MODULE init_unstructured_mod USE prec, ONLY : rstd USE math_const, ONLY : radian_to_degree USE mpipara, ONLY : is_mpi_master USE data_unstructured_mod USE geometry, ONLY : swap_geometry IMPLICIT NONE SAVE PRIVATE ! these buffers are used when reading from the grid file REAL(8), ALLOCATABLE :: Ddata_read1(:),Ddata_read2(:,:),Ddata_read3(:,:,:) INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: Idata_read1(:),Idata_read2(:,:),Idata_read3(:,:,:) CHARACTER(LEN=*),PARAMETER :: meshfile="input/" INTEGER :: id_nc ! NetCDF id of mesh file open by open_local_mesh_file PUBLIC :: open_local_mesh_file, read_local_mesh CONTAINS SUBROUTINE free_data_read() IF(ALLOCATED(Idata_read1)) DEALLOCATE(Idata_read1) IF(ALLOCATED(Idata_read2)) DEALLOCATE(Idata_read2) IF(ALLOCATED(Idata_read3)) DEALLOCATE(Idata_read3) IF(ALLOCATED(Ddata_read1)) DEALLOCATE(Ddata_read1) IF(ALLOCATED(Ddata_read2)) DEALLOCATE(Ddata_read2) IF(ALLOCATED(Ddata_read3)) DEALLOCATE(Ddata_read3) END SUBROUTINE free_data_read SUBROUTINE read_from_gridfile(id_nc, data_type, name) use netcdf_mod CHARACTER(*) :: data_type, name INTEGER :: id_nc, id_var, status INTEGER :: dim_1, dim_2, dim_3 INTEGER :: numDims, dimIDs(3) !max_var_dims !-------------------Reading variable------------------------------- status = nf90_inq_varid(id_nc, name,id_var) IF(status /= 0) THEN print *, "Not able to read variable from gridfile :", name STOP "Exit" ENDIF !inquire dimension status = nf90_inquire_variable(id_nc,id_var,dimids=dimIDs,ndims=numDims) status = nf90_inquire_dimension(id_nc, dimIDs(1), len = dim_1) status = nf90_inquire_dimension(id_nc, dimIDs(2), len = dim_2) status = nf90_inquire_dimension(id_nc, dimIDs(3), len = dim_3) SELECT CASE(numDims) CASE(3) print *,"Size of array, ",name,":", dim_1,dim_2,dim_3 CASE(2) print *,"Size of array, ",name,":", dim_1,dim_2 CASE DEFAULT print *,"Size of array, ",name,":", dim_1 END SELECT CALL free_data_read SELECT CASE(data_type) CASE('integer') SELECT CASE(numDims) CASE(3) allocate(Idata_read3(dim_1,dim_2,dim_3)) status = nf90_get_var(id_nc, id_var,Idata_read3) print *,"First value of array, ",name,":", Idata_read3(1,1,1) CASE(2) allocate(Idata_read2(dim_1,dim_2)) status = nf90_get_var(id_nc, id_var,Idata_read2) print *,"First value of array, ",name,":", Idata_read2(1,1) CASE DEFAULT allocate(Idata_read1(dim_1)) status = nf90_get_var(id_nc, id_var,Idata_read1) print *,"First value of array, ",name,":", Idata_read1(1) END SELECT CASE DEFAULT SELECT CASE(numDims) CASE(3) allocate(Ddata_read3(dim_1,dim_2,dim_3)) status = nf90_get_var(id_nc, id_var,Ddata_read3) print *,"First value of array, ",name,":", Ddata_read3(1,1,1) CASE(2) allocate(Ddata_read2(dim_1,dim_2)) status = nf90_get_var(id_nc, id_var,Ddata_read2) print *,"First value of array, ",name,":", Ddata_read2(1,1) CASE DEFAULT allocate(Ddata_read1(dim_1)) status = nf90_get_var(id_nc, id_var,Ddata_read1) print *,"First value of array, ",name,":", Ddata_read1(1) END SELECT END SELECT IF(status /= nf90_NoErr) THEN print *, "Error when reading from grid file : ", name STOP "Exit" ENDIF END SUBROUTINE read_from_gridfile SUBROUTINE open_local_mesh_file USE netcdf_mod CHARACTER(LEN= 80) :: description INTEGER :: ierr, status, descriptionLength PRINT *,"------------------ READING FILE " , meshfile, "----------------------- " !open and read the input file ierr = nf90_open(meshfile, NF90_NOWRITE, id_nc) if (ierr /= nf90_noerr) then print *, trim(nf90_strerror(ierr)) stop "Error reading file" end if status = nf90_inquire_attribute(id_nc, nf90_global, "description", len=descriptionLength) IF(status /= 0 .or. len(description) < descriptionLength) THEN print *, "Not enough space to put NetCDF attribute values." STOP "Error reading file" ENDIF !