MODULE caldyn_kernels_base_mod USE icosa USE transfert_mod IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE LOGICAL, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: DEC = .TRUE. INTEGER, PARAMETER,PUBLIC :: energy=1, enstrophy=2 TYPE(t_field),POINTER,PUBLIC :: f_out_u(:), f_qu(:), f_qv(:) REAL(rstd),SAVE,POINTER :: out_u(:,:), p(:,:), qu(:,:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(out_u, p, qu) ! temporary shared variables for caldyn TYPE(t_field),POINTER,PUBLIC :: f_pk(:),f_wwuu(:),f_planetvel(:) INTEGER, PUBLIC :: caldyn_conserv !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(caldyn_conserv) TYPE(t_message),PUBLIC :: req_ps, req_mass, req_theta_rhodz, req_u, req_qu PUBLIC :: compute_geopot, compute_caldyn_vert CONTAINS !**************************** Geopotential ***************************** SUBROUTINE compute_geopot(ps,rhodz,theta, pk,geopot) USE icosa USE disvert_mod USE exner_mod USE trace USE omp_para IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd),INTENT(INOUT) :: ps(iim*jjm) REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: rhodz(iim*jjm,llm) REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: theta(iim*jjm,llm) ! potential temperature REAL(rstd),INTENT(OUT) :: pk(iim*jjm,llm) ! Exner function (compressible) /Lagrange multiplier (Boussinesq) REAL(rstd),INTENT(INOUT) :: geopot(iim*jjm,llm+1) ! geopotential INTEGER :: i,j,ij,l REAL(rstd) :: p_ik, exner_ik INTEGER :: ij_omp_begin_ext, ij_omp_end_ext CALL trace_start("compute_geopot") CALL distrib_level(ij_end_ext-ij_begin_ext+1,ij_omp_begin_ext,ij_omp_end_ext) ij_omp_begin_ext=ij_omp_begin_ext+ij_begin_ext-1 ij_omp_end_ext=ij_omp_end_ext+ij_begin_ext-1 IF(caldyn_eta==eta_mass .AND. .NOT. DEC) THEN !!! Compute exner function and geopotential DO l = 1,llm !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=ij_omp_begin_ext,ij_omp_end_ext p_ik = ptop + mass_ak(l) + mass_bk(l)*ps(ij) ! FIXME : leave ps for the moment ; change ps to Ms later exner_ik = cpp * (p_ik/preff) ** kappa pk(ij,l) = exner_ik ! specific volume v = kappa*theta*pi/p = dphi/g/rhodz geopot(ij,l+1) = geopot(ij,l) + (g*kappa)*rhodz(ij,l)*theta(ij,l)*exner_ik/p_ik ENDDO ENDDO ELSE ! We are using a Lagrangian vertical coordinate ! Pressure must be computed first top-down (temporarily stored in pk) ! Then Exner pressure and geopotential are computed bottom-up ! Notice that the computation below should work also when caldyn_eta=eta_mass IF(boussinesq) THEN ! compute geopotential and pk=Lagrange multiplier ! specific volume 1 = dphi/g/rhodz ! IF (is_omp_level_master) THEN ! no openMP on vertical due to dependency DO l = 1,llm !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=ij_omp_begin_ext,ij_omp_end_ext geopot(ij,l+1) = geopot(ij,l) + g*rhodz(ij,l) ENDDO ENDDO ! use hydrostatic balance with theta*rhodz to find pk (Lagrange multiplier=pressure) ! uppermost layer !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=ij_begin_ext,ij_end_ext pk(ij,llm) = ptop + (.5*g)*theta(ij,llm)*rhodz(ij,llm) END DO ! other layers DO l = llm-1, 1, -1 ! !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC) !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=ij_begin_ext,ij_end_ext pk(ij,l) = pk(ij,l+1) + (.5*g)*(theta(ij,l)*rhodz(ij,l)+theta(ij,l+1)*rhodz(ij,l+1)) END DO END DO ! now pk contains the Lagrange multiplier (pressure) ELSE ! non-Boussinesq, compute geopotential and Exner pressure ! uppermost layer !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=ij_omp_begin_ext,ij_omp_end_ext pk(ij,llm) = ptop + (.5*g)*rhodz(ij,llm) END DO ! other layers DO l = llm-1, 1, -1 !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=ij_omp_begin_ext,ij_omp_end_ext pk(ij,l) = pk(ij,l+1) + (.5*g)*(rhodz(ij,l)+rhodz(ij,l+1)) END DO END DO ! surface pressure (for diagnostics) IF(caldyn_eta==eta_lag) THEN DO ij=ij_omp_begin_ext,ij_omp_end_ext ps(ij) = pk(ij,1) + (.5*g)*rhodz(ij,1) END DO END IF ! specific volume v = kappa*theta*pi/p = dphi/g/rhodz DO l = 1,llm !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=ij_omp_begin_ext,ij_omp_end_ext p_ik = pk(ij,l) exner_ik = cpp * (p_ik/preff) ** kappa pk(ij,l) = exner_ik geopot(ij,l+1) = geopot(ij,l) + (g*kappa)*rhodz(ij,l)*theta(ij,l)*exner_ik/p_ik ENDDO ENDDO END IF END IF !ym flush geopot !