source: CONFIG/UNIFORM/v6/IPSLCM6/GENERAL/PARAM/dr2xml_nemo.xml @ 3517

Last change on this file since 3517 was 3476, checked in by aclsce, 7 years ago
  • First commit for CMIP6 experiments (outputs required by CMIP6 DR).
File size: 718.4 KB
1<context id="nemo"> 
2<!-- CMIP6 Data Request version 01.00.15 --> 
3<!-- CMIP6-CV version ?? --> 
4<!-- CMIP6_conventions_version v6.2.4 --> 
5<!-- dr2xml version 0.23 --> 
6<!-- Lab_and_model settings :
7 listof_home_vars : None
8 tierMax : 1
9 excluded_request_links : ['RFMIP-AeroIrf', 'CFsubhr']
10 max_priority : 1
11 info_url :
12 print_variables : True
13 sizes : {'LR': [105704, 75, 20592, 79, 20, 5, 100]}
14 compression_level : 0
15 grids : {'LR': {'LMDZ': ['gr', '', '250 km', 'LMDZ grid'], 'nemo': ['gn', '', '100 km', 'native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells'], 'orchidee': ['gr', '', '250 km', 'LMDZ grid']}}
16 institution_id : IPSL
17 path_to_parse : ./parse_ipsl/
18 excluded_spshapes : ['XYA-na', 'XYG-na', 'na-A', 'Y-P19', 'Y-P39', 'Y-A', 'Y-na']
19 references : A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here
20 mips : {'LR': set(['GMMIP', 'C4MIP', 'DCPP', 'AerChemMIP', 'ISMIP6', 'SolarMIP', 'DECK', 'LUMIP', 'OMIP', 'PMIP', 'RFMIP', 'VolMIP', 'FAFMIP', 'CFMIP', 'CMIP6', 'ScenarioMIP', 'LS3MIP', 'SIMIP', 'GeoMIP', 'HighResMIP'])}
21 mips_for_test : set(['C4MIP', 'SIMIP', 'OMIP', 'CFMIP', 'RFMIP'])
22 excluded_vars : ['clcalipso', 'clcalipso2', 'clhcalipso', 'clcalipsoice', 'clcalipsoliq', 'cllcalipso', 'clmcalipso', 'cltcalipso', 'cfadLidarsr532', 'cfadDbze94', 'cfadLidarsr532', 'clisccp', 'cltisccp', 'climodis', 'clwmodis', 'jpdftaureicemodis', 'cltmodis', 'clmisr', 'pfull', 'phalf', 'zfull']
23 vars_OK : {}
24 excluded_tables : ['Oclim', 'E1hrClimMon', 'ImonAnt', 'ImonGre']
25 branching : {'historical': (1850, [2350, 2400, 2450])}
26 realms_per_context : {'LMDZ': ['atmos', 'atmos land', 'landIce', 'atmos atmosChem', 'aerosol'], 'nemo': ['seaIce', 'ocean', 'ocean seaIce', 'ocnBgchem', 'seaIce ocean'], 'orchidee': ['land', 'landIce land', 'land landIce']}
27 use_union_zoom : True
28 max_file_size_in_floats : 2000000000.0
29 sampling_timestep : {'LMDZ': 60.0, 'nemo': 60.0, 'orchidee': 60.0}
30 source : IPSL-CM6A-LR
31 too_long_periods : ['dec', 'yr']
32 excluded_vars_file : None
33 path_extra_tables : None
34 ping_variables_prefix : CMIP6_
35 comments : {'tas': 'nothing special about tas'}
36 output_level : 10
37 source_types : {'IPSL-ESM-1-HR': 'ESM', 'IPSL-CM6A-LR': 'AOGCM', 'IPSL-ESM-1-LR': 'ESM', 'IPSL-CM6A-HR': 'AOGCM'}
38 contact :
39 output_path : None
40 grid_choice : {'IPSL-ESM-1-HR': 'HR', 'IPSL-CM6A-LR': 'LR', 'IPSL-ESM-1-LR': 'LR', 'IPSL-CM6A-HR': 'HR'}
41 grid_policy : native
42 vertical_interpolation_sample_freq : 6h
43 orphan_variables : {'LMDZ': [], 'nemo': [], 'orchidee': []}
45<!-- Simulation settings :
46 branch_time_in_parent : 365.0D0
47 activity_id : CMIP
48 branch_method : standard
49 branch_time_in_child : 0.0D0
50 variant_info : Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos
51 child_time_ref_year : 1850
52 realization_index : 1
53 parent_experiment_id : piControl
54 comments : {'tas': 'tas diagnostic uses a special scheme in this simulation'}
55 forcing_index : 1
56 initialization_index : 1
57 sub_experiment : none
58 experiment_id : historical
59 physics_index : 1
60 source_id : IPSL-CM6A-LR
61 parent_time_ref_year : 1850
62 sub_experiment_id : none
63 history : None
66<file_definition type="one_file" enabled="true" > 
67 <file id="sltnortha_EmonZ_gn" name="sltnortha_EmonZ_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
68  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
69  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
70  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
71  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
72  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
73  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
74  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
75  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
76  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
77  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
78  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
79  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
80  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
81  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
82  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
83  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
84  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
85  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
86  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
87  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
88  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
89  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
90  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
91  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
92  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
93  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
94  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
95  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
96  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
97  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
98  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
99  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
100  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
101  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
102  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
103atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
104land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
105ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
106ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
107seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
108  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
109  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
110  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
111  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
112  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > EmonZ   </variable>
113  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
114  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sltnortha   </variable>
115  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
116  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
117  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sltnortha_average" name="sltnortha"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
118        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="longitude: mean (basin) time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
119        expr="@CMIP6_sltnortha_average">
120     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > northward_ocean_salt_transport </variable>
121     <variable name="description" type="string" > unset </variable>
122     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Atlantic Northward Ocean Salt Transport </variable>
123     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
124     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg s-1 </variable>
125     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > longitude: mean (basin) time: mean </variable>
126     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
127     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
128     </field>
131 <file id="sltbasin_EmonZ_gn" name="sltbasin_EmonZ_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
132  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
133  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
134  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
135  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
136  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
137  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
138  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
139  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
140  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
141  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
142  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
143  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
144  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
145  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
146  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
147  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
148  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
149  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
150  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
151  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
152  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
153  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
154  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
155  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
156  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
157  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
158  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
159  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
160  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
161  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
162  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
163  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
164  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
165  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
166  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
167atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
168land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
169ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
170ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
171seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
172  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
173  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
174  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
175  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
176  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > EmonZ   </variable>
177  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
178  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sltbasin   </variable>
179  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
180  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
181  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sltbasin_average" name="sltbasin"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
182        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="longitude: mean (basin) time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
183        expr="@CMIP6_sltbasin_average">
184     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > northward_ocean_salt_transport </variable>
185     <variable name="description" type="string" > function of latitude, basin </variable>
186     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Northward Ocean Salt Transport </variable>
187     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
188     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg s-1 </variable>
189     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > longitude: mean (basin) time: mean </variable>
190     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
191     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
192     </field>
195 <file id="tos_3hr_gn" name="tos_3hr_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="3h"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="1y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo%d%h%mi"  split_start_offset="3h"  split_end_offset="0s"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
196  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
197  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
198  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
199  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
200  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
201  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
202  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
203  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
204  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
205  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > 3hr   </variable>
206  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
207  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
208  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
209  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
210  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
211  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
212  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
213  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
214  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
215  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
216  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
217  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
218  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
219  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
220  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
221  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
222  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
223  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
224  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
225  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
226  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
227  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
228  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
229  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
230  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
231atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
232land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
233ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
234ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
235seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
236  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
237  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
238  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
239  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
240  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > 3hr   </variable>
241  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
242  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > tos   </variable>
243  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
244  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
245  <field field_ref="CMIP6_tos_instant" name="tos"  freq_op="3h" detect_missing_value="True" 
246        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: point" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
247        expr="@CMIP6_tos_instant">
248     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_surface_temperature </variable>
249     <variable name="description" type="string" > Temperature of upper boundary of the liquid ocean, including temperatures below sea-ice and floating ice shelves. </variable>
250     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Surface Temperature </variable>
251     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
252     <variable name="units" type="string" > K </variable>
253     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: point </variable>
254     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
255     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
256     </field>
259 <file id="siage_SImon_gn" name="siage_SImon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
260  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
261  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
262  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
263  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
264  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
265  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
266  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
267  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
268  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
269  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
270  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
271  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
272  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
273  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
274  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
275  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
276  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
277  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
278  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
279  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
280  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
281  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
282  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
283  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
284  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
285  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
286  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
287  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
288  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
289  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
290  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
291  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
292  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
293  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
294  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
295atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
296land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
297ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
298ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
299seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
300  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
301  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
302  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
303  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
304  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SImon   </variable>
305  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
306  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > siage   </variable>
307  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
308  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
309  <field field_ref="CMIP6_siage_average" name="siage"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
310        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc)" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
311        expr="@CMIP6_siage_average">
312     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > age_of_sea_ice </variable>
313     <variable name="description" type="string" > Age of sea ice </variable>
314     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Age of sea ice </variable>
315     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
316     <variable name="units" type="string" > s </variable>
317     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc) </variable>
318     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
319     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
320     </field>
323 <file id="sisnmass_SImon_gn" name="sisnmass_SImon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
324  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
325  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
326  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
327  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
328  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
329  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
330  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
331  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
332  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
333  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
334  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
335  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
336  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
337  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
338  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
339  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
340  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
341  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
342  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
343  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
344  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
345  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
346  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
347  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
348  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
349  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
350  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
351  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
352  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
353  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
354  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
355  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
356  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
357  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
358  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
359atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
360land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
361ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
362ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
363seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
364  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
365  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
366  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
367  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
368  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SImon   </variable>
369  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
370  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sisnmass   </variable>
371  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
372  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
373  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sisnmass_average" name="sisnmass"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
374        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc)" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
375        expr="@CMIP6_sisnmass_average">
376     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > liquid_water_content_of_surface_snow </variable>
377     <variable name="description" type="string" > Total mass of snow on sea ice divided by grid-cell area </variable>
378     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Snow mass per area </variable>
379     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
380     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg m-2 </variable>
381     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc) </variable>
382     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
383     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
384     </field>
387 <file id="sndmassmelt_SImon_gn" name="sndmassmelt_SImon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
388  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
389  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
390  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
391  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
392  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
393  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
394  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
395  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
396  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
397  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
398  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
399  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
400  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
401  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
402  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
403  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
404  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
405  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
406  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
407  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
408  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
409  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
410  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
411  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
412  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
413  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
414  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
415  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
416  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
417  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
418  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
419  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
420  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
421  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
422  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
423atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
424land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
425ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
426ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
427seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
428  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
429  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
430  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
431  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
432  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SImon   </variable>
433  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
434  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sndmassmelt   </variable>
435  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
436  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
437  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sndmassmelt_average" name="sndmassmelt"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
438        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
439        expr="@CMIP6_sndmassmelt_average">
440     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > surface_snow_melt_flux </variable>
441     <variable name="description" type="string" > the rate of change of snow mass through melt divided by grid-cell area </variable>
442     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Snow Mass Rate of Change through Melt </variable>
443     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
444     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg m-2 s-1 </variable>
445     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean </variable>
446     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
447     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
448     </field>
451 <file id="sispeed_SImon_gn" name="sispeed_SImon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
452  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
453  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
454  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
455  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
456  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
457  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
458  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
459  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
460  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
461  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
462  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
463  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
464  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
465  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
466  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
467  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
468  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
469  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
470  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
471  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
472  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
473  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
474  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
475  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
476  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
477  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
478  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
479  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
480  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
481  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
482  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
483  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
484  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
485  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
486  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
487atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
488land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
489ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
490ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
491seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
492  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
493  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
494  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
495  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
496  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SImon   </variable>
497  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
498  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sispeed   </variable>
499  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
500  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
501  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sispeed_average" name="sispeed"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
502        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc)" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
503        expr="@CMIP6_sispeed_average">
504     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_ice_speed </variable>
505     <variable name="description" type="string" > Speed of ice (i.e. mean absolute velocity) to account for back-and-forth movement of the ice </variable>
506     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea-ice speed </variable>
507     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
508     <variable name="units" type="string" > m s-1 </variable>
509     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc) </variable>
510     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
511     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
512     </field>
515 <file id="siconc_SImon_gn" name="siconc_SImon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
516  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
517  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
518  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
519  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
520  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
521  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
522  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
523  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
524  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
525  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
526  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
527  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
528  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
529  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
530  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
531  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
532  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
533  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
534  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
535  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
536  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
537  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
538  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
539  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
540  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
541  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
542  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
543  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
544  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
545  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
546  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
547  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
548  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
549  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
550  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
551atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
552land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
553ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
554ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
555seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
556  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
557  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
558  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
559  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
560  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SImon   </variable>
561  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
562  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > siconc   </variable>
563  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
564  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
565  <field field_ref="CMIP6_siconc_average" name="siconc"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
566        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
567        expr="@CMIP6_siconc_average">
568     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_ice_area_fraction </variable>
569     <variable name="description" type="string" > Area fraction of grid cell covered by sea ice </variable>
570     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Ice Area Fraction </variable>
571     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
572     <variable name="units" type="string" > % </variable>
573     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
574     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
575     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
576     </field>
579 <file id="sidmassevapsubl_SImon_gn" name="sidmassevapsubl_SImon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
580  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
581  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
582  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
583  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
584  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
585  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
586  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
587  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
588  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
589  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
590  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
591  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
592  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
593  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
594  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
595  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
596  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
597  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
598  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
599  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
600  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
601  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
602  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
603  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
604  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
605  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
606  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
607  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
608  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
609  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
610  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
611  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
612  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
613  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
614  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
615atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
616land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
617ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
618ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
619seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
620  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
621  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
622  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
623  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
624  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SImon   </variable>
625  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
626  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sidmassevapsubl   </variable>
627  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
628  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
629  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sidmassevapsubl_average" name="sidmassevapsubl"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
630        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
631        expr="@CMIP6_sidmassevapsubl_average">
632     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > water_evaporation_flux </variable>
633     <variable name="description" type="string" > The rate of change of sea-ice mass change through evaporation and sublimation divided by grid-cell area </variable>
634     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > sea-ice mass change through evaporation and sublimation </variable>
635     <variable name="positive" type="string" > up </variable>
636     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
637     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg m-2 s-1 </variable>
638     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean </variable>
639     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
640     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
641     </field>
644 <file id="siu_SImon_gn" name="siu_SImon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
645  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
646  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
647  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
648  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
649  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
650  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
651  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
652  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
653  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
654  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
655  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
656  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
657  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
658  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
659  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
660  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
661  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
662  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
663  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
664  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
665  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
666  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
667  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
668  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
669  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
670  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
671  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
672  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
673  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
674  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
675  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
676  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
677  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
678  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
679  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
680atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
681land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
682ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
683ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
684seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
685  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
686  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
687  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
688  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
689  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SImon   </variable>
690  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
691  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > siu   </variable>
692  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
693  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
694  <field field_ref="CMIP6_siu_average" name="siu"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
695        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc)" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
696        expr="@CMIP6_siu_average">
697     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_ice_x_velocity </variable>
698     <variable name="description" type="string" > The x-velocity of ice on native model grid </variable>
699     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > X-component of sea ice velocity </variable>
700     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
701     <variable name="units" type="string" > m s-1 </variable>
702     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc) </variable>
703     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > --MODEL </variable>
704     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
705     </field>
708 <file id="simass_SImon_gn" name="simass_SImon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
709  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
710  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
711  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
712  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
713  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
714  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
715  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
716  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
717  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
718  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
719  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
720  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
721  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
722  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
723  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
724  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
725  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
726  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
727  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
728  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
729  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
730  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
731  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
732  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
733  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
734  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
735  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
736  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
737  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
738  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
739  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
740  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
741  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
742  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
743  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
744atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
745land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
746ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
747ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
748seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
749  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
750  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
751  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
752  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
753  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SImon   </variable>
754  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
755  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > simass   </variable>
756  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
757  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
758  <field field_ref="CMIP6_simass_average" name="simass"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
759        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
760        expr="@CMIP6_simass_average">
761     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_ice_amount </variable>
762     <variable name="description" type="string" > Total mass of sea ice divided by grid-cell area </variable>
763     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea-ice mass per area </variable>
764     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
765     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg m-2 </variable>
766     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean </variable>
767     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
768     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
769     </field>
772 <file id="sivol_SImon_gn" name="sivol_SImon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
773  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
774  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
775  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
776  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
777  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
778  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
779  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
780  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
781  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
782  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
783  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
784  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
785  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
786  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
787  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
788  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
789  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
790  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
791  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
792  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
793  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
794  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
795  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
796  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
797  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
798  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
799  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
800  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
801  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
802  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
803  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
804  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
805  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
806  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
807  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
808atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
809land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
810ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
811ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
812seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
813  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
814  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
815  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
816  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
817  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SImon   </variable>
818  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
819  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sivol   </variable>
820  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
821  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
822  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sivol_average" name="sivol"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
823        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
824        expr="@CMIP6_sivol_average">
825     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_ice_thickness </variable>
826     <variable name="description" type="string" > Total volume of sea ice divided by grid-cell area (this used to be called ice thickness in CMIP5) </variable>
827     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea-ice volume per area </variable>
828     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
829     <variable name="units" type="string" > m </variable>
830     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean </variable>
831     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
832     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
833     </field>
836 <file id="sidmassmelttop_SImon_gn" name="sidmassmelttop_SImon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
837  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
838  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
839  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
840  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
841  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
842  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
843  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
844  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
845  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
846  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
847  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
848  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
849  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
850  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
851  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
852  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
853  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
854  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
855  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
856  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
857  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
858  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
859  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
860  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
861  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
862  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
863  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
864  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
865  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
866  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
867  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
868  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
869  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
870  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
871  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
872atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
873land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
874ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
875ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
876seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
877  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
878  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
879  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
880  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
881  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SImon   </variable>
882  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
883  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sidmassmelttop   </variable>
884  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
885  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
886  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sidmassmelttop_average" name="sidmassmelttop"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
887        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
888        expr="@CMIP6_sidmassmelttop_average">
889     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_surface_melting </variable>
890     <variable name="description" type="string" > The rate of change of sea ice mass through melting at the ice surface divided by grid-cell area </variable>
891     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > sea-ice mass change through surface melting </variable>
892     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
893     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg m-2 s-1 </variable>
894     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean </variable>
895     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
896     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
897     </field>
900 <file id="sitempsnic_SImon_gn" name="sitempsnic_SImon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
901  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
902  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
903  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
904  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
905  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
906  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
907  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
908  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
909  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
910  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
911  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
912  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
913  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
914  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
915  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
916  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
917  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
918  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
919  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
920  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
921  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
922  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
923  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
924  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
925  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
926  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
927  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
928  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
929  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
930  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
931  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
932  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
933  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
934  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
935  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
936atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
937land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
938ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
939ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
940seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
941  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
942  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
943  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
944  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
945  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SImon   </variable>
946  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
947  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sitempsnic   </variable>
948  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
949  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
