source: codes/icosagcm/trunk/src/parallel/transfert_mpi.f90 @ 991

Last change on this file since 991 was 965, checked in by adurocher, 5 years ago

trunk : Implemented req_z1_scal in new transfert_mpi

File size: 22.8 KB
1! Module for MPI communication of field halos
2! This module uses Fortran 2003 features : move_alloc intrinsic, pointer bounds remapping, allocatable type fields
3module transfert_mpi_mod
4  use abort_mod, only : dynamico_abort, abort_acc
5  use profiling_mod, only : enter_profile, exit_profile, register_id
6  use domain_mod, only : ndomain, ndomain_glo, domain, domain_glo, domloc_glo_ind, domglo_rank, domglo_loc_ind
7  use field_mod, only : t_field, field_T, field_U, field_Z
8  use transfert_request_mod
9  implicit none
10  private
12  ! Describes how to pack/unpack a message from a local domain to another
13  type t_local_submessage
14    integer :: src_ind_loc, dest_ind_loc ! index of local and remote domain
15    integer, allocatable :: displ_src(:) ! List of indexes to copy from domain src_ind_loc
16    integer, allocatable :: displ_dest(:) ! List of indexes to copy to domain dest_ind_loc
17    integer, allocatable :: sign(:) ! Sign change to be applied for vector requests
18  end type
20  ! Describes how to pack/unpack a message from a domain to another, and contains MPI buffer
21  type t_submessage
22    integer :: ind_loc, remote_ind_glo ! index of local and remote domain
23    integer, allocatable :: displs(:) ! List of indexes to copy from field to buffer for each level
24    integer, allocatable :: sign(:) ! Sign change to be applied for vector requests
25    real, allocatable :: buff(:,:,:) ! MPI buffer buff(iim*jjm[*3],dim3,dim4)
26  end type
28  ! Describes how to exchange data for a field.
29  type t_message
30    type (t_field), pointer :: field(:) => null() ! Field to exchange
31    type (t_request), pointer :: request(:) => null() ! Type of message to send
32    type (t_local_submessage), pointer :: message_local(:) ! Local halo copies
33    type (t_submessage), pointer :: message_in(:) ! Messages to recieve from remote ranks and to copy back to the field
34    type (t_submessage), pointer :: message_out(:) ! Halos to copy to MPI buffer and to send to remote ranks
35    integer, pointer :: mpi_requests_in(:) ! MPI requests used for message_in.
36    integer, pointer :: mpi_requests_out(:) ! MPI requests used for message_out.
37    ! NOTE : requests are persistant requests initialized in init_message. MPI_Start and MPI_Wait are then used to initiate and complete communications.
38    ! ex : Give mpi_requests_in(i) to MPI_Start to send the buffer contained in message_in(i)
39    integer :: send_seq ! Sequence number : send_seq is incremented each time send_message is called
40    integer :: wait_seq ! Sequence number : wait_seq is incremented each time wait_message is called
41    logical :: ondevice ! Ready to transfer ondevice field
42  end type t_message
44  public :: t_message, t_request, &
45    req_i1, req_e1_scal, req_e1_vect, &
46    req_i0, req_e0_scal, req_e0_vect, &
47    req_z1_scal, &
48    init_transfert, &
49    init_message, &
50    finalize_message, &
51    send_message, &
52    wait_message, &
53    test_message
55  ! ---- Private variables ----
56  ! Profiling id for mpi
57  integer :: profile_mpi, profile_mpi_copies, profile_mpi_waitall, profile_mpi_barrier
59  ! Initialize transfert : must be called before any other transfert_mpi routines
60  subroutine init_transfert
61    use mpi_mod, only : MPI_THREAD_SINGLE, MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED
62    use mpipara, only : mpi_threading_mode
63    use profiling_mod, only : register_id
64    logical, parameter :: profile_mpi_detail = .true.
66    !$omp master
67    ! Check requested threads support
68    if( mpi_threading_mode /= MPI_THREAD_SINGLE .and. mpi_threading_mode /= MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED ) call dynamico_abort("Only single and funneled threading mode are supported.")
