print 'Starting' from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD mpi_rank, mpi_size = comm.Get_rank(), comm.Get_size() print '%d/%d starting'%(mpi_rank,mpi_size) import sys import math as math import numpy as np import netCDF4 as cdf import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import Polygon from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection #from dynamico import partition from dynamico import parallel from dynamico import unstructured as unst from dynamico.unstructured import list_stencil, reindex print 'Done loading modules' sys.stdout.flush() #----------------- partition hand-written 15-cell mesh ------------------# if mpi_size<15: send=np.random.randn(mpi_size) recv=np.zeros(mpi_size) comm.Alltoall(send,recv) #time.sleep(mpi_rank) # print mpi_rank, send, recv adjncy=[1, 5, 0, 2, 6, 1, 3, 7, 2, 4, 8, 3, 9, 0, 6, 10, 1, 5, 7, 11, 2, 6, 8, 12, 3, 7, 9, 13, 4, 8, 14, 5, 11, 6, 10, 12, 7, 11, 13, 8, 12, 14, 9, 13 ] xadj=[0, 2, 5, 8, 11, 13, 16, 20, 24, 28, 31, 33, 36, 39, 42, 44] nb_vert = len(xadj)-1 vtxdist = [i*nb_vert/mpi_size for i in range(mpi_size+1)] xadj, adjncy, vtxdist = [np.asarray(x,np.int32) for x in xadj,adjncy,vtxdist] idx_start = vtxdist[mpi_rank] idx_end = vtxdist[mpi_rank+1] nb_vert = idx_end - idx_start xadj_loc = xadj[idx_start:idx_end+1]-xadj[idx_start] adjncy_loc = adjncy[ xadj[idx_start]:xadj[idx_end] ] part = 0*xadj_loc[0:-1]; unst.ker.dynamico_partition_graph(mpi_rank, mpi_size, vtxdist, xadj_loc, adjncy_loc, 4, part) # for i in range(len(part)): # print 'vertex', i+idx_start, 'proc', part[i] #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# #--------------- partition and plot MPAS mesh ------------------# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Helper functions to plot unstructured graph def patches(degree, bounds, lon, lat): for i in range(degree.size): nb_edge=degree[i] bounds_cell = bounds[i,0:nb_edge] lat_cell = lat[bounds_cell] lon_cell = lon[bounds_cell] orig=lon_cell[0] lon_cell = lon_cell-orig+180. lon_cell = np.mod(lon_cell,360.) lon_cell = lon_cell+orig-180. # if np.abs(lon_cell-orig).max()>10. : # print '%d patches :'%mpi_rank, lon_cell lonlat_cell = np.zeros((nb_edge,2)) lonlat_cell[:,0],lonlat_cell[:,1] = lon_cell,lat_cell polygon = Polygon(lonlat_cell, True) yield polygon def plot_mesh(ax, clim, degree, bounds, lon, lat, data): nb_vertex = lon.size # global p = list(patches(degree, bounds, lon, lat)) print '%d : plot_mesh %d %d %d'%( mpi_rank, degree.size, len(p), len(data) ) p = PatchCollection(p, linewidth=0.01) p.set_array(data) # set values at each polygon (cell) p.set_clim(clim) ax.add_collection(p) def local_mesh(get_mycells): mydegree, mybounds = [get_mycells(x) for x in nEdgesOnCell, verticesOnCell] print '%d : len(mydegree)=%d'%(mpi_rank, len(mydegree)) vertex_list = sorted(set(list_stencil(mydegree,mybounds))) print '%d : len(vertex_list))=%d'%(mpi_rank, len(vertex_list)) get_myvertices = parallel.Get_Indices(dim_vertex, vertex_list) mylon, mylat = [get_myvertices(x)*180./math.pi for x in lonVertex, latVertex] vertex_dict = parallel.inverse_list(vertex_list) reindex(vertex_dict, mydegree, mybounds) return vertex_list, mydegree, mybounds, mylon, mylat #--------------- read MPAS grid file ---------------# #grid = 'x1.2562' grid = 'x1.10242' #grid = 'x4.163842' print 'Reading MPAS file %s ...'