950  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sitempsnic_average" name="sitempsnic"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
951        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc)" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
952        expr="@CMIP6_sitempsnic_average">
953     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_ice_surface_temperature </variable>
954     <variable name="description" type="string" > Report surface temperature of ice where snow thickness is zero </variable>
955     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Temperature at snow-ice interface </variable>
956     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
957     <variable name="units" type="string" > K </variable>
958     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc) </variable>
959     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
960     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
961     </field>
964 <file id="sitimefrac_SImon_gn" name="sitimefrac_SImon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
965  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
966  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
967  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
968  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
969  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
970  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
971  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
972  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
973  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
974  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
975  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
976  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
977  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
978  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
979  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
980  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
981  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
982  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
983  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
984  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
985  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
986  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
987  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
988  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
989  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
990  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
991  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
992  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
993  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
994  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
995  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
996  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
997  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
998  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
999  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
1000atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
1001land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
1002ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
1003ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
1004seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
1005  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1006  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
1007  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1008  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1009  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SImon   </variable>
1010  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
1011  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sitimefrac   </variable>
1012  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
1013  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1014  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sitimefrac_average" name="sitimefrac"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
1015        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
1016        expr="@CMIP6_sitimefrac_average">
1017     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_ice_time_fraction </variable>
1018     <variable name="description" type="string" > Fraction of time steps of the averaging period during which sea ice is present (siconc 0 ) in a grid cell </variable>
1019     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Fraction of time steps with sea ice </variable>
1020     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
1021     <variable name="units" type="string" > 1.0 </variable>
1022     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean </variable>
1023     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
1024     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
1025     </field>
1028 <file id="siv_SImon_gn" name="siv_SImon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
1029  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1030  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
1031  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
1032  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
1033  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
1034  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
1035  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
1036  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
1037  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1038  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
1039  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
1040  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
1041  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
1042  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
1043  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
1044  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1045  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
1046  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
1047  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
1048  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1049  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
1050  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1051  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1052  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1053  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
1054  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1055  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
1056  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
1057  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
1058  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1059  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
1060  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1061  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
1062  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
1063  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
1064atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
1065land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
1066ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
1067ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
1068seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
1069  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1070  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
1071  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1072  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1073  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SImon   </variable>
1074  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
1075  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > siv   </variable>
1076  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
1077  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1078  <field field_ref="CMIP6_siv_average" name="siv"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
1079        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc)" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
1080        expr="@CMIP6_siv_average">
1081     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_ice_y_velocity </variable>
1082     <variable name="description" type="string" > The y-velocity of ice on native model grid </variable>
1083     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Y-component of sea ice velocity </variable>
1084     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
1085     <variable name="units" type="string" > m s-1 </variable>
1086     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc) </variable>
1087     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > --MODEL </variable>
1088     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
1089     </field>
1092 <file id="sndmasssnf_SImon_gn" name="sndmasssnf_SImon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
1093  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1094  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
1095  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
1096  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
1097  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
1098  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
1099  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
1100  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
1101  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1102  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
1103  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
1104  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
1105  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
1106  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
1107  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
1108  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1109  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
1110  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
1111  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
1112  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1113  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
1114  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1115  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1116  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1117  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
1118  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1119  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
1120  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
1121  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
1122  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1123  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
1124  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1125  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
1126  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
1127  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
1128atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
1129land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
1130ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
1131ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
1132seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
1133  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1134  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
1135  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1136  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1137  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SImon   </variable>
1138  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
1139  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sndmasssnf   </variable>
1140  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
1141  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1142  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sndmasssnf_average" name="sndmasssnf"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
1143        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
1144        expr="@CMIP6_sndmasssnf_average">
1145     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > snowfall_flux </variable>
1146     <variable name="description" type="string" > mass of solid precipitation falling onto sea ice divided by grid-cell area </variable>
1147     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > snow mass change through snow fall </variable>
1148     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
1149     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg m-2 s-1 </variable>
1150     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean </variable>
1151     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
1152     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
1153     </field>
1156 <file id="sitemptop_SImon_gn" name="sitemptop_SImon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
1157  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1158  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
1159  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
1160  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
1161  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
1162  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
1163  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
1164  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
1165  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1166  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
1167  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
1168  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
1169  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
1170  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
1171  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
1172  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1173  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
1174  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
1175  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
1176  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1177  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
1178  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1179  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1180  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1181  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
1182  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1183  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
1184  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
1185  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
1186  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1187  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
1188  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1189  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
1190  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
1191  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
1192atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
1193land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
1194ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
1195ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
1196seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
1197  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1198  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
1199  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1200  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1201  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SImon   </variable>
1202  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
1203  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sitemptop   </variable>
1204  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
1205  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1206  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sitemptop_average" name="sitemptop"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
1207        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc)" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
1208        expr="@CMIP6_sitemptop_average">
1209     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_ice_surface_temperature </variable>
1210     <variable name="description" type="string" > Report surface temperature of snow where snow covers the sea ice. </variable>
1211     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Surface temperature of sea ice </variable>
1212     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
1213     <variable name="units" type="string" > K </variable>
1214     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc) </variable>
1215     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
1216     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
1217     </field>
1220 <file id="sidmassmeltbot_SImon_gn" name="sidmassmeltbot_SImon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
1221  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1222  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
1223  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
1224  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
1225  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
1226  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
1227  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
1228  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
1229  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1230  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
1231  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
1232  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
1233  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
1234  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
1235  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
1236  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1237  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
1238  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
1239  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
1240  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1241  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
1242  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1243  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1244  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1245  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
1246  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1247  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
1248  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
1249  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
1250  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1251  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
1252  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1253  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
1254  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
1255  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
1256atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
1257land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
1258ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
1259ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
1260seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
1261  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1262  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
1263  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1264  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1265  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SImon   </variable>
1266  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
1267  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sidmassmeltbot   </variable>
1268  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
1269  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1270  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sidmassmeltbot_average" name="sidmassmeltbot"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
1271        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
1272        expr="@CMIP6_sidmassmeltbot_average">
1273     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_basal_melting </variable>
1274     <variable name="description" type="string" > The rate of change of sea ice mass through melting at the ice bottom divided by grid-cell area </variable>
1275     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > sea-ice mass change through bottom melting </variable>
1276     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
1277     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg m-2 s-1 </variable>
1278     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean </variable>
1279     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
1280     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
1281     </field>
1284 <file id="sisnthick_SImon_gn" name="sisnthick_SImon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
1285  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1286  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
1287  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
1288  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
1289  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
1290  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
1291  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
1292  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
1293  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1294  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
1295  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
1296  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
1297  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
1298  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
1299  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
1300  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1301  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
1302  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
1303  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
1304  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1305  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
1306  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1307  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1308  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1309  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
1310  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1311  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
1312  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
1313  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
1314  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1315  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
1316  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1317  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
1318  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
1319  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
1320atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
1321land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
1322ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
1323ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
1324seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
1325  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1326  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
1327  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1328  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1329  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SImon   </variable>
1330  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
1331  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sisnthick   </variable>
1332  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
1333  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1334  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sisnthick_average" name="sisnthick"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
1335        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where snow over sea_ice area: time: mean where sea_ice" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
1336        expr="@CMIP6_sisnthick_average">
1337     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > surface_snow_thickness </variable>
1338     <variable name="description" type="string" > Actual thickness of snow (snow volume divided by snow-covered area) </variable>
1339     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Snow thickness </variable>
1340     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
1341     <variable name="units" type="string" > m </variable>
1342     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where snow over sea_ice area: time: mean where sea_ice </variable>
1343     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
1344     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
1345     </field>
1348 <file id="sisali_SImon_gn" name="sisali_SImon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
1349  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1350  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
1351  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
1352  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
1353  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
1354  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
1355  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
1356  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
1357  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1358  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
1359  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
1360  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
1361  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
1362  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
1363  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
1364  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1365  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
1366  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
1367  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
1368  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1369  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
1370  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1371  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1372  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1373  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
1374  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1375  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
1376  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
1377  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
1378  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1379  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
1380  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1381  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
1382  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
1383  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
1384atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
1385land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
1386ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
1387ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
1388seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
1389  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1390  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
1391  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1392  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1393  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SImon   </variable>
1394  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
1395  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sisali   </variable>
1396  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
1397  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1398  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sisali_average" name="sisali"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
1399        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc)" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
1400        expr="@CMIP6_sisali_average">
1401     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_ice_salinity </variable>
1402     <variable name="description" type="string" > Mean sea-ice salinity of all sea ice in grid cell </variable>
1403     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea ice salinity </variable>
1404     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
1405     <variable name="units" type="string" > 0.001 </variable>
1406     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc) </variable>
1407     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
1408     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
1409     </field>
1412 <file id="sithick_SImon_gn" name="sithick_SImon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
1413  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1414  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
1415  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
1416  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
1417  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
1418  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
1419  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
1420  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
1421  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1422  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
1423  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
1424  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
1425  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
1426  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
1427  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
1428  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1429  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
1430  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
1431  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
1432  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1433  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
1434  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1435  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1436  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1437  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
1438  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1439  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
1440  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
1441  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
1442  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1443  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
1444  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1445  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce ocean   </variable>
1446  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
1447  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
1448atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
1449land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
1450ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
1451ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
1452seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
1453  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1454  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
1455  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1456  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1457  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SImon   </variable>
1458  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
1459  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sithick   </variable>
1460  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
1461  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1462  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sithick_average" name="sithick"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
1463        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc)" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
1464        expr="@CMIP6_sithick_average">
1465     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_ice_thickness </variable>
1466     <variable name="description" type="string" > Actual (floe) thickness of sea ice (NOT volume divided by grid area as was done in CMIP5) </variable>
1467     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Ice Thickness </variable>
1468     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
1469     <variable name="units" type="string" > m </variable>
1470     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc) </variable>
1471     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
1472     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
1473     </field>
1476 <file id="mlotstmax_Omon_gn" name="mlotstmax_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
1477  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1478  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
1479  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
1480  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
1481  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
1482  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
1483  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
1484  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
1485  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1486  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
1487  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
1488  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
1489  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
1490  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
1491  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
1492  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1493  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
1494  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
1495  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
1496  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1497  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
1498  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1499  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1500  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1501  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
1502  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1503  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
1504  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
1505  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
1506  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1507  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
1508  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1509  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
1510  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
1511  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
1512atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
1513land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
1514ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
1515ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
1516seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
1517  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1518  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
1519  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1520  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1521  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
1522  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
1523  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > mlotstmax   </variable>
1524  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
1525  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1526  <field field_ref="CMIP6_mlotstmax_maximum" name="mlotstmax"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
1527        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean time: maximum" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
1528        expr="@CMIP6_mlotstmax_maximum">
1529     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_t </variable>
1530     <variable name="description" type="string" > Sigma T is potential density referenced to ocean surface. </variable>
1531     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T </variable>
1532     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
1533     <variable name="units" type="string" > m </variable>
1534     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean time: maximum </variable>
1535     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
1536     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
1537     </field>
1540 <file id="rsntds_Omon_gn" name="rsntds_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
1541  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1542  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
1543  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
1544  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
1545  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
1546  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
1547  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
1548  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
1549  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1550  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
1551  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
1552  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
1553  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
1554  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
1555  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
1556  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1557  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
1558  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
1559  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
1560  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1561  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
1562  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1563  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1564  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1565  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
1566  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1567  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
1568  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
1569  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
1570  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1571  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
1572  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1573  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
1574  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
1575  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
1576atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
1577land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
1578ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
1579ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
1580seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
1581  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1582  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
1583  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1584  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1585  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
1586  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
1587  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > rsntds   </variable>
1588  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
1589  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1590  <field field_ref="CMIP6_rsntds_average" name="rsntds"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
1591        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
1592        expr="@CMIP6_rsntds_average">
1593     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > net_downward_shortwave_flux_at_sea_water_surface </variable>
1594     <variable name="description" type="string" > This is the flux into the surface of liquid sea water only. This excludes shortwave flux absorbed by sea ice, but includes any light that passes through the ice and is absorbed by the ocean. </variable>
1595     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Net Downward Shortwave Radiation at Sea Water Surface </variable>
1596     <variable name="positive" type="string" > down </variable>
1597     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
1598     <variable name="units" type="string" > W m-2 </variable>
1599     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
1600     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
1601     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
1602     </field>
1605 <file id="vo_Omon_gn" name="vo_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="10y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
1606  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1607  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
1608  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
1609  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
1610  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
1611  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
1612  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
1613  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
1614  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1615  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
1616  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
1617  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
1618  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
1619  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
1620  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
1621  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1622  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
1623  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
1624  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
1625  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1626  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
1627  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1628  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1629  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1630  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
1631  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1632  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
1633  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
1634  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
1635  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1636  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
1637  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1638  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
1639  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
1640  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
1641atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
1642land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
1643ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
1644ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
1645seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
1646  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1647  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
1648  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1649  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1650  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
1651  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
1652  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > vo   </variable>
1653  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
1654  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1655  <field field_ref="CMIP6_vo_average" name="vo"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
1656        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
1657        expr="@CMIP6_vo_average">
1658     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_y_velocity </variable>
1659     <variable name="description" type="string" > Prognostic x-ward velocity component resolved by the model. </variable>
1660     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Water Y Velocity </variable>
1661     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
1662     <variable name="units" type="string" > m s-1 </variable>
1663     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > time: mean </variable>
1664     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > --OPT </variable>
1665     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
1666     </field>
1669 <file id="sos_Omon_gn" name="sos_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
1670  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1671  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
1672  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
1673  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
1674  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
1675  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
1676  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
1677  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
1678  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1679  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
1680  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
1681  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
1682  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
1683  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
1684  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
1685  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1686  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
1687  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
1688  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
1689  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1690  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
1691  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1692  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1693  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1694  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
1695  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1696  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
1697  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
1698  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
1699  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1700  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
1701  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1702  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
1703  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
1704  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
1705atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
1706land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
1707ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
1708ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
1709seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
1710  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1711  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
1712  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1713  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1714  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
1715  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
1716  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sos   </variable>
1717  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
1718  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1719  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sos_average" name="sos"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
1720        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
1721        expr="@CMIP6_sos_average">
1722     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_surface_salinity </variable>
1723     <variable name="description" type="string" > Sea Surface Salinity </variable>
1724     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Surface Salinity </variable>
1725     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
1726     <variable name="units" type="string" > 0.001 </variable>
1727     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
1728     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
1729     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
1730     </field>
1733 <file id="ficeberg2d_Omon_gn" name="ficeberg2d_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
1734  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1735  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
1736  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
1737  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
1738  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
1739  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
1740  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
1741  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
1742  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1743  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
1744  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
1745  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
1746  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
1747  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
1748  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
1749  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1750  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
1751  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
1752  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
1753  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1754  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
1755  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1756  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1757  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1758  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
1759  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1760  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
1761  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
1762  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
1763  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1764  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
1765  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1766  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
1767  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
1768  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
1769atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
1770land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
1771ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
1772ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
1773seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
1774  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1775  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
1776  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1777  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1778  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
1779  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
1780  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > ficeberg2d   </variable>
1781  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
1782  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1783  <field field_ref="CMIP6_ficeberg2d_average" name="ficeberg2d"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
1784        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
1785        expr="@CMIP6_ficeberg2d_average">
1786     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > water_flux_into_sea_water_from_icebergs </variable>
1787     <variable name="description" type="string" > computed as the iceberg melt water  flux into the ocean divided by the area of the ocean portion of the grid cell. </variable>
1788     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Water Flux into Sea Water From Icebergs </variable>
1789     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
1790     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg m-2 s-1 </variable>
1791     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
1792     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
1793     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
1794     </field>
1797 <file id="tauvo_Omon_gn" name="tauvo_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
1798  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1799  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
1800  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
1801  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
1802  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
1803  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
1804  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
1805  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
1806  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1807  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
1808  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
1809  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
1810  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
1811  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
1812  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
1813  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1814  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
1815  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
1816  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
1817  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1818  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
1819  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1820  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1821  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1822  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
1823  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1824  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
1825  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
1826  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
1827  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1828  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
1829  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1830  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
1831  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
1832  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
1833atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
1834land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
1835ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
1836ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
1837seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
1838  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1839  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
1840  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1841  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1842  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
1843  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
1844  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > tauvo   </variable>
1845  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
1846  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1847  <field field_ref="CMIP6_tauvo_average" name="tauvo"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
1848        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
1849        expr="@CMIP6_tauvo_average">
1850     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > surface_downward_y_stress </variable>
1851     <variable name="description" type="string" > This is the stress on the liquid ocean from overlying atmosphere, sea ice, ice shelf, etc. </variable>
1852     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Surface Downward Y Stress </variable>
1853     <variable name="positive" type="string" > down </variable>
1854     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
1855     <variable name="units" type="string" > N m-2 </variable>
1856     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > time: mean </variable>
1857     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > --OPT </variable>
1858     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
1859     </field>
1862 <file id="obvfsq_Omon_gn" name="obvfsq_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="10y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
1863  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1864  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
1865  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
1866  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
1867  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
1868  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
1869  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
1870  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
1871  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1872  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
1873  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
1874  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
1875  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
1876  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
1877  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
1878  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1879  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
