from dynamico import unstructured as unst from dynamico import dyn from dynamico import time_step from dynamico import DCMIP from dynamico import meshes import dynamico.xios as xios import math as math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import time from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD mpi_rank, mpi_size = comm.Get_rank(), comm.Get_size() print '%d/%d starting'%(mpi_rank,mpi_size) #------------------------ initial condition ------------------------- # Parameters for the simulation g = 9.80616 # gravitational acceleration in meters per second squared omega = 7.29211e-5 # Earth's angular velocity in radians per second f0 = 2.0*omega # Coriolis parameter u_0 = 20.0 # velocity in meters per second T_0 = 288.0 # temperature in Kelvin d2 = 1.5e6**2 # square of half width of Gaussian mountain profile in meters h_0 = 2.0e3 # mountain height in meters lon_c = np.pi/2.0 # mountain peak longitudinal location in radians lat_c = np.pi/6.0 # mountain peak latitudinal location in radians radius = 6.371229e6 # mean radius of the Earth in meters ref_press = 100145.6 # reference pressure (mean surface pressure) in Pascals ref_surf_press = 930.0e2 # South Pole surface pressure in Pascals Rd = 287.04 # ideal gas constant for dry air in joules per kilogram Kelvin Cpd = 1004.64 # specific heat at constant pressure in joules per kilogram Kelvin kappa = Rd/Cpd # kappa=R_d/c_p N_freq = np.sqrt(g**2/(Cpd*T_0)) # Brunt-Vaisala buoyancy frequency N2, g2kappa = N_freq**2, g*g*kappa def DCMIP2008c5(grid,llm): def Phis(lon,lat): rgrc = radius*np.arccos(np.sin(lat_c)*np.sin(lat)+np.cos(lat_c)*np.cos(lat)*np.cos(lon-lon_c)) return g*h_0*np.exp(-rgrc**2/d2) def ps(lon, lat, Phis): return ref_surf_press * np.exp( - radius*N2*u_0/(2.0*g2kappa)*(u_0/radius+f0)*(np.sin(lat)**2-1.) - N2/(g2kappa)*Phis ) def ulon(lat): return u_0*np.cos(lat) def ulat(lat): return 0.*lat def f(lon,lat): return f0*np.sin(lat) # Coriolis parameter nqdyn, preff, Treff = 1, 1e5, 300. thermo = dyn.Ideal_perfect(Cpd, Rd, preff, Treff) meshfile = meshes.MPAS_Format('grids/'%grid) # mesh = meshes.Unstructured_Mesh(meshfile, llm, nqdyn, radius, f) pmesh = meshes.Unstructured_PMesh(comm,meshfile) mesh = meshes.Local_Mesh(pmesh, llm, nqdyn, radius, f) mesh.pmesh=pmesh lev,levp1 = np.arange(llm),np.arange(llm+1) lon_i, lat_i, lon_e, lat_e = mesh.lon_i, mesh.lat_i, mesh.lon_e, mesh.lat_e lat_ik,k_i = np.meshgrid(mesh.lat_i,lev, indexing='ij') lon_ik,k_i = np.meshgrid(mesh.lon_i,lev, indexing='ij') lat_il,l_i = np.meshgrid(mesh.lat_i,levp1, indexing='ij') lon_il,l_i = np.meshgrid(mesh.lon_i,levp1, indexing='ij') lat_ek,k_e = np.meshgrid(mesh.lat_e,lev, indexing='ij') Phis_i = Phis(lon_i, lat_i) ps_i = ps(lon_i, lat_i, Phis_i) if llm==18: ap_l=[0.00251499, 0.00710361, 0.01904260, 0.04607560, 0.08181860, 0.07869805, 0.07463175, 0.06955308, 0.06339061, 0.05621774, 0.04815296, 0.03949230, 0.03058456, 0.02193336, 0.01403670, 0.007458598, 0.002646866, 0.0, 0.0 ] bp_l=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.03756984, 0.08652625, 0.1476709, 0.221864, 0.308222, 0.4053179, 0.509588, 0.6168328, 0.7209891, 0.816061, 0.8952581, 0.953189, 0.985056, 1.0 ] if llm==26: ap_l=[0.002194067, 0.004895209, 0.009882418, 0.01805201, 0.02983724, 0.04462334, 0.06160587, 0.07851243, 0.07731271, 0.07590131, 0.07424086, 0.07228744, 0.06998933, 0.06728574, 0.06410509, 0.06036322, 0.05596111, 0.05078225, 0.04468960, 0.03752191, 0.02908949, 0.02084739, 0.01334443, 0.00708499, 0.00252136, 0.0, 0.0 ] bp_l=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.01505309, 0.03276228, 0.05359622, 0.07810627, 0.1069411, 0.1408637, 0.1807720, 0.2277220, 0.2829562, 0.3479364, 0.4243822, 0.5143168, 0.6201202, 0.7235355, 0.8176768, 0.8962153, 0.9534761, 0.9851122, 1.0 ] ap_l, bp_l = ref_press*np.asarray(ap_l[-1::-1]), bp_l[-1::-1] # reverse indices ptop = ap_l[-1] # pressure BC print ptop, ap_l, bp_l ps_il,ap_il = np.meshgrid(ps_i,ap_l, indexing='ij') ps_il,bp_il = np.meshgrid(ps_i,bp_l, indexing='ij') hybrid_coefs = meshes.mass_coefs_from_pressure_coefs(g, ap_il, bp_il) pb_il = ap_il + bp_il*ps_il mass_ik, pb_ik = mesh.field_mass(), mesh.field_mass() for l in range(llm): pb_ik[:,l]=.5*(pb_il[:,l]+pb_il[:,l+1]) mass_ik[:,l]=(pb_il[:,l]-pb_il[:,l+1])/g Tb_ik = T_0 + 0.