from dynamico.meshes import Cartesian_mesh as Mesh from dynamico import meshes from dynamico import unstructured as unst from dynamico import dyn from dynamico import time_step from dynamico import DCMIP import math as math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import time def run(mesh,metric,thermo,BC,caldyn_eta,u, m0ik,gas0,Phi0_il, T=300., courant=2.9): caldyn_thermo = unst.thermo_entropy g = mesh.dx/metric.dx_g0 dt = courant*.5*dx/np.sqrt(gas0.c2.max()) nt=int(T/dt)+1 dt=T/nt print 'nt,dt,dx', nt,dt,dx Sik = m0ik*gas0.s m0ik = m0ik/dx # NB : different definitions of mass field in DYNAMICO / Slice if caldyn_thermo == unst.thermo_theta: theta0 = thermo.T0*np.exp(gas0.s/thermo.Cpd) S0ik = m0ik*theta0 else: S0ik = m0ik*gas0.s u0=mesh.field_u() u0[range(0,2*nx,2),:] = u*mesh.dx # Doppler shift by u flow0=(m0ik,S0ik,u0,Phi0_il,0*Phi0_il) if False: # time stepping in Python caldyn = unst.Caldyn_NH(caldyn_thermo,caldyn_eta, mesh,thermo,BC,g) scheme = time_step.ARK2(caldyn.bwd_fast_slow, dt, a32=0.7) #scheme = time_step.ARK3(caldyn.bwd_fast_slow, dt) def next_flow(m,S,u,Phi,W): m,S,u,Phi,W = scheme.advance((m,S,u,Phi,W),nt) return m,S,u,Phi,W else: # time stepping in Fortran scheme = time_step.ARK2(None, dt, a32=0.7) caldyn_step = unst.caldyn_step_NH(mesh,scheme,nt, caldyn_thermo,caldyn_eta,thermo,BC,g) def next_flow(m,S,u,Phi,W): caldyn_step.mass[:,:], caldyn_step.theta_rhodz[:,:], caldyn_step.u[:,:] = m,S,u caldyn_step.geopot[:,:], caldyn_step.W[:,:] = Phi,W return (caldyn_step.mass.copy(), caldyn_step.theta_rhodz.copy(), caldyn_step.u.copy(), caldyn_step.geopot.copy(), caldyn_step.W.copy()) m,S,u,Phi,W=flow0 for i in range(12): time1=time.time() m,S,u,Phi,W = next_flow(m,S,u,Phi,W) time2=time.time() print 'ms per time step : ', 1000*(time2-time1)/nt w=.5*(W[:,0:llm]+W[:,1:llm+1])/m # junk,fast,slow = caldyn.bwd_fast_slow(flow, 0.) # zz=caldyn.geopot[:,0:llm]/metric.g0/1000 zz=Phi[:,0:llm]/metric.g0/1000 print 'ptop, model top (m) :', unst.getvar('ptop'), Phi.max()/unst.getvar('g') def plt_axes(): plt.plot(xx,zz[:,llm/4]) plt.plot(xx,zz[:,llm/2]) plt.plot(xx,zz[:,3*llm/4]) plt.ylim(0,ztop/1000.) plt.colorbar() # plt.figure(figsize=(12,3)) # ucomp = mesh.ucomp(u) # plt.pcolor(xx,zz, # plt_axes() # plt.title("T(t = %f s)" % ((i+1)*dt*nt)) # plt.savefig('fig_slice_GW_NH/T%02d.png'%i) # plt.close() # plt.figure(figsize=(12,3)) ucomp = mesh.ucomp(u) plt.pcolor(xx,zz,ucomp[:,:]/dx) plt_axes() plt.title("u(t = %f s)" % ((i+1)*dt*nt)) plt.savefig('fig_slice_GW_NH/U%02d.png'%i) plt.close() plt.figure(figsize=(12,3)) plt.pcolor(xx,zz,w) plt_axes() plt.title("w(t = %f s)" % ((i+1)*dt*nt)) plt.savefig('fig_slice_GW_NH/W%02d.png'%i) plt.close() def deform(x,eta): # x and eta go from 0 to 1 h0, dd, xi = 500., 5000., 4000. cos2=lambda x: np.cos(np.pi*x)**2 gauss=lambda x: np.exp(-x*x) xx = x*Lx phis = h0*gauss(xx/dd)*cos2(xx/xi) return (phis/ztop)*np.sin(np.pi*eta) #Lx, nx, llm = 3e5, 100, 1e4, 30 Lx, nx, ztop, llm = 3e5, 300, 1e4, 80 nqdyn, ny, dx = 1, 1, Lx/nx mesh = Mesh(nx,ny,llm,nqdyn,nx*dx,ny*dx,0.) xx,ll = mesh.xx[:,0,:]/1000, mesh.ll[:,0,:] metric, thermo, BC, m0ik, gas0, Phi0_il, u0_jk = DCMIP.DCMIP31(Lx, nx, llm, deform=deform, dTheta=1.) #metric, thermo, BC, m0ik, gas0, Phi0_il, u0_jk = DCMIP.DCMIP21(Lx, nx, llm, deform=deform, h0=0.) BC.rho_bot = 1e6*BC.rho_bot # large stiffness mass_bl,mass_dak,mass_dbk = meshes.compute_hybrid_coefs(m0ik) unst.ker.dynamico_init_hybrid(mass_bl,mass_dak,mass_dbk) run(mesh,metric,thermo,BC,unst.eta_mass,20., m0ik,gas0,Phi0_il, courant=2.) # lower courant number required if h0=2000m #run(mesh,metric,thermo,BC,unst.eta_lag,20., m0ik,gas0,Phi0_il)