


00:26 Changeset [316] by ymipsl
Solve the start/restart issue. YM


19:11 Changeset [315] by aslmd
added a dirty fix to continue integrations even if fluxtop lost the plot. …


17:10 Changeset [314] by ymipsl
- activate splitting of XIOS file in physics so starting time is passed to …
17:04 Changeset [313] by ymipsl
- implement splitting of XIOS file for lmdz physics - Termination is done …
14:40 Changeset [312] by ymipsl
Add splitting suffix in XIOS in second rather than terrestrial date. YM
09:53 Changeset [311] by aslmd
added arch files and compile script for occigen
09:22 Changeset [310] by millour
Add the possibility to have a sponge acting on the temperature in the …
08:59 Changeset [309] by millour
Add third possibility for sponge layer, iflag_sponge=3, for a sponge layer …


13:40 Changeset [308] by ymipsl
Add compiled NETCDF4 library for occigen YM
13:39 Changeset [307] by ymipsl
Add compiled NETCDF4 library for occigen YM
13:39 Changeset [306] by ymipsl
Add compiled NETCDF4 library for occigen YM
13:37 Changeset [305] by ymipsl
DYNAMICO compile script for OCCIGEN YM
13:35 Changeset [304] by ymipsl
Add the possibility to run without caldyn => scheme='none' YM


17:27 Changeset [303] by ymipsl
bug fix for lmdz physics generic termination. YM
17:14 Changeset [302] by ymipsl
XIOS compile script for occigen YM
17:12 Changeset [301] by ymipsl
XIOS arch fiels for Occigen YM
17:04 Changeset [300] by ymipsl
modified makelmdz_fcm to take into acount arch.env file YM
17:01 Changeset [299] by ymipsl
Arch file for LMDZ on oxygen YM


19:21 Changeset [298] by milmd
Less output messages are written. On 20000 cores it is better. In LMDZ, …


15:01 Changeset [297] by millour
Make restart file format be netcdf4, so that output files of size greater …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.