MODULE isfcavmlt !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE isfcavmlt *** !! ice shelf module : update surface ocean boundary condition under ice !! shelves !!====================================================================== !! History : 4.0 ! 2019-09 (P. Mathiot) Original code !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! isfcav_mlt : compute or read ice shelf fwf/heat fluxes from isf !! to oce !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE isf_oce ! ice shelf USE isftbl , ONLY: isf_tbl ! ice shelf depth average USE isfutils,ONLY: debug ! debug subroutine USE dom_oce ! ocean space and time domain USE phycst , ONLY: rcp, rho0, rho0_rcp ! physical constants USE eosbn2 , ONLY: eos_fzp ! equation of state USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager USE iom , ONLY: iom_put ! I/O library USE fldread , ONLY: fld_read, FLD, FLD_N ! USE lib_fortran, ONLY: glob_sum ! USE lib_mpp , ONLY: ctl_stop ! IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC isfcav_mlt !! * Substitutions # include "do_loop_substitute.h90" !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018) !! $Id: sbcisf.F90 10536 2019-01-16 19:21:09Z mathiot $ !! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -------------------------------- PUBLIC SUBROUTINE ---------------------------------------------------- ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt(kt, pgt, pgs , pttbl, pstbl, & & pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! *** ROUTINE isfcav_mlt *** !! !! ** Purpose : compute or read ice shelf fwf/heat fluxes in the ice shelf cavity !! !!-------------------------- OUT ------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT( out) :: pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf ! heat and fwf fluxes !!-------------------------- IN ------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kt REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in ) :: pgt , pgs ! gamma t and gamma s REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in ) :: pttbl, pstbl ! top boundary layer tracer !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute latent heat and melt (2d) SELECT CASE ( cn_isfcav_mlt ) CASE ( 'spe' ) ! ice shelf melt specified (read input file, and heat fluxes derived from CALL isfcav_mlt_spe( kt, pstbl, & & pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf ) CASE ( '2eq' ) ! ISOMIP formulation (2 equations) for volume flux (Hunter et al., 2006) CALL isfcav_mlt_2eq( pgt, pttbl, pstbl, & & pqhc , pqoce, pqfwf ) CASE ( '3eq' ) ! ISOMIP+ formulation (3 equations) for volume flux (Asay-Davis et al., 2015) CALL isfcav_mlt_3eq( pgt, pgs , pttbl, pstbl, & & pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf ) CASE ( 'oasis' ) ! fwf pass trough oasis CALL isfcav_mlt_oasis( kt, pstbl, & & pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf ) CASE DEFAULT CALL ctl_stop('STOP', 'unknown isf melt formulation : cn_isfcav (should not see this)') END SELECT ! IF (ln_isfdebug) THEN IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '' CALL debug( 'isfcav_mlt qhc :', pqhc (:,:) ) CALL debug( 'isfcav_mlt qoce :', pqoce(:,:) ) CALL debug( 'isfcav_mlt qfwf :', pqfwf(:,:) ) IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) '' END IF ! END SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -------------------------------- PRIVATE SUBROUTINE --------------------------------------------------- ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt_spe(kt, pstbl, & ! <<== in & pqhc , pqoce, pqfwf ) ! ==>> out !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! *** ROUTINE isfcav_mlt_spe *** !! !! ** Purpose : - read ice shelf melt from forcing file !! - compute ocea-ice heat flux (assuming it is equal to latent heat) !! - compute heat content flux !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !!-------------------------- OUT ------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT( out) :: pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf ! heat content, latent heat and fwf fluxes !!-------------------------- IN ------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kt ! current time step REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in ) :: pstbl ! salinity in tbl !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: ztfrz ! tbl freezing temperature !