-------------------Reading global attributes----------------------- status = nf90_get_att(id_nc, nf90_global, "description", description) print *,"Data file description :",description CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'integer', 'primal_deg') primal_num = SIZE(Idata_read1) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'integer', 'dual_deg') dual_num = SIZE(Idata_read1) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'integer', 'trisk_deg') edge_num = SIZE(Idata_read1) END SUBROUTINE open_local_mesh_file SUBROUTINE read_field(id_nc, field) USE field_mod, ONLY : t_field, type_integer, type_real INTEGER :: id_nc TYPE(t_field), POINTER :: field(:), fld fld=>field(1) SELECT CASE(fld%data_type) CASE(type_integer) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'integer', TRIM(fld%name)) SELECT CASE(field(1)%ndim) CASE(2) fld%ival2d = Idata_read1 CASE(3) fld%ival3d = Idata_read2 END SELECT CASE(type_real) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'float', TRIM(fld%name)) SELECT CASE(field(1)%ndim) CASE(2) fld%rval2d = Ddata_read1 CASE(3) fld%rval3d = Ddata_read2 END SELECT END SELECT END SUBROUTINE read_field SUBROUTINE setup_cellset(set, lon, lat) USE domain_mod, ONLY : t_cellset TYPE(t_cellset) :: set REAL(rstd) :: lon(:), lat(:) INTEGER :: ij set%ncell = SIZE(lon) ALLOCATE(set%lon, SOURCE=lon*radian_to_degree) ALLOCATE(set%lat, SOURCE=lat*radian_to_degree) ALLOCATE(set%ij, SOURCE = (/(ij,ij=1,set%ncell)/)) ALLOCATE(set%ind_glo, SOURCE = set%ij(:)-1) END SUBROUTINE setup_cellset SUBROUTINE read_local_mesh_bounds(dom) USE domain_mod, ONLY : t_domain USE geometry, ONLY : lon_i, lat_i, lon_e, lat_e TYPE(t_domain), INTENT(IN) :: dom REAL(rstd) :: bounds_e(2,edge_num) REAL(rstd), ALLOCATABLE :: lon_v(:), lat_v(:) INTEGER :: ij, vup, vdown ! read dual cell positions, not stored in geom CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'float', 'lon_v') ALLOCATE(lon_v, SOURCE=Ddata_read1) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'float', 'lat_v') ALLOCATE(lat_v, SOURCE=Ddata_read1) CALL setup_cellset(dom%primal_own, lon_i, lat_i) CALL setup_cellset(dom%dual_own, lon_v, lat_v) CALL setup_cellset(dom%edge_own, lon_e, lat_e) PRINT *, 'read_local_mesh :', primal_num, SHAPE(dom%primal_own%ij) ! read primal cell bounds CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'float', 'primal_bounds_lon') ALLOCATE(dom%primal_own%bnds_lon, source=Ddata_read2*radian_to_degree) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'float', 'primal_bounds_lat') ALLOCATE(dom%primal_own%bnds_lat, source=Ddata_read2*radian_to_degree) ! read dual cell bounds CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'float', 'dual_bounds_lon') ALLOCATE(dom%dual_own%bnds_lon, source=Ddata_read2*radian_to_degree) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'float', 'dual_bounds_lat') ALLOCATE(dom%dual_own%bnds_lat, source=Ddata_read2*radian_to_degree) CALL collect_lonlat_e(lat_v) ALLOCATE(dom%edge_own%bnds_lat, SOURCE=bounds_e) CALL collect_lonlat_e(lon_v) ALLOCATE(dom%edge_own%bnds_lon, SOURCE=bounds_e) CONTAINS SUBROUTINE collect_lonlat_e(lonlat) REAL(rstd) :: lonlat(dual_num) DO ij=1, edge_num vdown = down(ij) vup = up(ij) bounds_e(1,ij) = lonlat(vdown)*radian_to_degree bounds_e(2,ij) = lonlat(vup)*radian_to_degree END DO END SUBROUTINE collect_lonlat_e END SUBROUTINE read_local_mesh_bounds SUBROUTINE read_local_mesh USE field_mod USE domain_mod, ONLY : swap_needed, domain, domain_glo USE geometry, ONLY : geom, lon_i, lat_i, lon_e, lat_e, ep_e, Riv2, wee USE netcdf_mod, ONLY : nf90_close IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: ij, ierr INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: cell_ij(:) REAL(rstd), ALLOCATABLE :: angle_e(:) REAL(rstd) :: clon, slon, clat, slat, & ! COS/SIN of lon/lat elon(3), elat(3) ! lon/lat unit vectors ! if possible data is read into fields allocated in geom(1) using read_field CALL read_field(id_nc, geom%Ai) CALL read_field(id_nc, geom%Av) CALL read_field(id_nc, geom%fv) CALL read_field(id_nc, geom%le_de) CALL read_field(id_nc, geom%le) CALL read_field(id_nc, geom%de) CALL read_field(id_nc, geom%lon_i) CALL read_field(id_nc, geom%lat_i) CALL read_field(id_nc, geom%lon_e) CALL read_field(id_nc, geom%lat_e) swap_needed = .TRUE. CALL swap_geometry(1) swap_needed = .FALSE. PRINT *, 'read_local_mesh : primal_num =', primal_num, domain_glo(1)%primal_own%ncell ! other fields are defined only in the case of an unstructured mesh ! those fields are read into simple arrays CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'integer', 'primal_deg') ALLOCATE(primal_deg, source = Idata_read1) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'integer', 'primal_edge') ALLOCATE(primal_edge, source = Idata_read2) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'integer', 'primal_ne') ALLOCATE(primal_ne, source = Idata_read2) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'integer', 'primal_vertex') ALLOCATE(primal_vertex, source = Idata_read2) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'integer', 'dual_deg') ALLOCATE(dual_deg, source = Idata_read1) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'integer', 'dual_edge') ALLOCATE(dual_edge, source = Idata_read2) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'integer', 'dual_ne') ALLOCATE(dual_ne, source = Idata_read2) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'integer', 'dual_vertex') ALLOCATE(dual_vertex, source = Idata_read2) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'integer', 'left') ALLOCATE(left, source = Idata_read1) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'integer', 'right') ALLOCATE(right, source = Idata_read1) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'integer', 'up') ALLOCATE(up, source = Idata_read1) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'integer', 'down') ALLOCATE(down, source = Idata_read1) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'float', 'angle_e') ALLOCATE(angle_e, source = Ddata_read1) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'integer', 'trisk_deg') ALLOCATE(trisk_deg, source = Idata_read1) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'integer', 'trisk') ALLOCATE(trisk, source = Idata_read2) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'float', 'Riv2') ALLOCATE(Riv2, source = Ddata_read2) CALL read_from_gridfile(id_nc, 'float', 'wee') ALLOCATE(wee(SIZE(Ddata_read2,1), SIZE(Ddata_read2,2), 1)) wee(:,:,1) = Ddata_read2(:,:) ! read cell centers and bounds CALL read_local_mesh_bounds(domain(1)) CALL read_local_mesh_bounds(domain_glo(1)) CALL free_data_read ! free buffers after reading all data from grid file ierr = nf90_close(id_nc) ! now process some of the data we just read max_primal_deg = SIZE(primal_edge,1) max_dual_deg = SIZE(dual_edge,1) max_trisk_deg = SIZE(trisk,1) DO ij=1,edge_num clon = COS(lon_e(ij)) slon = SIN(lon_e(ij)) clat = COS(lat_e(ij)) slat = SIN(lat_e(ij)) ! x,y,z = clat*clon, clat*slon, slat elon = (/ -slon, clon, 0. /) elat = (/ -slat*clon, -slat*slon, clat /) ep_e(:,ij) = COS(angle_e(ij))*elon + SIN(angle_e(ij))*elat END DO DEALLOCATE(angle_e) END SUBROUTINE read_local_mesh END MODULE init_unstructured_mod