!-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------- caldyn_solver ---------------------------------- ! ! Compute pressure (pres) and Exner function (pk) ! kappa = R/Cp ! 1-kappa = Cv/Cp ! Cp/Cv = 1/(1-kappa) gamma = 1./(1.-kappa) vreff = Rd*Treff/preff ! reference specific volume Cvd = 1./(cpp-Rd) Rd_preff = kappa*cpp/preff DO l = ll_begin, ll_end !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=ij_begin_ext, ij_end_ext SELECT CASE(caldyn_thermo) CASE(thermo_theta) rho_ij = 1./(geopot(ij,l+1)-geopot(ij,l)) rho_ij = rho_ij*g*rhodz(ij,l) X_ij = Rd_preff*theta(ij,l,1)*rho_ij ! kappa.theta.rho = p/exner ! => X = (p/p0)/(exner/Cp) ! = (p/p0)^(1-kappa) pres(ij,l) = preff*(X_ij**gamma) ! pressure ! Compute Exner function (needed by compute_caldyn_fast) ! other formulae possible if exponentiation is slow pk(ij,l) = cpp*((pres(ij,l)/preff)**kappa) ! Exner CASE(thermo_entropy) rho_ij = 1./(geopot(ij,l+1)-geopot(ij,l)) rho_ij = rho_ij*g*rhodz(ij,l) T_ij = Treff*exp( (theta(ij,l,1)+Rd*log(vreff*rho_ij))*Cvd ) pres(ij,l) = rho_ij*Rd*T_ij pk(ij,l) = T_ij CASE DEFAULT STOP END SELECT END DO END DO ! We need a barrier here because we compute pres above and do a vertical difference below !$OMP BARRIER IF (ll_begin==1) THEN !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=ij_begin_ext, ij_end_ext ! Lower BC dW(ij,1) = (1./g)*(pbot-rho_bot*(geopot(ij,1)-PHI_BOT(ij))-pres(ij,1)) - m_il(ij,1) W(ij,1) = W(ij,1)+tau*dW(ij,1) ! update W dPhi(ij,1) = g*g*W(ij,1)/m_il(ij,1) END DO END IF DO l = ll_beginp1, ll_end !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=ij_begin_ext, ij_end_ext dW(ij,l) = (1./g)*(pres(ij,l-1)-pres(ij,l)) - m_il(ij,l) W(ij,l) = W(ij,l)+tau*dW(ij,l) ! update W dPhi(ij,l) = g*g*W(ij,l)/m_il(ij,l) END DO END DO IF(ll_endp1==llm+1) THEN !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=ij_begin_ext, ij_end_ext ! Top BC dW(ij,llm+1) = (1./g)*(pres(ij,llm+1 -1)-ptop) - m_il(ij,llm+1) W(ij,llm+1) = W(ij,llm+1)+tau*dW(ij,llm+1) ! update W dPhi(ij,llm+1) = g*g*W(ij,llm+1)/m_il(ij,llm+1) END DO END IF ! We need a barrier here because we update W above and do a vertical average below !$OMP BARRIER DO l = ll_begin, ll_end !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=ij_begin_ext, ij_end_ext ! compute du = -0.5*g^2.grad(w^2) berni(ij,l) = (-.25*g*g)*((W(ij,l)/m_il(ij,l))**2 + (W(ij,l+1)/m_il(ij,l+1))**2 ) END DO END DO DO l = ll_begin, ll_end !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=ij_begin_ext, ij_end_ext du(ij+u_right,l) = ne_right*(berni(ij,l)-berni(ij+t_right,l)) du(ij+u_lup,l) = ne_lup*(berni(ij,l)-berni(ij+t_lup,l)) du(ij+u_ldown,l) = ne_ldown*(berni(ij,l)-berni(ij+t_ldown,l)) END DO END DO !---------------------------- caldyn_solver ---------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------------------