MODULE advect_tracer_mod USE icosa IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_normal(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_tangent(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_gradq3d(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_cc(:) ! starting point of backward-trajectory (Miura approach) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_one_over_sqrt_leng(:) TYPE(t_message) :: req_u, req_cc, req_wfluxt, req_q, req_rhodz, req_gradq3d REAL(rstd), PARAMETER :: pente_max=2.0 ! for vlz ! temporary shared variable for vlz TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_dzqw(:) ! vertical finite difference of q TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_adzqw(:) ! abs(dzqw) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_dzq(:) ! limited slope of q TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_wq(:) ! time-integrated flux of q PUBLIC init_advect_tracer, advect_tracer CONTAINS SUBROUTINE init_advect_tracer USE advect_mod REAL(rstd),POINTER :: tangent(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: normal(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: one_over_sqrt_leng(:) INTEGER :: ind CALL allocate_field(f_normal,field_u,type_real,3, name='normal') CALL allocate_field(f_tangent,field_u,type_real,3, name='tangent') CALL allocate_field(f_gradq3d,field_t,type_real,llm,3, name='gradq3d') CALL allocate_field(f_cc,field_u,type_real,llm,3, name='cc') CALL allocate_field(f_one_over_sqrt_leng,field_t,type_real, name='one_over_sqrt_leng') CALL allocate_field(f_dzqw, field_t, type_real, llm, name='dzqw') CALL allocate_field(f_adzqw, field_t, type_real, llm, name='adzqw') CALL allocate_field(f_dzq, field_t, type_real, llm, name='dzq') CALL allocate_field(f_wq, field_t, type_real, llm+1, name='wq') DO ind=1,ndomain CALL swap_dimensions(ind) CALL swap_geometry(ind) normal=f_normal(ind) tangent=f_tangent(ind) one_over_sqrt_leng=f_one_over_sqrt_leng(ind) CALL init_advect(normal,tangent,one_over_sqrt_leng) END DO END SUBROUTINE init_advect_tracer SUBROUTINE advect_tracer(f_hfluxt, f_wfluxt,f_u, f_q,f_rhodz) USE advect_mod USE mpipara USE trace USE write_field IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_hfluxt(:) ! time-integrated horizontal mass flux TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_wfluxt(:) ! time-integrated vertical mass flux TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_u(:) ! velocity (for back-trajectories) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_q(:) ! tracer TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_rhodz(:) ! mass field at beginning of macro time step REAL(rstd),POINTER :: q(:,:,:), normal(:,:), tangent(:,:), one_over_sqrt_leng(:), gradq3d(:,:,:), cc(:,:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: hfluxt(:,:), wfluxt(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: rhodz(:,:), u(:,:) ! temporary shared variable for vlz REAL(rstd),POINTER :: dzqw(:,:) ! vertical finite difference of q REAL(rstd),POINTER :: adzqw(:,:) ! abs(dzqw) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: dzq(:,:) ! limited slope of q REAL(rstd),POINTER :: wq(:,:) ! time-integrated flux of q INTEGER :: ind,k LOGICAL,SAVE :: first=.TRUE. !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(first) IF (first) THEN first=.FALSE. CALL init_message(f_u,req_e1_vect,req_u) CALL init_message(f_cc,req_e1_scal,req_cc) CALL init_message(f_wfluxt,req_i1,req_wfluxt) CALL init_message(f_q,req_i1,req_q) CALL init_message(f_rhodz,req_i1,req_rhodz) CALL init_message(f_gradq3d,req_i1,req_gradq3d) ENDIF !$OMP BARRIER CALL trace_start("advect_tracer") CALL send_message(f_u,req_u) CALL send_message(f_wfluxt,req_wfluxt) CALL send_message(f_q,req_q) CALL send_message(f_rhodz,req_rhodz) CALL wait_message(req_u) CALL wait_message(req_wfluxt) CALL wait_message(req_q) CALL wait_message(req_rhodz) ! 1/2 vertical transport + back-trajectories DO ind=1,ndomain CALL swap_dimensions(ind) CALL swap_geometry(ind) normal = f_normal(ind) tangent = f_tangent(ind) cc = f_cc(ind) u = f_u(ind) q = f_q(ind) rhodz = f_rhodz(ind) wfluxt = f_wfluxt(ind) dzqw = f_dzqw(ind) adzqw = f_adzqw(ind) dzq = f_dzq(ind) wq = f_wq(ind) DO k = 1, nqtot CALL vlz(k==nqtot,0.5, wfluxt,rhodz,q(:,:,k),1,dzqw, adzqw, dzq, wq) END DO CALL compute_backward_traj(tangent,normal,u,0.5*dt*itau_adv, cc) END DO CALL send_message(f_cc,req_cc) ! horizontal transport - split in two to place transfer of gradq3d !