MODULE planete_mod IMPLICIT NONE REAL :: apoastr ! maximum star-planet distance (AU) REAL :: periastr ! minimum star-planet distance (AU) REAL :: year_day ! length of year (sols) REAL :: peri_day ! date of periastron (sols since N. spring) REAL :: obliquit ! Obliquity of the planet (deg) REAL :: nres ! tidal resonance ratio REAL :: z0 ! surface roughness (m) REAL :: lmixmin ! mixing length REAL :: emin_turb ! minimal energy REAL :: coefvis REAL :: coefir REAL :: timeperi REAL :: e_elips REAL :: p_elips REAL :: preff ! reference surface pressure (Pa) !read by master REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: ap(:) ! hybrid coordinate at layer interface !read by master REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: bp(:) ! hybrid coordinate at layer interface !read by master CONTAINS subroutine ini_planete_mod(nlayer,preff_dyn,ap_dyn,bp_dyn) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: nlayer ! number of atmospheric layers real,intent(in) :: preff_dyn ! reference surface pressure (Pa) real,intent(in) :: ap_dyn(nlayer+1) ! hybrid coordinate at interfaces real,intent(in) :: bp_dyn(nlayer+1) ! hybrid coordinate at interfaces !$OMP MASTER allocate(ap(nlayer+1)) allocate(bp(nlayer+1)) preff=preff_dyn ap(:)=ap_dyn(:) bp(:)=bp_dyn(:) !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER end subroutine ini_planete_mod END MODULE planete_mod