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Compute freezing temperature CALL eos_fzp( pstbl(:,:), ztfrz(:,:), risfdep(:,:) ) ! ! read input file of fwf (from isf to oce; ie melt) CALL fld_read ( kt, 1, sf_isfcav_fwf ) ! ! define fwf and qoce ! ocean heat flux is assume to be equal to the latent heat pqfwf(:,:) = sf_isfcav_fwf(1)%fnow(:,:,1) ! fwf ( > 0 from isf to oce) pqoce(:,:) = - pqfwf(:,:) * rLfusisf ! ocean heat flux ( > 0 from isf to oce) pqhc (:,:) = pqfwf(:,:) * ztfrz(:,:) * rcp ! heat content flux ( > 0 from isf to oce) ! ! output freezing point at the interface CALL iom_put('isftfrz_cav', ztfrz(:,:) * mskisf_cav(:,:) ) ! END SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt_spe SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt_2eq(pgt , pttbl, pstbl, & ! <<== in & pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf ) ! ==>> out !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! *** ROUTINE isfcav_mlt_2eq *** !! !! ** Purpose : Compute ice shelf fwf/heqt fluxes using ISOMIP formulation (Hunter et al., 2006) !! !! ** Method : The ice shelf melt latent heat is defined as being equal to the ocean/ice heat flux. !! From this we can derived the fwf, ocean/ice heat flux and the heat content flux as being : !! qfwf = Gammat * rho0 * Cp * ( Tw - Tfrz ) / Lf !! qhoce = qlat !! qhc = qfwf * Cp * Tfrz !! !! ** Reference : Hunter, J. R.: Specification for test models of ice shelf cavities, !! Tech. Rep. June, Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, available at: !! (last access: 21 July 2016), 2006. !! !!-------------------------- OUT ------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT( out) :: pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf ! hean content, ocean-ice heat and fwf fluxes !!-------------------------- IN ------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in ) :: pgt ! temperature exchange coeficient REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in ) :: pttbl, pstbl ! temperature and salinity in top boundary layer !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: ztfrz ! freezing temperature REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zthd ! thermal driving !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculate freezing temperature CALL eos_fzp( pstbl(:,:), ztfrz(:,:), risfdep(:,:) ) ! ! thermal driving zthd (:,:) = ( pttbl(:,:) - ztfrz(:,:) ) * mskisf_cav(:,:) ! ! compute ocean-ice heat flux and then derive fwf assuming that ocean heat flux equal latent heat pqfwf(:,:) = pgt(:,:) * rho0_rcp * zthd(:,:) / rLfusisf ! fresh water flux ( > 0 from isf to oce) pqoce(:,:) = - pqfwf(:,:) * rLfusisf ! ocea-ice flux ( > 0 from isf to oce) pqhc (:,:) = pqfwf(:,:) * ztfrz(:,:) * rcp ! heat content flux ( > 0 from isf to oce) ! ! output thermal driving and freezinpoint at the ice shelf interface CALL iom_put('isfthermald_cav', zthd ) CALL iom_put('isftfrz_cav' , ztfrz(:,:) * mskisf_cav(:,:) ) ! END SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt_2eq SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt_3eq(pgt, pgs , pttbl, pstbl, & ! <<== in & pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf ) ! ==>> out !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! *** ROUTINE isfcav_mlt_3eq *** !! !! ** Purpose : Compute ice shelf fwf/heqt fluxes using the 3 equation formulation !! !! ** Method : The melt rate is determined considering the heat balance, the salt balance !! at the phase change interface and a linearisation of the equation of state. !! !! ** Reference : - Holland, D. M. and Jenkins, A., !! Modeling Thermodynamic Ice-Ocean Interactions at the Base of an Ice Shelf, !! J. Phys. Oceanogr., 29, 1999. !! - Asay-Davis, X. S., Cornford, S. L., Durand, G., Galton-Fenzi, B. K., Gladstone, !! R. M., Gudmundsson, G. H., Hattermann, T., Holland, D. M., Holland, D., Holland, !! P. R., Martin, D. F., Mathiot, P., Pattyn, F., and Seroussi, H.: !! Experimental design for three interrelated marine ice sheet and ocean model intercomparison projects: !! MISMIP v. 3 (MISMIP +), ISOMIP v. 2 (ISOMIP +) and MISOMIP v. 1 (MISOMIP1), !! Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 2471-2497,, 2016. !! !!-------------------------- OUT ------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT( out) :: pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf ! latent heat and fwf fluxes !!-------------------------- IN ------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in ) :: pgt , pgs ! heat/salt exchange coeficient REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in ) :: pttbl, pstbl ! mean temperature and salinity in top boundary layer !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp) :: zeps1,zeps2,zeps3,zeps4,zeps6,zeps7 ! dummy local scalar for quadratic equation resolution REAL(wp) :: zaqe,zbqe,zcqe,zaqer,zdis,zsfrz,zcfac ! dummy local scalar for quadratic equation resolution REAL(wp) :: zeps = 1.e-20 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: ztfrz ! freezing point REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zqcon ! conductive flux through the ice shelf REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zthd ! thermal driving ! INTEGER :: ji, jj ! dummy loop indices !