Changeset 631 for codes/icosagcm

12/12/17 16:04:23 (7 years ago)

devel/Python : extract pure Python stuff from cython module unstructured.pyx

1 added
8 edited


  • codes/icosagcm/devel/Python/src/unstructured.pyx

    r622 r631  
    22import math 
    33import numpy as np 
    4 import netCDF4 as cdf 
    5 import matplotlib.tri as tri 
    6 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
    84import dynamico.wrap as wrap 
    95from ctypes import c_void_p, c_int, c_double, c_bool 
    10 radian=180/math.pi 
    127#------------- direct Cython interface to DYNAMICO routines -------------# 
    3934                     ['dynamico_xios_set_timestep',c_double], 
    4035                     ['dynamico_xios_update_calendar',c_int], 
    41 #                     ['init_params',c_double], 
    4236                     ['dynamico_init_mesh',c_void_p,13], 
    4337                     ['dynamico_init_metric', c_void_p,6], 
    146140                (dm,dS,du_slow,dPhi_slow,dW_slow)) 
    148 #-------------------------------- Hybrid mass-based coordinate ------------- 
     142#------------------------ Copy mesh info to Fortran side ------------------- 
    150 # compute hybrid coefs from distribution of mass                                                                                                                 
    151 def compute_hybrid_coefs(mass): 
    152     nx,llm=mass.shape 
    153     mass_dak = np.zeros((nx,llm)) 
    154     mass_dbk = np.zeros((nx,llm)) 
    155     mass_bl = np.zeros((nx,llm+1))+1. 
    156     for i in range(nx): 
    157         m_i = mass[i,:] 
    158         dbk_i = m_i/sum(m_i) 
    159         mass_dbk[i,:] = dbk_i 
    160         mass_bl[i,1:]= 1.-dbk_i.cumsum() 
    161     return mass_bl, mass_dak, mass_dbk 
     144def init_mesh(llm, nqdyn, edge_num, primal_num, dual_num, 
     145              max_trisk_deg, max_primal_deg, max_dual_deg, 
     146              primal_nb, primal_edge, primal_ne, 
     147              dual_nb,dual_edge,dual_ne,dual_vertex,  
     148              left,right,down,up,trisk_deg,trisk, 
     149              Ai, Av, fv, le_de, Riv2, wee): 
     150    setvars( ('llm','nqdyn','edge_num','primal_num','dual_num', 
     151              'max_trisk_deg','max_primal_deg','max_dual_deg'), 
     152             (llm, nqdyn, edge_num, primal_num, dual_num,  
     153              max_trisk_deg, max_primal_deg, max_dual_deg) )         
     154    print('init_mesh ...') 
     155    ker.dynamico_init_mesh(primal_nb,primal_edge,primal_ne, 
     156              dual_nb,dual_edge,dual_ne,dual_vertex, 
     157              left,right,down,up,trisk_deg,trisk) 
     158    print ('...done') 
     159    print('init_metric ...') 
     160    ker.dynamico_init_metric(Ai,Av,fv,le_de,Riv2,wee) 
     161    print ('...done') 
    163 #----------------------- Cartesian mesh ----------------------- 
    165 def squeeze(dims): 
    166 #    return np.zeros(dims) 
    167     return np.zeros([n for n in dims if n>1]) 
    169 # arrays is a list of arrays 
    170 # vals is a list of tuples 
    171 # each tuple is stored in each array 
    172 def put(ij, deg, arrays, vals): 
    173     k=0 
    174     for vv in vals: # vv is a tuple of values to be stored in arrays 
    175         for array,v in zip(arrays,vv): 
    176             array[ij,k]=v 
    177         k=k+1         
    178     deg[ij]=k 
    180 class Cartesian_mesh: 
    181     def __init__(self,nx,ny,llm,nqdyn,Lx,Ly,f): 
    182         dx,dy = Lx/nx, Ly/ny 
    183         self.dx, self.dy, self.f = dx,dy,f 
    184         self.nx, self.ny, self.llm, self.nqdyn = nx,ny,llm,nqdyn 
    185         self.field_z = self.field_mass 
    186         # 1D coordinate arrays 
    187         x=(np.arange(nx)-nx/2.)*Lx/nx 
    188         y=(np.arange(ny)-ny/2.)*Ly/ny 
    189         lev=np.arange(llm) 
    190         levp1=np.arange(llm+1) 
    191         self.x, self.y, self.lev, self.levp1 = x,y,lev,levp1 
