from dynamico import cxios from dynamico import xios from dynamico import unstructured as unst from dynamico import meshes import numpy as np # client.__exit__() and context.__exit__() are called at the end of the 'with' blocks # even if an exception is raised in the body of the block with xios.Client() as client: comm = client.comm mpi_rank, mpi_size = comm.Get_rank(), comm.Get_size() print '%d/%d starting'%(mpi_rank,mpi_size) nqdyn,nqtot,llm = 1,1,4 if False: nx,ny,llm = 64,64 Lx,Ly,f = 1.,1.,1. mesh = meshes.Cartesian_Mesh(nx,ny,llm,nqdyn,Lx,Ly,f) else: filename, g, f, radius = '', 1., 1., None # filename = '' unst.setvar('g',g) print 'Reading Cartesian mesh ...' def coriolis(lon,lat): return f+0.*lon meshfile = meshes.DYNAMICO_Format(filename) nx,ny=meshfile.nx,meshfile.ny pmesh = meshes.Unstructured_PMesh(comm,meshfile) # pmesh.partition_metis() pmesh.partition_curvilinear(2,2) mesh = meshes.Local_Mesh(pmesh, llm, nqdyn, radius, coriolis) #--------------------------------- write some data ---------------------------------------- with xios.Context_Curvilinear(mesh,nqtot, 3600) as context: lon_i,lat_i = mesh.lon_i, mesh.lat_i lat_ik, junk = np.meshgrid(lat_i, np.arange(llm), indexing='ij') lon_ik, junk = np.meshgrid(lon_i, np.arange(llm), indexing='ij') for i in range(48): context.update_calendar(i) # print 'send_field', i, lat_ik.shape context.send_field_primal('ps', lat_i+lon_i) context.send_field_primal('theta', lat_ik+lon_ik)