


18:47 Changeset [666] by dubos
devel/unstructured : python fixes
18:46 Changeset [665] by dubos
devel/unstructured : OpenMP fixes


23:44 Changeset [664] by dubos
devel/Python : fix numpy messing up OpenMP
23:43 Changeset [663] by dubos
devel/Python : fix numpy messing up OpenMP
23:42 Changeset [662] by dubos
devel/Python : force python to use our libraries
23:33 Changeset [661] by dubos
devel/Python : force python to use our libraries
23:29 Changeset [660] by dubos
devel/Python/test : missing output dir


02:01 Changeset [659] by dubos
devel/codegen : update NH kernels
02:00 Changeset [658] by dubos
devel/unstructured : updated kernels
01:56 Changeset [657] by dubos
devel/hex : updated kernels
01:06 Changeset [656] by dubos
devel/unstructured : some improvement of test cases
01:03 Changeset [655] by dubos
devel : upgrade Curie config to ifort 18


10:52 Changeset [654] by dubos
devel : minor bigfix make_python


14:57 Changeset [653] by dubos
devel/unstructured : streamline loop unrolling
12:42 Changeset [652] by dubos
devel/unstructured : basic profiling
12:42 Changeset [651] by dubos
devel/unstructured : basic profiling


01:35 Changeset [650] by dubos
devel/unstructured : more loop unrolling


22:55 Changeset [649] by aslmd
added angular momentum diagnostics associated with either positive or …
22:38 Changeset [648] by aslmd
added an option for simple Rayleigh friction at bottom (giant planets, but …
15:13 Changeset [647] by dubos
devel/unstructured : more unrolling of stencil loops + bugfix (TRiSK …
15:11 Changeset [646] by dubos
devel/unstructured : update some test cases
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.