from dynamico import meshes from dynamico import unstructured as unst from dynamico import time_step from dynamico import precision as prec from dynamico import xios import math as math import numpy as np import argparse #------------------ Command-line arguments ------------------ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--mpi_ni", type=int, default=1, help="number of x processors") parser.add_argument("--mpi_nj", type=int, default=1, help="number of y processors") parser.add_argument("-T", type=float, default=10., help="Length of time slice") args = parser.parse_args() #------------------------- Functions ---------------------- def globmin(x): xloc = x[mesh.primal_own_loc] locmin= xloc.min() return client.min(locmin) def globmax(x): xloc = x[mesh.primal_own_loc] locmin= xloc.max() return client.max(locmin) def minmax(name, x): gmin,gmax = globmin(x),globmax(x) if(mpi_rank==0) : print('Min/max %s :'%name, gmin, gmax ) def laplace(mesh, p): left, right, ne = mesh.left, mesh.right, mesh.primal_ne gradp = mesh.field_u().flatten() for ij in range(mesh.left.size): p_left = p[left[ij]-1] # left,right start at 1 (CHECK) p_right = p[right[ij]-1] # left,right start at 1 (CHECK) gradp[ij]= mesh.le_de[ij]*(p_right-p_left) # convert to contravariant lap = mesh.field_mass().flatten() for ij in range(lap.size): lap_ij=0. for k in range(mesh.primal_deg[ij]): edge=mesh.primal_edge[ij,k]-1 # primal_edge starts at 1 (CHECK) lap_ij = lap_ij + mesh.primal_ne[ij,k]*gradp[edge] lap[ij]=lap_ij return lap/mesh.Ai def curlgrad(mesh,p): left, right, ne = mesh.left, mesh.right, mesh.primal_ne gradp = mesh.field_u().flatten() for ij in range(mesh.left.size): p_left = p[left[ij]-1] # left,right start at 1 (CHECK) p_right = p[right[ij]-1] # left,right start at 1 (CHECK) gradp[ij]= p_right-p_left # covariant curl = mesh.field_z().flatten() for ij in range(curl.size): curl_ij=0. for k in range(mesh.dual_deg[ij]): edge=mesh.dual_edge[ij,k]-1 # dual_edge starts at 1 (CHECK) curl_ij = curl_ij + mesh.dual_ne[ij,k]*gradp[edge] curl[ij]=curl_ij return curl/mesh.Av def curl(mesh, ucov): curl = mesh.field_z().flatten() for ij in range(curl.size): curl_ij=0. for k in range(mesh.dual_deg[ij]): edge=mesh.dual_edge[ij,k]-1 # dual_edge starts at 1 (CHECK) curl_ij = curl_ij + mesh.dual_ne[ij,k]*ucov[edge] curl[ij]=curl_ij return curl/mesh.Av def test_laplace_seq(): p=p.flatten() print p.shape curl = curlgrad(mesh,p) print 'curl(grad(p)) min max :', curl.min(), curl.max() lap = laplace(mesh,p) p = p+lap/vp print 'p+lap(p)/vp min max :', p.min(), p.max() def test_laplace_parallel(): transfer_primal, transfer_edge = mesh.com_primal.index, mesh.com_edges.index with xios.Context_Curvilinear(mesh,1, 24*3600) as context: # now XIOS knows about the mesh and we can write to disk context.update_calendar(0) for it in range(4): context.update_calendar(it+1) unst.ker.dynamico_update_halo(mesh.com_primal.index, 1, mesh.primal_num, p) lap = laplace(mesh,p) # compute eigenvalue and save residual (should be 0.) context.send_field_primal('p', p) p = p+lap/vp context.send_field_primal('ps', p) # next iteration will start from lap(p) p=-lap/vp def periodize(z,nz): return (z+2*nz)%nz def index(x,y): return periodize(x,nx)+nx*periodize(y,ny) def indexu(x,y): return 2*index(x,y) def indexv(x,y): return 2*index(x,y)+1 def test_RSW(): x1,x2= xx-1., xx+1. if False: u0 = mesh.field_u() # flow initally at rest h0 = 1+0.1*(np.exp(-2.