSSM(PLEV), A2_CSSSM(PLEV), A3_CSSSM(PLEV),& B1_CSSSM(PLEV), B2_CSSSM(PLEV), C1_CSSSM(PLEV), C2_CSSSM(PLEV), & A1_SSSSM(PLEV), A2_SSSSM(PLEV), A3_SSSSM(PLEV),& B1_SSSSM(PLEV), B2_SSSSM(PLEV), C1_SSSSM(PLEV), C2_SSSSM(PLEV) REAL,PARAMETER :: RH_tab(nbre_RH)=(/0.,10.,20.,30.,40.,50.,60.,70.,80.,85.,90.,95./) REAL :: DELTA(PLON,PLEV), rh(PLON,PLEV), H REAL, PARAMETER :: RH_MAX=95. REAL :: tau_ae5wv_int ! Intermediate computation of epaisseur optique aerosol REAL :: piz_ae5wv_int ! Intermediate single scattering albedo aerosol REAL :: cg_ae5wv_int ! Intermediate asymmetry parameter aerosol REAL :: fac REAL :: tau3d(PLON,PLEV), piz3d(PLON,PLEV), cg3d(PLON,PLEV) REAL :: abs3d(PLON,PLEV) ! epaisseur optique d'absorption REAL :: alpha_aers_5wv(nbre_RH,las,naero_soluble) ! ext. coeff. Soluble comp. units *** m2/g REAL :: alpha_aeri_5wv(las,naero_insoluble) ! ext. coeff. Insoluble comp. REAL :: cg_aers_5wv(nbre_RH,las,naero_soluble) ! Asym. param. soluble comp. REAL :: cg_aeri_5wv(las,naero_insoluble) ! Asym. param. insoluble comp REAL :: piz_aers_5wv(nbre_RH,las,naero_soluble) REAL :: piz_aeri_5wv(las,naero_insoluble) ! Insoluble comp. REAL :: fact_RH(nbre_RH) ! ! Proprietes optiques ! REAL :: radry = 287.054 ! dry air mass constant ! ! ! ! From here on we look at the optical parameters at 5 wavelengths: ! 443nm, 550, 670, 765 and 865 nm ! le 12 AVRIL 2006 ! !!ACCUMULATION MODE DATA A1_ASSSM/ 4.373E+00, 4.373E+00, 4.361E+00, & 4.346E+00, 4.331E+00, 4.278E+00, & 4.249E+00, 4.193E+00, 4.162E+00, & 4.103E+00, 4.069E+00, 4.035E+00, & 3.962E+00, 3.933E+00, 3.904E+00, & 3.893E+00, 3.860E+00, 3.847E+00, 3.806E+00, & 3.824E+00, 3.780E+00, 3.713E+00, 3.646E+00, & 3.547E+00, 3.448E+00, 3.314E+00, 3.179E+00, & 3.017E+00, 2.855E+00, 2.855E+00, 2.743E+00, & 2.630E+00, 2.630E+00, 2.630E+00, 2.630E+00, & 2.630E+00, 2.630E+00, 2.630E+00, 2.630E+00/ DATA A2_ASSSM/ 2.496E+00, 2.496E+00, 2.489E+00, & 2.481E+00, 2.472E+00, 2.442E+00, & 2.427E+00, 2.394E+00, 2.376E+00, & 2.342E+00, 2.322E+00, 2.303E+00, & 2.261E+00, 2.245E+00, 2.228E+00, & 2.222E+00, 2.205E+00, 2.196E+00, 2.189E+00, & 2.183E+00, 2.158E+00, 2.120E+00, 2.081E+00, & 2.025E+00, 1.968E+00, 1.880E+00, 1.814E+00, & 1.720E+00, 1.680E+00, 1.630E+00, 1.501E+00, & 1.501E+00, 1.501E+00, 1.501E+00, 1.501E+00, & 1.501E+00, 1.501E+00, 1.501E+00, 1.501E+00/ DATA A3_ASSSM/-4.688E-02, -4.688E-02, -4.676E-02, & -4.660E-02, -4.644E-02, -4.587E-02, & -4.558E-02, -4.496E-02, -4.463E-02, & -4.399E-02, -4.363E-02, -4.326E-02, & -4.248E-02, -4.217E-02, -4.186E-02, & -4.174E-02, -4.138E-02, -4.125E-02, -4.109E-02, & -4.100E-02, -4.053E-02, -3.982E-02, -3.910E-02, & -3.804E-02, -3.697E-02, -3.553E-02, -3.408E-02, & -3.235E-02, -3.061E-02, -3.061E-02, -2.940E-02, & -2.819E-02, -2.819E-02, -2.819E-02, -2.819E-02, & -2.819E-02, -2.819E-02, -2.819E-02, -2.819E-02/ DATA B1_ASSSM/ 1.165E-08, 1.165E-08, 1.145E-08, & 1.121E-08, 1.097E-08, 1.012E-08, & 9.696E-09, 8.747E-09, 8.261E-09, & 7.297E-09, 6.749E-09, 6.201E-09, & 5.026E-09, 4.562E-09, 4.098E-09, & 3.921E-09, 3.377E-09, 3.187E-09, 2.948E-09, & 2.807E-09, 2.291E-09, 2.183E-09, 2.075E-09, & 1.916E-09, 1.756E-09, 1.539E-09, 1.322E-09, & 1.062E-09, 8.011E-10, 8.011E-10, 6.195E-10, & 4.379E-10, 4.379E-10, 4.379E-10, 4.379E-10, & 4.379E-10, 4.379E-10, 4.379E-10, 4.379E-10/ DATA B2_ASSSM/ 2.193E-08, 2.193E-08, 2.192E-08, & 2.190E-08, 2.187E-08, 2.179E-08, & 2.175E-08, 2.166E-08, 2.162E-08, & 2.153E-08, 2.148E-08, 2.143E-08, & 2.132E-08, 2.128E-08, 2.124E-08, & 2.122E-08, 2.117E-08, 2.115E-08, 2.113E-08, & 2.112E-08, 2.106E-08, 2.103E-08, 2.100E-08, & 2.095E-08, 2.090E-08, 2.083E-08, 2.077E-08, & 2.069E-08, 2.061E-08, 2.061E-08, 2.055E-08, & 2.049E-08, 2.049E-08, 2.049E-08, 2.049E-08, & 2.049E-08, 2.049E-08, 2.049E-08, 2.049E-08/ DATA C1_ASSSM/ 7.365E-01, 7.365E-01, 7.365E-01, & 7.365E-01, 7.365E-01, 7.364E-01, & 7.363E-01, 7.363E-01, 7.362E-01, & 7.361E-01, 7.360E-01, 7.359E-01, & 7.358E-01, 7.357E-01, 7.357E-01, & 7.357E-01, 7.357E-01, 7.356E-01, 7.356E-01, & 7.356E-01, 7.355E-01, 7.354E-01, 