#************************************************************** # Author: Patrick Brockmann # Contact: Patrick.Brockmann@cea.fr # $Date: 2009/05/14 15:09:35 $ # $Name: ATLAS_608_1_5 $ # $Revision: $ # History: # Modification: #************************************************************** ################################################################################################################## #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # field = name of the field to monitore # files patterns = pattern of the files used to monitore the field (must be discriminant) # files additionnal = additionnal files accessible by $FER_DATA # operations = operations to calculate the field # title = variable title # units = variable units # calcul of area = expression to use for the weight average # # Notes: # - Comment lines begin by # character. # - Separator between fields is | character. # - Operations must use the ferret syntax, if several files are used precise with the syntax d=x to refer to the x dataset. # They must be enclosed by parenthesis if more than one variable is used. # - files patterns,files additionnal,operations,title,units must be enclosed with character ". # Use "" if empty. # - Fields will be presented through an html page with thumbnails global, north, south, land, ocean. # Use a field name with one of these pattern to display it under the corresponding thumbnail. # ################################################################################################################## color=F0D5F4 smooth=12 FreqTS=DA #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- od550bcas_global | "od550bcas" | "" | "od550bcas[d=1]" | "bc as optical depth @550nm" | "(-)" | "area[d=1]" od550pomas_global | "od550pomas" | "" | "od550pomas[d=1]" | "pom as optical depth @550nm" | "(-)" | "area[d=1]" od550so4as_global | "od550so4as" | "" | "od550so4as[d=1]" | "so4 as optical depth @550nm" | "(-)" | "area[d=1]" od550so4cs_global | "od550so4cs" | "" | "od550so4cs[d=1]" | "so4 cs optical depth @550nm" | "(-)" | "area[d=1]" OD550_SSSSM_global | "OD550_SSSSM" | "" | "OD550_SSSSM[d=1]" | "ssssm optical depth @550nm" | "(-)" | "area[d=1]" od550ssas_global | "od550ssas" | "" | "od550ssas[d=1]" | "ss as optical depth @550nm" | "(-)" | "area[d=1]" od550ss_global | "od550ss" | "" | "od550ss[d=1]" | "seasalt optical depth @550nm"| "(-)" | "area[d=1]" od550dust_global | "od550dust" | "" | "od550dust[d=1]" | "cidustm optical depth @550nm"| "(-)" | "area[d=1]" od550bc_global | "od550bc" | "" | "od550bc[d=1]" | "bc optical depth @550nm" | "(-)" | "area[d=1]" od550oa_global | "od550oa" | "" | "od550oa[d=1]" | "oa optical depth @550nm" | "(-)" | "area[d=1]" loaddustCI_global | "loaddustCI" | "" | "loaddustCI[d=1]" | "loaddustCI" | "(-)" | "area[d=1]" loadno3CI_global | "loadno3CI" | "" | "loadno3CI[d=1]" | "loadno3CI" | "(-)" | "area[d=1]" loadbcAI_global | "loadbcAI" | "" | "loadbcAI[d=1]" | "loadbcAI" | "(-)" | "area[d=1]" loadpomAI_global | "loadpomAI" | "" | "loadpomAI[d=1]" | "loadpomAI" | "(-)" | "area[d=1]" loadssCS_global | "loadssCS" | "" | "loadssCS[d=1]" | "loadssCS" | "(-)" | "area[d=1]" loadso4CS_global | "loadso4CS" | "" | "loadso4CS[d=1]" | "loadso4CS" | "(-)" | "area[d=1]" loadno3CS_global | "loadno3CS" | "" | "loadno3CS[d=1]" | "loadno3CS" | "(-)" | "area[d=1]" loadSSAS_global | "loadSSAS" | "" | "loadSSAS[d=1]" | "loadSSAS" | "(-)" | "area[d=1]" loadbcAS_global | "loadbcAS" | "" | "loadbcAS[d=1]" | "loadbcAS" | "(-)" | "area[d=1]" loadpomAS_global | "loadpomAS" | "" | "loadpomAS[d=1]" | "loadpomAS" | "(-)" | "area[d=1]" loadso4AS_global | "loadso4AS" | "" | "loadso4AS[d=1]" | "loadso4AS" | "(-)" | "area[d=1]" LOAD_ASNH4M_global | "LOAD_ASNH4M" | "" | "LOAD_ASNH4M[d=1]" | "LOAD_ASNH4M" | "(-)" | "area[d=1]" LOAD_ASNO3M_global | "LOAD_ASNO3M" | "" | "LOAD_ASNO3M[d=1]" | "LOAD_ASNO3M" | "(-)" | "area[d=1]" LOAD_SSSSM_global | "LOAD_SSSSM" | "" | "LOAD_SSSSM[d=1]" | "LOAD_SSSSM" | "(-)" | "area[d=1]" o3_col_global | "o3_col" | "" | "o3_col[d=1]" | "o3_col" | "?" | "area[d=1]" co_col_global | "co_col" | "" | "co_col[d=1]" | "co_col" | "?" | "area[d=1]" no2_col_global | "no2_col" | "" | "no2_col[d=1]" | "no2_col" | "?" | "area[d=1]" ch2o_col_global | "ch2o_col" | "" | "ch2o_col[d=1]" | "ch2o_col" | "?" | "area[d=1]" ch4_col_global | "ch4_col" | "" | "ch4_col[d=1]" | "ch4_col" | "?" | "area[d=1]" hno2_col_global | "hno2_col" | "" | "hno2_col[d=1]" | "hno2_col" | "?" | "area[d=1]" swtoaasduss_global | "SWTOAAS_DUSS" | "" | "SWTOAAS_DUSS[d=1]" | "SW Top-of-Atm Rad. flx dust + seasalt" |"W m-2" | "area[d=1]" swtoaasant_global | "SWTOAAS_ANT" | "" | "SWTOAAS_ANT[d=1]" | "SWTOAAS_ANT " | "W m-2" | "area[d=1]" swtoaasaer_global | "SWTOAAS_AER" | "" | "SWTOAAS_AER[d=1]" | "SWTOAAS_AER " | "W m-2" | "area[d=1]" swtoaasnat_global | "SWTOAAS_NAT" | "" | "SWTOAAS_NAT[d=1]" | "SWTOAAS_NAT " | "W m-2" | "area[d=1]" swtoaasbc_global | "SWTOAAS_BC" | "" | "SWTOAAS_BC[d=1]" | "SWTOAAS_BC " | "W m-2" | "area[d=1]" swtoaasso4_global | "SWTOAAS_SO4" | "" | "SWTOAAS_SO4[d=1]" | "SWTOAAS_SO4 " | "W m-2" | "area[d=1]" swtoaaspom_global | "SWTOAAS_POM" | "" | "SWTOAAS_POM[d=1]" | "SWTOAAS_POM " | "W m-2" | "area[d=1]" swtoaascno3_global | "SWTOAAS_CNO3" | "" | "SWTOAAS_CNO3[d=1]" | "SWTOAAS_CNO3" | "W m-2" | "area[d=1]" swtoaasfno3_global | "SWTOAAS_FNO3" | "" | "SWTOAAS_FNO3[d=1]" | "SWTOAAS_FNO3" | "W m-2" | "area[d=1]"