*(x1*x1+yy*yy))+ np.exp(-2.*(x2*x2+yy*yy))) else: # uniform flow ulon = 1.+0.*mesh.lat_e ulat = 0.*ulon u0 = mesh.ucov2D(ulon,ulat) h0 = mesh.field_mass() h0[:]=1. dt=0.1 scheme = time_step.RK1(None, dt) step = unst.caldyn_step_TRSW(mesh,scheme,1) # check halo exchange step.u[:] = mesh.edges_E2 # global index of edges unst.ker.dynamico_update_halo(mesh.com_edges.index, 1, mesh.edge_num, step.u) for i in range(step.u.size): if step.u[i] != mesh.edges_E2[i]: print '[%d] minmax halo exchanges mismatch : ', i, step.u[i], mesh.edges_E2[i] step.mass[:]=h0 step.theta_rhodz[:]=h0 step.u[:]=u0 def minmax(name, data): print '[%d] minmax %s :'%(mpi_rank,name), data.min(), data.max() print 'minmax dual_deg : ', mesh.dual_deg.min(), mesh.dual_deg.max() with xios.Context_Curvilinear(mesh,1, 24*3600) as context: for it in range(3): context.update_calendar(it+1) u, dh, fast, slow = step.u[:], step.drhodz[:], step.du_fast[:], step.du_slow[:] qv = step.qv[:] # better exchange halos before evaluating min/max unst.ker.dynamico_update_halo(mesh.com_primal.index, 1, mesh.primal_num, dh) unst.ker.dynamico_update_halo(mesh.com_edges.index, 1, mesh.edge_num, fast) unst.ker.dynamico_update_halo(mesh.com_edges.index, 1, mesh.edge_num, slow) # unst.ker.dynamico_update_halo(mesh.com_edges.index, 1, mesh.edge_num, qu) # unst.ker.dynamico_update_halo(mesh.com_dual.index, 1, mesh.dual_num, qv) minmax('dh',dh) minmax('du_fast',fast) minmax('du_slow',slow) # minmax('qu',qu) minmax('qv',qv) context.send_field_primal('p', dh ) unst.ker.dynamico_update_halo(mesh.com_edges.index, 1, mesh.edge_num, u) zeta = curl(mesh, u) minmax('zeta', zeta) for i in range(zeta.size): if zeta[i]<0. : if mpi_rank==0: ij = mesh.vertices_V1[i] # global index of dual cell (starting at 0) x,y = ij%nx, ij/nx edges1 = [ indexv(x+1,y), indexu(x,y+1), indexv(x,y), indexu(x,y) ] edges2 = [ mesh.edges_E2[k-1] for k in mesh.dual_edge[i,:] ] if edges1!=edges2: print '[%d] minmax zeta '%mpi_rank, ij, x, y print '[%d] minmax zeta '%mpi_rank, [ u[edge-1] for edge in mesh.dual_edge[i,:] ] print '[%d] minmax zeta '%mpi_rank, mesh.dual_ne[i,:] #--------------------------------- Main program ----------------------------- with xios.Client() as client: # setup XIOS which creates the DYNAMICO communicator comm = client.comm mpi_rank, mpi_size = comm.Get_rank(), comm.Get_size() print '%d/%d starting'%(mpi_rank,mpi_size) # nx,ny,Lx,Ly=200,30,4e7,6e6 nx,ny,Lx,Ly = 32,32,8.,8. llm, nqdyn, g, f = 1,1,1.,0. dx,dy=Lx/nx,Ly/ny cfl = .8 dt = cfl/math.sqrt((nx/Lx)**2+(ny/Ly)**2) T=args.T N=int(T/dt)+1 dt=T/N print N,dt,Lx/nx filename, radius = ''%(nx,ny), None unst.setvar('g',g) def coriolis(lon,lat): return f+0.*lon print 'Reading Cartesian mesh ...' meshfile = meshes.DYNAMICO_Format(filename) parallel=True laplace=False if parallel: pmesh = meshes.Unstructured_PMesh(comm,meshfile) pmesh.partition_curvilinear(args.mpi_ni,args.mpi_nj) # pmesh.partition_metis() mesh = meshes.Local_Mesh(pmesh, llm, nqdyn, radius, coriolis) else: mesh = meshes.Cartesian_mesh(nx,ny,llm,nqdyn,Lx,Ly,f) xx,yy = mesh.lon_i, mesh.lat_i if laplace: p = np.cos(2*np.pi*xx/Lx)*np.cos(2.*np.pi*yy/Ly) # analytic eigenvalue : vp = -((2*np/pi/Lx)**2+(2*np.pi/Ly)**2) kx = 2.*np.sin(dx*np.pi/Lx)/dx ky = 2.*np.sin(dy*np.pi/Ly)/dy vp = kx**2+ky**2 if parallel: test_laplace_parallel() else: test_laplace_seq() else: test_RSW()