70    ! Register profiling ids
71    call register_id("MPI", profile_mpi)
72    if( profile_mpi_detail ) then
73      call register_id("MPI_copies", profile_mpi_copies)
74      call register_id("MPI_waitall", profile_mpi_waitall)
75      call register_id("MPI_omp_barrier", profile_mpi_barrier)
76    else
77      profile_mpi_copies = profile_mpi
78      profile_mpi_waitall = profile_mpi
79      profile_mpi_barrier = profile_mpi
80    endif
82    ! Initialize requests
83    call init_all_requests()
84    !$omp end master
85    !$omp barrier
86  end subroutine
88  subroutine init_message(field, request, message, name)
89    use mpi_mod
90    use mpipara
91    type(t_field), pointer, intent(in) :: field(:)
92    type(t_request),pointer, intent(in) :: request(:)
93    type(t_message), target, intent(out) :: message ! Needs intent out for call to finalize_message
94    character(len=*), intent(in),optional :: name
95    integer, parameter :: INITIAL_ALLOC_SIZE = 10, GROW_FACTOR = 2
97    type(t_submessage) :: submessage_in, submessage_out
98    type(t_local_submessage) :: submessage_local
99    integer :: dim3, dim4
100    integer :: ind, ind_loc, remote_ind_glo, i
101    integer :: message_in_size, message_out_size, message_local_size
102    type(t_local_submessage), allocatable :: message_local_tmp(:)
103    type(t_submessage), allocatable :: message_in_tmp(:), message_out_tmp(:)
104    type(t_submessage), pointer :: submessage
105    integer :: field_type
107    !$omp barrier
108    !$omp master
109    !init off-device
110    message%ondevice=.false.
111    message%send_seq = 0
112    message%wait_seq = 0
114    if( request(1)%field_type /= field(1)%field_type ) call dynamico_abort( "init_message : field_type/request mismatch" )
115    field_type = request(1)%field_type
117    ! Set field%rval4d pointer to always use 4d array
118    do ind = 1, ndomain
119      if( field(ind)%ndim == 2 ) field(ind)%rval4d(1:size(field(ind)%rval2d,1),1:1,1:1) => field(ind)%rval2d
120      ! This is Fortran 2008 : can be avoided by using a subroutine with rval3d as a 1D dummy argument
121      ! (/!\ : using a subroutine might generate a temporary contiguous array)
122      if( field(ind)%ndim == 3 ) field(ind)%rval4d(1:size(field(ind)%rval3d,1), &
123        1:size(field(ind)%rval3d,2), 1:1) => field(ind)%rval3d
124    end do
125    dim3 = size(field(1)%rval4d,2)
126    dim4 = size(field(1)%rval4d,3)
127    message%field => field
128    message%request => request
129    ! Create list of inbound/outbound/local messages
130    allocate(message_in_tmp(INITIAL_ALLOC_SIZE))
131    message_in_size=0
132    allocate(message_out_tmp(INITIAL_ALLOC_SIZE))
133    message_out_size=0
134    allocate(message_local_tmp(INITIAL_ALLOC_SIZE))
135    message_local_size=0
136    do ind_loc = 1, ndomain
137      do remote_ind_glo = 1, ndomain_glo
138        if( domglo_rank(remote_ind_glo) == mpi_rank ) then ! If sending to local domain
139          if(request(ind_loc)%points_HtoB(remote_ind_glo)%npoints > 0 ) then ! Add only non-empty messages
140            ! Add local message ind_loc -> remote_ind_glo, aggregarting submessage_in and submessage_out into submessage_local
141            submessage_out = make_submessage( field_type, request(ind_loc)%points_HtoB(remote_ind_glo), &
142                                              ind_loc, remote_ind_glo, dim3, dim4, request(1)%vector )
143            submessage_in = make_submessage( field_type, request(domglo_loc_ind(remote_ind_glo))%points_BtoH(domloc_glo_ind(ind_loc)), &
144                                            domglo_loc_ind(remote_ind_glo), domloc_glo_ind(ind_loc), dim3, dim4, request(1)%vector)
145            submessage_local%src_ind_loc = ind_loc
146            submessage_local%dest_ind_loc = domglo_loc_ind(remote_ind_glo)
147            submessage_local%displ_src = submessage_out%displs
148            submessage_local%displ_dest = submessage_in%displs