1880  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
1881  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
1882  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1883  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
1884  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1885  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1886  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1887  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
1888  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1889  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
1890  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
1891  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
1892  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1893  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
1894  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1895  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
1896  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
1897  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
1898atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
1899land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
1900ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
1901ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
1902seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
1903  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1904  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
1905  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1906  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1907  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
1908  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
1909  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > obvfsq   </variable>
1910  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
1911  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1912  <field field_ref="CMIP6_obvfsq_average" name="obvfsq"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
1913        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
1914        expr="@CMIP6_obvfsq_average">
1915     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water </variable>
1916     <variable name="description" type="string" > Square of Brunt Vaisala Frequency in Sea Water </variable>
1917     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Square of Brunt Vaisala Frequency in Sea Water </variable>
1918     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
1919     <variable name="units" type="string" > s-2 </variable>
1920     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
1921     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello volume: volcello </variable>
1922     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
1923     </field>
1926 <file id="zostoga_Omon_gn" name="zostoga_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
1927  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1928  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
1929  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
1930  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
1931  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
1932  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
1933  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
1934  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
1935  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1936  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
1937  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
1938  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
1939  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
1940  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
1941  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
1942  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1943  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
1944  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
1945  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
1946  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1947  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
1948  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
1949  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1950  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1951  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
1952  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1953  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
1954  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
1955  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
1956  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1957  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
1958  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
1959  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
1960  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
1961  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
1962atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
1963land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
1964ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
1965ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
1966seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
1967  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
1968  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
1969  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1970  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
1971  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
1972  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
1973  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > zostoga   </variable>
1974  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
1975  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
1976  <field field_ref="CMIP6_zostoga_average" name="zostoga"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
1977        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
1978        expr="@CMIP6_zostoga_average">
1979     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > global_average_thermosteric_sea_level_change </variable>
1980     <variable name="description" type="string" > There is no CMIP6 request for zosga nor zossga. </variable>
1981     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Global Average Thermosteric Sea Level Change </variable>
1982     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
1983     <variable name="units" type="string" > m </variable>
1984     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
1985     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > DR-ISSUE </variable>
1986     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
1987     </field>
1990 <file id="sltovgyre_Omon_gn" name="sltovgyre_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
1991  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
1992  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
1993  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
1994  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
1995  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
1996  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
1997  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
1998  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
1999  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2000  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
2001  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
2002  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
2003  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
2004  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
2005  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
2006  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2007  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
2008  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
2009  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
2010  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2011  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
2012  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2013  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2014  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2015  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
2016  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2017  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
2018  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
2019  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
2020  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2021  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
2022  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2023  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
2024  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
2025  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
2026atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
2027land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
2028ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
2029ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
2030seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
2031  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2032  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
2033  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2034  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2035  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
2036  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
2037  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sltovgyre   </variable>
2038  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
2039  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2040  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sltovgyre_average" name="sltovgyre"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
2041        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="longitude: mean time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
2042        expr="@CMIP6_sltovgyre_average">
2043     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > northward_ocean_salt_transport_due_to_gyre </variable>
2044     <variable name="description" type="string" > From all advective mass transport processes, resolved and parameterized. </variable>
2045     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Northward Ocean Salt Transport due to Gyre </variable>
2046     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
2047     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg s-1 </variable>
2048     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > longitude: mean time: mean </variable>
2049     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
2050     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
2051     </field>
2054 <file id="soga_Omon_gn" name="soga_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
2055  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2056  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
2057  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
2058  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
2059  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
2060  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
2061  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
2062  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
2063  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2064  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
2065  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
2066  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
2067  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
2068  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
2069  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
2070  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2071  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
2072  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
2073  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
2074  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2075  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
2076  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2077  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2078  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2079  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
2080  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2081  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
2082  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
2083  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
2084  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2085  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
2086  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2087  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
2088  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
2089  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
2090atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
2091land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
2092ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
2093ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
2094seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
2095  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2096  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
2097  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2098  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2099  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
2100  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
2101  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > soga   </variable>
2102  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
2103  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2104  <field field_ref="CMIP6_soga_average" name="soga"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
2105        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
2106        expr="@CMIP6_soga_average">
2107     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_salinity </variable>
2108     <variable name="description" type="string" > Global Mean Sea Water Salinity </variable>
2109     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Global Mean Sea Water Salinity </variable>
2110     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
2111     <variable name="units" type="string" > 0.001 </variable>
2112     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
2113     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > DR-ISSUE </variable>
2114     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
2115     </field>
2118 <file id="so_Omon_gn" name="so_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="10y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
2119  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2120  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
2121  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
2122  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
2123  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
2124  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
2125  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
2126  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
2127  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2128  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
2129  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
2130  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
2131  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
2132  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
2133  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
2134  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2135  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
2136  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
2137  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
2138  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2139  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
2140  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2141  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2142  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2143  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
2144  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2145  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
2146  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
2147  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
2148  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2149  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
2150  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2151  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
2152  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
2153  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
2154atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
2155land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
2156ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
2157ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
2158seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
2159  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2160  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
2161  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2162  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2163  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
2164  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
2165  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > so   </variable>
2166  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
2167  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2168  <field field_ref="CMIP6_so_average" name="so"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
2169        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
2170        expr="@CMIP6_so_average">
2171     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_salinity </variable>
2172     <variable name="description" type="string" > Sea Water Salinity </variable>
2173     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Water Salinity </variable>
2174     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
2175     <variable name="units" type="string" > 0.001 </variable>
2176     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
2177     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello volume: volcello </variable>
2178     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
2179     </field>
2182 <file id="hfibthermds2d_Omon_gn" name="hfibthermds2d_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
2183  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2184  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
2185  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
2186  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
2187  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
2188  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
2189  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
2190  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
2191  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2192  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
2193  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
2194  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
2195  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
2196  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
2197  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
2198  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2199  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
2200  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
2201  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
2202  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2203  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
2204  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2205  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2206  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2207  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
2208  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2209  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
2210  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
2211  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
2212  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2213  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
2214  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2215  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
2216  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
2217  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
2218atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
2219land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
2220ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
2221ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
2222seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
2223  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2224  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
2225  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2226  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2227  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
2228  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
2229  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > hfibthermds2d   </variable>
2230  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
2231  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2232  <field field_ref="CMIP6_hfibthermds2d_average" name="hfibthermds2d"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
2233        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
2234        expr="@CMIP6_hfibthermds2d_average">
2235     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_iceberg_thermodynamics </variable>
2236     <variable name="description" type="string" > Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Iceberg Thermodynamics </variable>
2237     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Iceberg Thermodynamics </variable>
2238     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
2239     <variable name="units" type="string" > W m-2 </variable>
2240     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
2241     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
2242     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
2243     </field>
2246 <file id="msftyyz_Omon_gn" name="msftyyz_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
2247  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2248  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
2249  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
2250  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
2251  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
2252  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
2253  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
2254  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
2255  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2256  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
2257  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
2258  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
2259  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
2260  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
2261  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
2262  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2263  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
2264  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
2265  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
2266  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2267  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
2268  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2269  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2270  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2271  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
2272  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2273  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
2274  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
2275  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
2276  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2277  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
2278  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2279  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
2280  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
2281  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
2282atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
2283land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
2284ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
2285ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
2286seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
2287  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2288  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
2289  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2290  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2291  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
2292  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
2293  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > msftyyz   </variable>
2294  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
2295  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2296  <field field_ref="CMIP6_msftyyz_average" name="msftyyz"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
2297        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="time: mean grid_longitude: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
2298        expr="@CMIP6_msftyyz_average">
2299     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > ocean_y_overturning_mass_streamfunction </variable>
2300     <variable name="description" type="string" > Overturning mass streamfunction arising from all advective mass transport processes, resolved and parameterized. </variable>
2301     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Ocean Y Overturning Mass Streamfunction </variable>
2302     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
2303     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg s-1 </variable>
2304     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > time: mean grid_longitude: mean </variable>
2305     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
2306     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
2307     </field>
2310 <file id="agessc_Omon_gn" name="agessc_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="10y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
2311  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2312  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
2313  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
2314  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
2315  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
2316  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
2317  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
2318  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
2319  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2320  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
2321  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
2322  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
2323  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
2324  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
2325  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
2326  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2327  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
2328  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
2329  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
2330  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2331  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
2332  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2333  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2334  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2335  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
2336  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2337  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
2338  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
2339  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
2340  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2341  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
2342  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2343  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
2344  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
2345  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
2346atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
2347land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
2348ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
2349ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
2350seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
2351  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2352  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
2353  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2354  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2355  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
2356  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
2357  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > agessc   </variable>
2358  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
2359  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2360  <field field_ref="CMIP6_agessc_average" name="agessc"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
2361        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
2362        expr="@CMIP6_agessc_average">
2363     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_age_since_surface_contact </variable>
2364     <variable name="description" type="string" > Time elapsed since water was last in surface layer of the ocean. </variable>
2365     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Water Age Since Surface Contact </variable>
2366     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
2367     <variable name="units" type="string" > yr </variable>
2368     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
2369     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello volume: volcello </variable>
2370     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
2371     </field>
2374 <file id="thetao_Omon_gn" name="thetao_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="10y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
2375  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2376  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
2377  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
2378  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
2379  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
2380  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
2381  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
2382  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
2383  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2384  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
2385  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
2386  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
2387  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
2388  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
2389  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
2390  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2391  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
2392  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
2393  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
2394  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2395  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
2396  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2397  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2398  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2399  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
2400  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2401  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
2402  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
2403  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
2404  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2405  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
2406  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2407  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
2408  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
2409  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
2410atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
2411land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
2412ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
2413ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
2414seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
2415  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2416  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
2417  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2418  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2419  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
2420  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
2421  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > thetao   </variable>
2422  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
2423  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2424  <field field_ref="CMIP6_thetao_average" name="thetao"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
2425        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
2426        expr="@CMIP6_thetao_average">
2427     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_potential_temperature </variable>
2428     <variable name="description" type="string" > Diagnostic should be contributed even for models using conservative temperature as prognostic field. </variable>
2429     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Water Potential Temperature </variable>
2430     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
2431     <variable name="units" type="string" > degC </variable>
2432     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
2433     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello volume: volcello </variable>
2434     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
2435     </field>
2438 <file id="msftbarot_Omon_gn" name="msftbarot_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
2439  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2440  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
2441  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
2442  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
2443  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
2444  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
2445  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
2446  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
2447  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2448  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
2449  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
2450  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
2451  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
2452  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
2453  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
2454  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2455  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
2456  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
2457  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
2458  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2459  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
2460  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2461  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2462  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2463  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
2464  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2465  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
2466  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
2467  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
2468  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2469  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
2470  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2471  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
2472  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
2473  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
2474atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
2475land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
2476ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
2477ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
2478seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
2479  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2480  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
2481  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2482  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2483  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
2484  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
2485  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > msftbarot   </variable>
2486  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
2487  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2488  <field field_ref="CMIP6_msftbarot_average" name="msftbarot"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
2489        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
2490        expr="@CMIP6_msftbarot_average">
2491     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > ocean_barotropic_mass_streamfunction </variable>
2492     <variable name="description" type="string" > Streamfunction or its approximation for free surface models. See OMDP document for details. </variable>
2493     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Ocean Barotropic Mass Streamfunction </variable>
2494     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
2495     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg s-1 </variable>
2496     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
2497     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
2498     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
2499     </field>
2502 <file id="hfevapds_Omon_gn" name="hfevapds_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
2503  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2504  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
2505  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
2506  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
2507  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
2508  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
2509  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
2510  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
2511  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2512  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
2513  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
2514  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
2515  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
2516  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
2517  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
2518  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2519  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
2520  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
2521  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
2522  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2523  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
2524  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2525  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2526  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2527  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
2528  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2529  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
2530  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
2531  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
2532  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2533  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
2534  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2535  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
2536  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
2537  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
2538atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
2539land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
2540ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
2541ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
2542seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
2543  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2544  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
2545  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2546  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2547  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
2548  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
2549  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > hfevapds   </variable>
2550  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
2551  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2552  <field field_ref="CMIP6_hfevapds_average" name="hfevapds"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
2553        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where ice_free_sea over sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
2554        expr="@CMIP6_hfevapds_average">
2555     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > temperature_flux_due_to_evaporation_expressed_as_heat_flux_out_of_sea_water </variable>
2556     <variable name="description" type="string" > This is defined as "where ice_free_sea over sea" </variable>
2557     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Temperature Flux due to Evaporation Expressed as Heat Flux Out of Sea Water </variable>
2558     <variable name="positive" type="string" > up </variable>
2559     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
2560     <variable name="units" type="string" > W m-2 </variable>
2561     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where ice_free_sea over sea time: mean </variable>
2562     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
2563     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
2564     </field>
2567 <file id="masso_Omon_gn" name="masso_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
2568  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2569  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
2570  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
2571  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
2572  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
2573  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
2574  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
2575  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
2576  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2577  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
2578  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
2579  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
2580  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
2581  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
2582  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
2583  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2584  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
2585  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
2586  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
2587  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2588  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
2589  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2590  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2591  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2592  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
2593  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2594  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
2595  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
2596  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
2597  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2598  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
2599  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2600  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
2601  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
2602  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
2603atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
2604land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
2605ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
2606ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
2607seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
2608  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2609  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
2610  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2611  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2612  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
2613  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
2614  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > masso   </variable>
2615  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
2616  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2617  <field field_ref="CMIP6_masso_average" name="masso"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
2618        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: sum where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
2619        expr="@CMIP6_masso_average">
2620     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_mass </variable>
2621     <variable name="description" type="string" > Total mass of liquid seawater. For Boussinesq models, report this diagnostic as Boussinesq reference density times total volume. </variable>
2622     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Water Mass </variable>
2623     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
2624     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg </variable>
2625     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: sum where sea time: mean </variable>
2626     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > DR-ISSUE </variable>
2627     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
2628     </field>
2631 <file id="tossq_Omon_gn" name="tossq_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
2632  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2633  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
2634  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
2635  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
2636  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
2637  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
2638  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
2639  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
2640  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2641  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
2642  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
2643  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
2644  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
2645  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
2646  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
2647  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2648  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
2649  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
2650  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
2651  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2652  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
2653  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2654  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2655  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2656  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
2657  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2658  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
2659  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
2660  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
2661  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2662  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
2663  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2664  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
2665  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
2666  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
2667atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
2668land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
2669ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
2670ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
2671seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
2672  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2673  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
2674  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2675  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2676  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
2677  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
2678  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > tossq   </variable>
2679  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
2680  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2681  <field field_ref="CMIP6_tossq_average" name="tossq"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
2682        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
2683        expr="@CMIP6_tossq_average">
2684     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > square_of_sea_surface_temperature </variable>
2685     <variable name="description" type="string" > Square of temperature of liquid ocean. </variable>
2686     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Square of Sea Surface Temperature </variable>
2687     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
2688     <variable name="units" type="string" > degC2 </variable>
2689     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
2690     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
2691     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
2692     </field>
2695 <file id="bigthetao_Omon_gn" name="bigthetao_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="10y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
2696  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2697  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
2698  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
2699  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
2700  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
2701  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
2702  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
2703  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
2704  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2705  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
2706  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
2707  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
2708  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
2709  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
2710  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
2711  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2712  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
2713  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
2714  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
2715  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2716  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
2717  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2718  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2719  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2720  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
2721  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2722  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
2723  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
2724  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
2725  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2726  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
2727  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2728  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
2729  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
2730  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
2731atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
2732land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
2733ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
2734ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
2735seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
2736  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2737  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
2738  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2739  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2740  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
2741  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
2742  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > bigthetao   </variable>
2743  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
2744  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2745  <field field_ref="CMIP6_bigthetao_average" name="bigthetao"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
2746        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
2747        expr="@CMIP6_bigthetao_average">
2748     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_conservative_temperature </variable>
2749     <variable name="description" type="string" > Sea water conservative temperature (this should be contributed only for models using conservative temperature as prognostic field) </variable>
2750     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Water Convervative Temperature </variable>
2751     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
2752     <variable name="units" type="string" > degC </variable>
2753     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
2754     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello volume: volcello </variable>
2755     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
2756     </field>
2759 <file id="tos_Omon_gn" name="tos_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
2760  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2761  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
2762  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
2763  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
2764  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
2765  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
2766  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
2767  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
2768  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2769  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
2770  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
2771  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
2772  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
2773  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
2774  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
2775  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2776  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
2777  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
2778  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
2779  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2780  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
2781  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2782  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2783  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2784  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
2785  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2786  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
2787  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
2788  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
2789  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2790  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
2791  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2792  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
2793  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
2794  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
2795atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
2796land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
2797ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
2798ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
2799seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
2800  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2801  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
2802  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2803  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2804  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
2805  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
2806  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > tos   </variable>
2807  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
2808  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2809  <field field_ref="CMIP6_tos_average" name="tos"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
2810        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
2811        expr="@CMIP6_tos_average">
2812     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_surface_temperature </variable>