%grid sys.stdout.flush() nc = cdf.Dataset('grids/'%grid, "r") dim_cell, dim_edge, dim_vertex = [ parallel.PDim(nc.dimensions[name], comm) for name in 'nCells','nEdges','nVertices'] edge_degree = parallel.CstPArray1D(dim_edge, np.int32, 2) vertex_degree = parallel.CstPArray1D(dim_vertex, np.int32, 3) nEdgesOnCell, verticesOnCell, edgesOnCell, cellsOnCell, latCell = [ parallel.PArray(dim_cell, nc.variables[var]) for var in 'nEdgesOnCell', 'verticesOnCell', 'edgesOnCell', 'cellsOnCell', 'latCell' ] cellsOnVertex, edgesOnVertex, kiteAreasOnVertex, lonVertex, latVertex = [ parallel.PArray(dim_vertex, nc.variables[var]) for var in 'cellsOnVertex', 'edgesOnVertex', 'kiteAreasOnVertex', 'lonVertex', 'latVertex'] nEdgesOnEdge, cellsOnEdge, edgesOnEdge, verticesOnEdge, weightsOnEdge = [ parallel.PArray(dim_edge, nc.variables[var]) for var in 'nEdgesOnEdge', 'cellsOnEdge', 'edgesOnEdge', 'verticesOnEdge', 'weightsOnEdge'] # Indices start at 0 on the C/Python side and at 1 on the Fortran/MPAS side # hence an offset of 1 is added/substracted where needed. for x in (verticesOnCell, edgesOnCell, cellsOnCell, cellsOnVertex, edgesOnVertex, cellsOnEdge, edgesOnEdge, verticesOnEdge) : = edge2cell, cell2edge, edge2vertex, vertex2edge, cell2cell, edge2edge = [ unst.Stencil_glob(a,b) for a,b in (edge_degree, cellsOnEdge), (nEdgesOnCell, edgesOnCell), (edge_degree, verticesOnEdge), (vertex_degree, edgesOnVertex), (nEdgesOnCell, cellsOnCell), (nEdgesOnEdge, edgesOnEdge) ] #---------------- partition edges and cells ------------------# print 'Partitioning ...' sys.stdout.flush() edge_owner = unst.partition_mesh(nEdgesOnEdge, edgesOnEdge, mpi_size) edge_owner = parallel.LocPArray1D(dim_edge, edge_owner) cell_owner = unst.partition_from_stencil(edge_owner, nEdgesOnCell, edgesOnCell) cell_owner = parallel.LocPArray1D(dim_cell, cell_owner) #--------------------- construct halos -----------------------# print 'Constructing halos ...' sys.stdout.flush() def chain(start, links): for link in links: start = link(start).neigh_set yield start edges_E0 = unst.find_my_cells(edge_owner) cells_C0, edges_E1, vertices_V1, edges_E2, cells_C1 = chain( edges_E0, ( edge2cell, cell2edge, edge2vertex, vertex2edge, edge2cell) ) edges_E0, edges_E1, edges_E2 = unst.progressive_list(edges_E0, edges_E1, edges_E2) cells_C0, cells_C1 = unst.progressive_list(cells_C0, cells_C1) print 'E2,E1,E0 ; C1,C0 : ', map(len, (edges_E2, edges_E1, edges_E0, cells_C1, cells_C0)) sys.stdout.flush() #com_edges = parallel.Halo_Xchange(24, dim_edge, edges_E2, dim_edge.get(edges_E2, edge_owner)) mycells, halo_cells = cells_C0, cells_C1 get_mycells, get_halo_cells = dim_cell.getter(mycells), dim_cell.getter(halo_cells) com_cells = parallel.Halo_Xchange(42, dim_cell, halo_cells, get_halo_cells(cell_owner)) local_num, total_num = np.zeros(1), np.zeros(1) local_num[0]=com_cells.own_len comm.Reduce(local_num, total_num, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) if(mpi_rank==0): print 'total num :', total_num[0], dim_cell.n sys.stdout.flush() #---------------------------- plot -----------------------------# if True: print 'Plotting ...' sys.stdout.flush() halo_vertex_list, mydegree, mybounds, mylon, mylat = local_mesh(com_cells.get_all) buf = parallel.LocalArray1(com_cells) fig, ax = plt.subplots() buf.read_own(latCell) # reads only own values = np.cos(10.* buf.update() # updates halo plot_mesh(ax,[-math.pi/2,math.pi/2], mydegree, mybounds, mylon, mylat, plt.xlim(-190.,190.) plt.ylim(-90.,90.) plt.savefig('fig_partition/A%03d.pdf'%mpi_rank, dpi=1600) fig, ax = plt.subplots() buf.read_own(cell_owner) buf.update() plot_mesh(ax,[0,mpi_rank+1], mydegree, mybounds, mylon, mylat, plt.xlim(-190.,190.) plt.ylim(-90.,90.) plt.savefig('fig_partition/B%03d.pdf'%mpi_rank, dpi=1600)