149            submessage_local%sign = submessage_in%sign
150            ! Add to local message list
151            call array_append_local_submessage( message_local_tmp, message_local_size, submessage_local)
152          endif
153        else ! If remote domain
154          ! When data to send to remote_domain, add submessage in message%message_out
155          if( request(ind_loc)%points_HtoB(remote_ind_glo)%npoints > 0 ) then
156            submessage_out = make_submessage( field_type, request(ind_loc)%points_HtoB(remote_ind_glo), &
157                                              ind_loc, remote_ind_glo, dim3, dim4, request(1)%vector )
158            call array_append_submessage( message_out_tmp, message_out_size, submessage_out )
159          end if
160          if( request(ind_loc)%points_BtoH(remote_ind_glo)%npoints > 0 ) then
161            submessage_in = make_submessage( field_type, request(ind_loc)%points_BtoH(remote_ind_glo), &
162                                             ind_loc, remote_ind_glo, dim3, dim4, request(1)%vector )
163            call array_append_submessage( message_in_tmp, message_in_size, submessage_in )
164          end if
165        end if
166      end do
167    end do
168    ! Trim message_xx_tmp and put it in message%message_xx
169    allocate(message%message_in(message_in_size)); message%message_in(:) = message_in_tmp(:message_in_size)
170    allocate(message%message_out(message_out_size)); message%message_out(:) = message_out_tmp(:message_out_size)
171    allocate(message%message_local(message_local_size)); message%message_local(:) = message_local_tmp(:message_local_size)
173    ! Create MPI Persistant Send/Recv requests
174    allocate( message%mpi_requests_in(size(message%message_in)) )
175    allocate( message%mpi_requests_out(size(message%message_out)) )
176    do i=1, size(message%message_out)
177      submessage => message%message_out(i)
178      call MPI_Send_init( submessage%buff, size(submessage%buff), MPI_DOUBLE, domglo_rank(submessage%remote_ind_glo), &
179        submessage%remote_ind_glo+ndomain_glo*domloc_glo_ind(submessage%ind_loc), &
180        comm_icosa, message%mpi_requests_out(i), ierr )
181    end do
182    do i=1, size(message%message_in)
183      submessage => message%message_in(i)
184      call MPI_Recv_init( submessage%buff, size(submessage%buff), MPI_DOUBLE, domglo_rank(submessage%remote_ind_glo), &
185        domloc_glo_ind(submessage%ind_loc)+ndomain_glo*submessage%remote_ind_glo, &
186        comm_icosa,  message%mpi_requests_in(i), ierr )
187    end do
188    !$omp end master
189    !$omp barrier
190  contains
191    ! Generate submessage from points
192    function make_submessage(field_type, points, ind_loc, remote_ind_glo, dim3, dim4, vector) result(submessage)
193      use dimensions, only : swap_dimensions, iim, u_pos, z_pos
194      integer, intent(in) :: field_type
195      type(t_points), intent(in) :: points
196      integer, intent(in) :: ind_loc, remote_ind_glo, dim3, dim4
197      logical, intent(in) :: vector
198      integer :: k
199      type(t_submessage) :: submessage
201      call swap_dimensions(ind_loc)
202      submessage%ind_loc = ind_loc
203      submessage%remote_ind_glo = remote_ind_glo
204      allocate( submessage%buff( points%npoints, dim3, dim4 ) )
205      allocate( submessage%displs( points%npoints ) )
206      submessage%displs(:) = points%i + (points%j-1)*iim
207      if(field_type == field_U) submessage%displs = submessage%displs + u_pos( points%elt )
208      if(field_type == field_Z) submessage%displs = submessage%displs + z_pos( points%elt )
209      allocate(submessage%sign( points%npoints ))
210      if( vector ) then ! For U fields only
211        submessage%sign(:) = (/( domain(ind_loc)%edge_assign_sign(points%elt(k)-1, points%i(k), points%j(k)) ,k=1,points%npoints)/)
212      else
213        submessage%sign(:) = 1
214      endif
215    end function
217    ! Add element to array, and reallocate if necessary