7.354E-01, & 7.353E-01, 7.352E-01, 7.351E-01, 7.350E-01, & 7.348E-01, 7.347E-01, 7.347E-01, 7.346E-01, & 7.345E-01, 7.345E-01, 7.345E-01, 7.345E-01, & 7.345E-01, 7.345E-01, 7.345E-01, 7.345E-01/ DATA C2_ASSSM/ 5.833E-02, 5.833E-02, 5.835E-02, & 5.838E-02, 5.841E-02, 5.850E-02, & 5.854E-02, 5.864E-02, 5.870E-02, & 5.880E-02, 5.886E-02, 5.891E-02, & 5.904E-02, 5.909E-02, 5.914E-02, & 5.916E-02, 5.922E-02, 5.924E-02, 5.926E-02, & 5.928E-02, 5.934E-02, 5.939E-02, 5.944E-02, & 5.952E-02, 5.959E-02, 5.969E-02, 5.979E-02, & 5.991E-02, 6.003E-02, 6.003E-02, 6.012E-02, & 6.020E-02, 6.020E-02, 6.020E-02, 6.020E-02, & 6.020E-02, 6.020E-02, 6.020E-02, 6.020E-02/ !COARSE MODE DATA A1_CSSSM/ 7.403E-01, 7.403E-01, 7.422E-01, & 7.524E-01, 7.626E-01, 8.019E-01, & 8.144E-01, 8.398E-01, 8.527E-01, & 8.702E-01, 8.754E-01, 8.806E-01, & 8.937E-01, 9.213E-01, 9.489E-01, & 9.759E-01, 1.068E+00, 1.105E+00, 1.164E+00, & 1.199E+00, 1.359E+00, 1.510E+00, 1.660E+00, & 2.100E+00, 2.540E+00, 3.480E+00, 4.421E+00, & 3.286E+00, 2.151E+00, 2.151E+00, 1.551E+00, & 9.518E-01, 9.518E-01, 9.518E-01, 9.518E-01, & 9.518E-01, 9.518E-01, 9.518E-01, 9.518E-01/ DATA A2_CSSSM/ 4.522E-01, 4.522E-01, 4.532E-01, & 4.588E-01, 4.644E-01, 4.859E-01, & 4.928E-01, 5.066E-01, 5.137E-01, & 5.233E-01, 5.262E-01, 5.290E-01, & 5.361E-01, 5.508E-01, 5.655E-01, & 5.798E-01, 6.284E-01, 6.483E-01, 6.795E-01, & 6.979E-01, 7.819E-01, 8.654E-01, 9.488E-01, & 1.082E+00, 1.450E+00, 1.986E+00, 2.523E+00, & 1.876E+00, 1.228E+00, 1.228E+00, 8.856E-01, & 5.433E-01, 5.433E-01, 5.433E-01, 5.433E-01, & 5.433E-01, 5.433E-01, 5.433E-01, 5.433E-01/ DATA A3_CSSSM/-8.516E-03, -8.516E-03, -8.535E-03, & -8.640E-03, -8.744E-03, -9.148E-03, & -9.277E-03, -9.537E-03, -9.668E-03, & -9.848E-03, -9.902E-03, -9.955E-03, & -1.009E-02, -1.036E-02, -1.064E-02, & -1.091E-02, -1.182E-02, -1.219E-02, -1.278E-02, & -1.312E-02, -1.470E-02, -1.626E-02, -1.783E-02, & -2.254E-02, -2.724E-02, -3.732E-02, -4.740E-02, & -3.523E-02, -2.306E-02, -2.306E-02, -1.664E-02, & -1.021E-02, -1.021E-02, -1.021E-02, -1.021E-02, & -1.021E-02, -1.021E-02, -1.021E-02, -1.021E-02/ DATA B1_CSSSM/ 2.535E-07, 2.535E-07, 2.530E-07, & 2.504E-07, 2.479E-07, 2.380E-07, & 2.348E-07, 2.284E-07, 2.252E-07, & 2.208E-07, 2.195E-07, 2.182E-07, & 2.149E-07, 2.100E-07, 2.051E-07, & 2.005E-07, 1.848E-07, 1.784E-07, 1.683E-07, & 1.624E-07, 1.353E-07, 1.182E-07, 1.012E-07, & 8.068E-08, 6.016E-08, 4.059E-08, 2.102E-08, & 1.051E-08, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, & 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00, 0.000E+00/ DATA B2_CSSSM/ 1.221E-07, 1.221E-07, 1.217E-07, & 1.198E-07, 1.179E-07, 1.104E-07, & 1.080E-07, 1.032E-07, 1.008E-07, & 9.744E-08, 9.645E-08, 9.546E-08, & 9.299E-08, 9.053E-08, 8.807E-08, & 8.588E-08, 7.847E-08, 7.544E-08, 7.066E-08, & 6.786E-08, 5.504E-08, 4.792E-08, 4.080E-08, & 3.520E-08, 2.960E-08, 2.630E-08, 2.300E-08, & 2.165E-08, 2.030E-08, 2.030E-08, 2.014E-08, & 1.997E-08, 1.997E-08, 1.997E-08, 1.997E-08, & 1.997E-08, 1.997E-08, 1.997E-08, 1.997E-08/ DATA C1_CSSSM/ 7.659E-01, 7.659E-01, 7.658E-01, & 7.655E-01, 7.652E-01, 7.639E-01, & 7.635E-01, 7.627E-01, 7.623E-01, & 7.618E-01, 7.616E-01, 7.614E-01, & 7.610E-01, 7.604E-01, 7.598E-01, & 7.592E-01, 7.574E-01, 7.566E-01, 7.553E-01, & 7.546E-01, 7.513E-01, 7.492E-01, 7.472E-01, & 7.448E-01, 7.423E-01, 7.400E-01, 7.376E-01, & 7.359E-01, 7.342E-01, 7.342E-01, 7.338E-01, & 7.334E-01, 7.334E-01, 7.334E-01, 7.334E-01, & 7.334E-01, 7.334E-01, 7.334E-01, 7.334E-01/ DATA C2_CSSSM/ 3.691E-02, 3.691E-02, 3.694E-02, & 3.712E-02, 3.729E-02, 3.796E-02, & 3.818E-02, 3.861E-02, 3.883E-02, & 3.913E-02, 3.922E-02, 3.931E-02, & 3.953E-02, 3.994E-02, 4.035E-02, & 4.074E-02, 4.208E-02, 4.263E-02, 4.349E-02, & 4.400E-02, 4.631E-02, 4.782E-02, 4.933E-02, & 5.132E-02, 5.331E-02, 5.332E-02, 5.734E-02, & 5.894E-02, 6.053E-02, 6.053E-02, 6.090E-02, & 6.128E-02, 6.128E-02, 6.128E-02, 6.128E-02, & 6.128E-02, 6.128E-02, 6.128E-02, 6.128E-02/ !SUPER COARSE MODE DATA A1_SSSSM/ 2.836E-01, 2.836E-01, 