2813     <variable name="description" type="string" > Temperature of upper boundary of the liquid ocean, including temperatures below sea-ice and floating ice shelves. </variable>
2814     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Surface Temperature </variable>
2815     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
2816     <variable name="units" type="string" > K </variable>
2817     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
2818     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
2819     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
2820     </field>
2823 <file id="sltovovrt_Omon_gn" name="sltovovrt_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
2824  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2825  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
2826  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
2827  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
2828  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
2829  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
2830  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
2831  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
2832  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2833  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
2834  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
2835  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
2836  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
2837  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
2838  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
2839  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2840  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
2841  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
2842  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
2843  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2844  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
2845  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2846  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2847  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2848  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
2849  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2850  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
2851  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
2852  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
2853  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2854  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
2855  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2856  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
2857  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
2858  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
2859atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
2860land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
2861ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
2862ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
2863seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
2864  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2865  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
2866  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2867  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2868  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
2869  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
2870  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sltovovrt   </variable>
2871  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
2872  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2873  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sltovovrt_average" name="sltovovrt"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
2874        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="longitude: mean time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
2875        expr="@CMIP6_sltovovrt_average">
2876     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > northward_ocean_salt_transport_due_to_overturning </variable>
2877     <variable name="description" type="string" > From all advective mass transport processes, resolved and parameterized. </variable>
2878     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Northward Ocean Salt Transport due to Overturning </variable>
2879     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
2880     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg s-1 </variable>
2881     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > longitude: mean time: mean </variable>
2882     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
2883     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
2884     </field>
2887 <file id="uo_Omon_gn" name="uo_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="10y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
2888  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2889  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
2890  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
2891  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
2892  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
2893  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
2894  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
2895  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
2896  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2897  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
2898  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
2899  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
2900  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
2901  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
2902  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
2903  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2904  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
2905  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
2906  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
2907  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2908  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
2909  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2910  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2911  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2912  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
2913  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2914  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
2915  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
2916  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
2917  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2918  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
2919  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2920  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
2921  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
2922  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
2923atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
2924land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
2925ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
2926ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
2927seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
2928  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2929  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
2930  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2931  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2932  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
2933  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
2934  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > uo   </variable>
2935  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
2936  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2937  <field field_ref="CMIP6_uo_average" name="uo"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
2938        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
2939        expr="@CMIP6_uo_average">
2940     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_x_velocity </variable>
2941     <variable name="description" type="string" > Prognostic x-ward velocity component resolved by the model. </variable>
2942     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Water X Velocity </variable>
2943     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
2944     <variable name="units" type="string" > m s-1 </variable>
2945     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > time: mean </variable>
2946     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > --OPT </variable>
2947     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
2948     </field>
2951 <file id="htovovrt_Omon_gn" name="htovovrt_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
2952  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2953  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
2954  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
2955  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
2956  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
2957  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
2958  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
2959  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
2960  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2961  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
2962  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
2963  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
2964  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
2965  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
2966  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
2967  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2968  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
2969  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
2970  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
2971  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2972  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
2973  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
2974  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
2975  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2976  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
2977  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
2978  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
2979  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
2980  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
2981  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2982  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
2983  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
2984  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
2985  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
2986  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
2987atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
2988land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
2989ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
2990ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
2991seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
2992  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
2993  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
2994  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2995  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
2996  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
2997  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
2998  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > htovovrt   </variable>
2999  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
3000  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3001  <field field_ref="CMIP6_htovovrt_average" name="htovovrt"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
3002        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="longitude: mean time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
3003        expr="@CMIP6_htovovrt_average">
3004     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > northward_ocean_heat_transport_due_to_overturning </variable>
3005     <variable name="description" type="string" > From all advective mass transport processes, resolved and parameterized. </variable>
3006     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Overturning </variable>
3007     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
3008     <variable name="units" type="string" > W </variable>
3009     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > longitude: mean time: mean </variable>
3010     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
3011     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
3012     </field>
3015 <file id="volo_Omon_gn" name="volo_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
3016  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3017  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
3018  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
3019  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
3020  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
3021  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
3022  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
3023  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
3024  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3025  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
3026  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
3027  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
3028  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
3029  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
3030  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
3031  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3032  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
3033  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
3034  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
3035  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3036  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
3037  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3038  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3039  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3040  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
3041  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3042  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
3043  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
3044  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
3045  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3046  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
3047  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3048  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
3049  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
3050  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
3051atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
3052land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
3053ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
3054ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
3055seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
3056  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3057  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
3058  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3059  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3060  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
3061  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
3062  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > volo   </variable>
3063  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
3064  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3065  <field field_ref="CMIP6_volo_average" name="volo"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
3066        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: sum where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
3067        expr="@CMIP6_volo_average">
3068     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_volume </variable>
3069     <variable name="description" type="string" > Total volume of liquid seawater. </variable>
3070     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Water Volume </variable>
3071     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
3072     <variable name="units" type="string" > m3 </variable>
3073     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: sum where sea time: mean </variable>
3074     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > DR-ISSUE </variable>
3075     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
3076     </field>
3079 <file id="evs_Omon_gn" name="evs_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
3080  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3081  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
3082  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
3083  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
3084  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
3085  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
3086  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
3087  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
3088  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3089  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
3090  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
3091  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
3092  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
3093  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
3094  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
3095  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3096  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
3097  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
3098  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
3099  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3100  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
3101  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3102  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3103  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3104  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
3105  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3106  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
3107  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
3108  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
3109  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3110  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
3111  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3112  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
3113  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
3114  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
3115atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
3116land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
3117ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
3118ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
3119seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
3120  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3121  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
3122  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3123  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3124  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
3125  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
3126  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > evs   </variable>
3127  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
3128  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3129  <field field_ref="CMIP6_evs_average" name="evs"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
3130        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where ice_free_sea over sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
3131        expr="@CMIP6_evs_average">
3132     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > water_evaporation_flux </variable>
3133     <variable name="description" type="string" > computed as the total mass of water vapor evaporating from the ice-free portion of the ocean  divided by the area of the ocean portion of the grid cell. </variable>
3134     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Water Evaporation Flux Where Ice Free Ocean over Sea </variable>
3135     <variable name="positive" type="string" > up </variable>
3136     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
3137     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg m-2 s-1 </variable>
3138     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where ice_free_sea over sea time: mean </variable>
3139     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
3140     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
3141     </field>
3144 <file id="hfds_Omon_gn" name="hfds_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
3145  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3146  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
3147  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
3148  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
3149  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
3150  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
3151  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
3152  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
3153  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3154  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
3155  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
3156  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
3157  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
3158  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
3159  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
3160  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3161  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
3162  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
3163  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
3164  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3165  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
3166  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3167  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3168  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3169  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
3170  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3171  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
3172  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
3173  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
3174  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3175  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
3176  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3177  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
3178  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
3179  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
3180atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
3181land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
3182ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
3183ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
3184seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
3185  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3186  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
3187  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3188  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3189  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
3190  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
3191  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > hfds   </variable>
3192  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
3193  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3194  <field field_ref="CMIP6_hfds_average" name="hfds"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
3195        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
3196        expr="@CMIP6_hfds_average">
3197     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > surface_downward_heat_flux_in_sea_water </variable>
3198     <variable name="description" type="string" > This is the net flux of heat entering the liquid water column through its upper surface (excluding any "flux adjustment") . </variable>
3199     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Downward Heat Flux at Sea Water Surface </variable>
3200     <variable name="positive" type="string" > down </variable>
3201     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
3202     <variable name="units" type="string" > W m-2 </variable>
3203     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
3204     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
3205     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
3206     </field>
3209 <file id="mlotstmin_Omon_gn" name="mlotstmin_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
3210  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3211  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
3212  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
3213  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
3214  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
3215  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
3216  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
3217  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
3218  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3219  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
3220  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
3221  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
3222  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
3223  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
3224  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
3225  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3226  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
3227  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
3228  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
3229  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3230  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
3231  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3232  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3233  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3234  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
3235  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3236  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
3237  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
3238  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
3239  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3240  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
3241  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3242  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
3243  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
3244  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
3245atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
3246land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
3247ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
3248ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
3249seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
3250  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3251  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
3252  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3253  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3254  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
3255  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
3256  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > mlotstmin   </variable>
3257  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
3258  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3259  <field field_ref="CMIP6_mlotstmin_minimum" name="mlotstmin"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
3260        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean time: minimum" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
3261        expr="@CMIP6_mlotstmin_minimum">
3262     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_t </variable>
3263     <variable name="description" type="string" > Sigma T is potential density referenced to ocean surface. </variable>
3264     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Minimum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T </variable>
3265     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
3266     <variable name="units" type="string" > m </variable>
3267     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean time: minimum </variable>
3268     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
3269     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
3270     </field>
3273 <file id="thetaoga_Omon_gn" name="thetaoga_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
3274  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3275  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
3276  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
3277  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
3278  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
3279  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
3280  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
3281  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
3282  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3283  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
3284  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
3285  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
3286  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
3287  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
3288  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
3289  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3290  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
3291  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
3292  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
3293  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3294  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
3295  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3296  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3297  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3298  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
3299  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3300  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
3301  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
3302  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
3303  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3304  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
3305  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3306  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
3307  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
3308  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
3309atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
3310land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
3311ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
3312ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
3313seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
3314  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3315  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
3316  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3317  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3318  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
3319  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
3320  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > thetaoga   </variable>
3321  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
3322  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3323  <field field_ref="CMIP6_thetaoga_average" name="thetaoga"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
3324        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
3325        expr="@CMIP6_thetaoga_average">
3326     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_potential_temperature </variable>
3327     <variable name="description" type="string" > Diagnostic should be contributed even for models using conservative temperature as prognostic field </variable>
3328     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Global Average Sea Water Potential Temperature </variable>
3329     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
3330     <variable name="units" type="string" > degC </variable>
3331     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
3332     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > DR-ISSUE </variable>
3333     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
3334     </field>
3337 <file id="vmo_Omon_gn" name="vmo_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="10y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
3338  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3339  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
3340  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
3341  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
3342  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
3343  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
3344  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
3345  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
3346  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3347  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
3348  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
3349  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
3350  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
3351  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
3352  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
3353  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3354  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
3355  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
3356  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
3357  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3358  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
3359  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3360  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3361  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3362  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
3363  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3364  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
3365  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
3366  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
3367  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3368  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
3369  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3370  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
3371  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
3372  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
3373atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
3374land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
3375ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
3376ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
3377seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
3378  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3379  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
3380  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3381  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3382  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
3383  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
3384  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > vmo   </variable>
3385  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
3386  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3387  <field field_ref="CMIP6_vmo_average" name="vmo"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
3388        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
3389        expr="@CMIP6_vmo_average">
3390     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > ocean_mass_y_transport </variable>
3391     <variable name="description" type="string" > Y-ward mass transport from resolved and parameterized advective transport. </variable>
3392     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Ocean Mass Y Transport </variable>
3393     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
3394     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg s-1 </variable>
3395     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > time: mean </variable>
3396     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > --OPT </variable>
3397     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
3398     </field>
3401 <file id="wfonocorr_Omon_gn" name="wfonocorr_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
3402  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3403  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
3404  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
3405  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
3406  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
3407  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
3408  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
3409  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
3410  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3411  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
3412  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
3413  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
3414  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
3415  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
3416  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
3417  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3418  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
3419  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
3420  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
3421  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3422  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
3423  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3424  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3425  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3426  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
3427  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3428  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
3429  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
3430  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
3431  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3432  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
3433  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3434  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
3435  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
3436  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
3437atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
3438land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
3439ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
3440ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
3441seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
3442  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3443  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
3444  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3445  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3446  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
3447  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
3448  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > wfonocorr   </variable>
3449  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
3450  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3451  <field field_ref="CMIP6_wfonocorr_average" name="wfonocorr"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
3452        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
3453        expr="@CMIP6_wfonocorr_average">
3454     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > water_flux_into_sea_water_without_flux_correction </variable>
3455     <variable name="description" type="string" > computed as the water  flux (without flux correction) into the ocean divided by the area of the ocean portion of the grid cell. </variable>
3456     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Water Flux into Sea Water Without Flux Correction </variable>
3457     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
3458     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg m-2 s-1 </variable>
3459     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
3460     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
3461     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
3462     </field>
3465 <file id="wo_Omon_gn" name="wo_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="10y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
3466  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3467  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
3468  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
3469  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
3470  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
3471  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
3472  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
3473  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
3474  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3475  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
3476  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
3477  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
3478  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
3479  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
3480  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
3481  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3482  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
3483  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
3484  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
3485  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3486  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
3487  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3488  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3489  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3490  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
3491  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3492  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
3493  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
3494  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
3495  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3496  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
3497  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3498  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
3499  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
3500  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
3501atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
3502land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
3503ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
3504ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
3505seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
3506  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3507  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
3508  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3509  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3510  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
3511  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
3512  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > wo   </variable>
3513  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
3514  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3515  <field field_ref="CMIP6_wo_average" name="wo"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
3516        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
3517        expr="@CMIP6_wo_average">
3518     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > upward_sea_water_velocity </variable>
3519     <variable name="description" type="string" > Sea Water Vertical Velocity </variable>
3520     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Water Z Velocity </variable>
3521     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
3522     <variable name="units" type="string" > m s-1 </variable>
3523     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > time: mean </variable>
3524     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > --OPT </variable>
3525     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
3526     </field>
3529 <file id="friver_Omon_gn" name="friver_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
3530  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3531  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
3532  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
3533  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
3534  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
3535  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
3536  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
3537  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
3538  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3539  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
3540  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
3541  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
3542  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
3543  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
3544  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
3545  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3546  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
3547  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
3548  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
3549  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3550  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
3551  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3552  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3553  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3554  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
3555  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3556  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
3557  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
3558  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
3559  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3560  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
3561  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3562  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
3563  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
3564  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
3565atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
3566land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
3567ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
3568ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
3569seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
3570  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3571  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
3572  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3573  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3574  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
3575  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
3576  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > friver   </variable>
3577  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
3578  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3579  <field field_ref="CMIP6_friver_average" name="friver"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
3580        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
3581        expr="@CMIP6_friver_average">
3582     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > water_flux_into_sea_water_from_rivers </variable>
3583     <variable name="description" type="string" > computed as the river flux of water into the ocean divided by the area of the ocean portion of the grid cell. </variable>
3584     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Water Flux into Sea Water From Rivers </variable>
3585     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
3586     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg m-2 s-1 </variable>
3587     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
3588     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
3589     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
3590     </field>
3593 <file id="sosga_Omon_gn" name="sosga_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
3594  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3595  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
3596  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
3597  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
3598  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
3599  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
3600  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
3601  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
3602  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3603  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
3604  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
3605  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
3606  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
3607  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
3608  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
3609  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3610  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
3611  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
3612  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
3613  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3614  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
3615  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3616  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3617  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3618  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
3619  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3620  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
3621  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
3622  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
3623  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3624  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
3625  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3626  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
3627  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
3628  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
3629atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
3630land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
3631ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
3632ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
3633seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
3634  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3635  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
3636  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3637  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3638  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
3639  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
3640  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sosga   </variable>
3641  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
3642  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3643  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sosga_average" name="sosga"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
3644        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
3645        expr="@CMIP6_sosga_average">
3646     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_surface_salinity </variable>
3647     <variable name="description" type="string" > Global Average Sea Surface Salinity </variable>
3648     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Global Average Sea Surface Salinity </variable>
3649     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
3650     <variable name="units" type="string" > 0.001 </variable>
3651     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
3652     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > DR-ISSUE </variable>
3653     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
3654     </field>
3657 <file id="hfbasin_Omon_gn" name="hfbasin_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
3658  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3659  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
3660  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
3661  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
3662  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
3663  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
3664  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
3665  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
3666  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3667  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
3668  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
3669  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
3670  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
3671  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
3672  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
3673  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3674  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
3675  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
3676  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
3677  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3678  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
3679  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3680  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3681  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3682  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
3683  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3684  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
3685  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
3686  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
3687  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3688  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
3689  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3690  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
3691  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
3692  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
3693atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
3694land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
3695ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
3696ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
3697seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
3698  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3699  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
3700  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3701  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3702  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
3703  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
3704  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > hfbasin   </variable>
3705  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
3706  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3707  <field field_ref="CMIP6_hfbasin_average" name="hfbasin"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
3708        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="longitude: mean (basin) time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
3709        expr="@CMIP6_hfbasin_average">
3710     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > northward_ocean_heat_transport </variable>
3711     <variable name="description" type="string" > Contains contributions from all physical processes affecting the northward heat transport, including resolved advection, parameterized advection, lateral diffusion, etc. Diagnosed here as a function of latitude and basin.   Use Celsius for temperature scale. </variable>
3712     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Northward Ocean Heat Transport </variable>
3713     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
3714     <variable name="units" type="string" > W </variable>
3715     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > longitude: mean (basin) time: mean </variable>
3716     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
3717     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
3718     </field>
3721 <file id="hfbasinpmadv_Omon_gn" name="hfbasinpmadv_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
3722  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3723  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
3724  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
3725  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
3726  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
3727  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
3728  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
3729  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
3730  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3731  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
3732  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
3733  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
3734  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
3735  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
3736  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
3737  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3738  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
3739  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
3740  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
3741  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3742  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
