from dynamico import unstructured as unst from dynamico import dyn from dynamico import time_step from dynamico import DCMIP from dynamico import meshes from dynamico import xios from dynamico import precision as prec from dynamico.meshes import Cartesian_mesh as Mesh import math as math import numpy as np import time from numpy import pi, log, exp, sin, cos # Baroclinic instability test based on Ullrich et al. 2015, QJRMS def baroclinic_3D(Lx,nx,Ly,ny,llm,ztop=25000.): Rd = 287.0 # Gas constant for dryy air (j kg^-1 K^-1) T0 = 288.0 # Reference temperature (K) lap = 0.005 # Lapse rate (K m^-1) b = 2. # Non dimensional vertical width parameter u0 = 35. # Reference zonal wind speed (m s^-1) a = 6.371229e6 # Radius of the Earth (m) ptop = 2000. y0 = Ly*0.5 Cpd = 1004.5 p0 = 1e5 omega = 7.292e-5 # Angular velocity of the Earth (s^-1) phi0 = 45. # Reference latitude North pi/4 (deg) f0 = 2*omega*np.sin(phi0) beta0 = 2*omega*np.cos(phi0)/a fb = 2*omega*np.sin(phi0) - y0*2*omega*np.cos(phi0)/a def Phi_xy(x,y): fc = y*y - (Ly*y/pi)*sin(2*pi*y/Ly) fd = Ly*Ly/(2*pi*pi)*cos(2*pi*y/Ly) return .5*u0*( fb*(y-y0-Ly/(2*pi)*sin(2*pi*y/Ly)) + .5*beta0*(fc-fd-(Ly*Ly/3.)- Ly*Ly/(2*pi*pi)) ) def Phi_xyeta(x,y,eta): return T0*g/lap*(1-eta**(Rd*lap/g)) + Phi_xy(x,y)*log(eta)*exp(-((log(eta)/b)**2)) def ulon(x,y,eta): return -u0*(sin(pi*y/Ly)**2)*log(eta)*(eta**(-log(eta)/b/b)) def tmean(eta) : return T0*eta**(Rd*lap/g) def T(x,y,eta) : return tmean(eta)+(Phi_xy(x,y)/Rd)*(((2/(b*b))*(log(eta))**2)-1)*exp(-((0.5*log(eta))**2)) def p(eta): return p0*eta # eta = p/p_s def eta(alpha) : return (1-(lap*ztop*alpha/(T0)))**(g/(Rd*lap)) # roughly equispaced levels filename = ''%(nx,ny) print 'Reading Cartesian mesh ...' def coriolis(lon,lat): return f0+0.*lon meshfile = meshes.DYNAMICO_Format(filename) nqdyn, radius = 1, None pmesh = meshes.Unstructured_PMesh(comm,meshfile) pmesh.partition_curvilinear(args.mpi_ni,args.mpi_nj) mesh = meshes.Local_Mesh(pmesh, llm, nqdyn, radius, coriolis) alpha_k = (np.arange(llm) +.5)/llm alpha_l = (np.arange(llm+1)+ 0.)/llm x_ik, alpha_ik = np.meshgrid(mesh.lon_i, alpha_k, indexing='ij') y_ik, alpha_ik = np.meshgrid(mesh.lat_i, alpha_k, indexing='ij') x_il, alpha_il = np.meshgrid(mesh.lon_i, alpha_l, indexing='ij') y_il, alpha_il = np.meshgrid(mesh.lat_i, alpha_l, indexing='ij') x_ek, alpha_ek = np.meshgrid(mesh.lon_e, alpha_k, indexing='ij') y_ek, alpha_ek = np.meshgrid(mesh.lat_e, alpha_k, indexing='ij') print('----------------') print 'ztop(ptop) according to Eq. 7:', T0/lap*(1.-(ptop/p0)**(Rd*lap/g)) print(np.shape(alpha_k),np.shape(alpha_l)) print(mesh.__dict__.keys()) thermo = dyn.Ideal_perfect(Cpd, Rd, p0, T0) eta_il = eta(alpha_il) eta_ik = eta(alpha_ik) eta_ek = eta(alpha_ek) print('min max eta_il', np.min(eta_il),np.max(eta_il)) Phi_il = Phi_xyeta(x_il, y_il, eta_il) Phi_ik = Phi_xyeta(x_ik, y_ik, eta_ik) p_ik = p(eta_ik) T_ik = T(x_ik, y_ik, eta_ik) #ik full level(40), il(41) gas = thermo.set_pT(p_ik,T_ik) mass_ik = mesh.field_mass() for l in range(llm): mass_ik[:,l]=(Phi_il[:,l+1]-Phi_il[:,l])/(g*gas.v[:,l]) Sik, ujk, Wil = gas.s*mass_ik, mesh.field_u(), mesh.field_w() print(np.shape(ujk)) print('P_ik',p_ik[0,:]) u_ek = mesh.ucov3D(ulon(x_ek, y_ek, eta_ek), 0.*eta_ek) print(np.shape(u_ek)) print 'ztop (m) = ', Phi_il[0,-1]/g, ztop ptop = p(eta(1.)) print 'ptop (Pa) = ', gas.p[0,-1], ptop params=dyn.Struct() params.ptop=ptop params.dx=dx params.dx_g0=dx/g params.g = g # define parameters for lower BC pbot = p(eta_il[:,0]) print 'min p, T :', pbot.min(), tmean(pbot/p0) gas_bot = thermo.set_pT(pbot, tmean(pbot/p0)) params.pbot = gas_bot.p params.rho_bot = 1e6/gas_bot.v return thermo, mesh, params, prec.asnum([mass_ik,Sik,ujk,Phi_il,Wil]), gas with xios.Client() as client: # setup XIOS which creates the DYNAMICO communicator comm = client.comm mpi_rank, mpi_size = comm.Get_rank(), comm.Get_size() print '%d/%d starting'%(mpi_rank,mpi_size) g, Lx, Ly = 9.81, 4e7, 6e6 nx, ny, llm = 200, 30, 22 dx,dy=Lx/nx,Ly/ny unst.setvar('g',g) thermo, mesh, params, flow0, gas0 = baroclinic_3D(Lx,nx,Ly,ny,llm) T, nslice, dt = 3600., 1, 3600. with xios.Context_Curvilinear(mesh,1, dt) as context: # now XIOS knows about the mesh and we can write to disk for i in range(48): context.update_calendar(i) print 'send_field', i, gas0.T.shape # context.send_field_primal('ps', lat_i) context.send_field_primal('temp', gas0.T) context.send_field_primal('p', gas0.p)