    192         # 3D coordinate arrays 
    193         self.xx,self.yy,self.ll = np.meshgrid(x,y,lev, indexing='ij')        
    194         self.xxp1,self.yyp1,self.llp1 = np.meshgrid(x,y,levp1, indexing='ij') 
    195         # beware conventions for indexing 
    196         # Fortran order : llm,nx*ny,nqdyn  / indices start at 1 
    197         # Python order : nqdyn,ny,nx,llm   / indices start at 0 
    198         # indices below follow Fortran while x,y follow Python/C 
    199         index=lambda x,y : ((x+(nx*(y+2*ny)))%(nx*ny))+1 
    200         indexu=lambda x,y : 2*index(x,y)-1 
    201         indexv=lambda x,y : 2*index(x,y) 
    202         indices = lambda shape : np.zeros(shape,np.int32) 
    204         primal_nb = indices(nx*ny) 
    205         primal_edge = indices((nx*ny,4)) 
    206         primal_ne = indices((nx*ny,4)) 
    208         dual_nb = indices(nx*ny) 
    209         dual_edge = indices((nx*ny,4)) 
    210         dual_ne = indices((nx*ny,4)) 
    211         dual_vertex = indices((nx*ny,4)) 
    212         Riv2 = np.zeros((nx*ny,4)) 
    214         left = indices(2*nx*ny) 
    215         right = indices(2*nx*ny) 
    216         up = indices(2*nx*ny) 
    217         down = indices(2*nx*ny) 
    218         le_de = np.zeros(2*nx*ny) 
    220         trisk_deg = indices(2*nx*ny) 
    221         trisk = indices((2*nx*ny,4)) # 4 TRiSK coefs per edge 
    222         wee = np.zeros((2*nx*ny,4)) 
    224         for x in range(nx): 
    225             for y in range(ny): 
    226                 # NB : Fortran indices start at 1 
    227                 # primal cells 
    228                 put(index(x,y)-1,primal_nb,(primal_edge,primal_ne), 
    229                     ((indexu(x,y),1), 
    230                      (indexv(x,y),1), 
    231                      (indexu(x-1,y),-1), 
    232                      (indexv(x,y-1),-1) )) 
    233                 # dual cells 
    234                 put(index(x,y)-1,dual_nb,(dual_edge,dual_vertex,dual_ne,Riv2), 
    235                    ((indexv(x+1,y),index(x,y),1,.25), 
    236                     (indexu(x,y+1),index(x+1,y),-1,.25), 
    237                     (indexv(x,y),index(x+1,y+1),-1,.25), 
    238                     (indexu(x,y),index(x,y+1),1,.25) )) 
    239                 # edges : 
    240                 # left and right are adjacent primal cells 
    241                 # flux is positive when going from left to right 
    242                 # up and down are adjacent dual cells (vertices) 
    243                 # circulation is positive when going from down to up 
    244                 # u-points 
    245                 ij =indexu(x,y)-1  
    246                 left[ij]=index(x,y) 
    247                 right[ij]=index(x+1,y) 
    248                 down[ij]=index(x,y-1) 
    249                 up[ij]=index(x,y) 
    250                 le_de[ij]=dy/dx 
    251                 put(ij,trisk_deg,(trisk,wee),( 
    252                     (indexv(x,y),-.25), 
    253                     (indexv(x+1,y),-.25), 
    254                     (indexv(x,y-1),-.25), 
    255                     (indexv(x+1,y-1),-.25))) 
    256                 # v-points 
    257                 ij = indexv(x,y)-1 
    258                 left[ij]=index(x,y) 
    259                 right[ij]=index(x,y+1) 
    260                 down[ij]=index(x,y) 
    261                 up[ij]=index(x-1,y) 
    262                 le_de[ij]=dx/dy 
    263                 put(ij,trisk_deg,(trisk,wee),( 
    264                     (indexu(x,y),.25), 
    265                     (indexu(x-1,y),.25), 
    266                     (indexu(x,y+1),.25), 
    267                     (indexu(x-1,y+1),.25))) 
    268         setvars(('llm','nqdyn','edge_num','primal_num','dual_num', 
    269                  'max_trisk_deg','max_primal_deg','max_dual_deg'), 
    270                 (llm,nqdyn,2*nx*ny,nx*ny,nx*ny,4,4,4) )         
    271         print('init_mesh ...') 