3743  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3744  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3745  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3746  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
3747  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3748  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
3749  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
3750  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
3751  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3752  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
3753  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3754  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
3755  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
3756  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
3757atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
3758land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
3759ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
3760ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
3761seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
3762  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3763  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
3764  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3765  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3766  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
3767  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
3768  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > hfbasinpmadv   </variable>
3769  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
3770  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3771  <field field_ref="CMIP6_hfbasinpmadv_average" name="hfbasinpmadv"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
3772        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="longitude: mean (basin) time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
3773        expr="@CMIP6_hfbasinpmadv_average">
3774     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > northward_ocean_heat_transport_due_to_parameterized_mesoscale_advection </variable>
3775     <variable name="description" type="string" > Contributions to heat transport from parameterized mesoscale eddy-induced advective transport. Diagnosed here as a function of latitude and basin.  Use Celsius for temperature scale. </variable>
3776     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > northward ocean heat transport due to parameterized mesoscale advection </variable>
3777     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
3778     <variable name="units" type="string" > W </variable>
3779     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > longitude: mean (basin) time: mean </variable>
3780     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
3781     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
3782     </field>
3785 <file id="tob_Omon_gn" name="tob_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
3786  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3787  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
3788  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
3789  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
3790  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
3791  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
3792  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
3793  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
3794  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3795  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
3796  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
3797  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
3798  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
3799  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
3800  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
3801  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3802  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
3803  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
3804  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
3805  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3806  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
3807  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3808  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3809  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3810  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
3811  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3812  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
3813  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
3814  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
3815  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3816  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
3817  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3818  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
3819  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
3820  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
3821atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
3822land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
3823ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
3824ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
3825seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
3826  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3827  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
3828  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3829  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3830  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
3831  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
3832  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > tob   </variable>
3833  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
3834  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3835  <field field_ref="CMIP6_tob_average" name="tob"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
3836        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
3837        expr="@CMIP6_tob_average">
3838     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_potential_temperature_at_sea_floor </variable>
3839     <variable name="description" type="string" > Potential temperature at the ocean bottom-most grid cell. </variable>
3840     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Water Potential Temperature at Sea Floor </variable>
3841     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
3842     <variable name="units" type="string" > degC </variable>
3843     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
3844     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
3845     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
3846     </field>
3849 <file id="tauuo_Omon_gn" name="tauuo_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
3850  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3851  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
3852  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
3853  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
3854  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
3855  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
3856  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
3857  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
3858  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3859  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
3860  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
3861  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
3862  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
3863  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
3864  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
3865  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3866  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
3867  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
3868  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
3869  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3870  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
3871  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3872  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3873  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3874  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
3875  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3876  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
3877  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
3878  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
3879  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3880  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
3881  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3882  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
3883  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
3884  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
3885atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
3886land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
3887ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
3888ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
3889seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
3890  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3891  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
3892  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3893  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3894  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
3895  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
3896  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > tauuo   </variable>
3897  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
3898  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3899  <field field_ref="CMIP6_tauuo_average" name="tauuo"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
3900        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
3901        expr="@CMIP6_tauuo_average">
3902     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > surface_downward_x_stress </variable>
3903     <variable name="description" type="string" > This is the stress on the liquid ocean from overlying atmosphere, sea ice, ice shelf, etc. </variable>
3904     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Surface Downward X Stress </variable>
3905     <variable name="positive" type="string" > down </variable>
3906     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
3907     <variable name="units" type="string" > N m-2 </variable>
3908     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > time: mean </variable>
3909     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > --OPT </variable>
3910     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
3911     </field>
3914 <file id="bigthetaoga_Omon_gn" name="bigthetaoga_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
3915  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3916  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
3917  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
3918  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
3919  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
3920  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
3921  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
3922  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
3923  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3924  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
3925  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
3926  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
3927  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
3928  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
3929  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
3930  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3931  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
3932  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
3933  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
3934  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3935  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
3936  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3937  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3938  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3939  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
3940  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3941  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
3942  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
3943  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
3944  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3945  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
3946  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3947  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
3948  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
3949  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
3950atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
3951land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
3952ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
3953ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
3954seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
3955  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
3956  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
3957  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3958  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
3959  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
3960  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
3961  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > bigthetaoga   </variable>
3962  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
3963  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
3964  <field field_ref="CMIP6_bigthetaoga_average" name="bigthetaoga"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
3965        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
3966        expr="@CMIP6_bigthetaoga_average">
3967     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_conservative_temperature </variable>
3968     <variable name="description" type="string" > Diagnostic should be contributed only for models using conservative temperature as prognostic field. </variable>
3969     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Global Average Sea Water Conservative Temperature </variable>
3970     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
3971     <variable name="units" type="string" > degC </variable>
3972     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
3973     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > DR-ISSUE </variable>
3974     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
3975     </field>
3978 <file id="zos_Omon_gn" name="zos_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
3979  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
3980  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
3981  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
3982  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
3983  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
3984  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
3985  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
3986  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
3987  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3988  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
3989  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
3990  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
3991  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
3992  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
3993  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
3994  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
3995  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
3996  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
3997  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
3998  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
3999  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
4000  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4001  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4002  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4003  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
4004  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4005  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
4006  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
4007  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
4008  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4009  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
4010  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4011  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
4012  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
4013  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
4014atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
4015land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
4016ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
4017ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
4018seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
4019  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4020  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
4021  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4022  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4023  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
4024  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
4025  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > zos   </variable>
4026  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
4027  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4028  <field field_ref="CMIP6_zos_average" name="zos"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
4029        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
4030        expr="@CMIP6_zos_average">
4031     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_surface_height_above_geoid </variable>
4032     <variable name="description" type="string" > This is the dynamic sea level, so should have zero global area mean. It should not include inverse barometer depressions from sea ice. </variable>
4033     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Surface Height Above Geoid </variable>
4034     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
4035     <variable name="units" type="string" > m </variable>
4036     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
4037     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
4038     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
4039     </field>
4042 <file id="tosga_Omon_gn" name="tosga_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
4043  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4044  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
4045  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
4046  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
4047  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
4048  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
4049  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
4050  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
4051  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4052  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
4053  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
4054  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
4055  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
4056  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
4057  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
4058  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4059  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
4060  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
4061  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
4062  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4063  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
4064  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4065  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4066  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4067  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
4068  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4069  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
4070  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
4071  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
4072  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4073  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
4074  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4075  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
4076  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
4077  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
4078atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
4079land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
4080ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
4081ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
4082seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
4083  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4084  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
4085  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4086  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4087  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
4088  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
4089  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > tosga   </variable>
4090  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
4091  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4092  <field field_ref="CMIP6_tosga_average" name="tosga"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
4093        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
4094        expr="@CMIP6_tosga_average">
4095     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_surface_temperature </variable>
4096     <variable name="description" type="string" > Temperature of upper boundary of the liquid ocean, including temperatures below sea-ice and floating ice shelves. </variable>
4097     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Global Average Sea Surface Temperature </variable>
4098     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
4099     <variable name="units" type="string" > degC </variable>
4100     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
4101     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > DR-ISSUE </variable>
4102     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
4103     </field>
4106 <file id="umo_Omon_gn" name="umo_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="10y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
4107  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4108  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
4109  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
4110  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
4111  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
4112  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
4113  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
4114  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
4115  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4116  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
4117  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
4118  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
4119  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
4120  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
4121  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
4122  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4123  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
4124  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
4125  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
4126  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4127  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
4128  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4129  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4130  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4131  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
4132  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4133  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
4134  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
4135  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
4136  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4137  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
4138  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4139  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
4140  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
4141  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
4142atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
4143land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
4144ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
4145ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
4146seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
4147  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4148  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
4149  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4150  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4151  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
4152  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
4153  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > umo   </variable>
4154  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
4155  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4156  <field field_ref="CMIP6_umo_average" name="umo"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
4157        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
4158        expr="@CMIP6_umo_average">
4159     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > ocean_mass_x_transport </variable>
4160     <variable name="description" type="string" > X-ward mass transport from resolved and parameterized advective transport. </variable>
4161     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Ocean Mass X Transport </variable>
4162     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
4163     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg s-1 </variable>
4164     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > time: mean </variable>
4165     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > --OPT </variable>
4166     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
4167     </field>
4170 <file id="fgcfc12_Omon_gn" name="fgcfc12_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
4171  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4172  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
4173  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
4174  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
4175  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
4176  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
4177  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
4178  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
4179  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4180  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
4181  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
4182  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
4183  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
4184  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
4185  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
4186  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4187  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
4188  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
4189  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
4190  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4191  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
4192  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4193  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4194  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4195  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
4196  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4197  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
4198  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
4199  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
4200  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4201  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
4202  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4203  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
4204  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
4205  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
4206atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
4207land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
4208ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
4209ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
4210seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
4211  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4212  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
4213  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4214  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4215  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
4216  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
4217  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > fgcfc12   </variable>
4218  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
4219  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4220  <field field_ref="CMIP6_fgcfc12_average" name="fgcfc12"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
4221        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
4222        expr="@CMIP6_fgcfc12_average">
4223     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > surface_downward_mole_flux_of_cfc12 </variable>
4224     <variable name="description" type="string" > gas exchange flux of CFC12 </variable>
4225     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Surface Downward CFC12 flux </variable>
4226     <variable name="positive" type="string" > down </variable>
4227     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
4228     <variable name="units" type="string" > mol sec-1 m-2 </variable>
4229     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
4230     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
4231     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
4232     </field>
4235 <file id="htovgyre_Omon_gn" name="htovgyre_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
4236  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4237  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
4238  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
4239  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
4240  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
4241  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
4242  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
4243  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
4244  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4245  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
4246  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
4247  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
4248  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
4249  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
4250  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
4251  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4252  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
4253  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
4254  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
4255  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4256  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
4257  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4258  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4259  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4260  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
4261  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4262  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
4263  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
4264  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
4265  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4266  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
4267  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4268  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
4269  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
4270  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
4271atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
4272land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
4273ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
4274ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
4275seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
4276  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4277  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
4278  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4279  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4280  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
4281  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
4282  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > htovgyre   </variable>
4283  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
4284  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4285  <field field_ref="CMIP6_htovgyre_average" name="htovgyre"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
4286        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="longitude: mean time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
4287        expr="@CMIP6_htovgyre_average">
4288     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > northward_ocean_heat_transport_due_to_gyre </variable>
4289     <variable name="description" type="string" > From all advective mass transport processes, resolved and parameterized. </variable>
4290     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Gyre </variable>
4291     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
4292     <variable name="units" type="string" > W </variable>
4293     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > longitude: mean time: mean </variable>
4294     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
4295     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
4296     </field>
4299 <file id="wmo_Omon_gn" name="wmo_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="10y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
4300  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4301  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
4302  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
4303  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
4304  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
4305  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
4306  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
4307  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
4308  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4309  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
4310  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
4311  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
4312  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
4313  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
4314  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
4315  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4316  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
4317  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
4318  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
4319  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4320  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
4321  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4322  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4323  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4324  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
4325  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4326  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
4327  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
4328  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
4329  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4330  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
4331  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4332  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
4333  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
4334  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
4335atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
4336land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
4337ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
4338ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
4339seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
4340  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4341  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
4342  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4343  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4344  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
4345  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
4346  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > wmo   </variable>
4347  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
4348  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4349  <field field_ref="CMIP6_wmo_average" name="wmo"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
4350        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
4351        expr="@CMIP6_wmo_average">
4352     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > upward_ocean_mass_transport </variable>
4353     <variable name="description" type="string" > Upward mass transport from resolved and parameterized advective transport. </variable>
4354     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Upward Ocean Mass Transport </variable>
4355     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
4356     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg s-1 </variable>
4357     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
4358     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello volume: volcello </variable>
4359     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
4360     </field>
4363 <file id="pbo_Omon_gn" name="pbo_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
4364  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4365  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
4366  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
4367  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
4368  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
4369  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
4370  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
4371  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
4372  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4373  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
4374  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
4375  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
4376  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
4377  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
4378  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
4379  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4380  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
4381  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
4382  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
4383  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4384  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
4385  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4386  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4387  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4388  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
4389  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4390  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
4391  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
4392  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
4393  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4394  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
4395  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4396  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
4397  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
4398  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
4399atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
4400land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
4401ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
4402ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
4403seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
4404  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4405  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
4406  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4407  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4408  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
4409  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
4410  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > pbo   </variable>
4411  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
4412  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4413  <field field_ref="CMIP6_pbo_average" name="pbo"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
4414        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
4415        expr="@CMIP6_pbo_average">
4416     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_pressure_at_sea_floor </variable>
4417     <variable name="description" type="string" > Sea Water Pressure at Sea floor </variable>
4418     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Water Pressure at Sea floor </variable>
4419     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
4420     <variable name="units" type="string" > Pa </variable>
4421     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
4422     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
4423     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
4424     </field>
4427 <file id="sob_Omon_gn" name="sob_Omon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
4428  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4429  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
4430  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
4431  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
4432  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
4433  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
4434  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
4435  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
4436  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4437  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
4438  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
4439  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
4440  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
4441  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
4442  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
4443  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4444  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
4445  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
4446  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
4447  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4448  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
4449  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4450  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4451  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4452  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
4453  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4454  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
4455  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
4456  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
4457  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4458  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
4459  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4460  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
4461  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
4462  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
4463atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
4464land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
4465ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
4466ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
4467seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
4468  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4469  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
4470  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4471  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4472  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Omon   </variable>
4473  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
4474  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sob   </variable>
4475  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
4476  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4477  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sob_average" name="sob"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
4478        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
4479        expr="@CMIP6_sob_average">
4480     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_salinity_at_sea_floor </variable>
4481     <variable name="description" type="string" > Model prognostic salinity at bottom-most model grid cell </variable>
4482     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > sea water salinity at sea floor </variable>
4483     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
4484     <variable name="units" type="string" > 0.001 </variable>
4485     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
4486     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
4487     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
4488     </field>
4491 <file id="sitimefrac_SIday_gn" name="sitimefrac_SIday_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1d"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="50y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo%d"  split_start_offset="12h"  split_end_offset="-12h"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
4492  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4493  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
4494  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
4495  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
4496  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
4497  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
4498  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
4499  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
4500  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4501  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > day   </variable>
4502  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
4503  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
4504  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
4505  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
4506  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
4507  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4508  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
4509  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
4510  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
4511  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4512  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
4513  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4514  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4515  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4516  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
4517  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4518  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
4519  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
4520  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
4521  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4522  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
4523  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4524  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
4525  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
4526  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
4527atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
4528land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
4529ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
4530ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
4531seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
4532  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4533  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
4534  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4535  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4536  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SIday   </variable>
4537  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
4538  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sitimefrac   </variable>
4539  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
4540  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4541  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sitimefrac_average" name="sitimefrac"  freq_op="1d" detect_missing_value="True" 
4542        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
4543        expr="@CMIP6_sitimefrac_average">
4544     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_ice_time_fraction </variable>
4545     <variable name="description" type="string" > Fraction of time steps of the averaging period during which sea ice is present (siconc 0 ) in a grid cell </variable>
4546     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Fraction of time steps with sea ice </variable>
4547     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
4548     <variable name="units" type="string" > 1.0 </variable>
4549     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean </variable>
4550     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
4551     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
4552     </field>
4555 <file id="sitemptop_SIday_gn" name="sitemptop_SIday_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1d"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="50y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo%d"  split_start_offset="12h"  split_end_offset="-12h"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
4556  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4557  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
4558  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
4559  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
4560  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
4561  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
4562  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
4563  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
4564  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4565  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > day   </variable>
4566  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
4567  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
4568  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
4569  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
4570  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
4571  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4572  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
4573  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
4574  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
4575  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4576  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
4577  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4578  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4579  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4580  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
4581  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4582  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
4583  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
4584  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
4585  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4586  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
4587  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4588  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
4589  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
4590  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
4591atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
4592land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
4593ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
4594ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
4595seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
4596  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4597  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
4598  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4599  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4600  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SIday   </variable>
4601  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
4602  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sitemptop   </variable>
4603  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
4604  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4605  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sitemptop_average" name="sitemptop"  freq_op="1d" detect_missing_value="True" 
4606        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc)" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
4607        expr="@CMIP6_sitemptop_average">
4608     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_ice_surface_temperature </variable>
4609     <variable name="description" type="string" > Report surface temperature of snow where snow covers the sea ice. </variable>
4610     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Surface temperature of sea ice </variable>
4611     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
4612     <variable name="units" type="string" > K </variable>
4613     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc) </variable>
4614     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
4615     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
4616     </field>
4619 <file id="siv_SIday_gn" name="siv_SIday_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1d"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="50y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo%d"  split_start_offset="12h"  split_end_offset="-12h"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
4620  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4621  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
4622  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
4623  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
4624  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
4625  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
4626  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
4627  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
4628  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4629  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > day   </variable>
4630  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
4631  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
4632  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
4633  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
4634  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
4635  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4636  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
4637  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
4638  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
4639  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4640  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
4641  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4642  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4643  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4644  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
4645  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4646  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
4647  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
4648  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
4649  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4650  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
4651  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4652  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
4653  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
4654  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
4655atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
4656land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
4657ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
4658ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
4659seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
4660  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4661  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
4662  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4663  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4664  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SIday   </variable>
4665  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
4666  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > siv   </variable>
4667  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
