MODULE etat0_venus_mod USE icosa IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE SAVE TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_temp_eq( :) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_temp(:) ! buffer used for physics REAL(rstd), ALLOCATABLE :: temp_eq_packed(:,:) REAL(rstd) :: kfrict, kv !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(kfrict, kv) REAL(rstd), PARAMETER :: tauCLee=86400*25 ! 25 Earth days, cf Lebonnois 2012 PUBLIC :: etat0, init_physics, full_physics CONTAINS !-------------------------------- "Physics" ---------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE init_physics_old USE getin_mod REAL(rstd),POINTER :: temp(:,:) REAL(rstd) :: friction_time INTEGER :: ind kv=0.15 ! vertical turbulent viscosity CALL getin('venus_diffusion',kv) friction_time=86400. !friction CALL getin('venus_friction_time',friction_time) kfrict=1./friction_time CALL allocate_field(f_temp,field_t,type_real,llm) ! Buffer for later use by physics PRINT *, 'Initializing Temp_eq (venus)' CALL allocate_field(f_temp_eq,field_t,type_real,llm) DO ind=1,ndomain IF (.NOT. assigned_domain(ind)) CYCLE CALL swap_dimensions(ind) CALL swap_geometry(ind) temp=f_temp_eq(ind) CALL compute_temp_ref(.TRUE.,iim*jjm,lat_i, temp) ! With meridional gradient ENDDO END SUBROUTINE init_physics_old SUBROUTINE physics(f_ps,f_theta_rhodz,f_u) USE theta2theta_rhodz_mod TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_theta_rhodz(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_u(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_ps(:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: temp(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: temp_eq(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: u(:,:) INTEGER :: ind CALL theta_rhodz2temperature(f_ps,f_theta_rhodz,f_temp) DO ind=1,ndomain IF (.NOT. assigned_domain(ind)) CYCLE CALL swap_dimensions(ind) CALL swap_geometry(ind) u=f_u(ind) temp_eq=f_temp_eq(ind) temp=f_temp(ind) CALL compute_physics(temp_eq, temp, u) ENDDO CALL temperature2theta_rhodz(f_ps,f_temp,f_theta_rhodz) END SUBROUTINE physics SUBROUTINE compute_physics(temp_eq, temp, u) REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: temp_eq(iim*jjm,llm) REAL(rstd),INTENT(INOUT) :: temp(iim*jjm,llm) REAL(rstd),INTENT(INOUT) :: u(3*iim*jjm,llm) INTEGER :: i,j,l,ij DO l=1,llm DO j=jj_begin-1,jj_end+1 DO i=ii_begin-1,ii_end+1 ij=(j-1)*iim+i temp(ij,l) = temp(ij,l) - (temp(ij,l)-temp_eq(ij,l))*(dt*itau_physics/tauCLee) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO u(:,1)=u(:,1)*(1.-dt*itau_physics*kfrict) END SUBROUTINE compute_physics !----------------------- Re-implementation using physics_interface_mod ----------------- SUBROUTINE init_physics USE getin_mod USE physics_interface_mod REAL(rstd),POINTER :: temp(:,:) REAL(rstd) :: friction_time INTEGER :: ngrid kv=0.15 ! vertical turbulent viscosity CALL getin('venus_diffusion',kv) friction_time=86400. !friction CALL getin('venus_friction_time',friction_time) kfrict=1./friction_time ngrid = physics_inout%ngrid ALLOCATE(temp_eq_packed(ngrid,llm)) CALL compute_temp_ref(.TRUE.,ngrid,physics_inout%lat, temp_eq_packed) ! With meridional gradient END SUBROUTINE init_physics SUBROUTINE full_physics USE physics_interface_mod CALL compute_physics_column(physics_inout%ngrid, physics_inout%dt_phys, & physics_inout%p, physics_inout%geopot, & physics_inout%Temp, physics_inout%ulon, physics_inout%ulat, & physics_inout%dTemp, physics_inout%dulon, physics_inout%dulat) END SUBROUTINE full_physics SUBROUTINE compute_physics_column(ngrid,dt_phys,p,geopot,Temp,u,v,dTemp,du,dv) USE