218    subroutine array_append_submessage( a, a_size, elt )
219      type(t_submessage), allocatable, intent(inout) :: a(:)
220      integer, intent(inout) :: a_size
221      type(t_submessage), intent(in) :: elt
222      type(t_submessage), allocatable :: a_tmp(:)
223      integer, parameter :: GROW_FACTOR = 2
225      if( size( a ) <= a_size ) then
226        allocate( a_tmp ( a_size * GROW_FACTOR ) )
227        a_tmp(1:a_size) = a(1:a_size)
228        call move_alloc(a_tmp, a)
229      end if
230      a_size = a_size + 1
231      a(a_size) = elt;
232    end subroutine
233    ! Add element to array, and reallocate if necessary
234    subroutine array_append_local_submessage( a, a_size, elt )
235      type(t_local_submessage), allocatable, intent(inout) :: a(:)
236      integer, intent(inout) :: a_size
237      type(t_local_submessage), intent(in) :: elt
238      type(t_local_submessage), allocatable :: a_tmp(:)
239      integer, parameter :: GROW_FACTOR = 2
241      if( size( a ) <= a_size ) then
242        allocate( a_tmp ( a_size * GROW_FACTOR ) )
243        a_tmp(1:a_size) = a(1:a_size)
244        call move_alloc(a_tmp, a)
245      end if
246      a_size = a_size + 1
247      a(a_size) = elt;
248    end subroutine
249    ! Je demande pardon au dieu du copier-coller car j'ai péché
250  end subroutine
252  subroutine message_create_ondevice(message)
253    use mpi_mod
254    use mpipara, only : comm_icosa
255    type(t_message), intent(inout) :: message
256    type(t_submessage), pointer :: submessage
257    integer :: i, ierr
259    if( message%ondevice ) call dynamico_abort("Message already on device")
261    !$acc enter data copyin(message) async
262    !$acc enter data copyin(message%message_in(:)) async
263    do i = 1, size( message%message_in )
264      !$acc enter data copyin(message%message_in(i)%buff(:,:,:)) async
265      !$acc enter data copyin(message%message_in(i)%displs(:)) async
266      !$acc enter data copyin(message%message_in(i)%sign(:)) async
267    end do
268    !$acc enter data copyin(message%message_out(:)) async
269    do i = 1, size( message%message_out )
270      !$acc enter data copyin(message%message_out(i)%buff(:,:,:)) async
271      !$acc enter data copyin(message%message_out(i)%displs(:)) async
272      !!$acc enter data copyin(message%message_out(i)%sign(:)) async
273    end do
274    !$acc enter data copyin(message%message_local(:)) async
275    do i = 1, size( message%message_local )
276      !$acc enter data copyin(message%message_local(i)%displ_src(:)) async
277      !$acc enter data copyin(message%message_local(i)%displ_dest(:)) async
278      !$acc enter data copyin(message%message_local(i)%sign(:)) async
279    end do
280    !$acc enter data copyin(message%field(:)) async
281    do i = 1, ndomain
282      !$acc enter data copyin(message%field(i)%rval4d(:,:,:)) async
283    end do
285    do i=1, size(message%message_out)
286      submessage => message%message_out(i)
287      call MPI_Request_free(message%mpi_requests_out(i), ierr)
288      !$acc host_data use_device(submessage%buff)
289      call MPI_Send_init( submessage%buff, size(submessage%buff), MPI_DOUBLE, domglo_rank(submessage%remote_ind_glo), &
290        submessage%remote_ind_glo+ndomain_glo*domloc_glo_ind(submessage%ind_loc), &
291        comm_icosa, message%mpi_requests_out(i), ierr )
292      !$acc end host_data
293    end do
294    do i=1, size(message%message_in)
295      submessage => message%message_in(i)
296      call MPI_Request_free(message%mpi_requests_in(i), ierr)
297      !$acc host_data use_device(submessage%buff)
298      call MPI_Recv_init( submessage%buff, size(submessage%buff), MPI_DOUBLE, domglo_rank(submessage%remote_ind_glo), &
299        domloc_glo_ind(submessage%ind_loc)+ndomain_glo*submessage%remote_ind_glo, &
300        comm_icosa,  message%mpi_requests_in(i), ierr )
301      !$acc end host_data
302    end do
304    message%ondevice=.true.