4668  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4669  <field field_ref="CMIP6_siv_average" name="siv"  freq_op="1d" detect_missing_value="True" 
4670        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc)" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
4671        expr="@CMIP6_siv_average">
4672     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_ice_y_velocity </variable>
4673     <variable name="description" type="string" > The y-velocity of ice on native model grid </variable>
4674     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Y-component of sea ice velocity </variable>
4675     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
4676     <variable name="units" type="string" > m s-1 </variable>
4677     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc) </variable>
4678     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > --MODEL </variable>
4679     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
4680     </field>
4683 <file id="siconc_SIday_gn" name="siconc_SIday_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1d"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="50y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo%d"  split_start_offset="12h"  split_end_offset="-12h"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
4684  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4685  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
4686  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
4687  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
4688  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
4689  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
4690  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
4691  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
4692  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4693  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > day   </variable>
4694  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
4695  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
4696  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
4697  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
4698  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
4699  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4700  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
4701  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
4702  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
4703  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4704  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
4705  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4706  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4707  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4708  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
4709  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4710  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
4711  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
4712  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
4713  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4714  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
4715  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4716  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
4717  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
4718  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
4719atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
4720land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
4721ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
4722ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
4723seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
4724  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4725  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
4726  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4727  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4728  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SIday   </variable>
4729  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
4730  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > siconc   </variable>
4731  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
4732  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4733  <field field_ref="CMIP6_siconc_average" name="siconc"  freq_op="1d" detect_missing_value="True" 
4734        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
4735        expr="@CMIP6_siconc_average">
4736     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_ice_area_fraction </variable>
4737     <variable name="description" type="string" > Area fraction of grid cell covered by sea ice </variable>
4738     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Ice Area Fraction </variable>
4739     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
4740     <variable name="units" type="string" > % </variable>
4741     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
4742     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
4743     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
4744     </field>
4747 <file id="siu_SIday_gn" name="siu_SIday_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1d"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="50y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo%d"  split_start_offset="12h"  split_end_offset="-12h"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
4748  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4749  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
4750  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
4751  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
4752  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
4753  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
4754  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
4755  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
4756  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4757  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > day   </variable>
4758  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
4759  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
4760  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
4761  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
4762  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
4763  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4764  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
4765  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
4766  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
4767  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4768  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
4769  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4770  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4771  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4772  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
4773  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4774  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
4775  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
4776  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
4777  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4778  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
4779  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4780  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
4781  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
4782  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
4783atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
4784land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
4785ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
4786ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
4787seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
4788  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4789  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
4790  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4791  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4792  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SIday   </variable>
4793  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
4794  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > siu   </variable>
4795  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
4796  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4797  <field field_ref="CMIP6_siu_average" name="siu"  freq_op="1d" detect_missing_value="True" 
4798        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc)" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
4799        expr="@CMIP6_siu_average">
4800     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_ice_x_velocity </variable>
4801     <variable name="description" type="string" > The x-velocity of ice on native model grid </variable>
4802     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > X-component of sea ice velocity </variable>
4803     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
4804     <variable name="units" type="string" > m s-1 </variable>
4805     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc) </variable>
4806     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > --MODEL </variable>
4807     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
4808     </field>
4811 <file id="sispeed_SIday_gn" name="sispeed_SIday_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1d"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="50y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo%d"  split_start_offset="12h"  split_end_offset="-12h"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
4812  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4813  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
4814  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
4815  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
4816  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
4817  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
4818  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
4819  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
4820  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4821  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > day   </variable>
4822  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
4823  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
4824  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
4825  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
4826  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
4827  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4828  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
4829  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
4830  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
4831  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4832  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
4833  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4834  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4835  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4836  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
4837  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4838  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
4839  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
4840  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
4841  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4842  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
4843  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4844  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
4845  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
4846  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
4847atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
4848land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
4849ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
4850ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
4851seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
4852  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4853  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
4854  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4855  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4856  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SIday   </variable>
4857  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
4858  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sispeed   </variable>
4859  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
4860  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4861  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sispeed_average" name="sispeed"  freq_op="1d" detect_missing_value="True" 
4862        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc)" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
4863        expr="@CMIP6_sispeed_average">
4864     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_ice_speed </variable>
4865     <variable name="description" type="string" > Speed of ice (i.e. mean absolute velocity) to account for back-and-forth movement of the ice </variable>
4866     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea-ice speed </variable>
4867     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
4868     <variable name="units" type="string" > m s-1 </variable>
4869     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc) </variable>
4870     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
4871     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
4872     </field>
4875 <file id="sisnthick_SIday_gn" name="sisnthick_SIday_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1d"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="50y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo%d"  split_start_offset="12h"  split_end_offset="-12h"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
4876  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4877  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
4878  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
4879  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
4880  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
4881  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
4882  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
4883  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
4884  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4885  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > day   </variable>
4886  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
4887  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
4888  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
4889  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
4890  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
4891  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4892  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
4893  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
4894  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
4895  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4896  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
4897  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4898  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4899  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4900  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
4901  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4902  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
4903  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
4904  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
4905  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4906  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
4907  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4908  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce   </variable>
4909  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
4910  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
4911atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
4912land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
4913ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
4914ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
4915seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
4916  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4917  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
4918  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4919  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4920  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SIday   </variable>
4921  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
4922  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sisnthick   </variable>
4923  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
4924  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4925  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sisnthick_average" name="sisnthick"  freq_op="1d" detect_missing_value="True" 
4926        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where snow over sea_ice area: time: mean where sea_ice" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
4927        expr="@CMIP6_sisnthick_average">
4928     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > surface_snow_thickness </variable>
4929     <variable name="description" type="string" > Actual thickness of snow (snow volume divided by snow-covered area) </variable>
4930     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Snow thickness </variable>
4931     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
4932     <variable name="units" type="string" > m </variable>
4933     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where snow over sea_ice area: time: mean where sea_ice </variable>
4934     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
4935     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
4936     </field>
4939 <file id="sithick_SIday_gn" name="sithick_SIday_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1d"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="50y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo%d"  split_start_offset="12h"  split_end_offset="-12h"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
4940  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4941  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
4942  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
4943  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
4944  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
4945  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
4946  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
4947  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
4948  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4949  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > day   </variable>
4950  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
4951  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
4952  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
4953  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
4954  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
4955  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4956  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
4957  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
4958  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
4959  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4960  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
4961  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
4962  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
4963  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4964  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
4965  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4966  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
4967  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
4968  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
4969  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4970  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
4971  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
4972  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > seaIce ocean   </variable>
4973  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
4974  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
4975atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
4976land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
4977ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
4978ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
4979seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
4980  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
4981  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
4982  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4983  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
4984  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > SIday   </variable>
4985  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
4986  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sithick   </variable>
4987  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
4988  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
4989  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sithick_average" name="sithick"  freq_op="1d" detect_missing_value="True" 
4990        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc)" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
4991        expr="@CMIP6_sithick_average">
4992     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_ice_thickness </variable>
4993     <variable name="description" type="string" > Actual (floe) thickness of sea ice (NOT volume divided by grid area as was done in CMIP5) </variable>
4994     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Ice Thickness </variable>
4995     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
4996     <variable name="units" type="string" > m </variable>
4997     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean where sea_ice (comment: mask=siconc) </variable>
4998     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
4999     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
5000     </field>
5003 <file id="cfc12_Oyr_gn" name="cfc12_Oyr_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1y"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
5004  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5005  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
5006  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
5007  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
5008  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
5009  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
5010  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
5011  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
5012  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5013  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > yr   </variable>
5014  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
5015  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
5016  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
5017  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
5018  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
5019  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5020  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
5021  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
5022  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
5023  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5024  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
5025  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5026  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5027  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5028  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
5029  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5030  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
5031  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
5032  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
5033  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5034  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
5035  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5036  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
5037  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
5038  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
5039atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
5040land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
5041ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
5042ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
5043seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
5044  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5045  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
5046  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5047  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5048  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Oyr   </variable>
5049  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
5050  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > cfc12   </variable>
5051  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
5052  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5053  <field field_ref="CMIP6_cfc12_average" name="cfc12"  freq_op="1y" detect_missing_value="True" 
5054        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
5055        expr="@CMIP6_cfc12_average">
5056     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > mole_concentration_of_cfc12_in_sea_water </variable>
5057     <variable name="description" type="string" > Mole Concentration of CFC-12 in sea water </variable>
5058     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Mole Concentration of CFC-12 in sea water </variable>
5059     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
5060     <variable name="units" type="string" > mol m-3 </variable>
5061     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
5062     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello volume: volcello </variable>
5063     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
5064     </field>
5067 <file id="thetaot2000_Emon_gn" name="thetaot2000_Emon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
5068  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5069  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
5070  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
5071  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
5072  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
5073  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
5074  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
5075  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
5076  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5077  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
5078  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
5079  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
5080  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
5081  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
5082  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
5083  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5084  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
5085  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
5086  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
5087  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5088  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
5089  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5090  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5091  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5092  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
5093  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5094  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
5095  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
5096  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
5097  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5098  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
5099  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5100  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
5101  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
5102  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
5103atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
5104land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
5105ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
5106ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
5107seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
5108  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5109  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
5110  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5111  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5112  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Emon   </variable>
5113  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
5114  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > thetaot2000   </variable>
5115  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
5116  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5117  <field field_ref="CMIP6_thetaot2000_average" name="thetaot2000"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
5118        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
5119        expr="@CMIP6_thetaot2000_average">
5120     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_potential_temperature </variable>
5121     <variable name="description" type="string" > Upper 2000m, 2D field </variable>
5122     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Depth average potential temperature of upper 2000m </variable>
5123     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
5124     <variable name="units" type="string" > degC </variable>
5125     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean </variable>
5126     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
5127     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
5128     </field>
5131 <file id="flandice_Emon_gn" name="flandice_Emon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
5132  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5133  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
5134  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
5135  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
5136  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
5137  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
5138  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
5139  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
5140  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5141  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
5142  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
5143  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
5144  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
5145  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
5146  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
5147  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5148  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
5149  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
5150  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
5151  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5152  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
5153  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5154  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5155  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5156  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
5157  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5158  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
5159  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
5160  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
5161  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5162  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
5163  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5164  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
5165  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
5166  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
5167atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
5168land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
5169ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
5170ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
5171seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
5172  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5173  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
5174  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5175  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5176  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Emon   </variable>
5177  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
5178  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > flandice   </variable>
5179  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
5180  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5181  <field field_ref="CMIP6_flandice_average" name="flandice"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
5182        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
5183        expr="@CMIP6_flandice_average">
5184     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > water_flux_into_sea_water_from_land_ice </variable>
5185     <variable name="description" type="string" > Computed as the water flux into the ocean due to land ice (runoff water from surface and base of land ice or melt from base of ice shelf or vertical ice front) into the ocean divided by the area ocean portion of the grid cell </variable>
5186     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Water flux into Sea Water from Land Ice </variable>
5187     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
5188     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg m-2 s-1 </variable>
5189     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
5190     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
5191     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
5192     </field>
5195 <file id="thetaot_Emon_gn" name="thetaot_Emon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
5196  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5197  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
5198  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
5199  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
5200  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
5201  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
5202  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
5203  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
5204  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5205  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
5206  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
5207  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
5208  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
5209  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
5210  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
5211  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5212  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
5213  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
5214  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
5215  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5216  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
5217  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5218  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5219  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5220  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
5221  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5222  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
5223  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
5224  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
5225  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5226  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
5227  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5228  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
5229  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
5230  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
5231atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
5232land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
5233ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
5234ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
5235seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
5236  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5237  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
5238  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5239  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5240  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Emon   </variable>
5241  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
5242  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > thetaot   </variable>
5243  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
5244  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5245  <field field_ref="CMIP6_thetaot_average" name="thetaot"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
5246        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
5247        expr="@CMIP6_thetaot_average">
5248     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_potential_temperature </variable>
5249     <variable name="description" type="string" > Vertical average of the sea water potential temperature through the whole ocean depth </variable>
5250     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Vertically Averaged Sea Water Potential Temperature </variable>
5251     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
5252     <variable name="units" type="string" > degC </variable>
5253     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
5254     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
5255     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
5256     </field>
5259 <file id="thetaot700_Emon_gn" name="thetaot700_Emon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
5260  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5261  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
5262  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
5263  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
5264  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
5265  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
5266  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
5267  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
5268  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5269  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
5270  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
5271  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
5272  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
5273  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
5274  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
5275  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5276  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
5277  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
5278  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
5279  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5280  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
5281  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5282  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5283  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5284  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
5285  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5286  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
5287  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
5288  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
5289  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5290  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
5291  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5292  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
5293  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
5294  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
5295atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
5296land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
5297ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
5298ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
5299seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
5300  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5301  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
5302  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5303  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5304  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Emon   </variable>
5305  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
5306  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > thetaot700   </variable>
5307  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
5308  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5309  <field field_ref="CMIP6_thetaot700_average" name="thetaot700"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
5310        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
5311        expr="@CMIP6_thetaot700_average">
5312     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_potential_temperature </variable>
5313     <variable name="description" type="string" > Upper 700m, 2D field </variable>
5314     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Depth average potential temperature of upper 700m </variable>
5315     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
5316     <variable name="units" type="string" > degC </variable>
5317     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean </variable>
5318     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
5319     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
5320     </field>
5323 <file id="expfe_Emon_gn" name="expfe_Emon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="10y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
5324  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5325  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
5326  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
5327  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
5328  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
5329  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
5330  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
5331  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
5332  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5333  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
5334  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
5335  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
5336  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
5337  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
5338  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
5339  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5340  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
5341  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
5342  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
5343  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5344  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
5345  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5346  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5347  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5348  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
5349  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5350  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
5351  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
5352  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
5353  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5354  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
5355  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5356  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
5357  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
5358  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
5359atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
5360land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
5361ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
5362ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
5363seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
5364  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5365  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
5366  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5367  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5368  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Emon   </variable>
5369  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
5370  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > expfe   </variable>
5371  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
5372  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5373  <field field_ref="CMIP6_expfe_average" name="expfe"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
5374        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
5375        expr="@CMIP6_expfe_average">
5376     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sinking_mole_flux_of_particulate_iron_in_sea_water </variable>
5377     <variable name="description" type="string" > Sinking Particulate Iron Flux </variable>
5378     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sinking Particulate Iron Flux </variable>
5379     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
5380     <variable name="units" type="string" > mol m-2 s-1 </variable>
5381     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
5382     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello volume: volcello </variable>
5383     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
5384     </field>
5387 <file id="hcont300_Emon_gn" name="hcont300_Emon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
5388  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5389  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
5390  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
5391  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
5392  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
5393  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
5394  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
5395  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
5396  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5397  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
5398  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
5399  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
5400  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
5401  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
5402  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
5403  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5404  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
5405  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
5406  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
5407  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5408  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
5409  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5410  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5411  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5412  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
5413  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5414  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
5415  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
5416  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
5417  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5418  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
5419  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5420  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
5421  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
5422  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
5423atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
5424land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
5425ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
5426ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
5427seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
5428  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5429  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
5430  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5431  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5432  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Emon   </variable>
5433  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
5434  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > hcont300   </variable>
5435  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
5436  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5437  <field field_ref="CMIP6_hcont300_average" name="hcont300"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
5438        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
5439        expr="@CMIP6_hcont300_average">
5440     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > heat_content_of_ocean_layer </variable>
5441     <variable name="description" type="string" > Used in PMIP2 </variable>
5442     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Heat content of upper 300 meters </variable>
5443     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
5444     <variable name="units" type="string" > m K </variable>
5445     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
5446     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
5447     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
5448     </field>
5451 <file id="thetaot300_Emon_gn" name="thetaot300_Emon_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1mo"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
5452  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5453  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
5454  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
5455  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
5456  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
5457  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
5458  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
5459  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacella   </variable>
5460  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5461  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > mon   </variable>
5462  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
5463  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
5464  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
5465  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
5466  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
5467  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5468  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
5469  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
5470  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
5471  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5472  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
5473  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5474  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5475  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5476  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
5477  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5478  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
5479  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
5480  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
5481  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5482  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
5483  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5484  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
5485  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
5486  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
5487atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
5488land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
5489ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
5490ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
5491seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
5492  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5493  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
5494  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5495  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5496  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Emon   </variable>
5497  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
5498  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > thetaot300   </variable>
5499  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
5500  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5501  <field field_ref="CMIP6_thetaot300_average" name="thetaot300"  freq_op="1mo" detect_missing_value="True" 
5502        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
5503        expr="@CMIP6_thetaot300_average">
5504     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_potential_temperature </variable>
5505     <variable name="description" type="string" > Upper 300m, 2D field </variable>
5506     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Depth average potential temperature of upper 300m </variable>
5507     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
5508     <variable name="units" type="string" > degC </variable>
5509     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: time: mean </variable>
5510     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
5511     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
5512     </field>
5515 <file id="tossq_Oday_gn" name="tossq_Oday_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1d"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="50y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo%d"  split_start_offset="12h"  split_end_offset="-12h"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
5516  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5517  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
5518  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
5519  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
5520  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
5521  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
5522  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
5523  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
5524  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5525  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > day   </variable>
5526  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
5527  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
5528  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
5529  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
5530  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
5531  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5532  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
5533  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
5534  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
5535  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5536  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
5537  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5538  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5539  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5540  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
5541  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5542  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
5543  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
5544  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
5545  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5546  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
5547  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5548  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
5549  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
5550  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
5551atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
5552land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
5553ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
5554ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
5555seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
5556  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5557  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
5558  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5559  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5560  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Oday   </variable>
5561  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
5562  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > tossq   </variable>
5563  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
5564  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5565  <field field_ref="CMIP6_tossq_average" name="tossq"  freq_op="1d" detect_missing_value="True" 
5566        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
5567        expr="@CMIP6_tossq_average">
5568     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > square_of_sea_surface_temperature </variable>
5569     <variable name="description" type="string" > Square of temperature of liquid ocean. </variable>
5570     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Square of Sea Surface Temperature </variable>
5571     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
5572     <variable name="units" type="string" > degC2 </variable>
5573     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
5574     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
5575     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