$OMP BARRIER DO k = 1, nqtot DO ind=1,ndomain CALL swap_dimensions(ind) CALL swap_geometry(ind) q = f_q(ind) gradq3d = f_gradq3d(ind) one_over_sqrt_leng=f_one_over_sqrt_leng(ind) CALL compute_gradq3d(q(:,:,k),one_over_sqrt_leng,gradq3d) END DO CALL send_message(f_gradq3d,req_gradq3d) CALL wait_message(req_cc) CALL wait_message(req_gradq3d) DO ind=1,ndomain CALL swap_dimensions(ind) CALL swap_geometry(ind) cc = f_cc(ind) q = f_q(ind) rhodz = f_rhodz(ind) hfluxt = f_hfluxt(ind) gradq3d = f_gradq3d(ind) CALL compute_advect_horiz(k==nqtot,hfluxt,cc,gradq3d, rhodz,q(:,:,k)) END DO END DO ! 1/2 vertical transport !$OMP BARRIER DO ind=1,ndomain CALL swap_dimensions(ind) CALL swap_geometry(ind) q = f_q(ind) rhodz = f_rhodz(ind) wfluxt = f_wfluxt(ind) dzqw = f_dzqw(ind) adzqw = f_adzqw(ind) dzq = f_dzq(ind) wq = f_wq(ind) DO k = 1,nqtot CALL vlz(k==nqtot, 0.5,wfluxt,rhodz, q(:,:,k),0, dzqw, adzqw, dzq, wq) END DO END DO CALL trace_end("advect_tracer") !$OMP BARRIER END SUBROUTINE advect_tracer SUBROUTINE vlz(update_mass, fac,wfluxt,mass, q, halo, dzqw, adzqw, dzq, wq) ! ! Auteurs: P.Le Van, F.Hourdin, F.Forget, T. Dubos ! ! ******************************************************************** ! Update tracers using vertical mass flux only ! Van Leer scheme with minmod limiter ! wfluxt >0 for upward transport ! ******************************************************************** USE trace USE omp_para IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: update_mass REAL(rstd), INTENT(IN) :: fac, wfluxt(iim*jjm,llm+1) ! vertical mass flux REAL(rstd), INTENT(INOUT) :: mass(iim*jjm,llm) REAL(rstd), INTENT(INOUT) :: q(iim*jjm,llm) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: halo ! temporary shared variable REAL(rstd),INTENT(INOUT) :: dzqw(iim*jjm,llm), & ! vertical finite difference of q adzqw(iim*jjm,llm), & ! abs(dzqw) dzq(iim*jjm,llm), & ! limited slope of q wq(iim*jjm,llm+1) ! time-integrated flux of q REAL(rstd) :: dzqmax, newmass, sigw, qq, w INTEGER :: i,ij,l,j,ijb,ije CALL trace_start("vlz") ijb=((jj_begin-halo)-1)*iim+ii_begin-halo ije = ((jj_end+halo)-1)*iim+ii_end+halo ! finite difference of q DO l=ll_beginp1,ll_end !$SIMD DO ij=ijb,ije dzqw(ij,l)=q(ij,l)-q(ij,l-1) adzqw(ij,l)=abs(dzqw(ij,l)) ENDDO ENDDO !--> flush dzqw, adzqw !$OMP BARRIER ! minmod-limited slope of q ! dzq = slope*dz, i.e. the reconstructed q varies by dzq inside level l DO l=ll_beginp1,ll_endm1 !$SIMD DO ij=ijb,ije IF(dzqw(ij,l)*dzqw(ij,l+1).gt.0.) THEN dzq(ij,l) = 0.5*( dzqw(ij,l)+dzqw(ij,l+1) ) dzqmax = pente_max * min( adzqw(ij,l),adzqw(ij,l+1) ) dzq(ij,l) = sign( min(abs(dzq(ij,l)),dzqmax) , dzq(ij,l) ) ! NB : sign(a,b)=a*sign(b) ELSE dzq(ij,l)=0. ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ! 0 slope in top and bottom layers IF (omp_first) THEN DO ij=ijb,ije dzq(ij,1)=0. ENDDO ENDIF IF (omp_last) THEN DO ij=ijb,ije dzq(ij,llm)=0. ENDDO ENDIF !---> flush dzq !$OMP BARRIER ! sigw = fraction of mass that leaves level l/l+1 ! then amount of q leaving level l/l+1 = wq = w * qq DO l=ll_beginp1,ll_end !$SIMD DO ij=ijb,ije w = fac*wfluxt(ij,l) IF(w>0.) THEN ! upward transport, upwind side is at level l sigw = w/mass(ij,l-1) qq = q(ij,l-1)+0.5*(1.-sigw)*dzq(ij,l-1) ! qq = q if sigw=1 , qq = q+dzq/2 if sigw=0 ELSE ! downward transport, upwind side is at level l+1 sigw = w/mass(ij,l) qq = q(ij,l)-0.5*(1.+sigw)*dzq(ij,l) ! qq = q if sigw=-1 , qq = q-dzq/2 if sigw=0 ENDIF wq(ij,l) = w*qq ENDDO END DO ! wq = 0 at top and bottom IF (omp_first) THEN DO ij=ijb,ije wq(ij,1)=0. END DO ENDIF IF (omp_last) THEN DO ij=ijb,ije wq(ij,llm+1)=0. END DO ENDIF ! --> flush wq !$OMP BARRIER ! update q, mass is updated only after all q's have been updated DO l=ll_begin,ll_end !$SIMD DO ij=ijb,ije newmass = mass(ij,l) + fac*(wfluxt(ij,l)-wfluxt(ij,l+1)) q(ij,l) = ( q(ij,l)*mass(ij,l) + wq(ij,l)-wq(ij,l+1) ) / newmass IF(update_mass) mass(ij,l)=newmass ENDDO END DO CALL trace_end("vlz") END SUBROUTINE vlz END MODULE advect_tracer_mod