#!/bin/bash function print() { # prints one comment line followed by any number of "key = value" lines echo "# $1 : $2 (default=$3)" shift; shift; shift; while (($# > 0)) ; do echo "$1 = $2" shift; shift; done echo } ################################### Planet ####################################### function radius { print 'Planetary radius' real 6371220 radius $1 } function g { print Gravity real 9.80616 g $1 } function omega { print 'Planetary rotation rate' real 7.292E-5 omega $1 } function kappa { print 'kappa=Rd/cpp' real 0.2857143 kappa $1 } function cpp { print 'Heat capacity at constant pressure' real 1004.70885 cpp $1 } function preff { print 'Reference pressure' real 101325 preff $1 } function scale_factor { print 'Scale factor for small planet experiment' real 1. scale_factor $1 } ##################################### Mesh ##################################### function nbp { print 'Number of subdivisions on a main triangle' integer 40 nbp $1 } function split { print 'Sub splitting of main rhombus' integer 1 nsplit_i $1 nsplit_j $2 } function llm { print 'Number of vertical layers' integer 19 llm $1 } function disvert { print 'Vertical grid' '[std|ncar|ncarl30]' std disvert $1 } function ncar_dz { print 'Model layer thickness in m, used if disvert=ncar' real 300 ncar_dz $1 } function optim_it { print 'Mesh optimisation : number of iterations' integer 0 optim_it $1 } ################################# Numerics ################################### function scheme { print 'Time-stepping scheme' '[euler|leapfrog_matsuno|runge_kutta]' runge_kutta scheme $1 } function time_step { print 'Time step in s' real 480 dt $1 } function matsuno { print 'Matsuno period' integer 5 matsuno_period $1 } function itau_adv { print 'Advection called every itau_adv time steps' integer 2 itau_adv $1 } function nqtot { print 'Number of tracers' integer 1 nqtot $1 } function caldyn { print 'Equations solved' '[gcm|adv]' gcm caldyn $1 } function caldyn_conserv { print 'Discretization of Coriolis term' '[energy|enstophy]' energy caldyn_conserv $1 } function caldyn_eta { print 'Vertical coordinate' '[eta_mass|eta_lag]' mass caldyn_eta $1 } function boussinesq { print 'Boussinesq approximation, requires eta_lag' '[.FALSE.|.TRUE.]' .FALSE. boussinesq $1 } ############################### Time and output ############################### function time_style() { print 'Time style' '[none|lmd]' lmd time_style $1 } function ndays() { print 'Number of days' integer ?? ndays $1 } function run_length() { print 'Run length in s' real ?? run_length $1 } function day_step { print 'Number of time steps per day' integer ?? day_step $1 } function write_period { print 'Interval in s between two outputs' integer ?? write_period $1 } function out_pressure_level { print 'Pressure level to which interpolate T' real 0 out_pression_level $1 } ################################ Physics ###################################### function etat0 { OPTS=$(printf '\n# [jablonowsky06|academic|dcmip[1-4]|heldsz|dcmip2_schaer_noshear|dcmip3]') print 'Initial state' "$OPTS" jablonowsky06 etat0 $1 } function dissip { print 'Dissipation time for grad(div)' real 5000 tau_graddiv $1 print 'Exponent of grad(div) disspation' integer 1 nitergdiv $2 print 'Dissipation time for curl(curl)' real 5000 tau_gradrot $3 print 'Exponent of curl(curl) disspation' integer 1 nitergrot $4 print 'Dissipation time for div(grad)' real 5000 tau_divgrad $5 print 'Exponent of div(grad) disspation' integer 1 niterdivgrad $6 } function guided_type { print 'Type of guiding terms' '[none|dcmip1]' none guided_type $1 } function physics { print 'Physics package' '[none|held_suarez|dcmip]' none physics $1 } function itau_physics { print 'Call physics every itau_physics time steps' 'integer' 1 itau_physics $1 } #################################### DCMIP ################################# function dcmip1_def() { etat0 dcmip1 OPTS=$(printf '\n# [const|slotted_cyl|cos_bell|dbl_cos_bell_q1|dbl_cos_bell_q2|complement|hadley|dcmip11]') print 'DCMIP 1.1 advection test, initial tracer field' "$OPTS" cos_bell dcmip1_shape $1 print 'DCMIP 1.1 advection test, wind field' '[solid|deform|hadley]' deform dcmip1_wind $2 } function dcmip_refs() { print 'Reference temperature T0 for DCMIP test cases' real 300 ncar_T0 $1 print 'Reference pressure p0 for DCMIP test cases, used by disvert if disver=ncar' real 1e5 ncar_p0 $2 print 'Exponent for B(eta), used by disvert if disvert=ncar' integer 1 ncar_disvert_c $3 } function dcmip_physics() { physics dcmip print 'DCMIP physics' '[0|1]' 1 dcmip_physics $1 } function dcmip4_testcase { print 'DCMIP 4 Test case' '[1|2]' 1 dcmip4_testcase $1 } ####################### Functions generating parameter files #################### function params { # executes any number of "command arg" commands while (($# > 0)) ; do $1 $2 shift; shift; done } function group { # prints one separation line then executes any number of "command arg" commands echo echo "#---------------- $1 ----------------" echo shift params $* } function williamson91() { group 'Mesh' nbp 40 llm 1 optim_it 100 ; split 2 2 group 'Numerics' time_step 480 caldyn_conserv enstrophy group 'Time and output' out_pressure_level 85000 write_period 21600 run_length 864000 group 'Physical parameters' radius 6.37122e6 g 9.80616 caldyn_eta eta_lag boussinesq .TRUE. etat0 williamson91.6 dissip 5000 2 5000 2 5000 2 } function held_suarez() { group 'Mesh' nbp 40 llm 19 disvert std optim_it 1000 ; split 2 2 group 'Numerics' itau_adv 1 day_step 180 group 'Time' time_style lmd ndays 1200 write_period 86400 group 'Planet' radius 6.371e6 g 9.8 omega 7.292e-5 kappa 0.2857143 cpp 1004 preff 1e5 group 'Physical parameters' etat0 held_suarez physics held_suarez dissip 50000 2 50000 2 50000 2 } function const_dcmip { group 'Planet' radius 6.37122e6 g 9.80616 kappa 0.2857143 cpp 1004.5 preff 1e5 omega $1 group 'Constants' ; dcmip_refs 300 1e5 1 } function dcmip11 { echo 'INCLUDEDEF = const.def' group 'Mesh' nbp 80 llm 60 disvert ncar ncar_dz 200 optim_it 100 ; split 2 2 group 'Numerics' caldyn adv time_step 180 group 'Time' run_length 1036800 write_period 86400 group 'Physical parameters' nqtot 5 guided_type dcmip1 ; dcmip1_def dcmip11 deform } function dcmip21 { echo 'INCLUDEDEF = const.def' group 'Mesh' nbp 64 llm 60 disvert ncar ncar_dz 500 optim_it 100 ; split 2 2 group 'Numerics' time_step 300 dissip 1800 1 1800 2 1800 2 group 'Time' run_length 3.6e6 write_period 50000 group 'Physical parameters' scale_factor 500 guided_type dcmip1 etat0 dcmip2_schaer_noshear } function dcmip3 { const_dcmip 0 group 'Mesh' nbp 80 llm 10 disvert ncar ncar_dz 1000 optim_it 100 ; split 2 2 group 'Numerics' time_step 240 dissip 1800 1 1800 2 1800 2 group 'Time' run_length 4.5e5 write_period 12500 group 'Physical parameters' omega 0 scale_factor 125 etat0 dcmip3 } function dcmip4x { echo 'INCLUDEDEF = const.def' group 'Mesh' nbp 80 llm 30 disvert ncarl30 optim_it 100 ; split 2 2 group 'Numerics' time_step 240 dissip 1800 1 1800 2 1800 2 group 'Time' run_length 3.6e6 write_period 21600 group 'Physical parameters' nqtot 2 etat0 dcmip4 dcmip4_testcase $1 } function dcmip42 { dcmip4x 2 dcmip_physics 1 } function dcmip51 { echo 'INCLUDEDEF = const.def' group 'Mesh' nbp 64 llm 30 disvert ncarl30 optim_it 1000 ; split 2 2 group 'Numerics' time_step 300 dissip 10800 1 10800 2 10800 2 group 'Time' run_length 864000 write_period 7200 group 'Physical parameters' nqtot 1 etat0 dcmip5 dcmip_physics 0 itau_physics 6 } ########## Main program : generate all *.def files in param_sets ############## function mkcd { cd $ROOT ; mkdir -p $1 ; cd $1 } set -o errexit ROOT=$PWD mkcd climate/Held_Suarez held_suarez > run.def mkcd shallow_water/williamson91 williamson91 > run6.def mkcd dcmip2012 const_dcmip 7.292e-5 > const.def dcmip11 > run11.def dcmip21 > run21.def dcmip3 > run3.def dcmip4x 1 > run41.def dcmip42 > run42.def dcmip51 > run51.def