5576     </field>
5579 <file id="omldamax_Oday_gn" name="omldamax_Oday_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1d"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="50y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo%d"  split_start_offset="12h"  split_end_offset="-12h"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
5580  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5581  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
5582  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
5583  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
5584  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
5585  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
5586  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
5587  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
5588  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5589  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > day   </variable>
5590  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
5591  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
5592  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
5593  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
5594  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
5595  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5596  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
5597  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
5598  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
5599  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5600  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
5601  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5602  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5603  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5604  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
5605  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5606  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
5607  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
5608  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
5609  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5610  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
5611  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5612  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
5613  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
5614  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
5615atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
5616land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
5617ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
5618ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
5619seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
5620  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5621  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
5622  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5623  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5624  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Oday   </variable>
5625  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
5626  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > omldamax   </variable>
5627  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
5628  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5629  <field field_ref="CMIP6_omldamax_maximum" name="omldamax"  freq_op="1d" detect_missing_value="True" 
5630        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean time: maximum" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
5631        expr="@CMIP6_omldamax_maximum">
5632     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_mixing_scheme </variable>
5633     <variable name="description" type="string" > unset </variable>
5634     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Daily Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Mixing Scheme </variable>
5635     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
5636     <variable name="units" type="string" > m </variable>
5637     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean time: maximum </variable>
5638     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
5639     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
5640     </field>
5643 <file id="tos_Oday_gn" name="tos_Oday_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="1d"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="50y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo%d"  split_start_offset="12h"  split_end_offset="-12h"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
5644  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5645  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
5646  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
5647  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
5648  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
5649  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
5650  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
5651  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
5652  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5653  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > day   </variable>
5654  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
5655  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
5656  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
5657  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
5658  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
5659  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5660  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
5661  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
5662  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
5663  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5664  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
5665  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5666  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5667  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5668  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
5669  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5670  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
5671  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
5672  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
5673  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5674  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
5675  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5676  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
5677  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
5678  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
5679atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
5680land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
5681ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
5682ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
5683seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
5684  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5685  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
5686  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5687  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5688  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Oday   </variable>
5689  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
5690  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > tos   </variable>
5691  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
5692  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5693  <field field_ref="CMIP6_tos_average" name="tos"  freq_op="1d" detect_missing_value="True" 
5694        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
5695        expr="@CMIP6_tos_average">
5696     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_surface_temperature </variable>
5697     <variable name="description" type="string" > Temperature of upper boundary of the liquid ocean, including temperatures below sea-ice and floating ice shelves. </variable>
5698     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Surface Temperature </variable>
5699     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
5700     <variable name="units" type="string" > K </variable>
5701     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
5702     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
5703     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
5704     </field>
5707 <file id="deptho_Ofx_gn" name="deptho_Ofx_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn"  output_freq="1d"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
5708  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5709  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
5710  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
5711  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
5712  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
5713  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
5714  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
5715  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5716  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > fx   </variable>
5717  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
5718  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
5719  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
5720  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
5721  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
5722  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5723  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
5724  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
5725  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
5726  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5727  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
5728  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5729  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5730  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5731  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
5732  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5733  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
5734  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
5735  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
5736  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5737  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
5738  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5739  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
5740  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
5741  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
5742atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
5743land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
5744ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
5745ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
5746seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
5747  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5748  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
5749  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5750  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5751  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Ofx   </variable>
5752  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
5753  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > deptho   </variable>
5754  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
5755  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5756  <field field_ref="CMIP6_deptho_once" name="deptho"  detect_missing_value="True" 
5757        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite">
5758     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_floor_depth_below_geoid </variable>
5759     <variable name="description" type="string" > Ocean bathymetry.   Reported here is the sea floor depth for present day relative to z=0 geoid. Reported as missing for land grid cells. </variable>
5760     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Floor Depth Below Geoid </variable>
5761     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
5762     <variable name="units" type="string" > m </variable>
5763     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean </variable>
5764     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
5765     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
5766     </field>
5769 <file id="basin_Ofx_gn" name="basin_Ofx_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn"  output_freq="1d"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
5770  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5771  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
5772  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
5773  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
5774  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
5775  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
5776  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
5777  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5778  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > fx   </variable>
5779  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
5780  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
5781  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
5782  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
5783  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
5784  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5785  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
5786  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
5787  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
5788  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5789  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
5790  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5791  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5792  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5793  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
5794  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5795  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
5796  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
5797  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
5798  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5799  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
5800  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5801  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
5802  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
5803  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
5804atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
5805land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
5806ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
5807ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
5808seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
5809  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5810  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
5811  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5812  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5813  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Ofx   </variable>
5814  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
5815  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > basin   </variable>
5816  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
5817  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5818  <field field_ref="CMIP6_basin_once" name="basin"  detect_missing_value="True" 
5819        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite">
5820     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > region </variable>
5821     <variable name="description" type="string" > Region Selection Index </variable>
5822     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Region Selection Index </variable>
5823     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
5824     <variable name="units" type="string" > 1.0 </variable>
5825     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean </variable>
5826     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
5827     <variable name="flag_meanings" type="string" > global_land southern_ocean atlantic_ocean pacific_ocean arctic_ocean indian_ocean mediterranean_sea black_sea hudson_bay baltic_sea red_sea </variable>
5828     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
5829     </field>
5832 <file id="areacello_Ofx_gn" name="areacello_Ofx_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn"  output_freq="1d"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
5833  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5834  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
5835  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
5836  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
5837  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
5838  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
5839  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
5840  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5841  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > fx   </variable>
5842  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
5843  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
5844  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
5845  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
5846  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
5847  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5848  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
5849  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
5850  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
5851  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5852  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
5853  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5854  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5855  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5856  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
5857  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5858  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
5859  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
5860  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
5861  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5862  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
5863  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5864  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
5865  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
5866  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
5867atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
5868land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
5869ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
5870ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
5871seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
5872  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5873  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
5874  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5875  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5876  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Ofx   </variable>
5877  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
5878  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
5879  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
5880  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5881  <field field_ref="CMIP6_areacello_once" name="areacello"  detect_missing_value="True" 
5882        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite">
5883     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > cell_area </variable>
5884     <variable name="description" type="string" > Horizontal area of ocean grid cells </variable>
5885     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Ocean Grid-Cell Area </variable>
5886     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
5887     <variable name="units" type="string" > m2 </variable>
5888     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean </variable>
5889     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
5890     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
5891     </field>
5894 <file id="hfgeou_Ofx_gn" name="hfgeou_Ofx_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn"  output_freq="1d"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
5895  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5896  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
5897  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
5898  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
5899  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
5900  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
5901  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
5902  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5903  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > fx   </variable>
5904  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
5905  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
5906  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
5907  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
5908  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
5909  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5910  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
5911  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
5912  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
5913  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5914  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
5915  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5916  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5917  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5918  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
5919  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5920  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
5921  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
5922  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
5923  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5924  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
5925  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5926  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
5927  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
5928  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
5929atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
5930land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
5931ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
5932ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
5933seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
5934  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5935  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
5936  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5937  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
5938  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Ofx   </variable>
5939  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
5940  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > hfgeou   </variable>
5941  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
5942  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5943  <field field_ref="CMIP6_hfgeou_once" name="hfgeou"  detect_missing_value="True" 
5944        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite">
5945     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > upward_geothermal_heat_flux_at_sea_floor </variable>
5946     <variable name="description" type="string" > Upward Geothermal Heat Flux at Sea Floor </variable>
5947     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Upward Geothermal Heat Flux at Sea Floor </variable>
5948     <variable name="positive" type="string" > up </variable>
5949     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
5950     <variable name="units" type="string" > W m-2 </variable>
5951     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean </variable>
5952     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
5953     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
5954     </field>
5957 <file id="masscello_Ofx_gn" name="masscello_Ofx_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn"  output_freq="1d"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
5958  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5959  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
5960  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
5961  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
5962  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
5963  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
5964  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
5965  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5966  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > fx   </variable>
5967  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
5968  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
5969  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
5970  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
5971  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
5972  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5973  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
5974  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
5975  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
5976  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5977  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
5978  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
5979  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
5980  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5981  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
5982  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
5983  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
5984  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
5985  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
5986  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5987  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
5988  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
5989  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
5990  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
5991  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
5992atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
5993land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
5994ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
5995ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
5996seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
5997  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
5998  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
5999  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6000  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6001  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Ofx   </variable>
6002  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
6003  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > masscello   </variable>
6004  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
6005  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6006  <field field_ref="CMIP6_masscello_once" name="masscello"  detect_missing_value="True" 
6007        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite">
6008     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_mass_per_unit_area </variable>
6009     <variable name="description" type="string" > Tracer grid-cell mass per unit area used for computing tracer budgets. For Boussinesq models with static ocean grid cell thickness, masscello = rhozero*thickcello, where thickcello is static cell thickness and rhozero is constant Boussinesq reference density. More generally, masscello is time dependent and reported as part of Omon. </variable>
6010     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Ocean Grid-Cell Mass per area </variable>
6011     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
6012     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg m-2 </variable>
6013     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean </variable>
6014     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello volume: volcello </variable>
6015     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
6016     </field>
6019 <file id="thetaoga_Odec_gn" name="thetaoga_Odec_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="10y"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
6020  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6021  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
6022  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
6023  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
6024  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
6025  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
6026  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
6027  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
6028  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6029  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > dec   </variable>
6030  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
6031  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
6032  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
6033  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
6034  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
6035  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6036  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
6037  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
6038  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
6039  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6040  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
6041  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6042  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6043  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6044  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
6045  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6046  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
6047  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
6048  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
6049  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6050  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
6051  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6052  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
6053  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
6054  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
6055atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
6056land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
6057ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
6058ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
6059seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
6060  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6061  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
6062  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6063  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6064  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Odec   </variable>
6065  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
6066  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > thetaoga   </variable>
6067  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
6068  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6069  <field field_ref="CMIP6_thetaoga_average" name="thetaoga"  freq_op="10y" detect_missing_value="True" 
6070        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
6071        expr="@CMIP6_thetaoga_average">
6072     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_potential_temperature </variable>
6073     <variable name="description" type="string" > Diagnostic should be contributed even for models using conservative temperature as prognostic field </variable>
6074     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Global Average Sea Water Potential Temperature </variable>
6075     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
6076     <variable name="units" type="string" > degC </variable>
6077     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
6078     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > DR-ISSUE </variable>
6079     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
6080     </field>
6083 <file id="tauuo_Odec_gn" name="tauuo_Odec_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="10y"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
6084  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6085  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
6086  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
6087  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
6088  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
6089  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
6090  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
6091  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
6092  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6093  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > dec   </variable>
6094  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
6095  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
6096  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
6097  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
6098  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
6099  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6100  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
6101  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
6102  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
6103  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6104  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
6105  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6106  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6107  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6108  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
6109  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6110  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
6111  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
6112  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
6113  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6114  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
6115  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6116  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
6117  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
6118  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
6119atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
6120land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
6121ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
6122ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
6123seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
6124  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6125  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
6126  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6127  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6128  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Odec   </variable>
6129  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
6130  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > tauuo   </variable>
6131  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
6132  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6133  <field field_ref="CMIP6_tauuo_average" name="tauuo"  freq_op="10y" detect_missing_value="True" 
6134        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
6135        expr="@CMIP6_tauuo_average">
6136     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > surface_downward_x_stress </variable>
6137     <variable name="description" type="string" > This is the stress on the liquid ocean from overlying atmosphere, sea ice, ice shelf, etc. </variable>
6138     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Surface Downward X Stress </variable>
6139     <variable name="positive" type="string" > down </variable>
6140     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
6141     <variable name="units" type="string" > N m-2 </variable>
6142     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
6143     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
6144     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
6145     </field>
6148 <file id="thetao_Odec_gn" name="thetao_Odec_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="10y"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
6149  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6150  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
6151  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
6152  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
6153  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
6154  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
6155  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
6156  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
6157  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6158  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > dec   </variable>
6159  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
6160  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
6161  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
6162  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
6163  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
6164  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6165  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
6166  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
6167  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
6168  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6169  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
6170  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6171  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6172  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6173  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
6174  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6175  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
6176  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
6177  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
6178  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6179  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
6180  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6181  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
6182  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
6183  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
6184atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
6185land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
6186ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
6187ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
6188seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
6189  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6190  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
6191  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6192  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6193  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Odec   </variable>
6194  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
6195  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > thetao   </variable>
6196  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
6197  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6198  <field field_ref="CMIP6_thetao_average" name="thetao"  freq_op="10y" detect_missing_value="True" 
6199        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
6200        expr="@CMIP6_thetao_average">
6201     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_potential_temperature </variable>
6202     <variable name="description" type="string" > Diagnostic should be contributed even for models using conservative temperature as prognostic field. </variable>
6203     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Water Potential Temperature </variable>
6204     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
6205     <variable name="units" type="string" > degC </variable>
6206     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
6207     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello volume: volcello </variable>
6208     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
6209     </field>
6212 <file id="sosga_Odec_gn" name="sosga_Odec_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="10y"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
6213  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6214  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
6215  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
6216  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
6217  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
6218  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
6219  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
6220  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
6221  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6222  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > dec   </variable>
6223  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
6224  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
6225  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
6226  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
6227  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
6228  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6229  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
6230  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
6231  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
6232  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6233  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
6234  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6235  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6236  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6237  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
6238  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6239  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
6240  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
6241  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
6242  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6243  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
6244  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6245  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
6246  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
6247  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
6248atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
6249land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
6250ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
6251ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
6252seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
6253  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6254  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
6255  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6256  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6257  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Odec   </variable>
6258  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
6259  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sosga   </variable>
6260  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
6261  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6262  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sosga_average" name="sosga"  freq_op="10y" detect_missing_value="True" 
6263        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
6264        expr="@CMIP6_sosga_average">
6265     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_surface_salinity </variable>
6266     <variable name="description" type="string" > Global Average Sea Surface Salinity </variable>
6267     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Global Average Sea Surface Salinity </variable>
6268     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
6269     <variable name="units" type="string" > 0.001 </variable>
6270     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
6271     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > DR-ISSUE </variable>
6272     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
6273     </field>
6276 <file id="tos_Odec_gn" name="tos_Odec_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="10y"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
6277  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6278  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
6279  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
6280  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
6281  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
6282  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
6283  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
6284  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
6285  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6286  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > dec   </variable>
6287  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
6288  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
6289  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
6290  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
6291  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
6292  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6293  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
6294  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
6295  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
6296  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6297  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
6298  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6299  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6300  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6301  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
6302  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6303  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
6304  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
6305  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
6306  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6307  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
6308  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6309  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
6310  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
6311  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
6312atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
6313land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
6314ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
6315ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
6316seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
6317  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6318  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
6319  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6320  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6321  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Odec   </variable>
6322  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
6323  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > tos   </variable>
6324  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
6325  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6326  <field field_ref="CMIP6_tos_average" name="tos"  freq_op="10y" detect_missing_value="True" 
6327        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
6328        expr="@CMIP6_tos_average">
6329     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_surface_temperature </variable>
6330     <variable name="description" type="string" > Temperature of upper boundary of the liquid ocean, including temperatures below sea-ice and floating ice shelves. </variable>
6331     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Surface Temperature </variable>
6332     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
6333     <variable name="units" type="string" > K </variable>
6334     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
6335     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
6336     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
6337     </field>
6340 <file id="bigthetaoga_Odec_gn" name="bigthetaoga_Odec_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="10y"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
6341  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6342  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
6343  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
6344  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
6345  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
6346  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
6347  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
6348  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
6349  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6350  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > dec   </variable>
6351  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
6352  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
6353  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
6354  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
6355  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
6356  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6357  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
6358  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
6359  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
6360  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6361  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
6362  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6363  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6364  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6365  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
6366  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6367  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
6368  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
6369  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
6370  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6371  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
6372  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6373  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
6374  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
6375  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
6376atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
6377land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
6378ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
6379ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
6380seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
6381  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6382  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
6383  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6384  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6385  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Odec   </variable>
6386  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
6387  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > bigthetaoga   </variable>
6388  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
6389  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6390  <field field_ref="CMIP6_bigthetaoga_average" name="bigthetaoga"  freq_op="10y" detect_missing_value="True" 
6391        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
6392        expr="@CMIP6_bigthetaoga_average">
6393     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_conservative_temperature </variable>
6394     <variable name="description" type="string" > Diagnostic should be contributed only for models using conservative temperature as prognostic field. </variable>
6395     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Global Average Sea Water Conservative Temperature </variable>
6396     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
6397     <variable name="units" type="string" > degC </variable>
6398     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
6399     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > DR-ISSUE </variable>
6400     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
6401     </field>
6404 <file id="sos_Odec_gn" name="sos_Odec_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="10y"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
6405  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6406  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
6407  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
6408  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
6409  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
6410  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
6411  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
6412  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
6413  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6414  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > dec   </variable>
6415  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
6416  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
6417  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
6418  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
6419  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
6420  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6421  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
6422  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
6423  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
6424  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6425  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
6426  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6427  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6428  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6429  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
6430  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6431  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
6432  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
6433  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
6434  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6435  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
6436  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6437  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
6438  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
6439  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
6440atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
6441land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
6442ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
6443ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
6444seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
6445  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6446  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
6447  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6448  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6449  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Odec   </variable>
6450  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
6451  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > sos   </variable>
6452  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
6453  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6454  <field field_ref="CMIP6_sos_average" name="sos"  freq_op="10y" detect_missing_value="True" 
6455        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
6456        expr="@CMIP6_sos_average">
6457     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_surface_salinity </variable>
6458     <variable name="description" type="string" > Sea Surface Salinity </variable>
6459     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Surface Salinity </variable>
6460     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
6461     <variable name="units" type="string" > 0.001 </variable>
6462     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
6463     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
6464     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
6465     </field>
6468 <file id="so_Odec_gn" name="so_Odec_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="10y"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
6469  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6470  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
6471  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
6472  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
6473  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
6474  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
6475  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
6476  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
6477  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6478  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > dec   </variable>
6479  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
6480  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
6481  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
6482  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
6483  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
6484  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6485  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
6486  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
6487  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
6488  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6489  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
6490  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6491  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6492  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6493  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