    272         ker.dynamico_init_mesh(primal_nb,primal_edge,primal_ne, 
    273                   dual_nb,dual_edge,dual_ne,dual_vertex, 
    274                   left,right,down,up,trisk_deg,trisk) 
    275         print ('...done') 
    277         Aiv=np.zeros(nx*ny)+dx*dy # Ai=Av=dx*dy 
    279         print('init_metric ...') 
    280         ker.dynamico_init_metric(Aiv,Aiv,f+0.*Aiv,le_de,Riv2,-wee) 
    281         print ('...done') 
    282     def field_theta(self): return squeeze((self.nqdyn,self.ny,self.nx,self.llm)) 
    283     def field_mass(self): return squeeze((self.ny,self.nx,self.llm)) 
    284     def field_z(self): return squeeze((self.ny,self.nx,self.llm)) 
    285     def field_w(self): return squeeze((self.ny,self.nx,self.llm+1)) 
    286     def field_u(self): return np.zeros((self.ny,2*self.nx,self.llm)) 
    287     def field_ps(self): return squeeze((self.ny,self.nx)) 
    288     def ucomp(self,u): return u[:,range(0,2*self.nx,2),:] 
    289     def set_ucomp(self,uv,u): uv[:,range(0,2*self.nx,2),:]=u 
    290     def vcomp(self,u): return u[:,range(1,2*self.nx,2),:] 
    292 #---------------------- MPAS fully unstructured mesh ------------------------ 
    294 def compute_ne(num,deg,edges,left,right): 
    295     ne = np.zeros_like(edges) 
    296     for cell in range(num): 
    297         for iedge in range(deg[cell]): 
    298             edge = edges[cell,iedge]-1 
    299             if left[edge]==cell+1: ne[cell,iedge]+=1 
    300             if right[edge]==cell+1: ne[cell,iedge]-=1 
    301             if ne[cell,iedge]==0 : print 'error at cell,iedge', cell, iedge 
    302     return ne 
    304 def plot(tri,data): 
    305     plt.figure(figsize=(12,4)) 
    306     plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') 
    307     plt.tricontourf(tri, data, 20) 
    308     plt.colorbar() 
    309     plt.ylim((-90,90)) 
    310     plt.xlim((0,360)) 
    312 class MPAS_Mesh: 
    313     def __init__(self, gridfile, llm, nqdyn, radius, f): 
    314         self.gridfile, self.llm, self.nqdyn = gridfile,llm,nqdyn 
    315         self.radius, self.f = radius, f 
    316         # open mesh file, get main dimensions 
    317         try: 
    318             nc = cdf.Dataset(gridfile, "r") 
    319         except RuntimeError: 
    320             print """ 
    321 Unable to open grid file %s, maybe you forgot to download it ? 
    322 To do so, go to the 'Python/' dir and execute './'. 
    323             """ % gridfile 
    324             raise 
    326         def getdims(*names): return [len(nc.dimensions[name]) for name in names] 
    327         def getvars(*names):  
    328             for name in names : print "getvar %s ..."%name 
    329             time1=time.time() 
    330             ret=[nc.variables[name][:] for name in names] 
    331             print "... Done in %f seconds"%(time.time()-time1) 
    332             return ret 
    333         primal_num, edge_num, dual_num = getdims('nCells','nEdges','nVertices')                                    
    334         print 'Number of primal cells, dual cells and edges : %d, %d, %d '%(primal_num,dual_num,edge_num) 
    335         primal_deg, trisk_deg = getvars('nEdgesOnCell','nEdgesOnEdge') 
    336         dual_deg = [3 for i in range(dual_num) ] 
    337         dual_deg = np.ascontiguousarray(dual_deg,dtype=np.int32) # NB : Fortran code expects 32-bit ints 
    339         # get indices for stencils  
    340         # primal -> vertices (unused) 
    341         primal_vertex, dual_vertex = getvars('verticesOnCell','cellsOnVertex') 
    342         # primal <-> edges 
    343         primal_edge, left_right = getvars('edgesOnCell','cellsOnEdge') 
    344         left,right = left_right[:,0], left_right[:,1] 
    345         primal_ne = compute_ne(primal_num,primal_deg,primal_edge,left,right) 
    346         # dual <-> edges 
    347         dual_edge, down_up = getvars('edgesOnVertex','verticesOnEdge') 
