MODULE etat0_dcmip1_mod USE icosa PRIVATE REAL(rstd), SAVE :: h0=1. !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(h0) REAL(rstd), SAVE :: lon0=3*pi/2 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lon0) REAL(rstd), SAVE :: lat0=0.0 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lat0) REAL(rstd), SAVE :: alpha=0.0 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(alpha) REAL(rstd), SAVE :: R0 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(R0) REAL(rstd), SAVE :: lat1=0. !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lat1) REAL(rstd), SAVE :: lat2=0. !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lat2) REAL(rstd), SAVE :: lon1=pi/6 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lon1) REAL(rstd), SAVE :: lon2=-pi/6 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lon2) REAL(rstd), SAVE :: latc1=0. !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(latc1) REAL(rstd), SAVE :: latc2=0. !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(latc2) REAL(rstd), SAVE :: lonc1=5*pi/6 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lonc1) REAL(rstd), SAVE :: lonc2=7*pi/6 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(lonc2) REAL(rstd), SAVE :: zt=1000.0 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(zt) REAL(rstd), SAVE :: rt !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(rt) REAL(rstd), SAVE :: zc=5000.0 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(zc) PUBLIC etat0 CONTAINS SUBROUTINE etat0(f_ps,f_phis,f_theta_rhodz,f_u,f_q) USE icosa IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_ps(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_phis(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_theta_rhodz(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_u(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_q(:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: ps(:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: phis(:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: theta_rhodz(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: u(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: q(:,:,:) CHARACTER(len=255) :: dcmip1_adv_shape INTEGER :: ind R0=radius*0.5 rt=radius*0.5 dcmip1_adv_shape='cos_bell' CALL getin('dcmip1_shape',dcmip1_adv_shape) DO ind=1,ndomain IF (.NOT. assigned_domain(ind)) CYCLE CALL swap_dimensions(ind) CALL swap_geometry(ind) ps=f_ps(ind) phis=f_phis(ind) theta_rhodz=f_theta_rhodz(ind) u=f_u(ind) q=f_q(ind) SELECT CASE(TRIM(dcmip1_adv_shape)) CASE('const') CALL compute_etat0_ncar(1,ps, phis, theta_rhodz, u, q(:,:,1)) CASE('cos_bell') CALL compute_etat0_ncar(2,ps, phis, theta_rhodz, u, q(:,:,1)) CASE('slotted_cyl') CALL compute_etat0_ncar(3,ps, phis, theta_rhodz, u, q(:,:,1)) CASE('dbl_cos_bell_q1') CALL compute_etat0_ncar(4,ps, phis, theta_rhodz, u, q(:,:,1)) CASE('dbl_cos_bell_q2') CALL compute_etat0_ncar(5,ps, phis, theta_rhodz, u, q(:,:,1)) CASE('complement') CALL compute_etat0_ncar(6,ps, phis, theta_rhodz, u, q(:,:,1)) CASE('hadley') ! hadley like meridional circulation CALL compute_etat0_ncar(7,ps, phis, theta_rhodz, u, q(:,:,1)) CASE('dcmip11') IF(nqtot==5) THEN CALL compute_etat0_ncar(4,ps, phis, theta_rhodz, u, q(:,:,1)) CALL compute_etat0_ncar(5,ps, phis, theta_rhodz, u, q(:,:,2)) CALL compute_etat0_ncar(3,ps, phis, theta_rhodz, u, q(:,:,3)) CALL compute_etat0_ncar(6,ps, phis, theta_rhodz, u, q(:,:,4)) CALL compute_etat0_ncar(1,ps, phis, theta_rhodz, u, q(:,:,5)) ELSE PRINT *,'Error : etat0_dcmip=dcmip11 and nqtot = ',nqtot,' .' PRINT *,'nqtot must be equal to 5 when etat0_dcmip=dcmip11' STOP END IF CASE DEFAULT PRINT *, 'Bad selector for variable dcmip1_adv_shape : <', TRIM(dcmip1_adv_shape), & '> options are , , , ', & ', , ' STOP END SELECT ENDDO END SUBROUTINE etat0 SUBROUTINE compute_etat0_ncar(icase, ps, phis, theta_rhodz, u, q) USE icosa USE disvert_mod USE pression_mod USE exner_mod USE geopotential_mod USE theta2theta_rhodz_mod IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: icase REAL(rstd),INTENT(OUT) :: ps(iim*jjm) REAL(rstd),INTENT(OUT) :: phis(iim*jjm) REAL(rstd),INTENT(OUT) :: theta_rhodz(iim*jjm,llm) REAL(rstd),INTENT(OUT) :: u(3*iim*jjm,llm) REAL(rstd),INTENT(OUT) :: q(iim*jjm,llm) REAL(rstd) :: qxt1(iim*jjm,llm) REAL(rstd) :: lon, lat REAL(rstd) ::dd1,dd2,dd1t1,dd1t2,dd2t1 REAL(rstd) :: pr, zr(llm+1), zrl(llm) REAL(rstd) :: rr1,rr2,bb,cc,aa,hmx REAL(rstd) :: X2(3),X1(3) INTEGER :: i,j,n,l u = 0.0 ; phis = 0 ; theta_rhodz = 0 ; ps = ncar_p0 DO l=1, llm+1 pr = ap(l) + bp(l)*ncar_p0 zr(l) = -kappa*cpp*ncar_T0/g*log(pr/ncar_p0) ENDDO DO l=1, llm zrl(l) = 0.5*(zr(l) + zr(l+1)) END DO SELECT CASE(icase) CASE(1) q=1 CASE(2) !--------------------------------------------- SINGLE COSINE BELL CALL cosine_bell_1(q) CASE(3) CALL slotted_cylinders(q) CASE(4) PRINT *, 'Double cosine bell' CALL cosine_bell_2(q) CASE(5) CALL cosine_bell_2(q) DO l=1,llm q(:,l)= 0.9 - 0.8*q(:,l)*q(:,l) END DO CASE(6) ! tracer such that, in combination with the other tracer fields ! with weight (3/10), the sum is equal to one CALL cosine_bell_2(qxt1) DO l = 1,llm q(:,l) = 0.9 - 0.8*qxt1(:,l)*qxt1(:,l) END DO q = q + qxt1 CALL slotted_cylinders(qxt1) q = q + qxt1 q = 1. - q*0.3 CASE(7) ! hadley like meridional circulation CALL hadleyq(q) END SELECT CONTAINS !====================================================================== SUBROUTINE cosine_bell_1(hx) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd) :: hx(iim*jjm,llm) DO l=1,llm DO j=jj_begin-1,jj_end+1 DO i=ii_begin-1,ii_end+1 n=(j-1)*iim+i CALL xyz2lonlat(xyz_i(n,:),lon,lat) CALL dist_lonlat(lon0,lat0,lon,lat,rr1) ! GC distance from center rr1 = radius*rr1 IF ( rr1 .LT. R0 ) then hx(n,l)= 0.5*h0*(1+cos(pi*rr1/R0)) ELSE hx(n,l)=0.0 END IF END DO END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE cosine_bell_1 !============================================================================== SUBROUTINE cosine_bell_2(hx) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd) :: hx(iim*jjm,llm) DO l=1,llm DO j=jj_begin-1,jj_end+1 DO i=ii_begin-1,ii_end+1 n=(j-1)*iim+i CALL xyz2lonlat(xyz_i(n,:),lon,lat) CALL dist_lonlat(lonc1,latc1,lon,lat,rr1) ! GC distance from center rr1 = radius*rr1 CALL dist_lonlat(lonc2,latc2,lon,lat,rr2) ! GC distance from center rr2 = radius*rr2 dd1t1 = rr1/rt dd1t1 = dd1t1*dd1t1 dd1t2 = (zrl(l) - zc)/zt dd1t2 = dd1t2*dd1t2 dd1 = dd1t1 + dd1t2 dd1 = Min(1.0,dd1) dd2t1 = rr2/rt dd2t1 = dd2t1*dd2t1 dd2 = dd2t1 + dd1t2 dd2 = Min(1.0,dd2) hx(n,l)= 0.5*(1. + cos(pi*dd1))+0.5*(1.+cos(pi*dd2)) END DO END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE cosine_bell_2 !============================================================================= SUBROUTINE slotted_cylinders(hx) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd) :: hx(iim*jjm,llm) DO l=1,llm DO j=jj_begin-1,jj_end+1 DO i=ii_begin-1,ii_end+1 n=(j-1)*iim+i CALL xyz2lonlat(xyz_i(n,:),lon,lat) CALL dist_lonlat(lonc1,latc1,lon,lat,rr1) ! GC distance from center rr1 = radius*rr1 CALL dist_lonlat(lonc2,latc2,lon,lat,rr2) ! GC distance from center rr2 = radius*rr2 dd1t1 = rr1/rt dd1t1 = dd1t1*dd1t1 dd1t2 = (zrl(l) - zc)/zt dd1t2 = dd1t2*dd1t2 dd1 = dd1t1 + dd1t2 dd2t1 = rr2/rt dd2t1 = dd2t1*dd2t1 dd2 = dd2t1 + dd1t2 IF ( dd1 .LT. 0.5 ) Then hx(n,l) = 1.0 ELSEIF ( dd2 .LT. 0.5 ) Then hx(n,l) = 1.0 ELSE hx(n,l) = 0.1 END IF IF ( zrl(l) .GT. zc ) Then IF ( ABS(latc1 - lat) .LT. 0.125 ) Then hx(n,l)= 0.1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE slotted_cylinders !============================================================================== SUBROUTINE hadleyq(hx) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd)::hx(iim*jjm,llm) REAL(rstd),PARAMETER:: zz1=2000.,zz2=5000.,zz0=0.5*(zz1+zz2) DO l=1,llm IF ( ( zz1 .LT. zrl(l) ) .and. ( zrl(l) .LT. zz2 ) ) THEN hx(:,l) = 0.5*(1. + cos(2*pi*(zrl(l)-zz0)/(zz2-zz1))) ELSE hx(:,l) = 0.0 END IF END DO END SUBROUTINE hadleyq END SUBROUTINE compute_etat0_ncar END MODULE etat0_dcmip1_mod