;======================================================================================= ; This NCL code calculates radially-averaged tangential and radial wind components ; as well as T anomaly for DCMIP test case #2 (cyclone) ; this code requires the accompanying function set "radialAvg.ncl" ; ; Usage: User should modify "user options" for their particular data set. Currently, ; U, V, T, PS are required as variables. ; If variables are on constant Z surfaces, life is easy. ; ; Grepping for "MODELSPEC" will point to possible areas of the code in need of modification ; for model specific output ; ; Written by Colin Zarzycki (zarzycki@ucar.edu) ; Version 0.1 (6/5/2016) - DCMIP-2016 release ;======================================================================================= load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl" begin ;======================================================================================= ; User options ;======================================================================================= ;filename = "/glade/scratch/zarzycki/cam5_work/dcmip2/kessler_bryan/dcmip2.cam.h0.2000-01-05-00000.nc" filename="output_dcmip2016_regular.nc" data_on_constant_Z=False ; is data already on CONSTANT Z surfaces? convert_hybridP_to_Z=False ; is data on hybrid pressure levels? hasTimeIx=True ; does file have time index? timeStep=79 ; If yes, what time index do you want to plot? model="DYNAMICO" ; used for mainStr, but also for model specific if statements mainStr=model+" Day 8" ; main string for plot titles out_type="png" ; output format, popular options are x11, png, pdf, eps Uname="U" ; Variable name of zonal wind (typically "U" or "ua") Vname="V" ; Variable name of meridional wind (typically "V" or "ua") PSname="PS" ; Variable name of surface pressure (typically "PS","PSL","ps",or "slp") Tname="T" ; Variable name of air temperature (typically "T" or "ta") Zname="Z" ; Variable name of height (typically "Z" or "za") PRECTname="PRECL" ; Variable name of height (typically "Z" or "za") ;======================================================================================= ;======================================================================================= ; Other settings, required to remain constant for intercomparison ; Generally, don't touch unless experimenting/debugging ;======================================================================================= stride=1 ; subset in horizontal, leave @ 1 unless debugging minLat=0. ; max lat to read in (deg) maxLat=80. ; min lat to read in (deg) thetaWindMax=60.0 ; max theta wind to plot (m/s) radMinMax=18.0 ; min/max for radial plot (m/s) tAnomMax=15.0 ; max for tAnom plots (K) offAnomDist=5.0 ; offset distance for anom calcs (deg) zintmin=20.0 ; min height for z interpolation (m) zintmax=18000.0 ; max height for z interpolation (m) nzint=100 ; num points for z interpolation Zmidpt=2500.0 ; half of Z points BELOW this height, half ABOVE ;======================================================================================= ;======================================================================================= ; Input data checks ;======================================================================================= if (data_on_constant_Z .and. convert_hybridP_to_Z) then print("Both data_on_constant_Z and convert_hybridP_to_Z cannot be true, exiting...") exit end if ;======================================================================================= ; Get file, coordinate variables, and U, V, PSL ;======================================================================================= print("Loading data from file...") f = addfile(filename,"r") lat = f->lat({minLat:maxLat:stride}) lon = f->lon(::stride) lev = f->lev(:) nlat = dimsizes(lat) nlon = dimsizes(lon) nlev = dimsizes(lev) if (hasTimeIx) then U = f->$Uname$(timeStep,:,{minLat:maxLat:stride},::stride) V = f->$Vname$(timeStep,:,{minLat:maxLat:stride},::stride) T = f->$Tname$(timeStep,:,{minLat:maxLat:stride},::stride) PS = f->$PSname$(timeStep,{minLat:maxLat:stride},::stride) PRECT = f->$PRECTname$(timeStep,{minLat:maxLat:stride},::stride) else U = f->$Uname$(:,{minLat:maxLat:stride},::stride) V = f->$Vname$(:,{minLat:maxLat:stride},::stride) T = f->$Tname$(:,{minLat:maxLat:stride},::stride) PS = f->$PSname$({minLat:maxLat:stride},::stride) PRECT = f->$PRECTname$({minLat:maxLat:stride},::stride) end if ; If U and V are not m/s, please convert here U@units="m/s" V@units="m/s" T@units="K" T@long_name="Temperature" ;======================================================================================= ;======================================================================================= ; Find center of storm by minimizing PS ;======================================================================================= print("Finding minimum PS location...") a = new((/nlat,nlon/),typeof(PS)) a(:,:) = PS(:,:) a1D = ndtooned(a) dsizes_a = dimsizes(a) a_indices = ind_resolve(minind(a1D),dsizes_a) ; Resolve 1D indices to original array psminlat = lat(a_indices(0,0)) psminlon = lon(a_indices(0,1)) delete([/a,a1D,dsizes_a,a_indices/]) print("... PS minimum found at lat: "+psminlat+" lon: "+psminlon) ;======================================================================================= ;======================================================================================= ; Calculate temperature anomaly ;======================================================================================= Tanom = T Tref = T(:,{psminlat+offAnomDist},{psminlon+offAnomDist}) Tanom = T - conform(T,Tref,0) Tanom@long_name="Temperature