    348         down,up = down_up[:,0], down_up[:,1] 
    349         dual_ne = compute_ne(dual_num,dual_deg,dual_edge,up,down) 
    350         # primal <-> dual, edges <-> edges (TRiSK) 
    351         dual_vertex, trisk = getvars('cellsOnVertex','edgesOnEdge') 
    352         # get positions, lengths, surfaces and weights 
    353         le,de,Ai,Av = getvars('dvEdge','dcEdge','areaCell','areaTriangle') 
    354         lat_i,lon_i = getvars('latCell','lonCell') 
    355         lat_v,lon_v = getvars('latVertex','lonVertex') 
    356         lat_e,lon_e,angle_e = getvars('latEdge','lonEdge','angleEdge') 
    357         wee,Riv2 = getvars('weightsOnEdge','kiteAreasOnVertex') 
    359         # fix normalization of wee and Riv2 weights 
    360         for edge1 in range(edge_num): 
    361             for i in range(trisk_deg[edge1]): 
    362                 edge2=trisk[edge1,i]-1  # NB Fortran vs C/Python indexing 
    363                 wee[edge1,i] = de[edge1]*wee[edge1,i]/le[edge2] 
    364         for ivertex in range(dual_num): 
    365             for j in range(3): 
    366                 Riv2[ivertex,j]=Riv2[ivertex,j]/Av[ivertex] 
    367             r=Riv2[ivertex,:] 
    368             r=sum(r) 
    369             if abs(r-1.)>1e-6 : print 'error with Riv2 at vertex ', ivertex 
    371         max_primal_deg, max_dual_deg, max_trisk_deg = getdims('maxEdges','vertexDegree','maxEdges2') 
    373         # CRITICAL : force arrays left, etc. to be contiguous in memory: 
    374         left,right,up,down = [np.ascontiguousarray(x) for x in (left,right,up,down)] 
    375         trisk,wee,primal_edge = [np.ascontiguousarray(x) for x in (trisk,wee,primal_edge)] 
    377         print ('Max stencil sizes (div,curl,trisk) : %d, %d, %d'  
    378                % (max_primal_deg, max_dual_deg, max_trisk_deg) ) 
    380         r2 = radius**2 
    381         Av = r2*Av 
    382         fv = f(lon_v,lat_v) # Coriolis parameter 
    383         self.Ai, self.Av, self.fv = r2*Ai,Av,fv 
    384         self.le,, self.le_de = radius*le, radius*de, le/de 
    385         self.trisk_deg, self.trisk, self.wee = trisk_deg, trisk, wee 
    386         setvars(('llm','nqdyn','edge_num','primal_num','dual_num', 
    387                       'max_trisk_deg','max_primal_deg','max_dual_deg'), 
    388                      (llm, nqdyn, edge_num, primal_num,dual_num, 
    389                       max_trisk_deg, max_primal_deg, max_dual_deg) ) 
    391         ker.dynamico_init_mesh(primal_deg,primal_edge,primal_ne, 
    392                        dual_deg,dual_edge,dual_ne,dual_vertex, 
    393                        left,right,down,up,trisk_deg,trisk) 
    394         ker.dynamico_init_metric(self.Ai,self.Av,self.fv,le/de,Riv2,wee) 
    396         for edge in range(edge_num): 
    397             iedge = trisk[edge,0:trisk_deg[edge]] 
    398             if iedge.min()<1 : 
    399                 print 'error' 
    401         self.primal_num, self.edge_num, self.dual_num = primal_num, edge_num, dual_num 
    402         def period(x) : return (x+2*math.pi)%(2*math.pi) 
    403         lon_i, lon_v, lon_e = map(period, (lon_i,lon_v,lon_e)) 
    404         self.lon_i, self.lat_i = lon_i, lat_i 
    405         self.lon_v, self.lat_v = lon_v, lat_v 
    406         self.lon_e, self.lat_e, self.angle_e = lon_e, lat_e, angle_e 
    407         self.primal_deg, self.primal_vertex = primal_deg, primal_vertex 
    408         self.primal = tri.Triangulation(lon_i*180./math.pi, lat_i*180./math.pi) 
    409         self.dual_deg, self.dual_vertex = dual_deg, dual_vertex 
    410         self.dual = tri.Triangulation(lon_v*180./math.pi, lat_v*180./math.pi) 
    411         self.triedge = tri.Triangulation(lon_e*180./math.pi, lat_e*180./math.pi) 
    412         self.dx = de.min() 
    413         self.lon3D_i, self.ll3D = np.meshgrid(lon_i, range(llm)) 
    414         self.lat3D_i, self.ll3D = np.meshgrid(lat_i, range(llm)) 
