MODULE dcmip2016_supercell_mod !======================================================================= ! ! Date: April 22, 2016 ! ! Functions for setting up idealized initial conditions for the ! Klemp et al. supercell test. Before sampling the result, ! supercell_test_init() must be called. ! ! SUBROUTINE supercell_test( ! lon,lat,p,z,zcoords,u,v,t,thetav,ps,rho,q,pert) ! ! Given a point specified by: ! lon longitude (radians) ! lat latitude (radians) ! p/z pressure (Pa) / height (m) ! zcoords 1 if z is specified, 0 if p is specified ! pert 1 if thermal perturbation included, 0 if not ! ! the functions will return: ! p pressure if z is specified (Pa) ! z geopotential height if p is specified (m) ! u zonal wind (m s^-1) ! v meridional wind (m s^-1) ! t temperature (K) ! thetav virtual potential temperature (K) ! ps surface pressure (Pa) ! rho density (kj m^-3) ! q water vapor mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! ! Author: Paul Ullrich ! University of California, Davis ! Email: ! ! Based on a code by Joseph Klemp ! (National Center for Atmospheric Research) ! !======================================================================= IMPLICIT NONE !======================================================================= ! Physical constants !======================================================================= REAL(8), PARAMETER :: & a = 6371220.0d0, & ! Reference Earth's Radius (m) Rd = 287.0d0, & ! Ideal gas const dry air (J kg^-1 K^1) g = 9.80616d0, & ! Gravity (m s^2) cp = 1004.5d0, & ! Specific heat capacity (J kg^-1 K^1) Lvap = 2.5d6, & ! Latent heat of vaporization of water Rvap = 461.5d0, & ! Ideal gas constnat for water vapor Mvap = 0.608d0, & ! Ratio of molar mass of dry air/water pi = 3.14159265358979d0, & ! pi p0 = 100000.0d0, & ! surface pressure (Pa) kappa = 2.d0/7.d0, & ! Ratio of Rd to cp omega = 7.29212d-5, & ! Reference rotation rate of the Earth (s^-1) deg2rad = pi/180.d0 ! Conversion factor of degrees to radians !======================================================================= ! Test case parameters !======================================================================= INTEGER(4), PARAMETER :: & nz = 30 , & ! number of vertical levels in init nphi = 16 ! number of meridional points in init REAL(8), PARAMETER :: & z1 = 0.0d0 , & ! lower sample altitude z2 = 50000.0d0 ! upper sample altitude REAL(8), PARAMETER :: & X = 120.d0 , & ! Earth reduction factor theta0 = 300.d0 , & ! theta at the equatorial surface theta_tr = 343.d0 , & ! theta at the tropopause z_tr = 12000.d0 , & ! altitude at the tropopause T_tr = 213.d0 , & ! temperature at the tropopause pseq = 100000.0d0 ! surface pressure at equator (Pa) !pseq = 95690.0d0 ! surface pressure at equator (Pa) REAL(8), PARAMETER :: & us = 30.d0 , & ! maximum zonal wind velocity uc = 15.d0 , & ! coordinate reference velocity zs = 5000.d0 , & ! lower altitude of maximum velocity zt = 1000.d0 ! transition distance of velocity REAL(8), PARAMETER :: & pert_dtheta = 3.d0 , & ! perturbation magnitude pert_lonc = 0.d0 , & ! perturbation longitude pert_latc = 0.d0 , & ! perturbation latitude pert_rh = 10000.d0 * X , & ! perturbation horiz. halfwidth pert_zc = 1500.d0 , & ! perturbation center altitude pert_rz = 1500.d0 ! perturbation vert. halfwidth !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Coefficients computed from initialization !----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER(4) :: initialized = 0 REAL(8), DIMENSION(nphi) :: phicoord REAL(8), DIMENSION(nz) :: zcoord REAL(8), DIMENSION(nphi,nz) :: thetavyz REAL(8), DIMENSION(nphi,nz) :: exneryz REAL(8), DIMENSION(nz) :: qveq CONTAINS !======================================================================= ! Generate the supercell initial conditions !