2.876E-01, & 2.720E-01, 2.563E-01, 2.414E-01, & 2.478E-01, 2.544E-01, 2.546E-01, & 2.572E-01, 2.605E-01, 2.638E-01, & 2.781E-01, 2.974E-01, 3.167E-01, & 3.154E-01, 4.748E-01, 5.286E-01, 6.340E-01, & 6.959E-01, 9.233E-01, 1.103E+00, 1.282E+00, & 1.559E+00, 1.836E+00, 2.408E+00, 2.981E+00, & 3.668E+00, 4.355E+00, 4.355E+00, 4.207E+00, & 4.059E+00, 4.059E+00, 4.059E+00, 4.059E+00, & 4.059E+00, 4.059E+00, 4.059E+00, 4.059E+00/ DATA A2_SSSSM/ 1.608E-01, 1.608E-01, 1.651E-01, & 1.614E-01, 1.577E-01, 1.587E-01, & 1.636E-01, 1.688E-01, 1.690E-01, & 1.711E-01, 1.736E-01, 1.762E-01, & 1.874E-01, 2.006E-01, 2.138E-01, & 2.342E-01, 3.057E-01, 3.363E-01, 3.940E-01, & 4.279E-01, 5.519E-01, 6.470E-01, 7.421E-01, & 8.950E-01, 1.048E+00, 1.375E+00, 1.702E+00, & 2.094E+00, 2.485E+00, 2.485E+00, 2.401E+00, & 2.317E+00, 2.317E+00, 2.317E+00, 2.317E+00, & 2.317E+00, 2.317E+00, 2.317E+00, 2.317E+00/ DATA A3_SSSSM/-3.025E-03, -3.025E-03, -3.111E-03, & -3.046E-03, -2.981E-03, -3.005E-03, & -3.099E-03, -3.196E-03, -3.200E-03, & -3.239E-03, -3.288E-03, -3.336E-03, & -3.548E-03, -3.798E-03, -4.047E-03, & -4.430E-03, -5.770E-03, -6.345E-03, -7.426E-03, & -8.061E-03, -1.038E-02, -1.216E-02, -1.395E-02, & -1.682E-02, -1.970E-02, -2.584E-02, -3.197E-02, & -3.933E-02, -4.669E-02, -4.669E-02, -4.510E-02, & -4.352E-02, -4.352E-02, -4.352E-02, -4.352E-02, & -4.352E-02, -4.352E-02, -4.352E-02, -4.352E-02/ DATA B1_SSSSM/ 6.759E-07, 6.759E-07, 6.246E-07, & 5.894E-07, 5.542E-07, 4.953E-07, & 4.850E-07, 4.742E-07, 4.738E-07, & 4.695E-07, 4.642E-07, 4.588E-07, & 4.354E-07, 4.150E-07, 3.947E-07, & 3.785E-07, 3.264E-07, 3.067E-07, 2.802E-07, & 2.646E-07, 2.095E-07, 1.788E-07, 1.481E-07, & 1.192E-07, 9.024E-08, 7.386E-08, 5.747E-08, & 4.066E-08, 2.384E-08, 2.384E-08, 1.521E-08, & 6.599E-09, 6.599E-09, 6.599E-09, 6.599E-09, & 6.599E-09, 6.599E-09, 6.599E-09, 6.599E-09/ DATA B2_SSSSM/ 5.977E-07, 5.977E-07, 5.390E-07, & 4.929E-07, 4.468E-07, 3.696E-07, & 3.570E-07, 3.438E-07, 3.433E-07, & 3.380E-07, 3.314E-07, 3.249E-07, & 2.962E-07, 2.722E-07, 2.483E-07, & 2.318E-07, 1.806E-07, 1.623E-07, 1.423E-07, & 1.305E-07, 9.015E-08, 7.563E-08, 6.111E-08, & 4.936E-08, 3.761E-08, 3.332E-08, 2.903E-08, & 2.620E-08, 2.337E-08, 2.337E-08, 2.242E-08, & 2.147E-08, 2.147E-08, 2.147E-08, 2.147E-08, & 2.147E-08, 2.147E-08, 2.147E-08, 2.147E-08/ DATA C1_SSSSM/ 8.120E-01, 8.120E-01, 8.084E-01, & 8.050E-01, 8.016E-01, 7.953E-01, & 7.941E-01, 7.928E-01, 7.928E-01, & 7.923E-01, 7.916E-01, 7.910E-01, & 7.882E-01, 7.858E-01, 7.834E-01, & 7.814E-01, 7.750E-01, 7.725E-01, 7.692E-01, & 7.673E-01, 7.604E-01, 7.566E-01, 7.529E-01, & 7.494E-01, 7.458E-01, 7.438E-01, 7.419E-01, & 7.399E-01, 7.379E-01, 7.379E-01, 7.370E-01, & 7.360E-01, 7.360E-01, 7.360E-01, 7.360E-01, & 7.360E-01, 7.360E-01, 7.360E-01, 7.360E-01/ DATA C2_SSSSM/ 2.388E-02, 2.388E-02, 2.392E-02, & 2.424E-02, 2.457E-02, 2.552E-02, & 2.584E-02, 2.616E-02, 2.618E-02, & 2.631E-02, 2.647E-02, 2.663E-02, & 2.735E-02, 2.805E-02, 2.875E-02, & 2.954E-02, 3.222E-02, 3.330E-02, 3.510E-02, & 3.615E-02, 3.997E-02, 4.259E-02, 4.521E-02, & 4.780E-02, 5.038E-02, 5.198E-02, 5.358E-02, & 5.532E-02, 5.705E-02, 5.705E-02, 5.796E-02, & 5.887E-02, 5.358E-02, 5.705E-02, 5.887E-02, & 5.038E-02, 5.358E-02, 5.705E-02, 5.887E-02/ !! ENDIF !********************************************************************* ! DATA alpha_aers_5wv/ & ! bc soluble 7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930,7.930, & 7.930,7.930,10.893,12.618,14.550,16.613, & 7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658,7.658, & 7.658,7.658,10.351,11.879,13.642,15.510, & 7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195,7.195, & 7.195,7.195,9.551,10.847,12.381,13.994, & 6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736,6.736, & 6.736,6.736,8.818,9.938,11.283,12.687, & 6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277,6.277, & 6.277,6.277,8.123,9.094,10.275,11.501, & ! pom soluble 6.676,6.676,6.676,6.676,6.710,6.934, & 7.141,7.569,8.034,8.529,9.456,10.511, & 