305    !!$acc update device(message%ondevice)
306  end subroutine
308  subroutine message_delete_ondevice(message)
309    type(t_message), intent(inout) :: message
310    integer :: i
312    if( .not. message%ondevice ) call dynamico_abort("Message not on device")
314    do i = 1, size( message%message_in )
315      !$acc exit data delete(message%message_in(i)%buff(:,:,:)) async
316      !$acc exit data delete(message%message_in(i)%displs(:)) async
317      !$acc exit data delete(message%message_in(i)%sign(:)) async
318    end do
319    !$acc exit data delete(message%message_in(:)) async
320    do i = 1, size( message%message_out )
321      !$acc exit data delete(message%message_out(i)%buff(:,:,:)) async
322      !$acc exit data delete(message%message_out(i)%displs(:)) async
323      !!$acc exit data delete(message%message_out(i)%sign(:)) async
324    end do
325    !$acc exit data delete(message%message_out(:)) async
326    do i = 1, size( message%message_local )
327      !$acc exit data delete(message%message_local(i)%displ_src(:)) async
328      !$acc exit data delete(message%message_local(i)%displ_dest(:)) async
329      !$acc exit data delete(message%message_local(i)%sign(:)) async
330    end do
331    !$acc exit data delete(message%message_local(:)) async
333    do i = 1, ndomain
334      !$acc exit data delete(message%field(i)%rval4d(:,:,:)) async
335    end do
336    !$acc exit data delete(message%field(:)) async
337    !$acc exit data delete(message) async
338    message%ondevice=.false.
339  end subroutine
341  subroutine finalize_message(message)
342    type(t_message), intent(inout) :: message
343    integer :: i, ierr
345    !$omp barrier
346    !$omp master
347    if(message%send_seq /= message%wait_seq) call dynamico_abort("No matching wait_message before finalization")
349    if(message%ondevice) call message_delete_ondevice(message)
350    deallocate(message%message_in)
351    deallocate(message%message_out)
352    deallocate(message%message_local)
353    do i=1, size(message%mpi_requests_in)
354      call MPI_Request_free(message%mpi_requests_in(i), ierr)
355    end do
356    deallocate(message%mpi_requests_in)
357    do i=1, size(message%mpi_requests_out)
358      call MPI_Request_free(message%mpi_requests_out(i), ierr)
359    end do
360    deallocate(message%mpi_requests_out)
361    !$omp end master
362    !$omp barrier
363  end subroutine
365  subroutine send_message(field, message)
366    use mpi_mod
367    use domain_mod, only : assigned_domain
368    use omp_para, only : distrib_level
369    type(t_field),pointer :: field(:)
370    type(t_message), target :: message
371    integer :: i, k, d3, d4
372    integer :: ierr, d3_begin, d3_end, dim4
374    call enter_profile(profile_mpi)
376    ! Needed because rval4d is set in init_message
377    if( .not. associated( message%field, field ) ) &
378      call dynamico_abort("send_message must be called with the same field used in init_message")
380    !Prepare 'message' for on-device copies if field is on device
381    !$omp master
382    if( field(1)%ondevice .and. .not. message%ondevice ) call message_create_ondevice(message)
383    if( field(1)%ondevice .neqv. message%ondevice ) call dynamico_abort("send_message : internal device/host memory synchronization error")
384    ! Check if previous message has been waited
385    if(message%send_seq /= message%wait_seq) &
386      call dynamico_abort("No matching wait_message before new send_message")
387    message%send_seq = message%send_seq + 1
388    !$omp end master
390    call enter_profile(profile_mpi_barrier)
391    !$omp barrier
392    call exit_profile(profile_mpi_barrier)
394    dim4 = size(message%field(1)%rval4d, 3)
395    CALL distrib_level( 1, size(message%field(1)%rval4d, 2), d3_begin, d3_end )
397    call enter_profile(profile_mpi_copies)
398    !$acc data present(message) async if(message%ondevice)
400    ! Halo to Buffer : copy outbound message to MPI buffers
401    !$acc parallel loop default(none) present(message, assigned_domain) async if(message%ondevice)
402    do i = 1, size( message%message_out )
403      if( assigned_domain( message%message_out(i)%ind_loc ) ) then
404        !$acc loop collapse(2)
405        do d4 = 1, dim4
406          do d3 = d3_begin, d3_end
407            !$acc loop
408             do k = 1, size(message%message_out(i)%displs)
409              message%message_out(i)%buff(k,d3,d4) = message%field(message%message_out(i)%ind_loc)%rval4d(message%message_out(i)%displs(k),d3, d4)
410            end do
411          end do
412        end do
413      endif
414    end do