======================================================================= SUBROUTINE supercell_init() & BIND(c, name = "supercell_init") IMPLICIT NONE ! d/dphi and int(dphi) operators REAL(8), DIMENSION(nphi,nphi) :: ddphi, intphi ! d/dz and int(dz) operators REAL(8), DIMENSION(nz, nz) :: ddz, intz ! Buffer matrices for computing SVD of d/dphi operator REAL(8), DIMENSION(nphi,nphi) :: ddphibak REAL(8), DIMENSION(nphi,nphi) :: svdpu, svdpvt REAL(8), DIMENSION(nphi) :: svdps REAL(8), DIMENSION(5*nphi) :: pwork ! Buffer matrices for computing SVD of d/dz operator REAL(8), DIMENSION(nz, nz) :: ddzbak REAL(8), DIMENSION(nz, nz) :: svdzu, svdzvt REAL(8), DIMENSION(nz) :: svdzs REAL(8), DIMENSION(5*nz) :: zwork ! Buffer data for calculation of SVD INTEGER(4) :: lwork, info ! Sampled values of ueq**2 and d/dz(ueq**2) REAL(8), DIMENSION(nphi, nz) :: ueq2, dueq2 ! Buffer matrices for iteration REAL(8), DIMENSION(nphi, nz) :: phicoordmat, dztheta, rhs, irhs ! Buffer for sampled potential temperature at equator REAL(8), DIMENSION(nz) :: thetaeq ! Buffer for computed equatorial Exner pressure and relative humidity REAL(8), DIMENSION(nz) :: exnereq, H ! Variables for calculation of equatorial profile REAL(8) :: exnereqs, p, T, qvs ! Loop indices INTEGER(4) :: i, k, iter ! Chebyshev nodes in the phi direction do i = 1, nphi phicoord(i) = - cos(dble(i-1) * pi / dble(nphi-1)) phicoord(i) = 0.25d0 * pi * (phicoord(i) + 1.0d0) end do ! Matrix of phis do k = 1, nz phicoordmat(:,k) = phicoord end do ! Chebyshev nodes in the z direction do k = 1, nz zcoord(k) = - cos(dble(k-1) * pi / dble(nz-1)) zcoord(k) = z1 + 0.5d0*(z2-z1)*(zcoord(k)+1.0d0) end do ! Compute the d/dphi operator do i = 1, nphi call diff_lagrangian_polynomial_coeffs( & nphi, phicoord, ddphi(:,i), phicoord(i)) end do ! Zero derivative at pole ddphi(:,nphi) = 0.0d0 ! Compute the d/dz operator do k = 1, nz call diff_lagrangian_polynomial_coeffs( & nz, zcoord, ddz(:,k), zcoord(k)) end do ! Compute the int(dphi) operator via pseudoinverse lwork = 5*nphi ddphibak = ddphi call DGESVD('A', 'A', & nphi, nphi, ddphibak, nphi, & svdps, svdpu, nphi, svdpvt, nphi, & pwork, lwork, info) if (info .ne. 0) then write(*,*) 'Unable to compute SVD of d/dphi matrix' stop end if do i = 1, nphi if (abs(svdps(i)) .le. 1.0d-12) then call DSCAL(nphi, 0.0d0, svdpu(1,i), 1) else call DSCAL(nphi, 1.0d0 / svdps(i), svdpu(1,i), 1) end if end do call DGEMM('T', 'T', & nphi, nphi, nphi, 1.0d0, svdpvt, nphi, svdpu, nphi, 0.0d0, & intphi, nphi) ! Compute the int(dz) operator via pseudoinverse lwork = 5*nz ddzbak = ddz call DGESVD('A', 'A', & nz, nz, ddzbak, nz, & svdzs, svdzu, nz, svdzvt, nz, & zwork, lwork, info) if (info .ne. 0) then write(*,*) 'Unable to compute SVD of d/dz matrix' stop end if do i = 1, nz if (abs(svdzs(i)) .le. 1.0d-12) then call DSCAL(nz, 0.0d0, svdzu(1,i), 1) else call DSCAL(nz, 1.0d0 / svdzs(i), svdzu(1,i), 1) end if end do call DGEMM('T', 'T', & nz, nz, nz, 1.0d0, svdzvt, nz, svdzu, nz, 0.0d0, & intz, nz) ! Sample the equatorial velocity field and its derivative do k = 1, nz ueq2(1,k) = zonal_velocity(zcoord(k), 0.0d0) ueq2(1,k) = ueq2(1,k)**2 end do do k = 1, nz dueq2(1,k) = dot_product(ddz(:,k), ueq2(1,:)) end do do i = 2, nphi ueq2(i,:) = ueq2(1,:) dueq2(i,:) = dueq2(1,:) end do ! Initialize potential temperature at equator do k = 1, nz thetaeq(k) = equator_theta(zcoord(k)) H(k) = equator_relative_humidity(zcoord(k)) end do thetavyz(1,:) = thetaeq ! Exner pressure at the equatorial surface exnereqs = (pseq / p0)**(Rd/cp) ! Iterate on equatorial profile do iter = 1, 12 ! Calculate Exner pressure in equatorial column (p0 at surface) rhs(1,:) = - g / cp / thetavyz(1,:) do k = 1, nz exnereq(k) = dot_product(intz(:,k), rhs(1,:)) end do do k = 2, nz exnereq(k) = exnereq(k) + (exnereqs - exnereq(1)) end do exnereq(1) = exnereqs ! Calculate new pressure and temperature do k = 1, nz p = p0 * exnereq(k)**(cp/Rd) T = thetaeq(k) * exnereq(k) qvs = saturation_mixing_ratio(p, T) qveq(k) = qvs * H(k) thetavyz(1,k) = thetaeq(k) * (1.d0 + 0.61d0 * qveq(k)) end do end do !do k = 1, nz ! write(*,*) exnereq(k) * thetaeq(k) !end do ! Iterate on remainder of domain do iter = 1, 12 ! Compute d/dz(theta) do i = 1, nphi do k = 1, nz dztheta(i,k) = dot_product(ddz(:,k), thetavyz(i,:)) end do end do ! Compute rhs rhs = sin(2.0d0*phicoordmat)/(2.0d0*g) & * (ueq2 * dztheta - thetavyz * dueq2) ! Integrate do k = 1, nz do i = 1, nphi irhs(i,k) = dot_product(intphi(:,i), rhs(:,k)) end do end do ! Apply boundary conditions (fixed Dirichlet condition at equator) do i = 2, nphi irhs(i,:) = irhs(i,:) + (thetavyz(1,:) - irhs(1,:)) end do irhs(1,:) = thetavyz(1,:) ! Compute difference after iteration !err = sum(irhs - thetavyz) !write(*,*) iter, err ! Update iteration thetavyz = irhs end do ! Calculate pressure through remainder of domain rhs = - ueq2 * sin(phicoordmat) * cos(phicoordmat) / cp / thetavyz do k = 1, nz do i = 1, nphi exneryz(i,k) = dot_product(intphi(:,i), rhs(:,k)) end do do i = 2, nphi exneryz(i,k) = exneryz(i,k) + (exnereq(k) - exneryz(1,k)) end do exneryz(1,k) = exnereq(k) end do ! Initialization successful initialized = 1 END SUBROUTINE supercell_init !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Evaluate the supercell initial conditions !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE supercell_test(lon,lat,p,z,zcoords,u,v,t,thetav,ps,rho,q,pert) & BIND(c, name = "supercell_test") use iso_c_binding IMPLICIT NONE !------------------------------------------------ ! Input / output parameters !------------------------------------------------ REAL(KIND=c_double), INTENT(IN) :: & lon, & ! Longitude (radians) lat ! Latitude (radians) REAL(KIND=c_double), INTENT(INOUT) :: & p, & ! Pressure (Pa) z ! Altitude (m) INTEGER(KIND=c_int32_t), INTENT(IN) :: zcoords ! 1 if z coordinates are specified ! 0 if p coordinates are specified REAL(KIND=c_double), INTENT(OUT) :: & u, & ! Zonal wind (m s^-1) v, & ! Meridional wind (m s^-1) t, & ! Temperature (K) thetav, & ! Virtual potential Temperature (K) ps, & ! Surface Pressure (Pa) rho, & ! density (kg m^-3) q ! water vapor mixing ratio (kg/kg) INTEGER(KIND=c_int32_t), INTENT(IN) :: pert ! 1 if perturbation should be included ! 0 if no perturbation should be included !------------------------------------------------ ! Local variables !------------------------------------------------ ! Absolute latitude REAL(8) :: nh_lat ! Check that we are initialized if (initialized .ne. 1) then write(*,*) 'supercell_init() has not been called' stop end if !------------------------------------------------ ! Begin sampling !------------------------------------------------ ! Northern hemisphere latitude if (lat .le. 0.0d0) then nh_lat = -lat else nh_lat = lat end if ! Sample surface pressure CALL supercell_z(lon, lat, 0.d0, ps, thetav, rho, q, pert) ! Calculate dependent variables if (zcoords .eq. 1) then CALL supercell_z(lon, lat, z, p, thetav, rho, q, pert) else CALL supercell_p(lon, lat, p, z, thetav, rho, q, pert) end if ! Sample the zonal velocity u = zonal_velocity(z, lat) ! Zero meridional velocity v = 0.d0 ! Temperature t = thetav / (1.d0 + 0.61d0 * q) * (p / p0)**(Rd/cp) END SUBROUTINE supercell_test !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate pointwise pressure and temperature !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE supercell_z(lon, lat, z, p, thetav, rho, q, pert) REAL(8), INTENT(IN) :: & lon, & ! Longitude (radians) lat, & ! Latitude (radians) z ! Altitude (m) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pert ! 1 if perturbation should be included ! 