5.109,5.109,5.109,5.109,5.189,5.535, & 5.960,6.852,8.008,9.712,12.897,19.676, & 3.718,3.718,3.718,3.718,3.779,4.042, & 4.364,5.052,5.956,7.314,9.896,15.688, & 2.849,2.849,2.849,2.849,2.897,3.107, & 3.365,3.916,4.649,5.760,7.900,12.863, & 2.229,2.229,2.229,2.229,2.268,2.437, & 2.645,3.095,3.692,4.608,6.391,10.633, & ! Sulfate Accumulation 5.751,6.215,6.690,7.024,7.599,8.195, & 9.156,10.355,12.660,14.823,18.908,24.508, & 4.320,4.675,5.052,5.375,5.787,6.274, & 7.066,8.083,10.088,12.003,15.697,21.133, & 3.079,3.351,3.639,3.886,4.205,4.584, & 5.206,6.019,7.648,9.234,12.391,17.220, & 2.336,2.552,2.781,2.979,3.236,3.540, & 4.046,4.711,6.056,7.388,10.093,14.313, & 1.777,1.949,2.134,2.292,2.503,2.751, & 3.166,3.712,4.828,5.949,8.264,11.922, & ! Sulfate Coarse 5.751,6.215,6.690,7.024,7.599,8.195, & 9.156,10.355,12.660,14.823,18.908,24.508, & 4.320,4.675,5.052,5.375,5.787,6.274, & 7.066,8.083,10.088,12.003,15.697,21.133, & 3.079,3.351,3.639,3.886,4.205,4.584, & 5.206,6.019,7.648,9.234,12.391,17.220, & 2.336,2.552,2.781,2.979,3.236,3.540, & 4.046,4.711,6.056,7.388,10.093,14.313, & 1.777,1.949,2.134,2.292,2.503,2.751, & 3.166,3.712,4.828,5.949,8.264,11.922, & ! seasalt Super Coarse soluble SS 0.50,0.90,1.05,1.21,1.40,2.41, & 2.66,3.11,3.88,4.52,5.69,8.84, & 0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00, & 0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00, & 0.52,0.93,1.08,1.24,1.43,2.47, & 2.73,3.20,3.99,4.64,5.84,9.04, & 0.52,0.93,1.09,1.25,1.44,2.50, & 2.76,3.23,4.03,4.68,5.89,9.14, & 0.52,0.94,1.09,1.26,1.45,2.51, & 2.78,3.25,4.06,4.72,5.94,9.22, & ! seasalt soluble CS 0.50,0.90,1.05,1.21,1.40,2.41, & 2.66,3.11,3.88,4.52,5.69,8.84, & 0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00, & 0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00, & 0.52,0.93,1.08,1.24,1.43,2.47, & 2.73,3.20,3.99,4.64,5.84,9.04, & 0.52,0.93,1.09,1.25,1.44,2.50, & 2.76,3.23,4.03,4.68,5.89,9.14, & 0.52,0.94,1.09,1.26,1.45,2.51, & 2.78,3.25,4.06,4.72,5.94,9.22, & ! seasalt soluble AS 4.28, 7.17, 8.44, 9.85,11.60,22.44, & 25.34,30.54,39.38,46.52,59.33,91.77, & 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, & 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, & 2.48, 4.22, 5.02, 5.94, 7.11,15.29, & 17.70,22.31,30.73,38.06,52.15,90.59, & 1.90, 3.29, 3.94, 4.69, 5.65, 12.58, & 14.68,18.77,26.41,33.25,46.77,85.50, & 1.47, 2.59, 3.12, 3.74, 4.54, 10.42, & 12.24,15.82,22.66,28.91,41.54,79.33, & ! Nitrate Accumulation 4.752,4.752,4.752,5.341,5.973,6.648, & 7.508,9.390,12.436,15.501,20.153,34.333, & 3.232,3.232,3.232,3.636,4.063,4.522, & 5.107,6.386,8.458,10.543,13.707,23.351, & 2.217,2.217,2.217,2.494,2.787,3.102, & 3.503,4.381,5.802,7.232,9.402,16.018, & 1.630,1.630,1.630,1.834,2.049,2.280, & 2.575,3.221,4.266,5.317,6.913,11.777, & 1.234,1.234,1.234,1.388,1.551,1.726, & 1.950,2.438,3.229,4.025,5.233, 8.916, & ! Nitrate Coarse 0.720,0.720,0.720,0.720,0.720,0.720, & 0.720,0.720,0.720,0.720,0.720,0.720, & 0.729,0.729,0.729,0.729,0.729,0.729, & 0.729,0.729,0.729,0.729,0.729,0.729, & 0.738,0.738,0.738,0.738,0.738,0.738, & 0.738,0.738,0.738,0.738,0.738,0.738, & 0.743,0.743,0.743,0.743,0.743,0.743, & 0.743,0.743,0.743,0.743,0.743,0.743, & 0.746,0.746,0.746,0.746,0.746,0.746, & 0.746,0.746,0.746,0.746,0.746,0.746, & ! SOA 6.676,6.676,6.676,6.676,6.710,6.934, & 7.141,7.569,8.034,8.529,9.456,10.511, & 5.109,5.109,5.109,5.109,5.189,5.535, & 5.960,6.852,8.008,9.712,12.897,19.676, & 3.718,3.718,3.718,3.718,3.779,4.042, & 4.364,5.052,5.956,7.314,9.896,15.688, & 2.849,2.849,2.849,2.849,2.897,3.107, & 3.365,3.916,4.649,5.760,7.900,12.863, & 2.229,2.229,2.229,2.229,2.268,2.437, & 2.645,3.095,3.692,4.608,6.391,10.633, & ! SOA 6.676,6.676,6.676,6.676,6.710,6.934, & 7.141,7.569,8.034,8.529,9.456,10.511, & 5.109,5.109,5.109,5.109,5.189,5.535, & 5.960,6.852,8.008,9.712,12.897,19.676, & 3.718,3.718,3.718,3.718,3.779,4.042, & 4.364,5.052,5.956,7.314,9.896,15.688, & 2.849,2.849,2.849,2.849,2.897,3.107, & 3.365,3.916,4.649,5.760,7.900,12.863, & 2.229,2.229,2.229,2.229,2.268,2.437, & 