    415     def field_theta(self): return squeeze((self.nqdyn,self.primal_num,self.llm)) 
    416     def field_mass(self): return squeeze((self.primal_num,self.llm)) 
    417     def field_z(self): return squeeze((self.dual_num,self.llm)) 
    418     def field_w(self): return squeeze((self.primal_num,self.llm+1)) 
    419     def field_u(self): return squeeze((self.edge_num,self.llm)) 
    420     def field_ps(self): return squeeze((self.primal_num,)) 
    421     def ucov2D(self, ulon, ulat):  
    422         return*(ulon*np.cos(self.angle_e)+ulat*np.sin(self.angle_e)) 
    423     def ucov3D(self, ulon, ulat): 
    424         ucov = np.zeros((self.edge_num,ulon.shape[1])) 
    425         for edge in range(self.edge_num): 
    426             angle=self.angle_e[edge] 
    427             ucov[edge,:] =[edge]*(ulon[edge,:]*math.cos(angle)+ulat[edge,:]*math.sin(angle)) 
    428         return ucov 
    429     def plot_i(self,data): 
    430         plot(self.primal,data) 
    431     def plot_v(self,data): 
    432         plot(self.dual,data) 
    433     def plot_e(self,data): 
    434         plot(self.triedge,data) 
    436 #-------------------------------------- Mesh partitioning ------------------------------------------# 
     163#------------------------ Mesh partitioning ------------------------ 
    438165# Helper functions and interface to ParMETIS 
    464191    ker.dynamico_partition_graph(mpi_rank, mpi_size, vtxdist, xadj_loc, adjncy_loc, nparts, owner) 
    465192    return owner 
    467 def partition_from_stencil(owner2, degree, stencil): 
    468     # given a stencil dim1->dim2 and owner2 on dim2, define owner[i] on dim1 as min(stencil[i,:] if i is even, max if odd 
    469     dim1, dim2= degree.dim, owner2.dim 
    470     degree, stencil, n =,, dim1.end-dim1.start 
    471     cells2 = list_stencil(degree, stencil) 
    472     cells2 = sorted(list(set(list(cells2)))) # list of cells for which we need to know owner2 
    473     get2 = dim2.getter(cells2) 
    474     owner1, owner2, glob2loc = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.int32), get2(owner2), get2.dict 
    475     for i in range(n): 
    476         owners = [ owner2[glob2loc[stencil[i,j]]] for j in range(degree[i]) ] 
    477         if i%2 == 0 : owner1[i] = min(owners) 
    478         else : owner1[i] = max(owners) 
    479     return owner1 
    481 def find_my_cells(owner): # a PArray1D containing the data returned by partition_mesh 
    482     dim, comm, owner = owner.dim, owner.dim.comm, 
    483     mpi_rank, mpi_size = comm.Get_rank(), comm.Get_size() 
    484     cells=[set() for i in range(mpi_size)] 
    485     for i in range(len(owner)): 
    486         cells[owner[i]].add(dim.start+i) 
    487     cells = [sorted(list(cells[i])) for i in range(mpi_size)] 
    488     mycells = comm.alltoall(cells) 
    489     mycells = sorted(sum(mycells, [])) # concatenate into a single list 
    490     return mycells 
    492 #---------------------------------- Stencil management ---------------------------------------# 
    494 # Class Stencil represents an adjacency relationship (e.g. cell=>edges) 
    495 # using adjacency information read from PArrays 
    496 # It computes a list of "edges" adjacent to a given list of "cells" 
    497 # This is used to form the sets E0 -> C0 -> E1 -> V1 -> E2 -> C1 
    498 # which are then used to form lists of global indices for V1,C1,E2 such that 
    499 # C0, E0, E1 form contiguous subsets of C1, E2 starting from 0 
    501 def reindex(vertex_dict, degree, bounds): 
    502     for i in range(degree.size): 
    503         for j in range(degree[i]): 
    504             bounds[i,j] = vertex_dict[bounds[i,j]]     
    506 class Stencil_glob: 
    507     def __init__(self, degree, neigh, weight=None): 
    508, self.neigh, self.weight = degree, neigh, weight 
    509     def __call__(self, cells, neigh_dict=None): 
    510         return Stencil(cells,, self.neigh, neigh_dict, self.weight) 