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! compute upward heat flux zhtflx and upward water flux zwflx ! Resolution of a 3d equation from equation 24, 25 and 26 (note conduction through the ice has been added to Eq 24) DO_2D( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls ) ! ! compute coeficient to solve the 2nd order equation zeps1 = rho0_rcp * pgt(ji,jj) zeps2 = rLfusisf * rho0 * pgs(ji,jj) zeps3 = rhoisf * rcpisf * rkappa / MAX(risfdep(ji,jj),zeps) zeps4 = risf_lamb2 + risf_lamb3 * risfdep(ji,jj) zeps6 = zeps4 - pttbl(ji,jj) zeps7 = zeps4 - rtsurf ! ! solve the 2nd order equation to find zsfrz zaqe = risf_lamb1 * (zeps1 + zeps3) zaqer = 0.5_wp / MIN(zaqe,-zeps) zbqe = zeps1 * zeps6 + zeps3 * zeps7 - zeps2 zcqe = zeps2 * pstbl(ji,jj) zdis = zbqe * zbqe - 4.0_wp * zaqe * zcqe ! ! Presumably zdis can never be negative because gammas is very small compared to gammat zsfrz=(-zbqe - SQRT(zdis)) * zaqer IF ( zsfrz < 0.0_wp ) zsfrz=(-zbqe + SQRT(zdis)) * zaqer ! check this if this if is needed ! ! compute t freeze (eq. 25) ztfrz(ji,jj) = zeps4 + risf_lamb1 * zsfrz ! ! thermal driving zthd(ji,jj) = ( pttbl(ji,jj) - ztfrz(ji,jj) ) ! ! compute the upward water and heat flux (eq. 24 and eq. 26) pqfwf(ji,jj) = - rho0 * pgs(ji,jj) * ( zsfrz - pstbl(ji,jj) ) / MAX(zsfrz,zeps) ! fresh water flux ( > 0 from isf to oce) pqoce(ji,jj) = - rho0_rcp * pgt(ji,jj) * zthd (ji,jj) ! ocean-ice heat flux ( > 0 from isf to oce) pqhc (ji,jj) = rcp * pqfwf(ji,jj) * ztfrz(ji,jj) ! heat content flux ( > 0 from isf to oce) ! zqcon(ji,jj) = zeps3 * ( ztfrz(ji,jj) - rtsurf ) ! END_2D ! ! output conductive heat flux through the ice CALL iom_put('qconisf', zqcon(:,:) * mskisf_cav(:,:) ) ! ! output thermal driving and freezing point at the interface CALL iom_put('isfthermald_cav', zthd (:,:) * mskisf_cav(:,:) ) CALL iom_put('isftfrz_cav' , ztfrz(:,:) * mskisf_cav(:,:) ) ! END SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt_3eq SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt_oasis(kt, pstbl, & ! <<== in & pqhc , pqoce, pqfwf ) ! ==>> out !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE isfcav_mlt_oasis *** !! !! ** Purpose : scale the fwf read from input file by the total amount received by the sbccpl interface !! !! ** Purpose : - read ice shelf melt from forcing file => pattern !! - total amount of fwf is given by sbccpl (fwfisf_cpl) !! - scale fwf and compute heat fluxes !! !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !!-------------------------- OUT ------------------------------------- REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT( out) :: pqhc, pqoce, pqfwf ! heat content, latent heat and fwf fluxes !!-------------------------- IN ------------------------------------- INTEGER , INTENT(in ) :: kt ! current time step REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(in ) :: pstbl ! salinity in tbl !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(wp) :: zfwf_fld, zfwf_oasis ! total fwf in the forcing fields (pattern) and from the oasis interface (amount) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: ztfrz ! tbl freezing temperature REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zfwf ! 2d fwf map after scaling !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculate freezing temperature CALL eos_fzp( pstbl(:,:), ztfrz(:,:), risfdep(:,:) ) ! ! read input file of fwf from isf to oce ! CALL fld_read ( kt, 1, sf_isfcav_fwf ) ! ! ice shelf 2d map ! zfwf(:,:) = sf_isfcav_fwf(1)%fnow(:,:,1) ! ! compute glob sum from input file ! (PM) should consider delay sum as in fwb (1 time step offset if I well understood) ! zfwf_fld = glob_sum('isfcav_mlt', e1e2t(:,:) * zfwf(:,:)) ! ! compute glob sum from atm->oce ice shelf fwf ! (PM) should consider delay sum as in fwb (1 time step offset if I well understood) ! zfwf_oasis = glob_sum('isfcav_mlt', e1e2t(:,:) * fwfisf_oasis(:,:)) ! ! scale fwf ! zfwf(:,:) = zfwf(:,:) * zfwf_oasis / zfwf_fld ! ! define fwf and qoce ! ocean heat flux is assume to be equal to the latent heat ! pqfwf(:,:) = zfwf(:,:) ! fwf ( > 0 from isf to oce) pqfwf(:,:) = fwfisf_oasis(:,:) ! fwf ( > 0 from isf to oce) pqoce(:,:) = - pqfwf(:,:) * rLfusisf ! ocean heat flux ( > 0 from isf to oce) pqhc (:,:) = pqfwf(:,:) * ztfrz(:,:) * rcp ! heat content flux ( > 0 from isf to oce) ! CALL iom_put('isftfrz_cav', ztfrz * mskisf_cav(:,:) ) ! END SUBROUTINE isfcav_mlt_oasis END MODULE isfcavmlt