earth_const, only : g INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ngrid REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: dt_phys, & p(ngrid,llm+1), geopot(ngrid,llm+1), & Temp(ngrid,llm), u(ngrid,llm), v(ngrid,llm) REAL(rstd),INTENT(OUT) :: dTemp(ngrid,llm), du(ngrid,llm), dv(ngrid,llm) REAL(rstd) :: mass(ngrid,llm), & ! A(ngrid,llm+1), & ! off-diagonal coefficients B(ngrid,llm), & ! diagonal coefficients Ru(ngrid,llm), Rv(ngrid,llm), & ! right-hand-sides C(ngrid,llm), & ! LU factorization (Thomas algorithm) xu(ngrid,llm), xv(ngrid, llm) ! solution REAL(rstd) :: rho, X_ij INTEGER :: l,ij ! Vertical diffusion : rho.du/dt = d/dz (rho*kappa*du/dz) ! = mass.deta ! => mass.du/dt = d/deta ((rho^2 kappa/m)du/deta) ! Backward Euler : (M-S)u_new = M.u_old ! with M.u = mass(l)*u(l) ! and S.u = A(l+1)*(u(l+1)-u(l)) - A(l)*(u(l)-u(l-1)) ! => solve -A(l)u(l-1) + B(l)u(l) - A(l+1)u(l+1) = Ru(l) using Thomas algorithm ! with A=tau*kappa*rho^2/m and B(l) = mass(l)+A(l)+A(l+1) DO l=1,llm !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=1,ngrid mass(ij,l) = (p(ij,l)-p(ij,l+1))*(1./g) rho = (p(ij,l)-p(ij,l+1))/(geopot(ij,l+1)-geopot(ij,l)) ! A = kappa.tau.rho^2/m A(ij,l) = (kv*dt_phys)*(rho**2)/mass(ij,l) Ru(ij,l) = mass(ij,l)*u(ij,l) Rv(ij,l) = mass(ij,l)*v(ij,l) ENDDO ENDDO A(:,llm+1)=0. DO l=llm,2,-1 !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=1,ngrid A(ij,l) = .5*(A(ij,l)+A(ij,l-1)) ! average A to interfaces ENDDO ENDDO A(:,1)=0. DO l=1,llm !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=1,ngrid B(ij,l) = mass(ij,l)+A(ij,l)+A(ij,l+1) ENDDO ENDDO ! Solve -A(l)x(l-1) + B(l)x(l) - A(l+1)x(l+1) = R(l) using Thomas algorithm ! Forward sweep : ! C(0)=0, C(l) = -A(l+1) / (B(l)+A(l)C(l-1)), ! D(0)=0, D(l) = (R(l)+A(l)D(l-1)) / (B(l)+A(l)C(l-1)) !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=1,ngrid X_ij = 1./B(ij,1) C(ij,1) = -A(ij,2) * X_ij xu(ij,1) = Ru(ij,1) * X_ij xv(ij,1) = Rv(ij,1) * X_ij END DO DO l = 2,llm !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=1,ngrid X_ij = 1./( B(ij,l) + A(ij,l)*C(ij,l-1) ) C(ij,l) = -A(ij,l+1) * X_ij ! zero for l=llm xu(ij,l) = (Ru(ij,l)+A(ij,l)*xu(ij,l-1)) * X_ij xv(ij,l) = (Rv(ij,l)+A(ij,l)*xv(ij,l-1)) * X_ij END DO END DO ! Back substitution : ! x(i) = D(i)-C(i)x(i+1), x(llm)=D(llm) !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=1,ngrid ! top layer l=llm du(ij,llm) = (xu(ij,llm)-u(ij,llm))/dt_phys dv(ij,llm) = (xv(ij,llm)-v(ij,llm))/dt_phys END DO ! Back substitution at lower layers DO l = llm-1,1,-1 !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=1,ngrid xu(ij,l) = xu(ij,l) - C(ij,l)*xu(ij,l+1) xv(ij,l) = xv(ij,l) - C(ij,l)*xv(ij,l+1) du(ij,l) = (xu(ij,l)-u(ij,l))/dt_phys dv(ij,l) = (xv(ij,l)-v(ij,l))/dt_phys END DO END DO IF(.FALSE.) THEN ! check correctness of solution of tridiagonal problem PRINT *, 'Max 1 residual of tridiagonal solver', MAXVAL(ABS(Ru)) DO l = 2,llm-1 !DIR$ SIMD DO ij=1,ngrid Ru(ij,l) = Ru(ij,l) - B(ij,l)*xu(ij,l) + A(ij,l)*xu(ij,l-1) + A(ij,l+1)*xu(ij,l+1) END DO END DO DO ij=1,ngrid Ru(ij,1) = Ru(ij,1) - B(ij,1)*xu(ij,1) + A(ij,2)*xu(ij,2) Ru(ij,llm) = Ru(ij,llm) - B(ij,llm)*xu(ij,llm) + A(ij,llm)*xu(ij,llm-1) END DO PRINT *, 'Max 2 residual of tridiagonal solver', MAXVAL(ABS(Ru)) END IF ! bottom friction + thermal relaxation du(:,1)=du(:,1)-kfrict*u(:,1) dTemp(:,:) = (1./tauCLee)*(temp_eq_packed(:,:)-temp(:,:)) END SUBROUTINE compute_physics_column !