INCLUDEDEF = const.def #---------------- Mesh ---------------- # Number of subdivisions on a main triangle : integer (default=40) nbp = 320 # Number of vertical layers : integer (default=19) llm = 30 # Vertical grid : [std|ncar|ncarl30] (default=std) disvert = ncarl30 # Mesh optimisation : number of iterations : integer (default=0) optim_it = 20000 # Sub splitting of main rhombus : integer (default=1) nsplit_i = 4 nsplit_j = 8 #---------------- Numerics ---------------- # Time step in s : real (default=480) dt = 75 # Dissipation time for grad(div) : real (default=5000) tau_graddiv = 500 # Exponent of grad(div) disspation : integer (default=1) nitergdiv = 2 # Dissipation time for curl(curl) : real (default=5000) tau_gradrot = 500 # Exponent of curl(curl) disspation : integer (default=1) nitergrot = 2 # Dissipation time for div(grad) : real (default=5000) tau_divgrad = 500 # Exponent of div(grad) disspation : integer (default=1) niterdivgrad = 2 #---------------- Time ---------------- # Run length in s : real (default=??) # 10 days run_length = 864000 #run_length = 86400 # Interval in s between two outputs : integer (default=??) write_period = 10800 #---------------- Physical parameters ---------------- # Number of tracers : integer (default=1) nqtot = 5 # Initial state : # [jablonowsky06|academic|dcmip[1-4]|heldsz|dcmip2_schaer_noshear] (default=jablonowsky06) etat0 = dcmip2016_cyclone itau_physics=6 physics=dcmip2016 physics_dcmip2016=cyclone # physics_dcmip2016_PBL = true -> Turn on George Bryan PBL mod physics_dcmip2016_PBL=yes thermo=theta_fake_moist