$OMP BARRIER CALL trace_end("compute_geopot") END SUBROUTINE compute_geopot SUBROUTINE compute_caldyn_vert(u,theta,rhodz,convm, wflux,wwuu, dps,dtheta_rhodz,du) USE icosa USE disvert_mod USE exner_mod USE trace USE omp_para IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: u(iim*3*jjm,llm) REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: theta(iim*jjm,llm) REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: rhodz(iim*jjm,llm) REAL(rstd),INTENT(INOUT) :: convm(iim*jjm,llm) ! mass flux convergence REAL(rstd),INTENT(INOUT) :: wflux(iim*jjm,llm+1) ! vertical mass flux (kg/m2/s) REAL(rstd),INTENT(INOUT) :: wwuu(iim*3*jjm,llm+1) REAL(rstd),INTENT(INOUT) :: du(iim*3*jjm,llm) REAL(rstd),INTENT(INOUT) :: dtheta_rhodz(iim*jjm,llm) REAL(rstd),INTENT(OUT) :: dps(iim*jjm) ! temporary variable INTEGER :: i,j,ij,l REAL(rstd) :: p_ik, exner_ik INTEGER :: ij_omp_begin, ij_omp_end CALL trace_start("compute_caldyn_vert") CALL distrib_level(ij_end-ij_begin+1,ij_omp_begin,ij_omp_end) ij_omp_begin=ij_omp_begin+ij_begin-1 ij_omp_end=ij_omp_end+ij_begin-1 ! REAL(rstd) :: wwuu(iim*3*jjm,llm+1) ! tmp var, don't know why but gain 30% on the whole code in opemp ! need to be understood ! wwuu=wwuu_out CALL trace_start("compute_caldyn_vert") !$OMP BARRIER !!! cumulate mass flux convergence from top to bottom ! IF (is_omp_level_master) THEN DO l = llm-1, 1, -1 ! IF (caldyn_conserv==energy) CALL test_message(req_qu) !!$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC) !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=ij_omp_begin,ij_omp_end convm(ij,l) = convm(ij,l) + convm(ij,l+1) ENDDO ENDDO ! ENDIF !$OMP BARRIER ! FLUSH on convm !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! compute dps IF (is_omp_first_level) THEN !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=ij_begin,ij_end ! dps/dt = -int(div flux)dz IF(DEC) THEN dps(ij) = convm(ij,1) ELSE dps(ij) = convm(ij,1) * g END IF ENDDO ENDIF !!! Compute vertical mass flux (l=1,llm+1 done by caldyn_BC) DO l=ll_beginp1,ll_end ! IF (caldyn_conserv==energy) CALL test_message(req_qu) !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=ij_begin,ij_end ! w = int(z,ztop,div(flux)dz) + B(eta)dps/dt ! => w>0 for upward transport wflux( ij, l ) = bp(l) * convm( ij, 1 ) - convm( ij, l ) ENDDO ENDDO !--> flush wflux !$OMP BARRIER DO l=ll_begin,ll_endm1 !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=ij_begin,ij_end dtheta_rhodz(ij, l ) = dtheta_rhodz(ij, l ) - 0.5 * ( wflux(ij,l+1) * (theta(ij,l) + theta(ij,l+1))) ENDDO ENDDO DO l=ll_beginp1,ll_end !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=ij_begin,ij_end dtheta_rhodz(ij, l ) = dtheta_rhodz(ij, l ) + 0.5 * ( wflux(ij,l ) * (theta(ij,l-1) + theta(ij,l) ) ) ENDDO ENDDO ! Compute vertical transport DO l=ll_beginp1,ll_end !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=ij_begin,ij_end wwuu(ij+u_right,l) = 0.5*( wflux(ij,l) + wflux(ij+t_right,l)) * (u(ij+u_right,l) - u(ij+u_right,l-1)) wwuu(ij+u_lup,l) = 0.5* ( wflux(ij,l) + wflux(ij+t_lup,l)) * (u(ij+u_lup,l) - u(ij+u_lup,l-1)) wwuu(ij+u_ldown,l) = 0.5*( wflux(ij,l) + wflux(ij+t_ldown,l)) * (u(ij+u_ldown,l) - u(ij+u_ldown,l-1)) ENDDO ENDDO !--> flush wwuu !$OMP BARRIER ! Add vertical transport to du DO l=ll_begin,ll_end !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=ij_begin,ij_end du(ij+u_right, l ) = du(ij+u_right,l) - (wwuu(ij+u_right,l+1)+ wwuu(ij+u_right,l)) / (rhodz(ij,l)+rhodz(ij+t_right,l)) du(ij+u_lup, l ) = du(ij+u_lup,l) - (wwuu(ij+u_lup,l+1) + wwuu(ij+u_lup,l)) / (rhodz(ij,l)+rhodz(ij+t_lup,l)) du(ij+u_ldown, l ) = du(ij+u_ldown,l) - (wwuu(ij+u_ldown,l+1)+ wwuu(ij+u_ldown,l)) / (rhodz(ij,l)+rhodz(ij+t_ldown,l)) ENDDO ENDDO ! DO l=ll_beginp1,ll_end !!DIR$ SIMD ! DO ij=ij_begin,ij_end ! wwuu_out(ij+u_right,l) = wwuu(ij+u_right,l) ! wwuu_out(ij+u_lup,l) = wwuu(ij+u_lup,l) ! wwuu_out(ij+u_ldown,l) = wwuu(ij+u_ldown,l) ! ENDDO ! ENDDO CALL trace_end("compute_caldyn_vert") END SUBROUTINE compute_caldyn_vert END MODULE caldyn_kernels_base_mod