MODULE dcmip2016_kessler_physic_mod CONTAINS !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Version: 2.0 ! ! Date: January 22nd, 2015 ! ! Change log: ! v2 - Added sub-cycling of rain sedimentation so as not to violate ! CFL condition. ! ! The KESSLER subroutine implements the Kessler (1969) microphysics ! parameterization as described by Soong and Ogura (1973) and Klemp ! and Wilhelmson (1978, KW). KESSLER is called at the end of each ! time step and makes the final adjustments to the potential ! temperature and moisture variables due to microphysical processes ! occurring during that time step. KESSLER is called once for each ! vertical column of grid cells. Increments are computed and added ! into the respective variables. The Kessler scheme contains three ! moisture categories: water vapor, cloud water (liquid water that ! moves with the flow), and rain water (liquid water that falls ! relative to the surrounding air). There are no ice categories. ! Variables in the column are ordered from the surface to the top. ! ! SUBROUTINE KESSLER(theta, qv, qc, qr, rho, pk, dt, z, nz, rainnc) ! ! Input variables: ! theta - potential temperature (K) ! qv - water vapor mixing ratio (gm/gm) ! qc - cloud water mixing ratio (gm/gm) ! qr - rain water mixing ratio (gm/gm) ! rho - dry air density (not mean state as in KW) (kg/m^3) ! pk - Exner function (not mean state as in KW) (p/p0)**(R/cp) ! dt - time step (s) ! z - heights of thermodynamic levels in the grid column (m) ! nz - number of thermodynamic levels in the column ! precl - Precipitation rate (m_water/s) ! ! Output variables: ! Increments are added into t, qv, qc, qr, and rainnc which are ! returned to the routine from which KESSLER was called. To obtain ! the total precip qt, after calling the KESSLER routine, compute: ! ! qt = sum over surface grid cells of (rainnc * cell area) (kg) ! [here, the conversion to kg uses (10^3 kg/m^3)*(10^-3 m/mm) = 1] ! ! ! Authors: Paul Ullrich ! University of California, Davis ! Email: ! ! Based on a code by Joseph Klemp ! (National Center for Atmospheric Research) ! ! Reference: ! ! Klemp, J. B., W. C. Skamarock, W. C., and S.-H. Park, 2015: ! Idealized Global Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Test Cases on a Reduced ! Radius Sphere. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. ! doi:10.1002/2015MS000435 ! !======================================================================= SUBROUTINE KESSLER(theta, qv, qc, qr, rho, pk, dt, z, nz, precl) IMPLICIT NONE !------------------------------------------------ ! Input / output parameters !------------------------------------------------ REAL(8), DIMENSION(nz), INTENT(INOUT) :: & theta , & ! Potential temperature (K) qv , & ! Water vapor mixing ratio (gm/gm) qc , & ! Cloud water mixing ratio (gm/gm) qr ! Rain water mixing ratio (gm/gm) REAL(8), DIMENSION(nz), INTENT(IN) :: & rho ! Dry air density (not mean state as in KW) (kg/m^3) REAL(8), INTENT(OUT) :: & precl ! Precipitation rate (m_water / s) REAL(8), DIMENSION(nz), INTENT(IN) :: & z , & ! Heights of thermo. levels in the grid column (m) pk ! Exner function (p/p0)**(R/cp) REAL(8), INTENT(IN) :: & dt ! Time step (s) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nz ! Number of thermodynamic levels in the column !------------------------------------------------ ! Local variables !------------------------------------------------ REAL, DIMENSION(nz) :: r, rhalf, velqr, sed, pc REAL(8) :: f5, f2x, xk, ern, qrprod, prod, qvs, psl, rhoqr, dt_max, dt0 INTEGER :: k, rainsplit, nt !------------------------------------------------ ! Begin calculation !------------------------------------------------ f2x = 17.27d0 f5 = 237.3d0 * f2x * 2500000.d0 / 1003.d0 xk = .2875d0 ! kappa (r/cp) psl = 1000.d0 ! pressure at sea level (mb) rhoqr = 1000.d0 ! density of liquid water (kg/m^3) do k=1,nz r(k) = 0.001d0*rho(k) rhalf(k) = sqrt(rho(1)/rho(k)) pc(k) = 3.8d0/(pk(k)**(1./xk)*psl) ! Liquid water terminal velocity (m/s) following KW eq. 2.15 velqr(k) = 36.34d0*(qr(k)*r(k))**0.1364*rhalf(k) end do ! Maximum time step size in accordance with CFL condition if (dt .le. 0.d0) then write(*,*) 'kessler.f90 called with nonpositive dt' stop end if dt_max = dt do k=1,nz-1 if (velqr(k) .ne. 0.d0) then dt_max = min(dt_max, 0.8d0*(z(k+1)-z(k))/velqr(k)) end if end do ! Number of subcycles rainsplit = ceiling(dt / dt_max) dt0 = dt / real(rainsplit,8) ! Subcycle through rain process precl = 0.d0 do nt=1,rainsplit ! Precipitation rate (m/s) precl = precl + rho(1) * qr(1) * velqr(1) / rhoqr ! Sedimentation term using upstream differencing do k=1,nz-1 sed(k) = dt0*(r(k+1)*qr(k+1)*velqr(k+1)-r(k)*qr(k)*velqr(k))/(r(k)*(z(k+1)-z(k))) end do sed(nz) = -dt0*qr(nz)*velqr(nz)/(.5*(z(nz)-z(nz-1))) ! Adjustment terms do k=1,nz ! Autoconversion and accretion rates following KW eq. 2.13a,b qrprod = qc(k) - (qc(k)-dt0*max(.001*(qc(k)-.001d0),0.))/(1.d0+dt0*2.2d0*qr(k)**.875) qc(k) = max(qc(k)-qrprod,0.) qr(k) = max(qr(k)+qrprod+sed(k),0.) ! Saturation vapor mixing ratio (gm/gm) following KW eq. 2.11 qvs = pc(k)*exp(f2x*(pk(k)*theta(k)-273.d0) & /(pk(k)*theta(k)- 36.d0)) prod = (qv(k)-qvs)/(1.d0+qvs*f5/(pk(k)*theta(k)-36.d0)**2) ! Evaporation rate following KW eq. 2.14a,b ern = min(dt0*(((1.6d0+124.9d0*(r(k)*qr(k))**.2046) & *(r(k)*qr(k))**.525)/(2550000d0*pc(k) & /(3.8d0 *qvs)+540000d0))*(dim(qvs,qv(k)) & /(r(k)*qvs)),max(-prod-qc(k),0.),qr(k)) ! Saturation adjustment following KW eq. 3.10 theta(k)= theta(k) + 2500000d0/(1003.d0*pk(k))*(max( prod,-qc(k))-ern) qv(k) = max(qv(k)-max(prod,-qc(k))+ern,0.) qc(k) = qc(k)+max(prod,-qc(k)) qr(k) = qr(k)-ern end do ! Recalculate liquid water terminal velocity if (nt .ne. rainsplit) then do k=1,nz velqr(k) = 36.34d0*(qr(k)*r(k))**0.1364*rhalf(k) end do end if end do precl = precl / dble(rainsplit) END SUBROUTINE KESSLER !======================================================================= END MODULE dcmip2016_kessler_physic_mod