subroutine su_gases use gases_h implicit none integer igas, ierr, count !================================================================== ! ! Purpose ! ------- ! Load atmospheric composition info ! ! Authors ! ------- ! R. Wordsworth (2011) ! Allocatable arrays by A. Spiga (2011) ! !================================================================== !$OMP MASTER ! load gas names from file 'gases.def' open(90,file='gases.def',status='old',form='formatted',iostat=ierr) if (ierr.eq.0) then write(*,*) "sugases.F90: reading file gases.def" read(90,*) read(90,*,iostat=ierr) ngasmx if ( then write(*,*) "sugases.F90: error reading number of gases" write(*,*) " (first line of gases.def) " call abort endif print*,ngasmx, " gases found in gases.def. Allocating names and molar fractions..." if (.not.allocated(gnom)) allocate(gnom(ngasmx)) do igas=1,ngasmx read(90,*,iostat=ierr) gnom(igas) if ( then write(*,*) 'sugases.F90: error reading gas names in gases.def...' call abort endif enddo !of do igas=1,ngasmx vgas=0 if(.not.allocated(gfrac)) allocate(gfrac(ngasmx)) do igas=1,ngasmx read(90,*,iostat=ierr) gfrac(igas) if ( then write(*,*) 'sugases.F90: error reading gas molar fractions in gases.def...' call abort endif ! find variable gas (if any) if(gfrac(igas).eq.-1.0)then if(vgas.eq.0)then vgas=igas else print*,'You seem to be choosing two variable gases' print*,'Check that gases.def is correct' call abort endif endif enddo !of do igas=1,ngasmx ! assign the 'igas_X' labels count=0 do igas=1,ngasmx if (trim(gnom(igas)).eq."H2_" .or. trim(gnom(igas)).eq."H2") then igas_H2=igas count=count+1 elseif (trim(gnom(igas)).eq."He_" .or. trim(gnom(igas)).eq."He") then igas_He=igas count=count+1 elseif (trim(gnom(igas)).eq."H2O") then igas_H2O=igas count=count+1 elseif (trim(gnom(igas)).eq."CO2") then igas_CO2=igas count=count+1 elseif (trim(gnom(igas)).eq."CO_" .or. trim(gnom(igas)).eq."CO") then igas_CO=igas count=count+1 elseif (trim(gnom(igas)).eq."N2_" .or. trim(gnom(igas)).eq."N2") then igas_N2=igas count=count+1 elseif (trim(gnom(igas)).eq."O2_" .or. trim(gnom(igas)).eq."O2") then igas_O2=igas count=count+1 elseif (trim(gnom(igas)).eq."SO2") then igas_SO2=igas count=count+1 elseif (trim(gnom(igas)).eq."H2S") then igas_H2S=igas count=count+1 elseif (trim(gnom(igas)).eq."CH4") then igas_CH4=igas count=count+1 elseif (trim(gnom(igas)).eq."NH3") then igas_NH3=igas count=count+1 elseif (trim(gnom(igas)).eq."C2H6") then igas_C2H6=igas count=count+1 elseif (trim(gnom(igas)).eq."C2H2") then igas_C2H2=igas count=count+1 endif enddo if( print*,'Mismatch between ngas and number of recognised gases in sugas_corrk.F90.' print*,'Either we haven`t managed to assign all the gases, or there are duplicates.' print*,'Please try again.' endif else write(*,*) 'Cannot find required file "gases.def"' call abort endif close(90) !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER end subroutine su_gases