SUBROUTINE initracer(ngrid,nq,nametrac) use surfdat_h USE comgeomfi_h USE tracer_h IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c subject: c -------- c Initialization related to tracer c (transported dust, water, chemical species, ice...) c c Name of the tracer c c Test of dimension : c Initialize COMMON tracer in tracer.h, using tracer names provided c by the argument nametrac c c author: F.Forget c ------ c Ehouarn Millour (oct. 2008) identify tracers by their names c======================================================================= #include "dimensions.h" !#include "dimphys.h" #include "comcstfi.h" #include "callkeys.h" integer :: ngrid,nq ! real qsurf(ngrid,nq) ! tracer on surface (e.g. kg.m-2) ! real co2ice(ngrid) ! co2 ice mass on surface (e.g. kg.m-2) character(len=20) :: txt ! to store some text integer iq,ig,count real r0_lift , reff_lift ! logical :: oldnames ! =.true. if old tracer naming convention (q01,...) character*20 nametrac(nq) ! name of the tracer from dynamics c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c radius(nq) ! aerosol particle radius (m) c rho_q(nq) ! tracer densities (kg.m-3) c qext(nq) ! Single Scat. Extinction coeff at 0.67 um c alpha_lift(nq) ! saltation vertical flux/horiz flux ratio (m-1) c alpha_devil(nq) ! lifting coeeficient by dust devil c rho_dust ! Mars dust density c rho_ice ! Water ice density c doubleq ! if method with mass (iq=1) and number(iq=2) mixing ratio c varian ! Characteristic variance of log-normal distribution c----------------------------------------------------------------------- !! we allocate once for all arrays in common in tracer_h.F90 !! (supposedly those are not used before call to initracer) IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(noms)) ALLOCATE(noms(nq)) ALLOCATE(mmol(nq)) ALLOCATE(radius(nq)) ALLOCATE(rho_q(nq)) ALLOCATE(qext(nq)) ALLOCATE(alpha_lift(nq)) ALLOCATE(alpha_devil(nq)) ALLOCATE(qextrhor(nq)) ALLOCATE(igcm_dustbin(nq)) !! initialization alpha_lift(:)=0. alpha_devil(:)=0. ! Initialization: get tracer names from the dynamics and check if we are ! using 'old' tracer convention ('q01',q02',...) ! or new convention (full tracer names) ! check if tracers have 'old' names ! copy tracer names from dynamics do iq=1,nq noms(iq)=nametrac(iq) enddo ! Identify tracers by their names: (and set corresponding values of mmol) ! 0. initialize tracer indexes to zero: ! NB: igcm_* indexes are commons in 'tracer.h' do iq=1,nq igcm_dustbin(iq)=0 enddo igcm_dust_mass=0 igcm_dust_number=0 igcm_h2o_vap=0 igcm_h2o_ice=0 igcm_co2=0 igcm_co=0 igcm_o=0 igcm_o1d=0 igcm_o2=0 igcm_o3=0 igcm_h=0 igcm_h2=0 igcm_oh=0 igcm_ho2=0 igcm_h2o2=0 igcm_n2=0 igcm_ar=0 igcm_ar_n2=0 igcm_co2_ice=0 write(*,*) 'initracer: noms() ', noms !print*,'Setting dustbin = 0 in initracer.F' !dustbin=0 ! 1. find dust tracers count=0 ! if ( then ! do iq=1,nq ! txt=" " ! write(txt,'(a4,i2.2)')'dust',count+1 ! if (noms(iq).eq.txt) then ! count=count+1 ! igcm_dustbin(count)=iq ! mmol(iq)=100. ! endif ! enddo !do iq=1,nq ! endif ! of if ( ! if (doubleq) then ! do iq=1,nq ! if (noms(iq).eq."dust_mass") then ! igcm_dust_mass=iq ! count=count+1 ! endif ! if (noms(iq).eq."dust_number") then ! igcm_dust_number=iq ! count=count+1 ! endif ! enddo ! endif ! of if (doubleq) ! 2. find chemistry and water tracers do iq=1,nq if (noms(iq).eq."co2") then igcm_co2=iq mmol(igcm_co2)=44. count=count+1 ! write(*,*) 'co2: count=',count endif if (noms(iq).eq."co2_ice") then igcm_co2_ice=iq mmol(igcm_co2_ice)=44. count=count+1 ! write(*,*) 'co2_ice: count=',count endif if (noms(iq).eq."h2o_vap") then igcm_h2o_vap=iq mmol(igcm_h2o_vap)=18. count=count+1 ! write(*,*) 'h2o_vap: count=',count endif if (noms(iq).eq."h2o_ice") then igcm_h2o_ice=iq mmol(igcm_h2o_ice)=18. count=count+1 ! write(*,*) 'h2o_ice: count=',count endif enddo ! of do iq=1,nq ! check that we identified all tracers: if ( then write(*,*) "initracer: found only ",count," tracers" write(*,*) " expected ",nq do iq=1,count write(*,*)' ',iq,' ',trim(noms(iq)) enddo ! stop else write(*,*) "initracer: found all expected tracers, namely:" do iq=1,nq write(*,*)' ',iq,' ',trim(noms(iq)) enddo endif c------------------------------------------------------------ c Initialisation tracers .... c------------------------------------------------------------ call zerophys(nq,rho_q) rho_dust=2500. ! Mars dust density (kg.m-3) rho_ice=920. ! Water ice density (kg.m-3) rho_co2=1620. ! CO2 ice density (kg.m-3) c$$$ if (doubleq) then c$$$c "doubleq" technique c$$$c ------------------- c$$$c (transport of mass and number mixing ratio) c$$$c iq=1: Q mass mixing ratio, iq=2: N number mixing ratio c$$$ c$$$ if( ( ) then c$$$ write(*,*)'initracer: nq is too low : nq=', nq c$$$ write(*,*)'water= ',water,' doubleq= ',doubleq c$$$ end if c$$$ c$$$ varian=0.637 ! Characteristic variance c$$$ qext(igcm_dust_mass)=3.04 ! reference extinction at 0.67 um for ref dust c$$$ qext(igcm_dust_number)=3.04 ! reference extinction at 0.67 um for ref dust c$$$ rho_q(igcm_dust_mass)=rho_dust c$$$ rho_q(igcm_dust_number)=rho_dust c$$$ c$$$c Intermediate calcul for computing geometric mean radius r0 c$$$c as a function of mass and number mixing ratio Q and N c$$$c (r0 = (r3n_q * Q/ N) c$$$ r3n_q = exp(-4.5*varian**2)*(3./4.)/(pi*rho_dust) c$$$ c$$$c Intermediate calcul for computing effective radius reff c$$$c from geometric mean radius r0 c$$$c (reff = ref_r0 * r0) c$$$ ref_r0 = exp(2.5*varian**2) c$$$ c$$$c lifted dust : c$$$c ''''''''''' c$$$ reff_lift = 3.e-6 ! Effective radius of lifted dust (m) c$$$ alpha_devil(igcm_dust_mass)=9.e-9 ! dust devil lift mass coeff c$$$ alpha_lift(igcm_dust_mass)=3.0e-15 ! Lifted mass coeff c$$$ c$$$ r0_lift = reff_lift/ref_r0 c$$$ alpha_devil(igcm_dust_number)=r3n_q* c$$$ & alpha_devil(igcm_dust_mass)/r0_lift**3 c$$$ alpha_lift(igcm_dust_number)=r3n_q* c$$$ & alpha_lift(igcm_dust_mass)/r0_lift**3 c$$$ c$$$c Not used: c$$$ radius(igcm_dust_mass) = 0. c$$$ radius(igcm_dust_number) = 0. c$$$ c$$$ else c$$$ if ( then c$$$ print*,'ATTENTION:', c$$$ $ ' properties of dust need input in initracer !!!' c$$$ stop c$$$ c$$$ else if (dustbin.eq.1) then c$$$ c$$$c This will be used for 1 dust particle size: c$$$c ------------------------------------------ c$$$ radius(igcm_dustbin(1))=3.e-6 c$$$ Qext(igcm_dustbin(1))=3.04 c$$$ alpha_lift(igcm_dustbin(1))=0.0e-6 c$$$ alpha_devil(igcm_dustbin(1))=7.65e-9 c$$$ qextrhor(igcm_dustbin(1))=(3./4.)*Qext(igcm_dustbin(1)) c$$$ & /(rho_dust*radius(igcm_dustbin(1))) c$$$ rho_q(igcm_dustbin(1))=rho_dust c$$$ c$$$ endif c$$$! end if ! (doubleq) c Initialization for water vapor c ------------------------------ if(water) then radius(igcm_h2o_vap)=0. Qext(igcm_h2o_vap)=0. alpha_lift(igcm_h2o_vap) =0. alpha_devil(igcm_h2o_vap)=0. qextrhor(igcm_h2o_vap)= 0. c "Dryness coefficient" controlling the evaporation and c sublimation from the ground water ice (close to 1) c HERE, the goal is to correct for the fact c that the simulated permanent water ice polar caps c is larger than the actual cap and the atmospheric c opacity not always realistic. ! if(ngrid.eq.1) ! to be modified for BC+ version? !! this is defined in surfdat_h.F90 IF (.not.ALLOCATED(dryness)) ALLOCATE(dryness(ngrid)) IF (.not.ALLOCATED(watercaptag)) ALLOCATE(watercaptag(ngrid)) do ig=1,ngrid if ( watercaptag(ig)=.false. dryness(ig) = 1. enddo ! IF (caps) THEN c Perennial H20 north cap defined by watercaptag=true (allows surface to be c hollowed by sublimation in vdifc). ! do ig=1,ngrid ! if (lati(ig)*180./ then ! if ( watercaptag(ig)=.true. ! dryness(ig) = 1. c Use the following cap definition for high spatial resolution (latitudinal bin <= 5 deg) c if (lati(ig)*180./ then c if ( watercaptag(ig)=.true. c dryness(ig) = 1. c endif c if (lati(ig)*180./ then c if ( watercaptag(ig)=.true. c dryness(ig) = 1. c endif ! endif ! (lati>80 deg) ! end do ! (ngrid) ! ENDIF ! (caps) ! if(iceparty.and.( then radius(igcm_h2o_ice)=3.e-6 rho_q(igcm_h2o_ice)=rho_ice Qext(igcm_h2o_ice)=0. ! alpha_lift(igcm_h2o_ice) =0. ! alpha_devil(igcm_h2o_ice)=0. qextrhor(igcm_h2o_ice)= (3./4.)*Qext(igcm_h2o_ice) $ / (rho_ice*radius(igcm_h2o_ice)) ! elseif(iceparty.and.( then ! write(*,*) 'nq is too low : nq=', nq ! write(*,*) 'water= ',water,' iceparty= ',iceparty ! endif end if ! (water) c Output for records: c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ write(*,*) Write(*,*) '******** initracer : dust transport parameters :' write(*,*) 'alpha_lift = ', alpha_lift write(*,*) 'alpha_devil = ', alpha_devil write(*,*) 'radius = ', radius ! if(doubleq) then ! write(*,*) 'reff_lift (um) = ', reff_lift ! write(*,*) 'size distribution variance = ', varian ! write(*,*) 'r3n_q , ref_r0 : ', r3n_q , ref_r0 ! end if write(*,*) 'Qext = ', qext write(*,*) end