----------------------------- Initialize to T_eq -------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE etat0(f_ps,f_phis,f_theta_rhodz,f_u, f_q) USE theta2theta_rhodz_mod TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_ps(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_phis(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_theta_rhodz(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_u(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_q(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_temp(:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: temp(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: ps(:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: phis(:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: u(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: q(:,:,:) INTEGER :: ind CALL allocate_field(f_temp,field_t,type_real,llm, name='temp_buf_venus') DO ind=1,ndomain IF (.NOT. assigned_domain(ind)) CYCLE CALL swap_dimensions(ind) CALL swap_geometry(ind) ps=f_ps(ind) ps(:)=preff phis=f_phis(ind) phis(:)=0. u=f_u(ind) u(:,:)=0 q=f_q(ind) q(:,:,:)=1e2 temp=f_temp(ind) CALL compute_temp_ref(.FALSE., iim*jjm, lat_i, temp) ! Without meridional gradient ENDDO CALL temperature2theta_rhodz(f_ps,f_temp,f_theta_rhodz) CALL deallocate_field(f_temp) END SUBROUTINE etat0 !------------------------- Compute reference temperature field ------------------------ SUBROUTINE compute_temp_ref(gradient,ngrid,lat, temp_eq) USE disvert_mod USE omp_para USE math_const LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: gradient INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ngrid REAL(rstd), INTENT(IN) :: lat(ngrid) ! latitude REAL(rstd), INTENT(OUT) :: temp_eq(ngrid,llm) REAL(rstd) :: clat(ngrid) INTEGER :: level INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nlev=30 REAL :: pressCLee(nlev+1), tempCLee(nlev+1), dt_epCLee(nlev+1), etaCLee(nlev+1) REAL(rstd) :: pplay, ztemp,zdt,fact INTEGER :: ij, l,ll data etaCLee / 9.602e-1, 8.679e-1, 7.577e-1, 6.420e-1, 5.299e-1, & 4.273e-1, 3.373e-1, 2.610e-1,1.979e-1,1.472e-1, & 1.074e-1, 7.672e-2, 5.361e-2,3.657e-2,2.430e-2, & 1.569e-2, 9.814e-3, 5.929e-3,3.454e-3,1.934e-3, & 1.043e-3, 5.400e-4, 2.710e-4,1.324e-4,6.355e-5, & 3.070e-5, 1.525e-5, 7.950e-6,4.500e-6,2.925e-6, & 2.265e-6/ data tempCLee/ 728.187, 715.129, 697.876, 677.284, 654.078, 628.885, & 602.225, 574.542, 546.104, 517.339, 488.560, 459.932, & 431.741, 404.202, 377.555, 352.042, 327.887, 305.313, & 284.556, 265.697, 248.844, 233.771, 220.368, 208.247, & 197.127, 187.104, 178.489, 171.800, 167.598, 165.899, & 165.676/ data dt_epCLee/6.101 , 6.136 , 6.176 , 6.410 , 6.634 , 6.678 , & 6.719 , 6.762 , 7.167 , 7.524 , 9.840 ,14.948 , & 21.370 ,28.746 ,36.373 ,43.315 ,48.534 ,51.175 , & 50.757 ,47.342 ,41.536 ,34.295 ,26.758 ,19.807 , & 14.001 , 9.599 , 6.504 , 4.439 , 3.126 , 2.370 , & 2.000/ pressCLee(:) = etaCLee(:)*9.2e6 clat(:)=COS(lat(:)) DO ij=1,ngrid DO l = 1, llm pplay = .5*(ap(l)+ap(l+1)+(bp(l)+bp(l+1))*preff) ! ps=preff ! look for largest level such that pressCLee(level) > pplay(ij,l)) ! => pressClee(level+1) < pplay(ij,l) < pressClee(level) level = 1 DO ll = 1, nlev ! nlev data levels IF(pressCLee(ll) > pplay) THEN level = ll END IF END DO ! interpolate between level and level+1 ! interpolation is linear in log(pressure) fact = ( log10(pplay)-log10(pressCLee(level))) & /( log10(pressCLee(level+1))-log10(pressCLee(level)) ) ztemp = tempCLee(level)*(1-fact) + tempCLee(level+1)*fact zdt = dt_epCLee(level)*(1-fact) + dt_epCLee(level+1)*fact IF(gradient) THEN temp_eq(ij,l) = ztemp+ zdt*(clat(ij)-Pi/4.) ELSE temp_eq(ij,l) = ztemp END IF END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE compute_temp_ref END MODULE etat0_venus_mod