6494  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6495  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
6496  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
6497  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
6498  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6499  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
6500  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6501  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
6502  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
6503  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
6504atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
6505land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
6506ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
6507ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
6508seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
6509  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6510  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
6511  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6512  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6513  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Odec   </variable>
6514  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
6515  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > so   </variable>
6516  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
6517  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6518  <field field_ref="CMIP6_so_average" name="so"  freq_op="10y" detect_missing_value="True" 
6519        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
6520        expr="@CMIP6_so_average">
6521     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_salinity </variable>
6522     <variable name="description" type="string" > Sea Water Salinity </variable>
6523     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Water Salinity </variable>
6524     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
6525     <variable name="units" type="string" > 0.001 </variable>
6526     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
6527     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello volume: volcello </variable>
6528     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
6529     </field>
6532 <file id="volo_Odec_gn" name="volo_Odec_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="10y"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
6533  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6534  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
6535  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
6536  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
6537  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
6538  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
6539  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
6540  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
6541  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6542  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > dec   </variable>
6543  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
6544  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
6545  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
6546  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
6547  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
6548  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6549  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
6550  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
6551  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
6552  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6553  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
6554  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6555  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6556  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6557  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
6558  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6559  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
6560  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
6561  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
6562  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6563  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
6564  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6565  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
6566  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
6567  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
6568atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
6569land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
6570ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
6571ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
6572seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
6573  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6574  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
6575  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6576  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6577  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Odec   </variable>
6578  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
6579  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > volo   </variable>
6580  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
6581  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6582  <field field_ref="CMIP6_volo_average" name="volo"  freq_op="10y" detect_missing_value="True" 
6583        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: sum where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
6584        expr="@CMIP6_volo_average">
6585     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_volume </variable>
6586     <variable name="description" type="string" > Total volume of liquid seawater. </variable>
6587     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Water Volume </variable>
6588     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
6589     <variable name="units" type="string" > m3 </variable>
6590     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: sum where sea time: mean </variable>
6591     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > DR-ISSUE </variable>
6592     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
6593     </field>
6596 <file id="tosga_Odec_gn" name="tosga_Odec_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="10y"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
6597  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6598  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
6599  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
6600  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
6601  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
6602  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
6603  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
6604  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
6605  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6606  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > dec   </variable>
6607  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
6608  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
6609  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
6610  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
6611  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
6612  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6613  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
6614  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
6615  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
6616  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6617  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
6618  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6619  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6620  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6621  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
6622  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6623  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
6624  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
6625  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
6626  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6627  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
6628  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6629  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
6630  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
6631  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
6632atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
6633land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
6634ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
6635ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
6636seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
6637  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6638  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
6639  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6640  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6641  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Odec   </variable>
6642  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
6643  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > tosga   </variable>
6644  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
6645  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6646  <field field_ref="CMIP6_tosga_average" name="tosga"  freq_op="10y" detect_missing_value="True" 
6647        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
6648        expr="@CMIP6_tosga_average">
6649     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_surface_temperature </variable>
6650     <variable name="description" type="string" > Temperature of upper boundary of the liquid ocean, including temperatures below sea-ice and floating ice shelves. </variable>
6651     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Global Average Sea Surface Temperature </variable>
6652     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
6653     <variable name="units" type="string" > degC </variable>
6654     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
6655     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > DR-ISSUE </variable>
6656     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
6657     </field>
6660 <file id="tauvo_Odec_gn" name="tauvo_Odec_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="10y"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
6661  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6662  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
6663  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
6664  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
6665  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
6666  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
6667  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
6668  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
6669  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6670  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > dec   </variable>
6671  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
6672  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
6673  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
6674  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
6675  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
6676  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6677  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
6678  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
6679  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
6680  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6681  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
6682  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6683  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6684  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6685  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
6686  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6687  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
6688  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
6689  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
6690  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6691  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
6692  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6693  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
6694  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
6695  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
6696atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
6697land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
6698ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
6699ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
6700seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
6701  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6702  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
6703  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6704  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6705  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Odec   </variable>
6706  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
6707  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > tauvo   </variable>
6708  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
6709  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6710  <field field_ref="CMIP6_tauvo_average" name="tauvo"  freq_op="10y" detect_missing_value="True" 
6711        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
6712        expr="@CMIP6_tauvo_average">
6713     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > surface_downward_y_stress </variable>
6714     <variable name="description" type="string" > This is the stress on the liquid ocean from overlying atmosphere, sea ice, ice shelf, etc. </variable>
6715     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Surface Downward Y Stress </variable>
6716     <variable name="positive" type="string" > down </variable>
6717     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
6718     <variable name="units" type="string" > N m-2 </variable>
6719     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
6720     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
6721     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
6722     </field>
6725 <file id="soga_Odec_gn" name="soga_Odec_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="10y"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
6726  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6727  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
6728  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
6729  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
6730  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
6731  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
6732  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
6733  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
6734  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6735  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > dec   </variable>
6736  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
6737  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
6738  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
6739  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
6740  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
6741  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6742  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
6743  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
6744  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
6745  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6746  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
6747  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6748  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6749  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6750  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
6751  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6752  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
6753  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
6754  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
6755  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6756  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
6757  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6758  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
6759  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
6760  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
6761atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
6762land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
6763ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
6764ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
6765seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
6766  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6767  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
6768  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6769  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6770  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Odec   </variable>
6771  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
6772  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > soga   </variable>
6773  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
6774  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6775  <field field_ref="CMIP6_soga_average" name="soga"  freq_op="10y" detect_missing_value="True" 
6776        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
6777        expr="@CMIP6_soga_average">
6778     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_salinity </variable>
6779     <variable name="description" type="string" > Global Mean Sea Water Salinity </variable>
6780     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Global Mean Sea Water Salinity </variable>
6781     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
6782     <variable name="units" type="string" > 0.001 </variable>
6783     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
6784     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > DR-ISSUE </variable>
6785     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
6786     </field>
6789 <file id="vo_Odec_gn" name="vo_Odec_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="10y"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
6790  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6791  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
6792  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
6793  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
6794  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
6795  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
6796  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
6797  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
6798  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6799  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > dec   </variable>
6800  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
6801  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
6802  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
6803  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
6804  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
6805  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6806  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
6807  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
6808  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
6809  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6810  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
6811  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6812  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6813  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6814  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
6815  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6816  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
6817  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
6818  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
6819  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6820  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
6821  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6822  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
6823  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
6824  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
6825atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
6826land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
6827ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
6828ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
6829seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
6830  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6831  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
6832  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6833  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6834  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Odec   </variable>
6835  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
6836  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > vo   </variable>
6837  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
6838  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6839  <field field_ref="CMIP6_vo_average" name="vo"  freq_op="10y" detect_missing_value="True" 
6840        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
6841        expr="@CMIP6_vo_average">
6842     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_y_velocity </variable>
6843     <variable name="description" type="string" > Prognostic x-ward velocity component resolved by the model. </variable>
6844     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Water Y Velocity </variable>
6845     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
6846     <variable name="units" type="string" > m s-1 </variable>
6847     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > time: mean </variable>
6848     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > --OPT </variable>
6849     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
6850     </field>
6853 <file id="wo_Odec_gn" name="wo_Odec_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="10y"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
6854  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6855  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
6856  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
6857  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
6858  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
6859  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
6860  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
6861  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
6862  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6863  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > dec   </variable>
6864  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
6865  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
6866  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
6867  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
6868  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
6869  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6870  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
6871  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
6872  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
6873  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6874  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
6875  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6876  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6877  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6878  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
6879  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6880  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
6881  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
6882  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
6883  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6884  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
6885  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6886  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
6887  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
6888  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
6889atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
6890land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
6891ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
6892ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
6893seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
6894  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6895  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
6896  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6897  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6898  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Odec   </variable>
6899  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
6900  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > wo   </variable>
6901  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
6902  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6903  <field field_ref="CMIP6_wo_average" name="wo"  freq_op="10y" detect_missing_value="True" 
6904        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
6905        expr="@CMIP6_wo_average">
6906     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > upward_sea_water_velocity </variable>
6907     <variable name="description" type="string" > Sea Water Vertical Velocity </variable>
6908     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Water Z Velocity </variable>
6909     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
6910     <variable name="units" type="string" > m s-1 </variable>
6911     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > time: mean </variable>
6912     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > --OPT </variable>
6913     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
6914     </field>
6917 <file id="hfds_Odec_gn" name="hfds_Odec_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="10y"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
6918  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6919  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
6920  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
6921  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
6922  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
6923  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
6924  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
6925  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
6926  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6927  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > dec   </variable>
6928  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
6929  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
6930  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
6931  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
6932  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
6933  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6934  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
6935  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
6936  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
6937  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6938  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
6939  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
6940  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6941  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6942  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
6943  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6944  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
6945  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
6946  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
6947  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6948  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
6949  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6950  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
6951  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
6952  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
6953atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
6954land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
6955ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
6956ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
6957seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
6958  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
6959  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
6960  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6961  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
6962  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Odec   </variable>
6963  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
6964  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > hfds   </variable>
6965  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
6966  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
6967  <field field_ref="CMIP6_hfds_average" name="hfds"  freq_op="10y" detect_missing_value="True" 
6968        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
6969        expr="@CMIP6_hfds_average">
6970     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > surface_downward_heat_flux_in_sea_water </variable>
6971     <variable name="description" type="string" > This is the net flux of heat entering the liquid water column through its upper surface (excluding any "flux adjustment") . </variable>
6972     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Downward Heat Flux at Sea Water Surface </variable>
6973     <variable name="positive" type="string" > down </variable>
6974     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
6975     <variable name="units" type="string" > W m-2 </variable>
6976     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
6977     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello </variable>
6978     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
6979     </field>
6982 <file id="uo_Odec_gn" name="uo_Odec_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="10y"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
6983  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
6984  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
6985  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
6986  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
6987  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
6988  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
6989  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
6990  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
6991  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6992  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > dec   </variable>
6993  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
6994  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
6995  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
6996  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
6997  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
6998  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
6999  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
7000  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
7001  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
7002  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
7003  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
7004  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
7005  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
7006  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
7007  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
7008  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
7009  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
7010  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
7011  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
7012  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
7013  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
7014  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
7015  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
7016  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
7017  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
7018atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
7019land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
7020ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
7021ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
7022seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
7023  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
7024  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
7025  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
7026  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
7027  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Odec   </variable>
7028  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
7029  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > uo   </variable>
7030  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
7031  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
7032  <field field_ref="CMIP6_uo_average" name="uo"  freq_op="10y" detect_missing_value="True" 
7033        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
7034        expr="@CMIP6_uo_average">
7035     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_x_velocity </variable>
7036     <variable name="description" type="string" > Prognostic x-ward velocity component resolved by the model. </variable>
7037     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Water X Velocity </variable>
7038     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
7039     <variable name="units" type="string" > m s-1 </variable>
7040     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > time: mean </variable>
7041     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > --OPT </variable>
7042     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
7043     </field>
7046 <file id="hfbasin_Odec_gn" name="hfbasin_Odec_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="10y"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
7047  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
7048  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
7049  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
7050  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
7051  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
7052  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
7053  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
7054  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
7055  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
7056  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > dec   </variable>
7057  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
7058  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
7059  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
7060  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
7061  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
7062  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
7063  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
7064  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
7065  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
7066  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
7067  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
7068  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
7069  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
7070  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
7071  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
7072  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
7073  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
7074  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
7075  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
7076  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
7077  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
7078  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
7079  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
7080  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
7081  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
7082atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
7083land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
7084ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
7085ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
7086seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
7087  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
7088  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
7089  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
7090  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
7091  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Odec   </variable>
7092  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
7093  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > hfbasin   </variable>
7094  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
7095  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
7096  <field field_ref="CMIP6_hfbasin_average" name="hfbasin"  freq_op="10y" detect_missing_value="True" 
7097        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="longitude: mean (basin) time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
7098        expr="@CMIP6_hfbasin_average">
7099     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > northward_ocean_heat_transport </variable>
7100     <variable name="description" type="string" > Contains contributions from all physical processes affecting the northward heat transport, including resolved advection, parameterized advection, lateral diffusion, etc. Diagnosed here as a function of latitude and basin.   Use Celsius for temperature scale. </variable>
7101     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Northward Ocean Heat Transport </variable>
7102     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
7103     <variable name="units" type="string" > W </variable>
7104     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > longitude: mean (basin) time: mean </variable>
7105     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacella </variable>
7106     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
7107     </field>
7110 <file id="masso_Odec_gn" name="masso_Odec_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="10y"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
7111  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
7112  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
7113  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
7114  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
7115  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
7116  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
7117  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
7118  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
7119  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
7120  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > dec   </variable>
7121  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
7122  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
7123  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
7124  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
7125  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
7126  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
7127  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
7128  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
7129  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
7130  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
7131  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
7132  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
7133  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
7134  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
7135  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
7136  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
7137  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
7138  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
7139  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
7140  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
7141  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
7142  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
7143  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
7144  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
7145  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
7146atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
7147land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
7148ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
7149ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
7150seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
7151  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
7152  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
7153  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
7154  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
7155  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Odec   </variable>
7156  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
7157  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > masso   </variable>
7158  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
7159  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
7160  <field field_ref="CMIP6_masso_average" name="masso"  freq_op="10y" detect_missing_value="True" 
7161        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: sum where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
7162        expr="@CMIP6_masso_average">
7163     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_mass </variable>
7164     <variable name="description" type="string" > Total mass of liquid seawater. For Boussinesq models, report this diagnostic as Boussinesq reference density times total volume. </variable>
7165     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Water Mass </variable>
7166     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
7167     <variable name="units" type="string" > kg </variable>
7168     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: sum where sea time: mean </variable>
7169     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > DR-ISSUE </variable>
7170     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
7171     </field>
7174 <file id="agessc_Odec_gn" name="agessc_Odec_IPSL-CM6A-LR_historical_r1i1p1f1_gn_%start_date%-%end_date%"  output_freq="10y"  append="true"  output_level="10"  compression_level="0"  split_freq="200y"  split_freq_format="%y%mo"  split_last_date="1851-01-01 00:00:00"  time_units="days" time_counter_name="time" time_counter="exclusive" time_stamp_name="creation_date"  time_stamp_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" uuid_name="tracking_id" uuid_format="hdl:21.14100/%uuid%" convention_str="CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2" >
7175  <variable name="activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
7176  <variable name="contact"  type="string" >   </variable>
7177  <variable name="data_specs_version"  type="string" > 01.00.15   </variable>
7178  <variable name="dr2xml_version"  type="string" > 0.23   </variable>
7179  <variable name="description"  type="string" > CMIP6 historical   </variable>
7180  <variable name="experiment"  type="string" > all-forcing simulation of the recent past   </variable>
7181  <variable name="experiment_id"  type="string" > historical   </variable>
7182  <variable name="external_variables"  type="string" > areacello   </variable>
7183  <variable name="forcing_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
7184  <variable name="frequency"  type="string" > dec   </variable>
7185  <variable name="further_info_url"  type="string" >   </variable>
7186  <variable name="grid"  type="string" > native ocean tri-polar grid with 105 k ocean cells   </variable>
7187  <variable name="grid_label"  type="string" > gn   </variable>
7188  <variable name="nominal_resolution"  type="string" > 100 km   </variable>
7189  <variable name="history"  type="string" > None   </variable>
7190  <variable name="initialization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
7191  <variable name="institution_id"  type="string" > IPSL   </variable>
7192  <variable name="institution"  type="string" > Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France   </variable>
7193  <variable name="license"  type="string" > CMIP6 model data produced by IPSL is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( Consult for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.   </variable>
7194  <variable name="mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
7195  <variable name="parent_experiment_id"  type="string" > piControl   </variable>
7196  <variable name="parent_mip_era"  type="string" > CMIP6   </variable>
7197  <variable name="parent_activity_id"  type="string" > CMIP   </variable>
7198  <variable name="parent_source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
7199  <variable name="parent_time_units"  type="string" > days since 1850-01-01 00:00:00   </variable>
7200  <variable name="parent_variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
7201  <variable name="branch_method"  type="string" > standard   </variable>
7202  <variable name="branch_time_in_parent"  type="string" > 365.0D0   </variable>
7203  <variable name="branch_time_in_child"  type="string" > 0.0D0   </variable>
7204  <variable name="physics_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
7205  <variable name="product"  type="string" > model-output   </variable>
7206  <variable name="realization_index"  type="int" > 1   </variable>
7207  <variable name="realm"  type="string" > ocean   </variable>
7208  <variable name="references"  type="string" > A character string containing a list of published or web-based references that describe the data or the methods used to produce it.Typically, the user should provide references describing the modelformulation here   </variable>
7209  <variable name="source"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR (2017):
7210atmos: LMDZ (NPv6, N96; 144 x 143 longitude/latitude; 79 levels; top level 40000 m)
7211land: ORCHIDEE (v2.0, Water/Carbon/Energy mode)
7212ocean: NEMO-OPA (eORCA1.3, tripolar primarily 1deg; 362 x 332 longitude/latitude; 75 levels; top grid cell 0-2 m)
7213ocnBgchem: NEMO-PISCES
7214seaIce: NEMO-LIM3   </variable>
7215  <variable name="source_id"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR   </variable>
7216  <variable name="source_type"  type="string" > AOGCM   </variable>
7217  <variable name="sub_experiment_id"  type="string" > none   </variable>
7218  <variable name="sub_experiment"  type="string" > none   </variable>
7219  <variable name="table_id"  type="string" > Odec   </variable>
7220  <variable name="title"  type="string" > IPSL-CM6A-LR model output prepared for CMIP6 / [u'CMIP'] historical   </variable>
7221  <variable name="variable_id"  type="string" > agessc   </variable>
7222  <variable name="variant_info"  type="string" > Start date chosen so that variant r1i1p1f1 has the better fit with Krakatoa impact on tos. Information provided by this attribute may in some cases be flawed. Users can find more comprehensive and up-to-date documentation via the further_info_url global attribute.   </variable>
7223  <variable name="variant_label"  type="string" > r1i1p1f1   </variable>
7224  <field field_ref="CMIP6_agessc_average" name="agessc"  freq_op="10y" detect_missing_value="True" 
7225        default_value="1.e+20" prec="4" cell_methods="area: mean where sea time: mean" cell_methods_mode="overwrite"
7226        expr="@CMIP6_agessc_average">
7227     <variable name="standard_name" type="string" > sea_water_age_since_surface_contact </variable>
7228     <variable name="description" type="string" > Time elapsed since water was last in surface layer of the ocean. </variable>
7229     <variable name="long_name" type="string" > Sea Water Age Since Surface Contact </variable>
7230     <variable name="history" type="string" > none </variable>
7231     <variable name="units" type="string" > yr </variable>
7232     <variable name="cell_methods" type="string" > area: mean where sea time: mean </variable>
7233     <variable name="cell_measures" type="string" > area: areacello volume: volcello </variable>
7234     <variable name="interval_operation" type="string" > 60 s </variable>
7235     </field>
7241        <field id="CMIP6_wmo_average"        field_ref="CMIP6_wmo"                operation="average"  />
7242        <field id="CMIP6_ficeberg2d_average" field_ref="CMIP6_ficeberg2d"         operation="average"  />
7243        <field id="CMIP6_sltbasin_average"   field_ref="CMIP6_sltbasin"           operation="average"  />
7244        <field id="CMIP6_sndmassmelt_average" field_ref="CMIP6_sndmassmelt"        operation="average"  />
7245        <field id="CMIP6_msftbarot_average"  field_ref="CMIP6_msftbarot"          operation="average"  />
7246        <field id="CMIP6_sltovgyre_average"  field_ref="CMIP6_sltovgyre"          operation="average"  />
7247        <field id="CMIP6_sidmassevapsubl_average" field_ref="CMIP6_sidmassevapsubl"    operation="average"  />
7248        <field id="CMIP6_siage_average"      field_ref="CMIP6_siage"              operation="average"  />
7249        <field id="CMIP6_basin_once"         field_ref="CMIP6_basin"              operation="once"     />
7250        <field id="CMIP6_hfbasin_average"    field_ref="CMIP6_hfbasin"            operation="average"  />
7251        <field id="CMIP6_areacello_once"     field_ref="CMIP6_areacello"          operation="once"     />
7252        <field id="CMIP6_tauvo_average"      field_ref="CMIP6_tauvo"              operation="average"  />
7253        <field id="CMIP6_masso_average"      field_ref="CMIP6_masso"              operation="average"  />
7254        <field id="CMIP6_hfgeou_once"        field_ref="CMIP6_hfgeou"             operation="once"     />
7255        <field id="CMIP6_sivol_average"      field_ref="CMIP6_sivol"              operation="average"  />
7256        <field id="CMIP6_agessc_average"     field_ref="CMIP6_agessc"             operation="average"  />
7257        <field id="CMIP6_umo_average"        field_ref="CMIP6_umo"                operation="average"  />
7258        <field id="CMIP6_sisali_average"     field_ref="CMIP6_sisali"             operation="average"  />
7259        <field id="CMIP6_sltovovrt_average"  field_ref="CMIP6_sltovovrt"          operation="average"  />
7260        <field id="CMIP6_omldamax_maximum"   field_ref="CMIP6_omldamax"           operation="maximum"  />
7261        <field id="CMIP6_wfonocorr_average"  field_ref="CMIP6_wfonocorr"          operation="average"  />
7262        <field id="CMIP6_sltnortha_average"  field_ref="CMIP6_sltnortha"          operation="average"  />
7263        <field id="CMIP6_zos_average"        field_ref="CMIP6_zos"                operation="average"  />
7264        <field id="CMIP6_hfibthermds2d_average" field_ref="CMIP6_hfibthermds2d"      operation="average"  />
7265        <field id="CMIP6_htovgyre_average"   field_ref="CMIP6_htovgyre"           operation="average"  />
7266        <field id="CMIP6_uo_average"         field_ref="CMIP6_uo"                 operation="average"  />
7267        <field id="CMIP6_tob_average"        field_ref="CMIP6_tob"                operation="average"  />
7268        <field id="CMIP6_mlotstmax_maximum"  field_ref="CMIP6_mlotstmax"          operation="maximum"  />
7269        <field id="CMIP6_wo_average"         field_ref="CMIP6_wo"                 operation="average"  />
7270        <field id="CMIP6_obvfsq_average"     field_ref="CMIP6_obvfsq"             operation="average"  />
7271        <field id="CMIP6_sitempsnic_average" field_ref="CMIP6_sitempsnic"         operation="average"  />
7272        <field id="CMIP6_vmo_average"        field_ref="CMIP6_vmo"                operation="average"  />
7273        <field id="CMIP6_sispeed_average"    field_ref="CMIP6_sispeed"            operation="average"  />
7274        <field id="CMIP6_hfbasinpmadv_average" field_ref="CMIP6_hfbasinpmadv"       operation="average"  />
7275        <field id="CMIP6_pbo_average"        field_ref="CMIP6_pbo"                operation="average"  />
7276        <field id="CMIP6_tos_instant"        field_ref="CMIP6_tos"                operation="instant"  />
7277        <field id="CMIP6_thetaoga_average"   field_ref="CMIP6_thetaoga"           operation="average"  />
7278        <field id="CMIP6_bigthetao_average"  field_ref="CMIP6_bigthetao"          operation="average"  />
7279        <field id="CMIP6_tossq_average"      field_ref="CMIP6_tossq"              operation="average"  />
7280        <field id="CMIP6_simass_average"     field_ref="CMIP6_simass"             operation="average"  />
7281        <field id="CMIP6_masscello_once"     field_ref="CMIP6_masscello"          operation="once"     />
7282        <field id="CMIP6_thetao_average"     field_ref="CMIP6_thetao"             operation="average"  />
7283        <field id="CMIP6_htovovrt_average"   field_ref="CMIP6_htovovrt"           operation="average"  />
7284        <field id="CMIP6_evs_average"        field_ref="CMIP6_evs"                operation="average"  />
7285        <field id="CMIP6_thetaot300_average" field_ref="CMIP6_thetaot300"         operation="average"  />
7286        <field id="CMIP6_fgcfc12_average"    field_ref="CMIP6_fgcfc12"            operation="average"  />
7287        <field id="CMIP6_siu_average"        field_ref="CMIP6_siu"                operation="average"  />
7288        <field id="CMIP6_sisnmass_average"   field_ref="CMIP6_sisnmass"           operation="average"  />
7289        <field id="CMIP6_cfc12_average"      field_ref="CMIP6_cfc12"              operation="average"  />
7290        <field id="CMIP6_hfds_average"       field_ref="CMIP6_hfds"               operation="average"  />
7291        <field id="CMIP6_soga_average"       field_ref="CMIP6_soga"               operation="average"  />
7292        <field id="CMIP6_siv_average"        field_ref="CMIP6_siv"                operation="average"  />
7293        <field id="CMIP6_rsntds_average"     field_ref="CMIP6_rsntds"             operation="average"  />
7294        <field id="CMIP6_mlotstmin_minimum"  field_ref="CMIP6_mlotstmin"          operation="minimum"  />
7295        <field id="CMIP6_friver_average"     field_ref="CMIP6_friver"             operation="average"  />
7296        <field id="CMIP6_deptho_once"        field_ref="CMIP6_deptho"             operation="once"     />
7297        <field id="CMIP6_msftyyz_average"    field_ref="CMIP6_msftyyz"            operation="average"  />
7298        <field id="CMIP6_flandice_average"   field_ref="CMIP6_flandice"           operation="average"  />
7299        <field id="CMIP6_expfe_average"      field_ref="CMIP6_expfe"              operation="average"  />
7300        <field id="CMIP6_sosga_average"      field_ref="CMIP6_sosga"              operation="average"  />
7301        <field id="CMIP6_thetaot2000_average" field_ref="CMIP6_thetaot2000"        operation="average"  />
7302        <field id="CMIP6_vo_average"         field_ref="CMIP6_vo"                 operation="average"  />
7303        <field id="CMIP6_tos_average"        field_ref="CMIP6_tos"                operation="average"  />
7304        <field id="CMIP6_bigthetaoga_average" field_ref="CMIP6_bigthetaoga"        operation="average"  />
7305        <field id="CMIP6_sisnthick_average"  field_ref="CMIP6_sisnthick"          operation="average"  />
7306        <field id="CMIP6_sidmassmelttop_average" field_ref="CMIP6_sidmassmelttop"     operation="average"  />
7307        <field id="CMIP6_volo_average"       field_ref="CMIP6_volo"               operation="average"  />
7308        <field id="CMIP6_sidmassmeltbot_average" field_ref="CMIP6_sidmassmeltbot"     operation="average"  />
7309        <field id="CMIP6_so_average"         field_ref="CMIP6_so"                 operation="average"  />
7310        <field id="CMIP6_sitimefrac_average" field_ref="CMIP6_sitimefrac"         operation="average"  />
7311        <field id="CMIP6_sos_average"        field_ref="CMIP6_sos"                operation="average"  />
7312        <field id="CMIP6_hfevapds_average"   field_ref="CMIP6_hfevapds"           operation="average"  />
7313        <field id="CMIP6_tauuo_average"      field_ref="CMIP6_tauuo"              operation="average"  />
7314        <field id="CMIP6_sitemptop_average"  field_ref="CMIP6_sitemptop"          operation="average"  />
7315        <field id="CMIP6_thetaot700_average" field_ref="CMIP6_thetaot700"         operation="average"  />
7316        <field id="CMIP6_sob_average"        field_ref="CMIP6_sob"                operation="average"  />
7317        <field id="CMIP6_hcont300_average"   field_ref="CMIP6_hcont300"           operation="average"  />
7318        <field id="CMIP6_sithick_average"    field_ref="CMIP6_sithick"            operation="average"  />
7319        <field id="CMIP6_sndmasssnf_average" field_ref="CMIP6_sndmasssnf"         operation="average"  />
7320        <field id="CMIP6_tosga_average"      field_ref="CMIP6_tosga"              operation="average"  />
7321        <field id="CMIP6_zostoga_average"    field_ref="CMIP6_zostoga"            operation="average"  />
7322        <field id="CMIP6_siconc_average"     field_ref="CMIP6_siconc"             operation="average"  />
7323        <field id="CMIP6_thetaot_average"    field_ref="CMIP6_thetaot"            operation="average"  />
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.