0 if no perturbation should be included ! Evaluated variables REAL(8), INTENT(OUT) :: p, thetav, rho, q ! Northern hemisphere latitude REAL(8) :: nh_lat ! Pointwise Exner pressure REAL(8) :: exner ! Assembled variable values in a column REAL(8), DIMENSION(nz) :: varcol ! Coefficients for computing a polynomial fit in each coordinate REAL(8), DIMENSION(nphi) :: fitphi REAL(8), DIMENSION(nz) :: fitz ! Loop indices INTEGER(4) :: k ! Northern hemisphere latitude if (lat .le. 0.0d0) then nh_lat = -lat else nh_lat = lat end if ! Perform fit CALL lagrangian_polynomial_coeffs(nz, zcoord, fitz, z) CALL lagrangian_polynomial_coeffs(nphi, phicoord, fitphi, nh_lat) ! Obtain exner pressure of background state do k = 1, nz varcol(k) = dot_product(fitphi, exneryz(:,k)) end do exner = dot_product(fitz, varcol) p = p0 * exner**(cp/Rd) ! Sample the initialized fit at this point for theta_v do k = 1, nz varcol(k) = dot_product(fitphi, thetavyz(:,k)) end do thetav = dot_product(fitz, varcol) ! Sample water vapor mixing ratio q = dot_product(fitz, qveq) ! Fixed density rho = p / (Rd * exner * thetav) ! Modified virtual potential temperature if (pert .ne. 0) then thetav = thetav & + thermal_perturbation(lon, lat, z) * (1.d0 + 0.61d0 * q) end if ! Updated pressure p = p0 * (rho * Rd * thetav / p0)**(cp/(cp-Rd)) END SUBROUTINE supercell_z !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate pointwise z and temperature given pressure !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE supercell_p(lon, lat, p, z, thetav, rho, q, pert) REAL(8), INTENT(IN) :: & lon, & ! Longitude (radians) lat, & ! Latitude (radians) p ! Pressure (Pa) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pert ! 1 if perturbation should be included ! 0 if no perturbation should be included ! Evaluated variables REAL(8), INTENT(OUT) :: z, thetav, rho, q ! Bounding interval and sampled values REAL(8) :: za, zb, zc, pa, pb, pc ! Iterate INTEGER(4) :: iter za = z zb = z2 CALL supercell_z(lon, lat, za, pa, thetav, rho, q, pert) CALL supercell_z(lon, lat, zb, pb, thetav, rho, q, pert) if (pa .lt. p) then write(*,*) 'Requested pressure out of range on bottom, adjust sample interval' write(*,*) pa, p stop end if if (pb .gt. p) then write(*,*) 'Requested pressure out of range on top, adjust sample interval' write(*,*) pb, p stop end if ! Iterate using fixed point method do iter = 1, 100 zc = (za * (pb - p) - zb * (pa - p)) / (pb - pa) CALL supercell_z(lon, lat, zc, pc, thetav, rho, q, pert) !write(*,*) pc if (abs((pc - p) / p) .lt. 1.d-10) then exit end if if (pc .gt. p) then za = zc pa = pc else zb = zc pb = pc end if end do if (iter .eq. 101) then write(*,*) 'Iteration failed to converge' stop end if z = zc END SUBROUTINE supercell_p !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate pointwise z and temperature given pressure !----------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(8) FUNCTION thermal_perturbation(lon, lat, z) REAL(8), INTENT(IN) :: & lon, & ! Longitude (radians) lat, & ! Latitude (radians) z ! Altitude (m) ! Great circle radius from the perturbation centerpoint REAL(8) :: gr ! Approximately spherical radius from the perturbation centerpoint REAL(8) :: Rtheta gr = a*acos(sin(pert_latc*deg2rad)*sin(lat) + & (cos(pert_latc*deg2rad)*cos(lat)*cos(lon-pert_lonc*deg2rad))) Rtheta = sqrt((gr/pert_rh)**2 + ((z - pert_zc) / pert_rz)**2) if (Rtheta .le. 1.d0) then thermal_perturbation = pert_dtheta * (cos(0.5d0 * pi * Rtheta))**2 else thermal_perturbation = 0.0d0 end if END FUNCTION thermal_perturbation !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate the reference zonal velocity !----------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(8) FUNCTION zonal_velocity(z, lat) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(8), INTENT(IN) :: z, lat if (z .le. zs - zt) then zonal_velocity = us * (z / zs) - uc elseif (abs(z - zs) .le. zt) then zonal_velocity = & (-4.0d0/5.0d0 + 3.0d0*z/zs - 5.0d0/4.0d0*(z**2)/(zs**2)) * us - uc else zonal_velocity = us - uc end if zonal_velocity = zonal_velocity * cos(lat) END FUNCTION zonal_velocity !