    512 class Stencil: 
    513     def __init__(self, cells, degree, neigh, neigh_dict, weight=None): 
    514         get = degree.dim.getter(cells) 
    515         mydegree, myneigh = [get(x) for x in (degree, neigh)] 
    516         if not weight is None : myweight = get(weight) 
    517         if neigh_dict is None :  
    518             keep = lambda n : True 
    519         else : # if neigh_dict is present, only neighbours in dict are retained 
    520             keep = lambda n : n in neigh_dict 
    521         neigh_set = list_stencil(mydegree, myneigh, keep) 
    522         self.neigh_set = list(set(list(neigh_set)     ))                          
    523         rej=0 
    524         for i in range(len(mydegree)): # keep only elements in neigh_dict, in-place 
    525             k=0 
    526             for j in range(mydegree[i]): 
    527                 n=myneigh[i,j] 
    528                 if keep(n): 
    529                     myneigh[i,k]=n 
    530                     if not weight is None : myweight[i,k]=myweight[i,j] 
    531                     k=k+1 
    532                 else: 
    533                     rej=rej+1 
    534             mydegree[i]=k 
    535         if neigh_dict is None: 
    536             neigh_dict = {j:i for i,j in enumerate(self.neigh_set)} 
    537         myneigh_loc = reindex(neigh_dict, mydegree, myneigh) 
    538, self.neigh_glob, self.neigh_loc = mydegree, myneigh, myneigh_loc 
    540 def progressive_iter(mylist, cell_lists): 
    541     for thelist in cell_lists:  
    542         mylist = mylist + list(set(thelist)-set(mylist)) 
    543         yield mylist 
    544 def progressive_list(*cell_lists): 
    545     # cell_lists : a tuple of lists of global indices, with each list a subset of the next 
    546     # returns : a list 'mylist' such that for each list 'thelist' in cell_lists, thelist = mylist[0:len(thelist)] 
    547     # example : edge_list = progressive_list(E0,E1,E2) with E0,E1,E2 increasing lists of cell edges 
    548     return list(progressive_iter([], cell_lists)) 
  • codes/icosagcm/devel/Python/test/py/

    r617 r631  
     1from dynamico.meshes import Cartesian_mesh as Mesh 
    12from dynamico import unstructured as unst 
    23from dynamico import dyn 
    17 mesh = unst.Cartesian_mesh(nx,ny,llm,nqdyn,Lx,Ly,f) 
     18mesh = Mesh(nx,ny,llm,nqdyn,Lx,Ly,f) 
    1819caldyn = unst.Caldyn_RSW(mesh) 
  • codes/icosagcm/devel/Python/test/py/

    r617 r631  
    1 import sys 
    21print 'Loading modules ...' 
    3 sys.stdout.flush() 
    52import math as math 
    6 # select non-interactive backend, cf 
    7 import matplotlib 
    8 matplotlib.use('Agg')  
    93import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
    104import numpy as np 
     5print '...Done' 
    127print 'Loading DYNAMICO modules ...' 
    13 sys.stdout.flush() 
    148from dynamico import unstructured as unst 
     9from dynamico.meshes import MPAS_Mesh as Mesh 
    1510from dynamico import time_step 
    1611print '...Done' 
    17 sys.stdout.flush() 
    1913grid, llm, nqdyn = 10242, 1,1 # 2562, 10242, 40962 
    2317print 'Omega, planetary PV', Omega, 2*Omega/gh0 
    24 sys.stdout.flush() 
    2619def f(lon,lat): return 2*Omega*np.sin(lat) # Coriolis parameter 
    2720print 'Reading MPAS mesh ...' 
    28 sys.stdout.flush() 
    29 mesh = unst.MPAS_Mesh('grids/'%grid, llm, nqdyn, radius, f) 
     21mesh = Mesh('grids/'%grid, llm, nqdyn, radius, f) 
    3022print '...Done' 
    31 sys.stdout.flush() 
    3223lon, lat = mesh.lon_i, mesh.lat_i 
    3324x,y,z = np.cos(lat)*np.cos(lon), np.cos(lat)*np.sin(lon), np.sin(lat) 
  • codes/icosagcm/devel/Python/test/py/

    r617 r631  
    44import matplotlib.animation as manimation 
     6from dynamico.meshes import Cartesian_mesh as Mesh 
    67import dynamico.dyn as dyn 
    78import dynamico.time_step as time_step 
    9596unst.setvar('nb_threads', 1) 
    96 mesh = unst.Cartesian_mesh(nx,ny,llm,nqdyn,Lx,ny*dx,0.) 