2.645,3.095,3.692,4.608,6.391,10.633, & ! SOA 6.676,6.676,6.676,6.676,6.710,6.934, & 7.141,7.569,8.034,8.529,9.456,10.511, & 5.109,5.109,5.109,5.109,5.189,5.535, & 5.960,6.852,8.008,9.712,12.897,19.676, & 3.718,3.718,3.718,3.718,3.779,4.042, & 4.364,5.052,5.956,7.314,9.896,15.688, & 2.849,2.849,2.849,2.849,2.897,3.107, & 3.365,3.916,4.649,5.760,7.900,12.863, & 2.229,2.229,2.229,2.229,2.268,2.437, & 2.645,3.095,3.692,4.608,6.391,10.633, & ! SOA 6.676,6.676,6.676,6.676,6.710,6.934, & 7.141,7.569,8.034,8.529,9.456,10.511, & 5.109,5.109,5.109,5.109,5.189,5.535, & 5.960,6.852,8.008,9.712,12.897,19.676, & 3.718,3.718,3.718,3.718,3.779,4.042, & 4.364,5.052,5.956,7.314,9.896,15.688, & 2.849,2.849,2.849,2.849,2.897,3.107, & 3.365,3.916,4.649,5.760,7.900,12.863, & 2.229,2.229,2.229,2.229,2.268,2.437, & 2.645,3.095,3.692,4.608,6.391,10.633 / DATA alpha_aeri_5wv/ & ! dust insoluble 0.759, 0.770, 0.775, 0.775, 0.772, & !!jb bc insoluble 11.536,10.033, 8.422, 7.234, 6.270, & ! pom insoluble 5.042, 3.101, 1.890, 1.294, 0.934, & ! nitrate insoluble 0.720, 0.729, 0.738, 0.743, 0.746 / DATA cg_aers_5wv/ & ! bc soluble .651, .651, .651, .651, .651, .651, & .651, .651, .738, .764, .785, .800, & .597, .597, .597, .597, .597, .597, & .597, .597, .695, .725, .751, .770, & .543, .543, .543, .543, .543, .543, & .543, .543, .650, .684, .714, .736, & .504, .504, .504, .504, .504, .504, & .504, .504, .614, .651, .683, .708, & .469, .469, .469, .469, .469, .469, & .469, .469, .582, .620, .655, .681, & ! pom soluble .679, .679, .679, .679, .683, .691, & .703, .720, .736, .751, .766, .784, & .656, .656, .656, .656, .659, .669, & .681, .699, .717, .735, .750, .779, & .623, .623, .623, .623, .627, .637, & .649, .668, .688, .709, .734, .762, & .592, .592, .592, .592, .595, .605, & .618, .639, .660, .682, .711, .743, & .561, .561, .561, .561, .565, .575, & .588, .609, .632, .656, .688, .724, & ! sulfate Accumulation .671, .684, .697, .704, .714, .723, & .734, .746, .762, .771, .781, .789, & .653, .666, .678, .687, .697, .707, & .719, .732, .751, .762, .775, .789, & .622, .635, .648, .657, .667, .678, & .691, .705, .728, .741, .758, .777, & .591, .604, .617, .627, .638, .650, & .664, .679, .704, .719, .739, .761, & .560, .574, .587, .597, .609, .621, & .637, .653, .680, .697, .719, .745, & ! sulfate Coarse .671, .684, .697, .704, .714, .723, & .734, .746, .762, .771, .781, .789, & .653, .666, .678, .687, .697, .707, & .719, .732, .751, .762, .775, .789, & .622, .635, .648, .657, .667, .678, & .691, .705, .728, .741, .758, .777, & .591, .604, .617, .627, .638, .650, & .664, .679, .704, .719, .739, .761, & .560, .574, .587, .597, .609, .621, & .637, .653, .680, .697, .719, .745, & ! seasalt Super Coarse soluble (SS) 0.730,0.753,0.760,0.766,0.772,0.793, & 0.797,0.802,0.809,0.813,0.820,0.830, & 0.719,0.744,0.751,0.757,0.764,0.786, & 0.791,0.796,0.803,0.808,0.815,0.826, & 0.721,0.744,0.750,0.756,0.762,0.784, & 0.787,0.793,0.800,0.804,0.811,0.822, & 0.717,0.741,0.747,0.753,0.759,0.780, & 0.784,0.789,0.795,0.800,0.806,0.817, & 0.715,0.739,0.745,0.751,0.757,0.777, & 0.781,0.786,0.793,0.797,0.803,0.814, & ! seasalt soluble (CS) 0.730,0.753,0.760,0.766,0.772,0.793, & 0.797,0.802,0.809,0.813,0.820,0.830, & 0.719,0.744,0.751,0.757,0.764,0.786, & 0.791,0.796,0.803,0.808,0.815,0.826, & 0.721,0.744,0.750,0.756,0.762,0.784, & 0.787,0.793,0.800,0.804,0.811,0.822, & 0.717,0.741,0.747,0.753,0.759,0.780, & 0.784,0.789,0.795,0.800,0.806,0.817, & 0.715,0.739,0.745,0.751,0.757,0.777, & 0.781,0.786,0.793,0.797,0.803,0.814, & ! seasalt soluble (AS) 0.698,0.722,0.729,0.736,0.743,0.765, & 0.768,0.773,0.777,0.779,0.781,0.779, & 0.682,0.710,0.719,0.727,0.735,0.764, & 0.769,0.776,0.783,0.787,0.791,0.792, & 0.658,0.691,0.701,0.710,0.720,0.756, & 0.763,0.771,0.782,0.788,0.795,0.801, & 0.632,0.668,0.679,0.690,0.701,0.743, & 0.750,0.762,0.775,0.783,0.792,0.804, & 0.605,0.644,0.656,0.669,0.681,0.729, & 0.737,0.750,0.765,0.775,0.787,0.803, & ! Nitrate Accumulation .712, .712, .712, .724, .730, .732, & .736, .741, .744, .743, .740, .732, & .685, .685, .685, .695, .704, .708, & .715, .728, .738, .740, .744, .743, & .642, .642, .642, .655, .668, .672, & .684, .703, .721, .728, .735, .747, & .604, .604, .604, .619, .634, .640, & .654, .677, .701, .711, .728, .744, & .566, .566, .566, .584, .601, .606, & .624, .652, .680, .695, .718, .738, & ! Nitrate Coarse !!! Nitrate does not lead to hygroscopic growth on this mode !!! it is either with seasalt that is doing the growht !!! or associated with dust and not growing .754, .754, .754, .754, .754, .754, & .754, .754, .754, .754, .754, .754, & .748, .748, .748, .748, .748, .748, & .748, .748, .748, .748, .748, .748, & .741, .741, .741, .741, .741, .741, & .741, .741, .741, .741, .741, .741, & .737, .737, .737, .737, .737, .737, & .737, .737, .737, .737, .737, .737, & .735, .735, .735, .735, .735, .735, & .735, .735, .735, .735, .735, .735, & ! SOA .679, .679, .679, .679, .683, .691, & .703, .720, .736, .751, .766, .784, & .656, .656, .656, .656, .659, .669, & .681, .699, .717, .735, .750, .779, & .623, .623, .623, .623, .627, .637, & .649, .668, .688, .709, .734, .762, & .592, .592, .592, .592, .595, .605, & .618, .639, .660, .682, .711, .743, & .561, .561, .561, .561, .565, .575, & .588, .609, .632, .656, .688, .724, & ! SOA .679, .679, .679, .679, .683, .691, & .703, .720, .736, .751, .766, .784, & .656, .656, .656, .656, .659, .669, & .681, .699, .717, .735, .750, .779, & .623, .623, .623, .623, .627, .637, & .649, .668, .688, .709, .734, .762, & .592, .592, .592, .592, .595, .605, & .618, .639, .660, .682, .711, .743, & .561, .561, .561, .561, .565, .575, & .588, .609, .632, .656, .688, .724, & ! SOA .679, .679, .679, .679, .683, .691, & .703, .720, .736, .751, .766, .784, & .656, .656, .656, .656, .659, .669, & .681, .699, .717, .735, .750, .779, & .623, .623, .623, .623, .627, .637, & .649, .668, .688, .709, .734, .762, & .592, .592, .592, .592, .595, .605, & .618, .639, .660, .682, .711, .743, & .561, .561, .561, .561, .565, .575, & .588, .609, .632, .656, .688, .724, & ! SOA .679, .679, .679, .679, .683, .691, & .703, .720, .736, .751, .766, .784, & .656, .656, .656, .656, .659, .669, & .681, .699, .717, .735, .750, .779, & .623, .623, .623, .623, .627, .637, & .649, .668, .688, .709, .734, .762, & .592, .592, .592, .592, .595, .605, & .618, .639, .660, .682, .711, .743, & .561, .561, .561, .561, .565, .575, & .588, .609, .632, .656, .688, .724 / ! DATA cg_aeri_5wv/& ! dust insoluble 0.714, 0.697, 0.688, 0.683, 0.679, & ! bc insoluble 0.511, 0.445, 0.384, 0.342, 0.307, & ! pom insoluble 0.596, 0.536, 0.466, 0.409, 0.359, & ! nitrate insoluble 0.754, 0.748, 0.741, 0.737, 0.735 / ! DATA piz_aers_5wv/& ! bc soluble .445, .445, .445, .445, .445, .445, & .445, .445, .470, .487, .508, .531, & .442, .442, .442, .442, .442, .442, & .442, .442, .462, .481, .506, .533, & .427, .427, .427, .427, .427, .427, & .427, .427, .449, .470, .497, .526, & .413, .413, .413, .413, .413, .413, & .413, .413, .437, .458, .486, .516, & .399, .399, .399, .399, .399, .399, & .399, .399, .423, .445, .473, .506, & ! pom soluble .975, .975, .975, .975, .975, .977, & .979, .982, .984, .987, .990, .994, & .972, .972, .972, .972, .973, .974, & .977, .980, .983, .986, .989, .993, & .963, .963, .963, .963, .964, .966, & .969, .974, .977, .982, .986, .991, & .955, .955, .955, .955, .955, .958, & .962, .967, .972, .977, .983, .989, & .944, .944, .944, .944, .944, .948, & .952, .959, .962, .972, .979, .987, & ! sulfate Coarse 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & ! sulfate Accumulation 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & ! seasalt soluble (SS) 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & ! seasalt soluble (CS) 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & ! seasalt soluble (AS) 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & ! Nitrate Accumulation 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & ! Nitrate soluble (CS) 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & 1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, & ! SOA .975, .975, .975, .975, .975, .977, & .979, .982, .984, .987, .990, .994, & .972, .972, .972, .972, .973, .974, & .977, .980, .983, .986, .989, .993, & .963, .963, .963, .963, .964, .966, & .969, .974, .977, .982, .986, .991, & .955, .955, .955, .955, .955, .958, & .962, .967, .972, .977, .983, .989, & .944, .944, .944, .944, .944, .948, & .952, .959, .962, .972, .979, .987, & ! SOA .975, .975, .975, .975, .975, .977, & .979, .982, .984, .987, .990, .994, & .972, .972, .972, .972, .973, .974, & .977, .980, .983, .986, .989, .993, & .963, .963, .963, .963, .964, .966, & .969, .974, .977, .982, .986, .991, & .955, .955, .955, .955, .955, .958, & .962, .967, .972, .977, .983, .989, & .944, .944, .944, .944, .944, .948, & .952, .959, .962, .972, .979, .987, & ! SOA .975, .975, .975, .975, .975, .977, & .979, .982, .984, .987, .990, .994, & .972, .972, .972, .972, .973, .974, & .977, .980, .983, .986, .989, .993, & .963, .963, .963, .963, .964, .966, & .969, .974, .977, .982, .986, .991, & .955, .955, .955, .955, .955, .958, & .962, .967, .972, .977, .983, .989, & .944, .944, .944, .944, .944, .948, & .952, .959, .962, .972, .979, .987, & ! SOA .975, .975, .975, .975, .975, .977, & .979, .982, .984, .987, .990, .994, & .972, .972, .972, .972, .973, .974, & .977, .980, .983, .986, .989, .993, & .963, .963, .963, .963, .964, .966, & .969, .974, .977, .982, .986, .991, & .955, .955, .955, .955, .955, .958, & .962, .967, .972, .977, .983, .989, & .944, .944, .944, .944, .944, .948, & .952, .959, .962, .972, .979, .987 / ! DATA piz_aeri_5wv/& ! dust insoluble 0.944, 0.970, 0.977, 0.982, 0.987, & ! bc insoluble 0.415, 0.387, 0.355, 0.328, 0.301, & ! pom insoluble 0.972, 0.963, 0.943, 0.923, 0.897, & ! Nitrate insoluble 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000 / ! ! loop over modes, use of precalculated nmd and corresponding sigma ! loop over wavelengths ! for each mass species in mode ! interpolate from Sext to retrieve Sext_at_gridpoint_per_species ! compute optical_thickness_at_gridpoint_per_species ai(:)=0. tau_ae5wv_int=0. piz_ae5wv_int=0. cg_ae5wv_int=0. tausum(:,:,:)=0. tau(:,:,:,:)=0. ! ! Calculations that need to be done since we are not in the subroutines INCA ! ! air mass auxiliary variable --> zdp1 [kg/(m^2 *s)] zdp1=pdel/(gravit*delt) DO RH_Num=1,nbre_RH-1 fact_RH(RH_num)=1./(RH_tab(RH_num+1)-RH_tab(RH_num)) ENDDO DO k=1, PLEV DO i=1, PLON rh(i,k)=MIN(RHcl(i,k)*100.,RH_MAX) RH_num = INT( rh(i,k)/10. + 1.) IF (rh(i,k).GT.85.) RH_num=10 IF (rh(i,k).GT.90.) RH_num=11 DELTA(i,k)=(rh(i,k)-RH_tab(RH_num))*fact_RH(RH_num) ENDDO ENDDO DO na=1,nmodes IF (numberindex(na) .EQ. 0) CYCLE nx=numberindex(na) DO m=mass1index(na),massNindex(na) ! tau is only computed for each mass ! sum of tau in mode is in (tausum(:,la,nx)) fac=1.0 #ifndef DUSS IF (m.EQ.id_ASBCM) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=1 spss=0 ELSEIF (m.EQ.id_ASPOMM) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=2 spss=0 #ifdef NMHC ELSEIF (m.EQ.id_ASARp1a) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=10 spss=0 ELSEIF (m.EQ.id_ASARp2a) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=11 spss=0 ELSEIF (m.EQ.id_ASAPp1a) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=12 spss=0 ELSEIF (m.EQ.id_ASAPp2a) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=13 spss=0 #endif ELSEIF (m.EQ.id_ASSO4M) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=3 fac=1.375 ! (NH4)2-SO4/SO4 132/96 mass conversion factor for OD spss=0 ELSEIF (m.EQ.id_CSSO4M) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=4 fac=1.375 ! (NH4)2-SO4/SO4 132/96 mass conversion factor for OD spss=0 ELSEIF (m.EQ.id_SSSSM) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=5 spss=3 ELSEIF (m.EQ.id_CSSSM) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=6 spss=2 ELSEIF (m.EQ.id_ASSSM) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=7 spss=1 ELSEIF (m.EQ.id_ASNO3M) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=8 