*pb_ik gas = thermo.set_pT(pb_ik,Tb_ik) Sik = gas.s*mass_ik # start at hydrostatic geopotential Phi_il = mesh.field_w() Phi_il[:,0]=Phis_i for l in range(llm): Phi_il[:,l+1] = Phi_il[:,l] + g*mass_ik[:,l]*gas.v[:,l] ujk, Wil = mesh.ucov3D(ulon(lat_ek),ulat(lat_ek)), mesh.field_w() print 'ztop (m) = ', Phi_il[0,-1]/g print 'ptop (Pa) = ', gas.p[0,-1], ptop params=dyn.Struct() params.g, params.ptop = g, ptop params.dx, params.dx_g0 = dx, dx/g params.pbot, params.rho_bot = 1e5+0.*mesh.lat_i, 1e6+0.*mesh.lat_i return thermo, mesh, hybrid_coefs, params, (mass_ik,Sik,ujk,Phi_il,Wil), gas #------------------------ main program ------------------------- #grid, llm = 40962, 26 nqtot, llm, grid = 1, 26, 2562 T, Nslice, courant = 14400, 24, 3.0 caldyn_thermo, caldyn_eta = unst.thermo_entropy, unst.eta_lag #caldyn_thermo, caldyn_eta = unst.thermo_entropy, unst.eta_mass thermo, mesh, hybrid_coefs, params, flow0, gas0 = DCMIP2008c5(grid,llm) llm, dx = mesh.llm, params.dx print 'llm, nb_hex, dx =', llm, mesh.Ai.size, dx if caldyn_eta == unst.eta_lag: print 'Lagrangian coordinate.' else: print 'Mass-based coordinate.' unst.ker.dynamico_init_hybrid(*hybrid_coefs) dt = courant*.5*dx/np.sqrt(gas0.c2.max()) nt = int(math.ceil(T/dt)) dt = T/nt print 'Time step : %g s' % dt #mesh.plot_e(mesh.le/ ; plt.title('le/de') #plt.savefig('fig_DCMIP2008c5/le_de.png'); plt.close() #mesh.plot_i(mesh.Ai) ; plt.title('Ai') #plt.savefig('fig_DCMIP2008c5/Ai.png'); plt.close() scheme = time_step.ARK2(None, dt, a32=0.7) caldyn_step = unst.caldyn_step_HPE(mesh,scheme,nt, caldyn_thermo,caldyn_eta, thermo,params,params.g) def next_flow(m,S,u): caldyn_step.mass[:,:], caldyn_step.theta_rhodz[:,:], caldyn_step.u[:,:] = m,S,u caldyn_step.remap() return (caldyn_step.mass.copy(), caldyn_step.theta_rhodz.copy(), caldyn_step.u.copy(), caldyn_step.geopot.copy()) def plots(it): s=S/m for l in range(llm): z[:,l]=.5*(Phi[:,l+1]+Phi[:,l])/params.g vol[:,l]=(Phi[:,l+1]-Phi[:,l])/params.g/m[:,l] # specific volume gas = thermo.set_vs(vol, s) s=.5*(s+abs(s)) t = (it*T)/3600 print( 'ptop, model top (m) :', unst.getvar('ptop'), Phi.max()/unst.getvar('g') ) mesh.plot_i(gas.T[:,llm/2]) plt.title('T at t=%dh'%(t)) plt.savefig('fig_DCMIP2008c5/T%02d.png'%it) plt.close() mesh.plot_i(m[:,llm/2]) plt.title('mass at t=%dh'%(t)) plt.savefig('fig_DCMIP2008c5/m%02d.png'%it) plt.close() mesh.plot_i(Phi[:,0]) plt.title('Surface geopotential at t=%dh'%(t)) plt.savefig('fig_DCMIP2008c5/Phis%02d.png'%it) plt.close() z, vol = mesh.field_mass(), mesh.field_mass() m,S,u,Phi,W = flow0 caldyn_step.geopot[:,0]=Phi[:,0] #plots(0) context=xios.XIOS_Context(mesh.pmesh,mesh,nqtot, T) for it in range(Nslice): context.update_calendar(it) unst.setvar('debug_hevi_solver',False) time1, elapsed1 =time.time(), unst.getvar('elapsed') m,S,u,Phi = next_flow(m,S,u) time2, elapsed2 = time.time(), unst.getvar('elapsed') factor = 1000./nt print 'ms per full time step : ', factor*(time2-time1), factor*(elapsed2-elapsed1) factor = 1e9/(4*nt*m.size) print 'nanosec per gridpoint per call to caldyn_hevi : ', factor*(time2-time1), factor*(elapsed2-elapsed1) s=S/m s=.5*(s+abs(s)) for l in range(llm): z[:,l]=.5*(Phi[:,l+1]+Phi[:,l])/params.g vol[:,l]=(Phi[:,l+1]-Phi[:,l])/params.g/m[:,l] # specific volume gas = thermo.set_vs(vol, s) ss = np.asarray(gas.T, dtype=np.double) context.send_field_primal('theta', ss) #plots(it+1) print 'xios.context_finalize()' context.finalize() print 'xios.finalize()' xios.finalize() print 'Done'