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate pointwise theta at the equator at the given altitude !----------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(8) FUNCTION equator_theta(z) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(8), INTENT(IN) :: z if (z .le. z_tr) then equator_theta = & theta0 + (theta_tr - theta0) * (z / z_tr)**(1.25d0) else equator_theta = & theta_tr * exp(g/cp/T_tr * (z - z_tr)) end if END FUNCTION equator_theta !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate pointwise relative humidity (in %) at the equator at the ! given altitude !----------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(8) FUNCTION equator_relative_humidity(z) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(8), INTENT(IN) :: z if (z .le. z_tr) then equator_relative_humidity = 1.0d0 - 0.75d0 * (z / z_tr)**(1.25d0) else equator_relative_humidity = 0.25d0 end if END FUNCTION equator_relative_humidity !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate saturation mixing ratio (in kg/kg) in terms of pressure ! (in Pa) and temperature (in K) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(8) FUNCTION saturation_mixing_ratio(p, T) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(8), INTENT(IN) :: & p, & ! Pressure in Pa T ! Temperature saturation_mixing_ratio = & 380.d0 / p * exp(17.27d0 * (T - 273.d0) / (T - 36.d0)) if (saturation_mixing_ratio > 0.014) then saturation_mixing_ratio = 0.014 end if END FUNCTION saturation_mixing_ratio !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate coefficients for a Lagrangian polynomial !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE lagrangian_polynomial_coeffs(npts, x, coeffs, xs) IMPLICIT NONE ! Number of points to fit INTEGER(4), INTENT(IN) :: npts ! Sample points to fit REAL(8), DIMENSION(npts), INTENT(IN) :: x ! Computed coefficients REAL(8), DIMENSION(npts), INTENT(OUT) :: coeffs ! Point at which sample is taken REAL(8), INTENT(IN) :: xs ! Loop indices INTEGER(4) :: i, j ! Compute the Lagrangian polynomial coefficients do i = 1, npts coeffs(i) = 1.0d0 do j = 1, npts if (i .eq. j) then cycle end if coeffs(i) = coeffs(i) * (xs - x(j)) / (x(i) - x(j)) end do end do END SUBROUTINE lagrangian_polynomial_coeffs !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate coefficients of the derivative of a Lagrangian polynomial !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE diff_lagrangian_polynomial_coeffs(npts, x, coeffs, xs) IMPLICIT NONE ! Number of points to fit INTEGER(4), INTENT(IN) :: npts ! Sample points to fit REAL(8), DIMENSION(npts), INTENT(IN) :: x ! Computed coefficients REAL(8), DIMENSION(npts), INTENT(OUT) :: coeffs ! Point at which sample is taken REAL(8), INTENT(IN) :: xs ! Loop indices INTEGER(4) :: i, j, imatch ! Buffer sum REAL(8) :: coeffsum, differential ! Check if xs is equivalent to one of the values of x imatch = (-1) do i = 1, npts if (abs(xs - x(i)) < 1.0d-14) then imatch = i exit end if end do ! Equivalence detected; special treatment required if (imatch .ne. (-1)) then do i = 1, npts coeffs(i) = 1.0d0 coeffsum = 0.0d0 do j = 1, npts if ((j .eq. i) .or. (j .eq. imatch)) then cycle end if coeffs(i) = coeffs(i) * (xs - x(j)) / (x(i) - x(j)) coeffsum = coeffsum + 1.0 / (xs - x(j)) end do if (i .ne. imatch) then coeffs(i) = coeffs(i) & * (1.0 + (xs - x(imatch)) * coeffsum) & / (x(i) - x(imatch)) else coeffs(i) = coeffs(i) * coeffsum end if end do ! No equivalence; simply differentiate Lagrangian fit else call lagrangian_polynomial_coeffs(npts, x, coeffs, xs) do i = 1, npts differential = 0.0d0 do j = 1, npts if (i .eq. j) then cycle end if differential = differential + 1.0 / (xs - x(j)) end do coeffs(i) = coeffs(i) * differential end do end if END SUBROUTINE END MODULE dcmip2016_supercell_mod