spss=0 fac=1.29 ! (NH4)NO3/NO3 80/62 mass conversion factor for OD ELSEIF (m.EQ.id_CSNO3M) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=9 spss=0 ELSEIF (m.EQ.id_CIDUSTM) THEN soluble=.FALSE. spinsol=1 spss=0 ELSEIF (m.EQ.id_AIBCM) THEN soluble=.FALSE. spinsol=2 spss=0 ELSEIF (m.EQ.id_AIPOMM) THEN soluble=.FALSE. spinsol=3 spss=0 ELSEIF (m.EQ.id_CINO3M) THEN soluble=.FALSE. spinsol=4 spss=0 ELSE CYCLE ENDIF #else IF (m.EQ.id_CIDUSTM) THEN soluble=.FALSE. spinsol=1 spss=0 ELSEIF (m.EQ.id_SSSSM) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=5 spss=3 ELSEIF (m.EQ.id_CSSSM) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=6 spss=2 ELSEIF (m.EQ.id_ASSSM) THEN soluble=.TRUE. spsol=7 spss=1 ELSE CYCLE ENDIF #endif DO la=1,las IF (soluble) THEN IF((la.EQ.2).AND.(spss.NE.0)) THEN !la=2 corresponds to 550 nm IF (spss.EQ.1) THEN !accumulation mode DO k=1,PLEV DO i=1,PLON H=rh(i,k)/100 tau_ae5wv_int = A1_ASSSM(k) + A2_ASSSM(k)*H + A3_ASSSM(k)/(H-1.05) piz_ae5wv_int = 1 - B1_ASSSM(k) - B2_ASSSM(k)*H cg_ae5wv_int = C1_ASSSM(k) + C2_ASSSM(k)*H tau(i,k,la,m) = tr_seri(i,k,m)*1000.*zdp1(i,k)*tau_ae5wv_int*delt*fac tau(i,k,la,nx) = tau(i,k,la,nx) + tau(i,k,la,m) tausum(i,la,m)=tausum(i,la,m)+tau(i,k,la,m) tausum(i,la,nx)=tausum(i,la,nx)+tau(i,k,la,m) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF IF (spss.EQ.2) THEN !coarse mode DO k=1,PLEV DO i=1,PLON H=rh(i,k)/100 tau_ae5wv_int = A1_CSSSM(k) + A2_CSSSM(k)*H + A3_CSSSM(k)/(H-1.05) piz_ae5wv_int = 1 - B1_CSSSM(k) - B2_CSSSM(k)*H cg_ae5wv_int = C1_CSSSM(k) + C2_CSSSM(k)*H tau(i,k,la,m) = tr_seri(i,k,m)*1000.*zdp1(i,k)*tau_ae5wv_int*delt*fac tau(i,k,la,nx) = tau(i,k,la,nx) + tau(i,k,la,m) tausum(i,la,m)=tausum(i,la,m)+tau(i,k,la,m) tausum(i,la,nx)=tausum(i,la,nx)+tau(i,k,la,m) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF IF (spss.EQ.3) THEN !super coarse mode DO k=1,PLEV DO i=1,PLON H=rh(i,k)/100 tau_ae5wv_int = A1_SSSSM(k) + A2_SSSSM(k)*H + A3_SSSSM(k)/(H-1.05) piz_ae5wv_int = 1 - B1_SSSSM(k) - B2_SSSSM(k)*H cg_ae5wv_int = C1_SSSSM(k) + C2_SSSSM(k)*H tau(i,k,la,m) = tr_seri(i,k,m)*1000.*zdp1(i,k)*tau_ae5wv_int*delt*fac tau(i,k,la,nx) = tau(i,k,la,nx) + tau(i,k,la,m) tausum(i,la,m)=tausum(i,la,m)+tau(i,k,la,m) tausum(i,la,nx)=tausum(i,la,nx)+tau(i,k,la,m) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ELSE ! if la .eq 2 & spss .ne. 0 DO k=1,PLEV DO i=1,PLON rh(i,k)=MIN(RHcl(i,k)*100.,RH_MAX) RH_num = INT( rh(i,k)/10. + 1.) IF (rh(i,k).GT.85.) RH_num=10 IF (rh(i,k).GT.90.) RH_num=11 tau_ae5wv_int = & alpha_aers_5wv(RH_num,la,spsol)+DELTA(i,k)* & (alpha_aers_5wv(RH_num+1,la,spsol) - & alpha_aers_5wv(RH_num,la,spsol)) piz_ae5wv_int = & piz_aers_5wv(RH_num,la,spsol)+DELTA(i,k)* & (piz_aers_5wv(RH_num+1,la,spsol) - & piz_aers_5wv(RH_num,la,spsol)) cg_ae5wv_int = & cg_aers_5wv(RH_num,la,spsol)+DELTA(i,k)* & (cg_aers_5wv(RH_num+1,la,spsol) - & cg_aers_5wv(RH_num,la,spsol)) tau(i,k,la,m) = tr_seri(i,k,m)*1000.*zdp1(i,k)*tau_ae5wv_int*delt*fac tau(i,k,la,nx) = tau(i,k,la,nx) + tau(i,k,la,m) tausum(i,la,m)=tausum(i,la,m)+tau(i,k,la,m) tausum(i,la,nx)=tausum(i,la,nx)+tau(i,k,la,m) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! if la .eq 2 & spss .ne. 0 ELSE ! if soluble DO k=1,PLEV DO i=1,PLON tau_ae5wv_int = alpha_aeri_5wv(la,spinsol) piz_ae5wv_int = piz_aeri_5wv(la,spinsol) cg_ae5wv_int = cg_aeri_5wv(la,spinsol) tau(i,k,la,m) = tr_seri(i,k,m)*1000.*zdp1(i,k)*tau_ae5wv_int*delt*fac tau(i,k,la,nx) = tau(i,k,la,nx) + tau(i,k,la,m) tausum(i,la,m)=tausum(i,la,m)+tau(i,k,la,m) tausum(i,la,nx)=tausum(i,la,nx)+tau(i,k,la,m) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! if soluble ENDDO ! boucle sur les longueurs d'onde ENDDO ! Boucle sur les masses de traceurs ENDDO ! Boucle sur les modes ! DO k=1, PLEV ! DO i=1, PLON ! ! ! ! 5 prochaines lignes à revoir ! ! piz_temp2=piz3d(i,k) ! ! cg_temp2=cg3d(i,k) ! ! ! ! piz3d(i,k)=piz_temp2/MAX(tau3d(i,k),1.e-20) ! ! cg3d(i,k)=cg_temp2/MAX(piz_temp,1.e-20) ! ! ! ENDDO ! ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE OPTAER_5WV #endif