anomaly" ;======================================================================================= ;======================================================================================= ; Do Z calculations/interpolations if necessary ;======================================================================================= if (.not. data_on_constant_Z) then ;======================================================================================= ; Convert from hybrid levels to Z (CAM) ;======================================================================================= if (convert_hybridP_to_Z) print("Converting from hybrid P to Z...") ; If need_to_convert_P_to_Z is true, variables T,Q,hyam,hybm,hyai,hybm,P0 needed ; all hybrid coefs and TV need to be TOP TO BOTTOM! hyam=f->hyam hybm=f->hybm hyai=f->hyai hybi=f->hybi P0=f->P0 Tconv = f->T(timeStep,:,{minLat:maxLat:stride},::stride) Qconv = f->Q(timeStep,:,{minLat:maxLat:stride},::stride) ; Calculate TV from T (K) and Q (kg/kg) TV=Tconv*(1.+0.61*Qconv) ; PHIS is nlatxnlon array = 0.0 for DCMIP Test 2 PHIS=PS PHIS=0.0 Z = cz2ccm(PS,PHIS,TV,P0,hyam(::-1),hybm(::-1),hyai(::-1),hybi(::-1)) Z@units="m" delete([/Tconv,Qconv,TV,PHIS/]) end if ;======================================================================================= ; Example of calculating Z at each level ; MODELSPEC: (if you do not put output directly on either Z levels OR hybrid levels, you will ; need to modify the code here (Tempest shown as example). ;======================================================================================= if (model .eq. "tempest") then Zs=f->Zs Ztop=30000.0 Z = U do kk = 0,nlev-1 do ii = 0,nlat-1 do jj = 0,nlon-1 Z(kk,ii,jj) = Zs(ii,jj) + lev(kk)*(Ztop - Zs(ii,jj)) end do end do end do Z@units="m" end if if (model .eq. "DYNAMICO") then print("DYNAMICO : computing Z from geopotential ...") ; NB : geopotential is defined at level interfaces, average from interfaces to full levels Phi=f->PHI Z=U ; create Z with correct shape do kk = 0,nlev-1 do ii = 0,nlat-1 do jj = 0,nlon-1 Z(kk,ii,jj) = (.5/9.81)*(Phi(timeStep,kk,ii,jj)+Phi(timeStep,kk+1,ii,jj)) end do end do end do Z@units="m" print("...done") end if ;======================================================================================= ; If all else fails, try to load Z directly from file ;======================================================================================= if(.not. isdefined("Z")) then if (isfilevar(f, Zname)) then print("Found Z on file...") Z = f->Z else print("FATAL: Z needs to be either loaded from a file or otherwise defined before continuing...") exit end if end if ;======================================================================================= end if ;======================================================================================= ; Generate Z levels of interest ;======================================================================================= print("Generating constant Z levels to interpolate to") ZlevPBL = fspan(zintmin,Zmidpt,nzint/2) ZlevABL = fspan(Zmidpt,zintmax,nzint/2) Zlev=(/100.,1000.,1500.,2500.,5000.,10000.,15000./) Zlev@units = "m" Zlev!0 = "lev" Zlev&lev = Zlev ;======================================================================================= ; Interpolate lat/lon variables to constant Z levels ;======================================================================================= print("Interpolating to Z surfaces") U_Z = int2p_n_Wrap(Z,U,Zlev,2,0) V_Z = int2p_n_Wrap(Z,V,Zlev,2,0) Tanom_Z = int2p_n_Wrap(Z,Tanom,Zlev,2,0) ;======================================================================================= WIND_Z = U_Z WIND_Z = sqrt(U_Z^2+V_Z^2) WIND_Z@long_name="Horizontal wind" PRECT = PRECT*8.64e7 ; convert m/s to mm/day PRECT@long_name="Precipitation rate" PRECT@units="mm/d" print("Plotting...") wks = gsn_open_wks (out_type,"horiz_crossx") ; send graphics to PNG file contour = new(4,"graphic") gsn_define_colormap(wks,"BlAqGrYeOrReVi200") res = True res@gsnDraw = False res@gsnFrame = False res@gsnSpreadColors = True ; Span full color map res@cnFillOn = True ; Turn on contour fill res@cnLinesOn = False res@cnLineLabelsOn = False res@cnInfoLabelOn = False res@gsnAddCyclic = True latWidth = 10.0 lonWidth = 10.0 res@mpOutlineOn = False res@mpMaxLatF = psminlat + latWidth res@mpMinLatF = psminlat - latWidth res@mpMinLonF = psminlon - lonWidth res@mpMaxLonF = psminlon + lonWidth res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels" res@cnLevelSpacingF = 5.0 res@cnMinLevelValF = 10.0 res@cnMaxLevelValF = 80.0 res@tiMainString="1500m Horiz. Wind" contour(0) = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,WIND_Z({1500.0},:,:),res) ; create the plot res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels" res@cnLevelSpacingF = 10.0 res@cnMinLevelValF = -60.0 res@cnMaxLevelValF = 60.0 res@tiMainString="100m U-Wind" contour(1) = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,U_Z({100.0},:,:),res) ; create the plot res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels" res@cnLevelSpacingF = 1.0 res@cnMinLevelValF = 0.0 res@cnMaxLevelValF = 10.0 res@tiMainString="5000m T anom." contour(2) = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,Tanom_Z({5000.0},:,:),res) ; create the plot res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels" res@cnLevelSpacingF = 200.0 res@cnMinLevelValF = 200.0 res@cnMaxLevelValF = 4000.0 res@tiMainString="Precip. rate" contour(3) = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,PRECT(:,:),res) ; create the plot resP = True ; modify the panel plot gsn_panel(wks,contour,(/2,2/),resP) ; now draw as one plot end