# $HeadURL$ # $Date$ # $Revision$ #************************************************************************** # Suggested parameter set up for ORCHIDEE trunk # # See all optional parameters in modipsl/modeles/ORCHIDEE/orchidee.default # # Note when running with libIGCM, variables set here to _AUTOBLOCKER_ can # not be changed in run.def otherwise the simulation will stop. Variables # set to _AUTO_ can be changed from the comp.card but they can also be # changed directly in the run.def. A value set in run.def can never be # changed again by libIGCM. #************************************************************************** # Parameters that should be removed once these issues are resolved #************************************************************************** # This patch should be accepted or rejected and the flag should then # be removed LNVGRASSPATCH=y # From a scientific point of view hydraulic architecture is much nicer # than a direct dependency on soil water. Julien is working on both # the nummerics and the science of the hydraulic architecture. To # avoid further delays with milestone 4.1 we decided to change the # settings. ENERGY_CONTROL=2 # Although we now have global forest management maps that could be # used in the spinup, the interpretation of the results is easier if # all pixels have the same forest management. OK_READ_FM_MAP=n FOREST_MANAGED_FORCED=1 # Parameters related to the restart file and the start date #************************************************************************** # Name of restart file for sechiba part of the model # (default NONE) SECHIBA_restart_in = _AUTOBLOCKER_ # Name of restart file for stomate part of the model # (default NONE) STOMATE_RESTART_FILEIN = _AUTOBLOCKER_ # Parameters related to the diagnostic output files #************************************************************************** # Use XIOS for writing diagnostics file # (defualt y) # All IOIPSL output are deactivated if XIOS_ORCHIDEE_OK=y XIOS_ORCHIDEE_OK = y # Parameters related to debugging and error checking #************************************************************************** # Mass balance and surface area checks # 1 - is recommended when running global long-term simulations. # Under this option, mass and area conservation are checked for all # biogeochemical processes but only at the highest level thus stomate.f90 # and stomate_lpj.f90. Although these checks are not very expensive in terms # of computer time, skipping the numerous lower level checks is expected to # save some time. Under this option the mass balance error is only written # to the history file. No information is provided in which subroutine the # problem occurred. # 2 - is recommended when developing and testing the model. Now the mass # balance is explicitly checked in stomate.f90, stomate_lpj.f90 and all # its subroutines. Under this option the mass balance error is written to # the history file and if the mass balance is not closed, the warning # message will indicate in which subroutine the problem likely # originated. # 3 - is recommended when having a problem with mass balance closure. The # mass balance is explicitly checked in stomate.f90, stomate_lpj.f90 and all # its subroutines. If a mass balance occurs, the model is stopped. # (default) ERR_ACT = 3 # If the model crashes and it is not clear in which subroutine the crash # occurs one could increase the print level for text output in out_orchidee_* # PRINTLEV = 1 : some output in initialization phase # PRINTLEV = 2 : more output in initialization phase and printing of new date # PRINTLEV = 3, 4,.. : more output also at each timestep # (default 2) PRINTLEV=2 # If the model crashes on an ipslerr there is a fair change that the pixel and # PFT where the crash occur will be printed in the out_orchidee_* file. Try to # re-run the model for a single pixel or a small region (for example, # 3 by 3). LIMIT_EAST, LIMIT_NORTH, LIMIT_SOUTH and LIMIT_WEST should # be set in the run.def # If it is known in which subroutine the model crashes, the local print level # of that subroutine could be increased. Additional write statements will then # be activated. These write statements print the values of specific variables. # (default 2) #PRINTLEV_sapiens_lcchange = 4 # When a local print level is set, the grid and pft number for which the # values needs to written should be set. This setting reduces reduces # the size and enhances the readability of the out_orchidee_* files. TEST_GRID = 1 TEST_PFT = 2 # Hydrology parameters #************************************************************************** # Activate river routing. # (default y) RIVER_ROUTING = y # Activate creation of river_desc.nc file # RIVER_DESC will be activated only the first execution in the simulation RIVER_DESC = _AUTO_ # SOILTYPE_CLASSIF : Type of classification used for the map of soil types # (default zobler) SOILTYPE_CLASSIF = zobler # Parameters related to vegetation map #************************************************************************** # Update vegetation frequency # (default 0Y) VEGET_UPDATE = _AUTO_ # Read lai map # (default n) LAI_MAP = n # Prescribed vegetation # (default n) IMPOSE_VEG = n # Parameters related to surface and thermal physical properties #************************************************************************ # ROUGH_DYN : Account for a dynamic roughness height (activation of Su et # al. parametrization) # (default y) ROUGH_DYN = y # OK_FREEZE : Activate the complet soil freezing scheme # (default y) OK_FREEZE = y # OK_EXPLICITSNOW : Activate explict snow scheme # (default y) OK_EXPLICITSNOW = y # Controls several settings related to the energy budget and water stress. # 1 - DEFAULT uses the enerbil module in combination with the hydraulic # architecture (ok_hydrol_arch and ok_gs_feedback true, while # ok_mleb and ok_impose_canopy_structure are set to false). # 2 - option to use enerbil module and original water stress # (not hydraulic architecture) # 3 - The energy budget is calculated using the multi-layer energy scheme # with a single layer: ok_hydrol_arch, ok_gs_feedback, ok_impose_canopy_structure # and and ok_mleb all TRUE, but the energy budget is calculated for a single # layer (jnlvls=1,jnlvls_under=0,jnlvls_canopy=1,jnlvls_over=0). No mleb output, # ok_mleb_history_file is set to FALSE. # 4 - multi-layer energy budget: ok_hydrol_arch, ok_gs_feedback and ok_mleb all TRUE. # ok_impose_canopy_structure is False, and the energy budget is calculated for # multiple layers (jnlvls=29,jnlvls_under=10,jnlvls_canopy=10,jnlvls_over=9). # No mleb output, ok_mleb_history_file is set to FALSE. # 5 - user specific: user specific settings for these controls and layers will need # to be defined in the run.def by the user. #ENERGY_CONTROL=1 # Carbon related parameters #************************************************************************** # Activate Stomate component # (default y) STOMATE_OK_STOMATE = _AUTOBLOCKER_ # Analytic spinup # (default n) SPINUP_ANALYTIC = n SPINUP_PERIOD = 10 # As an alternative to DO_WOOD_HARVEST forest management can be accounted # for. Unless a map is read (OK_READ_FM_MAP=y) all forest will be # managed by the same management strategy (FOREST_MANAGED_FORCED=iFM). # iFM = 1 is unmanaged, iFM = 2 is a thin and fell strategy, iFM = 3 is a # coppice strategy and iFM = 4 is a short rotation coppice strategy. # (default 2) #OK_READ_FM_MAP=y # Parameters related to nitrogen cycle #************************************************************************** # Update nitrogen input maps # (default 0Y) NINPUT_UPDATE = _AUTO_ # Impose the CN ratio of leaves STOMATE_IMPOSE_CN = _AUTO_ # Set STOMATE_READ_CN=y to read cnleaf_map.nc file if STOMATE_IMPOSE_CN=y STOMATE_READ_CN = n CNLEAF_VAR = CN_LEAF # File and variable name for nitrogen input files #************************************************************************** Nammonium_FILE = ndep_nhx.nc Nammonium_VAR = nhx Nnitrate_FILE = ndep_noy.nc Nnitrate_VAR = noy Nfert_FILE = NONE Nfert_VAR = nfer Nmanure_FILE = NONE Nmanure_VAR = Nmanure Nfert_cropland_FILE = nfert_cropland.nc Nfert_cropland_VAR = nfer Nmanure_cropland_FILE = nmanure_cropland.nc Nmanure_cropland_VAR = Nmanure Nfert_pasture_FILE = nfert_pasture.nc Nfert_pasture_VAR = Nfer Nmanure_pasture_FILE = nmanure_pasture.nc Nmanure_pasture_VAR = Nmanure Nbnf_FILE= bnf.nc Nbnf_VAR= BNF_MGN_PERM2_PERYR # Parameters describing the canopy structure #************************************************************************** # Number of diameter classes - enables to create complex canopies # (default = 1) NCIRC = 3 # Parameters related to chemistry bvoc #************************************************************************ # CHEMISTRY_OK_BVOC : Activate chemistry CHEMISTRY_BVOC = _AUTO_: DEFAULT=n # CO2 FOR BVOC - WILKINSON : CO2 inhibition effect for isoprene based on Wilkinson approach? CO2_FOR_BVOC_WILKINSON=n # CO2 FOR BVOC - POSSELL : CO2 inhibition effect for isoprene based on Possell approach? CO2_FOR_BVOC_POSSELL=n