     97mesh = Mesh(nx,ny,llm,nqdyn,Lx,ny*dx,0.) 
    9798xx_ik, xx_il, ll = mesh.xx[:,0,:]/1000, mesh.xxp1[:,0,:]/1000, mesh.ll[:,0,:] 
  • codes/icosagcm/devel/Python/test/py/

    r617 r631  
     1from dynamico.meshes import Cartesian_mesh as Mesh 
    12from dynamico import unstructured as unst 
    23from dynamico import dyn 
    9192Lx, nx, ztop, llm = 2e5, 400, 3e4, 60 
    9293nqdyn, ny, dx = 1, 1, Lx/nx 
    93 mesh = unst.Cartesian_mesh(nx,ny,llm,nqdyn,nx*dx,ny*dx,0.) 
     94mesh = Mesh(nx,ny,llm,nqdyn,nx*dx,ny*dx,0.) 
    9495xx,ll = mesh.xx[:,0,:]/1000, mesh.ll[:,0,:] 
  • codes/icosagcm/devel/Python/test/py/

    r617 r631  
     1from dynamico.meshes import Cartesian_mesh as Mesh 
    12from dynamico import unstructured as unst 
    23from dynamico import dyn 
    5859Lx, nx, llm = 3e5, 300, 20 
    5960nqdyn, ny, dx = 1, 1, Lx/nx 
    60 mesh = unst.Cartesian_mesh(nx,ny,llm,nqdyn,nx*dx,ny*dx,0.) 
     61mesh = Mesh(nx,ny,llm,nqdyn,nx*dx,ny*dx,0.) 
    6162xx,ll = mesh.xx[:,0,:]/1000, mesh.ll[:,0,:] 
    6263metric, thermo, BC, m0ik, gas0, Phi0_il, u0_jk = DCMIP.DCMIP31(Lx, nx, llm) 
  • codes/icosagcm/devel/Python/test/py/

    r622 r631  
    44print '%d/%d starting'%(mpi_rank,mpi_size) 
    6 import sys 
    76import numpy as np 
    8 #import dynamico.wrap as wrap 
    97print 'import dynamico.unstructured' 
    108import dynamico.unstructured as unst 
    1210import dynamico.xios as xios 
    1311print 'Done.' 
     12from dynamico.meshes import MPAS_Mesh as Mesh, radian 
    1514def boundaries(degree,points,lon,lat): 
    2928#----------------------------- read MPAS mesh -------------------------------- 
    31 radian=unst.radian 
    3230grid, llm, nqdyn, nqtot = 10242, 1,1,1 # 2562, 10242, 40962   
    3331Omega, radius, g, gh0 = 2.*np.pi/86400., 6.4e6, 1., 2.94e4 
    3432N, T, courant = 40, 10800., 1.2 # simulation length = N*T 
    3533print 'Omega, planetary PV', Omega, 2*Omega/gh0 
    36 sys.stdout.flush() 
    3835def f(lon,lat): return 2*Omega*np.sin(lat) # Coriolis parameter                                                                                                                 
    3936print 'Reading MPAS mesh ...' 
    40 sys.stdout.flush() 
    41 mesh = unst.MPAS_Mesh('grids/'%grid, llm, nqdyn, radius, f) 
     37mesh = Mesh('grids/'%grid, llm, nqdyn, radius, f) 
    4238print '...Done' 
    43 sys.stdout.flush() 
    4540lon_i, lat_i, lon_v, lat_v = [x*radian for x in mesh.lon_i, mesh.lat_i, mesh.lon_v, mesh.lat_v] 
  • codes/icosagcm/devel/make_python

    r626 r631  
    9494    cd $DYNAMICO_ROOT 
    96     for module in DCMIP time_step dyn xios unstructured; do 
     96    for module in xios meshes dyn time_step DCMIP; do 
    9797        echo "from dynamico import $module" 
    9898        python -c "from dynamico import $module" 
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