416    ! Halo to Halo : copy local messages from source field to destination field
417    !$acc parallel loop default(none) present(message, assigned_domain) async if(message%ondevice)
418    do i = 1, size( message%message_local )
419      if( assigned_domain( message%message_local(i)%dest_ind_loc ) ) then
420        !$acc loop collapse(2)
421        do d4 = 1, dim4
422          do d3 = d3_begin, d3_end
423            ! Cannot collapse because size(displ_dest) varies with i
424            !$acc loop vector
425            do k = 1, size(message%message_local(i)%displ_dest)
426              message%field(message%message_local(i)%dest_ind_loc)%rval4d(message%message_local(i)%displ_dest(k),d3,d4) = &
427                message%message_local(i)%sign(k)*message%field(message%message_local(i)%src_ind_loc)%rval4d(message%message_local(i)%displ_src(k),d3,d4)
428            end do
429          end do
430        end do
431      endif
432    end do
434    !$acc end data
435    call exit_profile(profile_mpi_copies)
438    call enter_profile(profile_mpi_barrier)
439    !$acc wait
440    !$omp barrier
441    call exit_profile(profile_mpi_barrier)
443    !$omp master
444    call MPI_Startall( size(message%mpi_requests_out), message%mpi_requests_out, ierr )
445    call MPI_Startall( size(message%mpi_requests_in), message%mpi_requests_in, ierr )
446    !$omp end master
448    call exit_profile(profile_mpi)
449  end subroutine
451  subroutine test_message(message)
452    use mpi_mod
453    type(t_message) :: message
454    integer :: ierr
455    logical :: completed
457    !$omp master
458    call MPI_Testall( size(message%mpi_requests_out), message%mpi_requests_out, completed, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, ierr )
459    call MPI_Testall( size(message%mpi_requests_in), message%mpi_requests_in, completed, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, ierr )
460    !$omp end master
461  end subroutine
463  subroutine wait_message(message)
464    use mpi_mod
465    use domain_mod, only : assigned_domain
466    use omp_para, only : distrib_level
467    type(t_message), target :: message
468    integer :: d3_begin, d3_end, dim4
469    integer :: i, ierr, k, d3, d4
471    ! Check if message has been sent and not recieved yet
472    ! note : barrier needed between this and send_seq increment, and this and wait_seq increment
473    ! note : watch out for integer overflow a = b+1 doesn't imply a>b
474    if(message%send_seq /= message%wait_seq+1) then
475      print*, "WARNING : wait_message called multiple times for one send_message, skipping"
476      return ! Don't recieve message if already recieved
477    end if
479    call enter_profile(profile_mpi)
481    CALL distrib_level( 1, size(message%field(1)%rval4d, 2), d3_begin, d3_end )
483    call enter_profile(profile_mpi_waitall)
484    !$omp master
485    call MPI_Waitall( size(message%mpi_requests_out), message%mpi_requests_out, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, ierr )
486    call MPI_Waitall( size(message%mpi_requests_in), message%mpi_requests_in, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE, ierr )
487    !$omp end master
488    call exit_profile(profile_mpi_waitall)
490    call enter_profile(profile_mpi_barrier)
491    !$omp barrier
492    call exit_profile(profile_mpi_barrier)
494    call enter_profile(profile_mpi_copies)
495    !$acc data present(message) async if(message%ondevice)
497    dim4 = size(message%field(1)%rval4d, 3)
498    ! Buffer to Halo : copy inbound message to field
499    !$acc parallel loop default(none) present(message, assigned_domain) async if(message%ondevice)
500    do i = 1, size( message%message_in )
501      if( assigned_domain( message%message_in(i)%ind_loc ) ) then
502        !$acc loop collapse(2)
503        do d4 = 1, dim4
504          do d3 = d3_begin, d3_end
505            !$acc loop
506            do k = 1, size(message%message_in(i)%displs)
507              message%field(message%message_in(i)%ind_loc)%rval4d(message%message_in(i)%displs(k),d3,d4) = message%message_in(i)%sign(k)*message%message_in(i)%buff(k,d3,d4)
508            end do
509          end do
510        end do
511      endif
512    end do
514    !$acc end data
515    call exit_profile(profile_mpi_copies)
517    !$omp master
518    message%wait_seq = message%wait_seq + 1
519    !$omp end master
521    call enter_profile(profile_mpi_barrier)
522    !$omp barrier
523    call exit_profile(profile_mpi_barrier)
524    call exit_profile(profile_mpi)
525  end subroutine
526end module
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